Facepunch RP Wiki

This page contains all 12 turns Mr. Face did for Empires & Revolutions V2. If you want to see the original turns Sobotnik did, click here.

Turn 29: 1864


Johannes Brahms - Hungarian Dance No. 2 - Allegro non assai - Vivace

Music of 1864

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1160570&p=34703235&viewfull=1#post34703235

EVENTS OF 1864 – NPCs and MISC:

-London FIFA Tournament 1864 - East Germany defeats Spain 2 - 1 in the final match. The third place game is won by Soviet France 3 - 2 against Russia.
-The states of Spain, Andorra, Algeria, and Tunisia are created. Yugoslavia and Romania are given to UCEF and Libya is given to Arabia.
-The USSR has officially fallen. The UN is created, it's members being East Germany, West Germany, Poland, Spain, Portugal, Scandinavia, Switzerland, Arabia, Italy, and the Netherlands.
-The funding to the Dutch given by Germany has helped rebuild the land and the population begins to flourish once again. It's a long road to economic stability though.
-The effects of Brazil's deforestation are beginning to be felt, flooding begins in Brazil and a massive heatwave is felt in Europe.

EVENTS OF 1864 - Players:

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Skullivan21 - United Central European Federation

-About 10% of the military is pledged to the UN.
-A massive railroad project is invested into, connecting to Berlin and onto the rest of the UN nations in Europe.
-The timetable for this to be completed is currently a decade at least.
-This can be shortened through heavy investing from others.
-A few government programs are set up to improve the nations economy. It performs fairly well but other measures are needed to match it's neighbors.
-Electricity is invested into but nothing major comes of it.
-Radios are invented but aren't particularly useful due to the lack of ability to innovate.

[Seed Eater] - West Germany

-A few troops are peeled back from the East border and returned home. Arms are distributed to the general public.
-West Germany officially joins the newly created UN.
-Open borders, aid, and dual citizenship is offered to East Germany. They accept.
-Supplies are sent to the UN peacekeeping forces in Poland.
-Refugees from the Netherlands begin flooding the nation, the lack of open jobs becomes heavily apparent.
-The Irish are condemned but trade remains.
-Soviet designed armored cars and tanks are implemented into the military.
-A large university is built in Frankfurt. The best German scientists flock to this location.
-The typewriter is invented and distributed for a hefty price.
-An offer for arms trade is sent to all neighboring nations.
-The Credit becomes the national currency.
-Fair hiring becomes a law. This eases the job decline a small amount but not enough to stop the economy from the beginnings of plummeting.
-A biennial tax is imposed to increase decentralization.
-Equal rights of all peoples becomes a law.
-The Council of Rights is created. It is seemingly modeled after the United States Senate with 100 members.

Intoxicated Spy - New Roman Republic

-The UN and CIS are joined.
-A query is sent to the rest of Italy, asking if they will be willing to join the New Roman Republic, the same query is sent to Scotland.
-Both are ignored.
-England rejoins Switzerland by choice.
-The entirety of Denmark is gifted to Scandinavia.
-Ireland is reprimanded for their attempt to take Wales. In a less than elegant way I might add.
-The currency is renamed to the Septim.
-A new president and cabinet is voted in.
-English troops are conscripted into the New Roman Republic.
-The capital is relocated to Rome.

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Serj the Hero - Soviet France

-All troops are moved to various parts of France.
-1/10th of the troops are now a part of the UN peacekeepers.
-The UN is joined.
-A request for Yugoslavia and Romania to give up their lands to Austria is simply ignored.
-Libya is given to Arabia.
-Supplies are sent to the United States.
-Wine is invested into.

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Obnobs - Republic of Scandinavia

-The CIS is joined.
-The budget for the year focuses on rebuilding Denmark and creating the first effective airplane.
-An airplane is created, it flies for a measly 20 seconds but it's a start.

Sunny Dei - Mameluke Egypt

-The first rail for a rifle is made, it is used to mount other, more powerful projectiles on them.
-The navy is further improved upon.
-Three new steel-clad ships are created.
-Trade is offered and accepted between Madagascar.
-Electricity is invested into but nothing comes of it.
-Cars companies spring up all over the nation now that they are supported by the government.
-Roads are improved upon, the cries for travel safety are quelled with new laws placed and regulated by the newly created DMV.

Kamikaze470 - Gran Colombia

-The siege of Mexico City begins, the city crumbles quickly.
-Torpedos are heavily invested into and a lighter version is created.
-NASA is joined.
-CIS is joined.
-The POW's collected are treated well, a welcome surprise to the war weary soldiers of Mexico.
-All pro-socialism Mexican politicians are rounded up and deported to Easter Island. Wild rumours arise among the civilians in Mexican cities.

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wulfe8857 - People's Republic of Korea

-The heavily neglected military is revamped.
-The CIS is joined.
-Economic reforms are emplaced, the economy begins to thrive.

Ven Kaeo - Canada

-Submarine prototypes are sent to the Arabian Empire.
-The military is heavily reformed.
-Peace is brokered with the United States and a DMZ is set up along the borders between the Confederate states and the United States.
-NASA is joined.
-Industry is invested into, revitalizing the economy greatly.
-Coal fired plants are built to introduce the first truly effective electrical system.
-Universal Health Care and a true public school system for Pre-University students.
-Diesal powered mining is invested into.

UrbanMachismo - Arabian Empire

-The invasion of the Kingdom of Hedjaz is continued successfully, the last city is holding out valiantly though.
-The first flamethrower is created but it's highly dangerous to operate so it is not implemented into the military yet.
-Diesel train and steel hull ship blueprints are sent to Canada.
-Aid is sent to Saudi Arabia.
-The turbine is invented for use in power plants and ships.
-The nation is heavily industrialized, much to the chagrin of the the rural community.
-A new spiritual leader and "conduit" of Allah is found.
-ATOM is founded to research technology for the Arabian Empire.

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Ruskie - China

-The Great Reform continues.
-More fortifications are built in the African colonies.
-Infrastructure is heavily improved upon.
-The tax system is reformed.

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overpain - Lithuanian Rebels

-A rebellious uprising begins in Vilnius, Russian attempts to put it down aren't effective due to the sheer size of the rebellion.

MountainWatcher - Portugal

-About half of the African forces in Portugal are sent back home.
-Economic aid is given to Ireland.
-Military supplies are sent to Canada.
-Minimum wage is set up in the colonies.
-Irish markets are invested into.
-Electrical power is invested into.
-The West German model of prison is copied.

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Stethor - South American Empire

-Forces are sent to back the Colombians against the remainder of Mexico.
-Military forces are sent to Ireland to back the nation.
-The CNA, or Catholic Nations Alliance, is created.
-Mass killings of tribesmen who oppose the expansion into the rainforest occurs. A coverup is attempted but workers return with stories of these killings. Protests ensue around the nations.
-The Pope is sent to Ireland to improve relations.
-A warning is sent to Europe, stating that the communist nations there will befall the same fate as Mexico.
-Regulations are placed on roadways.
-Vaccines for rampant illnesses are created.
-The Military machine is working now, funds to military weaponry and hardware are placed.
-Propaganda is sent out asking that all civilians join the military and support the nation.
-Interventionism is weaved into propaganda, SAE is becoming more like modern America.
-A huge rally is organized in the capital, it is a celebration of the end of Communism. An extremist assassinates one of the members of the parliament.

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asantos3 - India

-Conscription is placed.
-An inquiry is sent to Nepal and most nations to the West and North of India (mainly Middle Eastern) all but Nepal ignore them, Nepal accepts and joins India.
-Minimum Wage is increased, much to the delight of workers.
-Trade is encouraged.
-The Railway is continued upon.
-Investments are made into practically all sectors, making an already formidable economy even more powerful.
-Severe criminal laws are placed, the crime rate drops.
-Corruption is to be considered a highly severe criminal act.

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Eat Children - Irish Brotherhood Republic

-Anglesey becomes the capital of Wales for Irish administration.
-Defenses are placed and reinforced in the Isle.
-The Swiss sanction only serves to spur on patriotism in Ireland, a massive explosion of enlistment occurs.
-A new Special Forces unit is created, named the "Revolutionary Marines"
-Tactics and Strategies are revised for war in English climates.
-Brazilian and Colombian investments are used to develop new weapons. The 'Hand Cannon' is created, it fires an explosive shell at the enemy. It is used on mainly armor.
-A new form of body armor is created, made of iron. It is extremely cumbersome, not allowing much movement at all.
-Steel-hulled ships are finally made.
-An alliance with SAE is announced.
-A formal declaration of war is sent to Canada.
-Rural villages are destroyed for use by industrious cities. The peasant community cries for an end of this destruction.
-The potato is condemned by the nation.
-A redirection of sewer waters is established, rather than being dumped into the river it is instead dumped into the sea.
-Bare Knuckle Boxing becomes the national sport.

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Firefox42 - Mexico

-The majority of the nation begins to fall apart, the war is lost.

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FlamingTorso - United States of America

-The war with Canada ceases and a surprise war with Texas begins. It begins largely successful but soon stalls into a war of attrition.

Notes: From this turn onwards, the GM is Mr. Face.

Turn 30: 1865


Beethoven - 7th Symphony - 2nd movement

Music of 1865

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1160570&p=34766325&viewfull=1#post34766325

EVENTS OF 1865 – NPCs and MISC:

-The logging that Brazil has done in the Amazon has caused the global temperature to rise by a full degree. Massive floods have occured in South America and a devastating drought has hit North America hard. A massive heatwave hits England and Ireland as well.
-Europe is pretty much at peace now.
-Mexico ceases to exist officially but pockets of resistance still remain, perhaps these can be of use?
-Cuba erupts into Civil War.

EVENTS OF 1865 - Players:

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asantos3 - India

-The military has been massively revamped and funded.
-An invitation for embassies from the nations surrounding India has been sent.
-Trade opens with India's neighbors.
-Malaysia willingly joins India.
-Water projects are continued.
-Railroad has had massive progress made.
-Education and industry are heavily invested in, but due to the investment into the military the economy doesn't get any better.
-A new railway has been started from Bombay to Jerala to Calcutta.
-A necessary education of 12 years is implemented, as well as mandatory military service of two years, this is received as mostly good but many people want the two year service lowered to one instead.

[Seed Eater] - West Germany

-Another 10% of the troops head home from the borders, going back to their families.
-The CIS is joined.
-A mass of reforms is made, it is called "The Great Leap". The railroad is finished, mining for aluminum, fluorine, and barium begins, increasing industry. The aluminum will be used by the military. Major construction projects in major cities begins, lowering the amount of people without jobs quite a lot.
-A rather mediocre and unsafe blimp has been made but it's a start.
-A system in which a person can talk through a machine to another person has been made and marketed. It is called the "telephone" and is extremely expensive.
-The Romans are given tanks, armored cars, and light arms.
-The use of dynamite on bombs is implemented.
-The German Research Institute (Or GRI) begins researching something called the Radio.
-A plea to the Republic of Germany is made to buy territory west of Berlin for mining. This is flatly refused.
-An observatory is made for astronomical purposes.
-Materials from the mines are sold to the Romans.
-50% of the French army is given to West Germany and is deployed on the Northeastern border of France.

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Eat Children - Irish Brotherhood Republic

-Other than the troops in Northern Wales, all military units are returned to Ireland. Only small peacekeeping garrisons remain in Northern Wales. As a direct result, insurrectionists seize Barmouth and begin to push north.
-Another Steel Clad ship is built.
-Camoflague is used for the first time in a modern European military.
-Southern and Central Wales are ceded back to England. -The war with Canada is considered non-existent and the Councillor responsible is left bereft of his position and wealth.
-A new International sporting event is created in Dublin, it is dubbed "The World Bare-knuckle Boxing Championship". It is not even remotely International for the first event.
-The visit from the Pope has massively increased public happiness.
-Due to the heatwave, the lower classes begin rioting in the cities, as a direct response the government begins becoming democratic.
-The "Liberal Progressive" party wins by a narrow margin in the first election.
-Transportation projects continue to be invested in.
-The first engine to run off of biofuel is created. It is a massive gasguzzler and isn't used very much.

MountainWatcher - Portugal

-The African borders are fortified.
-South Africa is annexed and a war with Madagascar begins.
-Diplomats are sent to Sokoto and Chad.
-The minimum wage is increased, the public is extremely happy about this.
-Social Security is funded.
-Investment into the newly created nations after the fall of the USSR is high.
-Aid to Ireland is cut.
-Electrical power is improved upon, as are the typewriters.
-Industries and railroads in Africa are improved.

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Skullivan21 - United Central European Federation

-The military marches into the Balkans, under the orders to hand out chocolates, this fails as the Balkan people treat UCEF troops with scorn and hatred.
-The Railway continues being built, Eastern Germany offers to help. The rest of the UN is asked for help.
-The economy is further stabilized through reforms, it is quite quickly becoming strong.
-An official declaration is made that the UCEF will match European economic standards in ten years.
-The economy is released from government control.

Ven Kaeo - Canada
(Could you slim down your turns a bit, I'm beginning to dread them)

-Military reforms continue.
-Canada declares war on the weakened Mexico and helps finish it off.
-The government researches diesel engines for submarines, this ends in disaster as two submarines' engines combust and the entire crews die.
-Canada buys Alaska from Russia for a measly 6 USD per square mile, what a deal.
-Jobs are created in the Manufactoring and Mining sectors.
-Diesel powered mining and construction is experimented with.
-Natural gas is used for power plants. Let the age of fuelessness begin.
-Mult-shift factories are used.
-Conscription is instituted, all male high school graduates must serve for two years in the military. A free year of University education is given, for every two years of military service up to eight years this is used.

UrbanMachismo - Arabian Empire

-Madagascar is invaded.
-Flamethrowers are now a viable weapon but there are still instances where they combust.
-Tanks are refined and are extremely effective against Madagascar.
-Saudi Arabia refuses to join the Arabian Empire.
-A way to separate natural gas from crude oil is made, it is implemented n power plants.
-Research into radioactive fuels is invested into.
-A new Caliph is instituted into the 'Conduit of Allah.
-Egypt is given to the Empire.

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wulfe8857 - People's Republic of Korea

-The modernization of the military continues. I don't actually know what this means since you haven't put any actual research into it.
-More economic reforms are put into place, rebuilding the economy even more.

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Serj the Hero - France

-50% of the armed forces are given to the New Roman Republic, the other is given to West Germany. Why he did this is beyond me.
-All tech is given to: New Roman Republic, Austria, West Germany, and Sweden.
-All money is destroyed. :wtc:
-The military is abolished.
-The nation is anarchist.
(What the shit.)

Intoxicated Spy - New Roman Republic

-The military invades Italy but Italy was prepared for this and stops Rome cold.
-7% of the nations money is given to West Germany to bail it out.
-All non-military technology is given to the members of the CIS.
-Mines are opened along the nation, a major collapse occurs near Rome, killing dozens and injuring hundreds.
-After a survey of the nation, it is found that support is 50% and lowering due to the war.
-All spies are publicly killed for espionage.

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Ruskie - China

-"The Great Reform" continues.
-Fortifications in Africa continue.
-A rudimentary Glider is created. It crash-lands, killing all occupants. It is still deemed a success.
-Infrastructure improvements continue.
-Telephones are further implemented.
-Research into more efficient electrical production is invested into.
(Pretty much Same Shit Different Day.)

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Stethor - South American Empire

-More supplies are given to Ireland. Troops are deployed in Ireland to help.
-An international meeting with the world's Industrial giants is held, discussions are made about climate change and whatnot.
-An investigation is started, trying to figure out who assassinated the parliament member. It is thought that the reason for the murder is the politician's approval of more logging of the Amazon.
-The government attempts to explain that the natives were offered relocation but didn't accept. This only serves to anger the protestors more as they see right through the lie.
-Please presence at protests is increased. A particularly violent protest in São Paulo is violently put down by the police. An all out civil war is quite possible at this point.
-Oil and Coal is searched for, but only small stores of coal are found.
-A huge relief effort is put into the flooded areas.
-Propaganda is distributed, it is used as a joke by protestors.
-Deforestation companies are changed to oil and coal mining companies.
-An effort to replant trees is made.

Kamikaze470 - Gran Colombia

-Mexican regiments are disbanded and reformed into the Colombian military, they are lead by Colombian officers.
-Defenses are built along the border of Brazil.
-Mexico City is cracked and utterly obliterated in savage street to street fighting.
-Embargoes are placed on Ireland and Brazil as a direct result of Ireland declaring war on Canada.
-Investment continues into oil drilling and mining.
-Laws are placed for roadways.
-Neutrality is declared.

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FlamingTorso - United States of America

-The invasion of Texas is a dead even contest now. At this pace both nations will be ruined.

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RedSyndicate - Greece

-A single party Republican state is established.
-All Socialist parties and worker unions are destroyed.
-Any nation with higher living standards are invited to send their factories to Greece.

Obnobs - Republic of the Nordic Communes

-An offer is sent to Finland, asking that they join the RONC. It is accepted.
-Funding is placed in airplane tech.
-The Sweden-Denmark tunnel continues being built.
-An airplane crashes, killing the pilot. Another airplane flies for 10 minutes.

Turn 31: 1866


Shostakovich, Symphony No. 5,Bernstein

Music of 1866

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1160570&p=34867518&viewfull=1#post34867518

EVENTS OF 1866 – NPCs and MISC:

-Laws placed by Brazil to prevent heavy logging improve the world climate slightly, over the coming years this should improve to near normal.
-The Cuban civil war rages on, the ruling government is dying.
-The East German military and government begins pulling out of the Netherlands now that the dykes have been built and the economy has been restored.
-The East German railroad project is begun, it's aim is to finish connecting Europe.
-Texas ceases to exist.
-Madagascar ceases to exist.
-A civil war in France begins, the push being by Portugal and their invasion. Europe is so fucking unstable all the time.

EVENTS OF 1866 - Players:

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Stethor - South American Empire

-The military leaves the protestors alone and exclusively guards government buildings. A group of rioters are massacred in Rio De Janero's Palácio do Catete.
-More military installations are built in Ireland, increasing unrest in the local populace near these installations.
-Military relief is given to the flooded regions. The government calls on the rest of the nation to help the people of these regions. This is perhaps the best disaster support by any nation in history.
-Encouragement is given for people to get back to working, many people agree as they have grown tired of protesting.
-The major government leaders behind the Great Massacre of the Natives are forced to step down and admit fault in shame. The interim leaders call for a general election. An entirely new cabinet is voted in.
-Most protesting breaks up after getting what they want.
-A new rebel group is created, they have named themselves the New Brazilian Order or NBO. A strike is made on the Brazilian capital, two members of the parliament are killed in the strike.

UrbanMachismo - Arabian Empire

-The invasion of Madagascar is a success and Madagascar is completely annexed.
-All forces are pulled back to Arabia.
-War is declared on Turkey, Turkey is invaded. Not too much progress is made, Turkey is a far more powerful nation than Madagascar was. (You're the Arabian Hitler, out for Lebensraum)
-Advanced Artillery is researched, tell me what kind of artillery and I may actually be able to allow you to use it.
-Continued aid is sent to Saudi Arabia.
-Aid is sent to Greece to help build their industry.
-Crete is ceded to Greece.
-10% of Arabia's Diesel and Natural Gas is given to Canada and Greece, 5% a piece.
-Canada is sent Tank and Flamethrower blueprints.
-Heavy investment is given towards extending the railways through Africa and the Middle East.
-The rail connects to Portugal, it's final path is to end up connecting to Russia, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Algeria, and Niger.
-Uranium is discovered. (Huehuehue)

Ven Kaeo - Canada

-Minor changes are made to the military to get it running perfectly.
-Diesel Submarines are revised, the latest test is a success.
-Torpedoes are developed, the revolutionary weapon is fired by using compressed air.
-The northernmost Texan regions are invaded, the Texans do not expect this and quickly collapse. Texas quickly becomes an area of greedy land-grabbing between Canada and the United States, in a few areas the two nations meet and minor skirmishes occur.
-Cuba is invaded amidst the civil war, shit's confusing in Cuba, nobody is winning, but nobody is losing either, except the Cuban government.
-An embargo is placed on Brazil, condemning the treatment of natives.
-Arabia is sent submarine tech.
-Aid is sent to all Confederate nations.
-Mines are established across the nation.
-Industry is sent to Alaska, gold mines and oil derricks are built in the region.
-Uranium is discovered and mined.
-The railway network is expanded in Canada. The Arabian diesel train design is used.

Kamikaze470 - Gran Colombia

-Naval forces in the Caribbean are put on high alert, as are forces along the Brazilian border.
-The remainder of Mexican resistance is destroyed. Mexico is pacified.
-Texas is invaded in support of the US. Forces meet the Canadians and small skirmishes break out.
-Brazilian forces are prohibited from entering Colombian land, the Panama is closed to Brazilians.
-A massive parade is held in the capital. It celebrates the end of conflict between Capitalism and Socialism.
-A new military decoration is created, it is named the Commissar's Distinguished Award. It is made of pure gold and awarded to military personnel who accomplish the greatest feats in battle.

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Ruskie - China

-The first effective SMG is created, signaling the end of the Great Reform. Among the great accomplishments of the reform are: SMG, New Bolt Action Rifle, Gas Masks, Hand Grenades, Helmets, Camouflage, Better training.
-African fortifications continue swimmingly.
-A third of the military budget is taken off to return it to normal budgeting.
-Gliders are improved.
-Panjab and Tibet become satellites of China.
-Infrastructure improvement continues.

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asantos3 - India

-Military Academies are funded, training improves massively.
-Industry is invested into on the nations bordering India.
-Trade is encouraged with the nations bordering India.
-The Railway is continued, it is about halfway to completion.
-Research is put into improving Armor and Naval resistance. Steel is replaced with Titanium, this puts a massive strain on the economy.
-Minimum wage is increased, pleasing the lower class.
-Football is declared the national sport. Americans are confused as to which football. Eventually India clears it up to be Soccer.
-Malaysia Borneo joins India.
-A new fiber is created to be flame resistant. It is tested on a live subject. The poor soul.

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RedSyndicate - Greece

-Turkey is invaded with only minor resistance due to most of the army being on the other front to defend from Arabia.
-Unrestricted trade is opened with all nations.
-Industry is improved as many foreign businesses move to Greece. The economy is quickly becoming powerful.
-All media is owned by the state, any socialist media is quickly suppressed.

Intoxicated Spy - New Roman Republic

-All military activity in Italy is ceased.
-Most of Northern Wales is taken back due to the Irish pullback.
-French lands are occupied.
-Tactics are improved. Dunno what these tactics are though.
-Corsica is given to Italy.
-An embargo is placed on Ireland.
-Another bailout package is sent to West Germany.
-Parachutes are researched. A man jumps off of a tall platform with one and goes splat. Fun for the whole family.
-Landmines are researched. A decision is made to NOT test these after the parachute failure.
-Education is improved through funding.
-Conscription is placed on newly acquired lands.
-French troops are used to oversee new French lands, they are watched by Roman officers.
-Apparently Batman is beloved as the last word of the turn is Batman.

MountainWatcher - Portugal

-Half of the African troops in Portugal are sent back to their homes.
-Madagascar is invaded, due to this Madagascar ceases to exist.
-Chad is annexed.
-Companies move to Greece.
-All research programs are heavily funded.
-France is invaded on the West Coast, much progress is made due to the demoralization of French soldiers under Roman supervision.
-Goods are distributed to the French populace. The French side with Portugal, a civil war begins.

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Skullivan21 - United Central European Federation

-Political opposition is opposed entirely.
-The Railway is continued, it is nearing completion and will soon connect to the East German line.
-The Balkan States are incorporated into the Republic without much resistance.
-Monopolies and Trusts are blocked, improving the economy substantially.
-FIFA is invested into, an entirely new, state-of-the-art stadium is constructed to hold the event next year.
-An early plastic is created by mixing Cellulose and Nitric Acid.
-The UCEF offers to hold the world fair.

Obnobs - Republic of the Nordic Communes
(I really want to refer to you as Obs)

-Parts of France are put under puppet control. This creates a third side to the Civil War that is raging in France.
-Estonia joines the RotNC.
-A working airplane is developed, it can fly at an altitude of 500 feet for three hours at a time.
-The road system is heavily improved.
-The telegraph system is improved.
-A small crack division is trained and deployed on the Northern Coast of RotNC controlled France.

Flag unavailable
Eat Children - Irish Brotherhood Republic

-Due to embargos placed on Ireland the economy collapses into utter ruin.
-Foreigners are brutally killed on the streets.
-Massive riots break out throughout the nation.
-A rebellion breaks out in Dublin, ceasing the Parliament building.
-Dead litter the streets of Dublin as it becomes a ruined city.
-A high ranking General becomes the nations leader. He is assassinated.
-An attempt to annex Scotland by force fails massively. The entire army there is obliterated.
-Northern Wales is lost as most troops are forced to backpedal into Irish lands.
-Barmouth is destroyed by Loyalists, as it was an Insurrectionist hotbed.
-Conscription occurs for men aged 16-35.
-Tanks are created but are of no use.
-Bombings occur all around Ireland, killing many government officials.

[Seed Eater] - West Germany

-French land is ceded, a fourth faction is created in the civil war.
-An airship is created, it is lightly armored with aluminum.
-A hydro-electric dam construction site is begun on the upper Rhine.
-A steel-hulled ship is created. Not a Dreadnought since you haven't gotten the Steam Turbine yet.
-8 tanks are produced, four are sold to Colombia.
-The Irish and Brazilians are condemned publicy for their actions.
-In an attempt to increase worker morale, the state implements a worker of the month system. The winner gets food coupons to last a year.

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FlamingTorso - United States of America

-Texas is finished off, skirmishes break out between the United States in Canada in the confusion of land grabbing.
-A working semi-automatic rifle is created. It jams quite frequently.

Turn 32: 1867


Civilization 5 OST - Catherine War - Russia - Montagues and Capulets

Music of 1867


Political map of Turn 32.

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1160570&p=34953886&viewfull=1#post34953886

EVENTS OF 1867 – NPCs and MISC:

-The world climate has dramatically improved due to Brazilian natives and the Brazilian government's encouragement to move on to other things, limiting any logging to a minimum.
-War in France intensifies as French party systems war with each other. So far the winning party is the Capitalist party due to popular support.
-The Portuguese party is in a close second. Nations that have "control" of sectors can either fund their side or start a crackdown, the crackdown will temporarily quell the war.
-Cuba ceases to exist.
-A massive oil store is discovered in the Caucasus.
-The NRR is kicked from the CIS.

EVENTS OF 1867 - Players:

Flag unavailable
Ruskie - China

-Planes are designed and tested. This ends in tragedy for most pilots as their planes are not aerodynamic and hence crash although one design, dubbed the bi-plane, has flown exceptionally well.
-A new tank is designed, it is called the Type 67. It uses a 37 mm cannon and a 7.5 mm machine gun. It can reach speeds of up to 28 km/h.
-It is extremely expensive to build for the time being.
-Aid packages are sent to the nations of: Cambodia, Thailand, Punjab-Tibet. Trade barriers are removed for these nations.
(Same shit different day.)

Intoxicated Spy - New Roman Republic

-West Germany is invaded with all troops put into the invasion. The invasion goes well as West Germany is caught completely off guard. (don't worry, this won't last for the NPC)
-France is left but the French natives that support the NRR are given all tech.
-England and Wales are given to Sweden.
-Cheese is invested into. All factories become cheese factories due to the President's cheese fetish.
-The new national religion is Sheogorathism
-All drinking water and cheese is poisoned and everybody is handed cheese. Mass death occurs and Switzerland becomes highly deserted.
(Why the fuck did you kill so many people, YOU BASTARD!)
(Last turn as this nation, switches to Oceania this turn)

Flag unavailable
Intoxicated Spy - Oceania

-The Philippines are invaded. They are quickly conquered as they are mostly tribal.
-A mass recruitment campaign begins.
-A request is made to join the UN.
-An official statement is sent out, it states that Oceania intends to remain capitalist.
-A trade request is made and sent to Brazil.
-An embargo is placed on West Germany.
-A bolt action rifle is created. It jams quite easily and is fairly inaccurate.
-Every home is required to have electricity.

UrbanMachismo - Arabian Empire

-The invasion of Turkey continues, a breakthrough is made and Turkey is vastly consumed.
-The first Steam Turbine is created and implemented into a ship. The first true Dreadnought is finally made.
-More aid is sent to Saudi Arabia. A request for them to join Arabia is denied but it was considered heavily.
-Industrial and technological aid is sent to: Algeria, Tunisia, Chad, and Niger. Also, as Urban called it "the third African nation, the black one." (You racist bastard.)
-Madagascar is heavily industrialized, much to the natives' chagrin.
-Newly aquired African lands are likewise industrialized.
-The first deposit of Uranium is discovered. Scientists struggle to figure out what it is.
-The southermost region of Madagascar is ceded to Portugal.
-The Caucacus is acquired for 20,000,000 Roubles and the sharing of the Diesel train technology.

Ven Kaeo - Canada

-A new diesel submarine is created, the most efficient in the world.
-Cuba is completely annexed in it's weakened state.
-Haiti is invaded.
-The tank technology from Arabia is revised.
-Portugal is sent submarine and torpedo tech.
-A Uranium deposit is discovered in Southern Canada. Let the race for nuclear dominance begin between Arabia and Canada.
-Scientists discover that Uranium can be used for nuclear purposes. So far nothing efficient comes of it.

Flag unavailable
Stethor - South American Empire

-An attempt to send a massive amount of troops to Ireland is damaged, the convoy loses almost half of it's ship in a mysterious attack.
-The Irish rebellion is only slightly slowed down, it would be demolished if the troops that were killed had made it.
-The Republic of Ireland is established, the only region it holds is Dublin.
-A puppet President is placed in Ireland, he is sympathetic to the SAE and heavily anti-socialist.
-An official statement is sent to all nations that have opposed Ireland before, stating that it is a new nation with not expansionist goals.
-An official statement is sent to all nations involved in the French Civil War, it states that France should be governed by the French people and not the occupying governments.
-The military is heavily updated through promotion of research.
-Anybody with information about the SBO is asked to come forward and is protected by the authorities.
-All members of the SBO that are caught are imprisoned for life.

Flag unavailable
asantos3 - India

-Police academies are built and a truly professional police force is made, it is the best in the world.
-Military training is heavily improved.
-Two military departments are made: The Department of Security and Special Forces (DSSF) and the Department of Military Technology (DMT)
-The DMT research an effective flame retardent armor, the problem is it is heavy.
-The nations to the North and West of India are peacefully annexed after a brilliant diplomatic manuever.
-The investment in Titanium ends.
-Tourism is encouraged.
-The 15th of August officially becomes the "National Day of India".
-Social Security is created.
-The railway is continued.

Flag unavailable
Novangel - Spain

-Every man and women who is able bodied is conscripted for two years into the military.
-An inquisition based government is created, mass executions occur for any dissenters.
-The military is heavily focused upon.
-Propaganda and censorship are used heavily. (Is this the Inquisition version of Nazi Germany or something?)

Flag unavailable
Skullivan21 - United Central European Federation

-Military bases are built in all new additions to the UCEF.
-Troops are withdrawn from the Balkans.
-The Balkan states are fully integrated into the UCEF.
-The railway now connects to East Germany and Poland.
-Child labour laws are passed, the first of its kind. It prohibits all children of 15 or under from working and children of the age of 16 must have a work permit to work.
-Plastic is further researched, more sturdy plastic is made, as is a more flexible plastic.
-Firearm shells made of plastic are tested. They are mainly weak but one in particular does severe damage, breaking apart inside the body of a person and shredding the internal organs.

[Seed Eater] - West Germany

-Much of the southern lands are lost in the shocking invasion from the NRR.
-A German controlled militia, made up of German and French volunteers, is established and immediately put on the Swiss front.
-Swedish forces are worked with in France.
-Armored airships hover over Paris and drop propaganda.
-The border along Portuguese France as it stands now is mined heavily.
-Prisoners of War are brought back to be conditioned into a Socialist state of mind.
-All French territory is ceded to Communist France.
-A French constitution is drawn up, mirroring West Germany's.
-An order is sent to Portugal to withdraw from France.
-Arms, food, and comforts are sent to the French people.
-A new airship is built, this one is armed with explosives that drop from a bay door. The first effective bombing aircraft.
-The Semi-Automatic rifle is improved, it now does not jam as much.
-Radios are implemented into the Military with massive success. This revolutionary technology has dramatically increased unit cohesion.
-Propaganda is sent out to the entirety of West Germany, it is highly anti-facist and anti-capitalist.
-The tax is collected.
-A National Legislative Election is held. The current staff holds it's position.

Obnobs - Republic of the Nordic Communes

-The navy is sent to patrol the Baltic.
-A military force is sent to France to arm the French communists.
-A military force is sent to East Germany to try to transition them to Communism, the government of East Germany tells them to get out as East Germany intends to remain Capitalist. A warning is sent to the Nordic Communes stating that if they do not leave East Germany will declare war on them and invade.
-The economy is transformed into a military focused yet peaceful economy.
-Defenses are built around the Russian border and the Danish-German border.
-Airplanes are further developed.
-A bridge network is begun to connect the Danish islands.
-The nation reforms heavily. Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, Guandeloupe, Marinique, and Isla de la Juventud are now communes.
-Scotland is asked to join as a commune and directy refuses.
-A message is sent to the French Communists that a peaceful annexation to the RotNC is a possibility.
-The little land owned by the RotNC in France is militarized and the locals are armed and trained.

MountainWatcher - Portugal

-30% of the reserves in Portugal are sent to Portuguese France to do police work.
-The navy is beginning to modernize.
-Sokoto is annexed.
-Diplomats are sent to Morocco to build relations.
-Greece's markets are invested into.
-Portuguese France is industrialized.
-Taxes are reduced in Portguese France.
-Supplies are sent to Portuguese France (I'm getting fucking tired of typing that)
-The mining industry is further invested into.
-A uranium store is discovered in Africa.
-Research programs are heavily funded.

Flag unavailable
Eat Children - Democratic Union of Russia

-The Caucacus is ceded to Arabia just after the discovery of vast oil stores. I'd call that a mistake.
-Uranium is discovered in Siberia.
-A 'Trans-Siberian' railway is begun for the purposes of mining.
-The Ural mountains are discovered to contain Uranium and are renamed the Uralium mountain range.
-A new president and cabinet are sworn into office.
-The population of Siberia soars due to the mining industry.
-A prototype Water Tank is invented, it is used to heat homes.
-Gas lamps are invented, they stand throughout the streets of Moscow.
-The first airship of Russia is built.
-The military's tactics and strategies are heavily revised, gone is the old line infantry formations, it is instead replaced with a highly mobile military capable of penetrating deep into enemy territory and holding it's own while surrounded.
-Tanks are created to assist the highly mobile infantry.
-Camoflauge and Armor are implemented into the military.

Flag unavailable
FlamingTorso - United States of America

-Nothing much happens here. Defenses are built in all areas in Texas that are currently owned.

Turn 33: 1868


Civilization 5 OST - Napoleon War - France - Cancan

Music of 1868

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1160570&p=35046534&viewfull=1#post35046534

EVENTS OF 1868 – NPCs and MISC:

-The majority of the Turkish nation is destroyed, only the capital city remains.
-Ireland becomes entirely anarchist.
-East Germany voices its concerns over the West German war.
-The New Roman Republic ceases to exist.
-Anarchist France is destroyed, it is now owned by West Germany.
-Haiti ceases to exist.

EVENTS OF 1868 - Players:

Ruskie - China

-Further fortifications are built in Africa. I'm pretty sure at this point the defenses are more effective than the Siegfried Line, Atlantic Wall, and Maginot Line combined.
-The first true reconnaissance aircraft is designed, it is called the Type A(FR) 68. It has a mounted machine gun on the front designed to fire only between the propeller blades.
-The first true assembly line is put into place and implemented in most industries.
-In what was originally supposed to be a year in which only five tanks were made, about 50 are made thanks to the revolutionary new assembly lines.
-China offers the nations of Cambodia, Thailand, and Punjab/Tibet to join China with regional autonomy, Thailand accepts but the others refuse.
-Same shit as every turn otherwise.
-A demand is sent to India to release Punjab and Tibet.
-Seven army groups are sent to the border of India.
-Military budget is doubled.
-A massive recruitment drive begins to get people into the military.

asantos3 - India

-Recruitment campaigns begin.
-The National Institute of Industrial Property (NIIP) is founded. It is to allow the people to start their own business and register patents.
-The first flame retardant armor is created allowing maximum flexibility without sacrificing armor capabilities.
-Training improves.
-A massive oil well is discovered and oil derricks spring up in the area.
-Another offer is sent to Afghanistan and Pakistan to join India. They are again denied.
-The Railway project continues.
-The "grey area south of Malaysia-Borneo" is annexed.
-Taxes are increased for the railway. This causes minor dissent.
-Soccer is invested into.
-The "Electrical Power Project" is created. It's aim is to provide electricity in all homes.

UrbanMachismo - Arabian Empire

-Turkey is demolished after the use of Dreadnoughts to bombard coastal cities is implemented. Small pockets of resistance remain around the capital but the army is encircled and starving.
-A new tank is created, it is called the Type A-19. It implements the world's first 50mm Cannon and uses a 12.5mm Machine Gun.
-Continues industrial aid is sent to Saudi Arabia, another invitation to join the Arabian Empire is sent but again flatly refused by the incredulous Saudi government.
-Dreadnought schematics are sent to Canada in return for Submarine, Torpedo, and knowledge of Uranium.
-CATS or the "Canadian-Arabian Technological Syndicate" is founded in conjunction with Canada, it is a deal that creates trade of all technology created between the nations.
-CATS is merged with ATOM.
-Industrialization is continued in the entirety of the nation.
-A huge oil well is found in the Caucasus. This causes an influx of oil derricks and refineries.
-Mining begins in the Caucasus, looking for gold, silver, platinum, silicon, and mainly diamond. So far a small amount of things are found.
-The railroad is expanded through the Caucasus to Russia, Turkey, and Persia. Most of the railways in Turkey are sabotaged.
-Three dreadnoughts are built.
-Uranium is massively excavated.
-Military forces are sent to Uganda to stop any possibility of rebellion. The people of Uganda are confused since they never did anything to bring this upon themselves.

[Seed Eater] - West Germany
(Try sending your turn in later so I DON'T GET SO MANY EDITS! GAH!)

-The reserves are called up to action for a large scale invasion of France and the New Roman Republic. German Army groups A and B move into northern France along with the French Fifth with Swedish permission. Army Group C, a mainly tank army, invades Anarchist France from the North along with the French 3rd Army. The puppet government to the south sends their 1st Army Group to attack from the south into Anarchist France.
-Army groups D and E invade the New Roman Republic from the North. The Italian 6th and 9th Armies invade from the south along with Army Group F.
-The rest of the army groups remain on the East German border. The invasion of Anarchist France goes swimmingly until the West German armies meet the Portuguese armies and a largescale battle breaks out causing the Third French Army to be demolished. The New Roman Republic is completely demolished. In Clermont-Ferrand six French divisions are routed after losing 90% of their troops to either desertion or death. Dijon is taken swiftly and a triumphant Army Group C continues on to Beaune. Meanwhile a Portuguese army in Toulouse is encircled but continues to hold out despite crushing pressure. Morale along all fronts is thought to be high.
-The navy is recalled from Ireland, Ireland is now a lost cause.
-The other nations of the International join, exluding Luxembourg, Tunisia, and Nigeria. The others are essentially annexed and are completely at the will of West Germany. East Germany voices heavy concerns over this matter.
-Brazil, Ireland, Spain, Greece, and Oceania are embargoed.
-The first working automatic weapon is made. It jams quite frequently and is scoffed at by the troops who are issued the weapons, who simply throw it away and pick up the enemy weapons that don't jam quite as much.
-When you say 1930's style tanks you need to tell me what they have for cannons, 30mm, 37mm, 50mm, 75mm, 88mm, what is the cannon. Likewise with their machine guns. The 30's were a time of extreme tank growth with numerous tank designs being produced.
-It is discovered that bacteria are the actual cause for most diseases and the first true antibiotic is made.
-An offer for Italy and Catalonia to join West Germany is denied. Likewise with the alliance without land grant. The Italians and Catalonians wish to have land grants for their military involvement.
-Fascists are arrested without trial. Portuguese and Roman sympathizers are purged.
-A trade with Canada commences; Airships for submarines and torpedoes.
-Rome is bombed by dozens of West German airships. This proves extremely effective.
-Supplies sent to UN forces in Poland are cut.
-Industrial facilities are destroyed in the Rhine by the Nationalist Movement of West Germany.
-A loss of funds in the government is noted.

Intoxicated Spy - Oceania

-Indonesia is annexed and immediately afterwards Thailand is invaded with only minor success.
-The bolt action rifle is improved.
-Camouflage is implemented.
-The first Oceanic tank is created. It is slow as fuck.
-Roads are built throughout the nation (HOLY FUCK YOUR AVATAR BLINKS I NEVER NOTICED THAT.)
-A railway is built across Australia (YOUR AVATAR BLOWS MY MIND.)
-Propaganda is sent out, it targets socialist groups.
-Hawaii is invaded.

Ven Kaeo - Canada

-Haiti is completely annexed.
-The Uranium Enrichment Program is created. Its focus is kept secret for obvious reasons. (Huehuehue)
-The first high explosive "sticky bomb" is created. After initial testing a general is caught saying "fucking short fuses killing my testers".
-Industrial and Technological aid is continued with all Confederate nations.
-CATS is joined with Arabia.
-Arabia is sent schematics on submarines, torpedoes, and the studies of Uranium.
-A query is sent to all Confederate nations asking if they will be willing to join Canada. They all flatly say no.
-Nuclear Power Plants are experimented with successfully and are immediately implemented into most cities. They are acknowledged as "eyesores" to most citizens but no other complaints come out of it.
-Cuba is industrialized.
-Radios are personalized and become cheaper. Propaganda is now more easily spread.
-Submarine and Torpedo technology is sent to West Germany.
-Conscription is instituded.

MountainWatcher - Portugal

-Advertisements of military carrers are sent to colonies.
-Much more unit cohesion is seen in the military.
-Masses of tanks are built.
-Anarchist France is invaded and about half of it is taken until the 9th Portuguese army meets the West German and French armies. A massive battle breaks out and the 9th Portuguese Army is heavily damaged. A phyrric victory is won in the city of Clermont-Ferrand.
-The 4th Army is encircled at Toulouse but continues to hold out despite 50% losses and mass infestations of lice.
-Diplomats are sent to Morocco and "that big green nation in Africa".
-Greek markets are invested into.
-Portuguese France is fortified.
-Supplies and economic aid is sent to Portuguese France.
-Mining continues in Africa.
-More scientists are recruited to study Uranium. It is thought that it could be used for power.
-A weapon designed specifically to shoot down armored airships is devised. It is dubbed the "Canhão Flak" and is extremely effective in penetrating the aluminum skin of airships and shooting them down.
-Faster tanks are developed. Like I said to West Germany I'd like to know the components of the tanks. Cannon caliber( 50mm, 37mm..etc?) and machine gun caliber.
-Radio systems are implemented into the military with surprising success.
-Cargas de Profundidade are developed for the specific purpose of destroying enemy submarines.

Skullivan21 - United Central European Federation

-Tanks are thought to be so important as to become the main part of the military. Austria's tanks are the best in the world, boasting 75mm cannons on the heavys and 37mm cannons on the lights.
-Naval vessels are improved to be quickly and cheaply built without any lowering in quality.
-Mobile artillery is created. It is basically a howitzer mounted on a tank chassis.
-Tank bodies are hollowed to create troop transports.
-The railway is finished.
-East Germany and Austria convene to create a joint-confederacy. They are both lead by a top council member that lead a larger council on behalf for their nation. Poland and Hungary join as well to balance things out a bit.
-Plastic fragmentation rounds are fully integrated into the military.
-Hollow point tips are created, they are filled with a plastic ball that fragmentates inside the body, devestating organs.
-Steel core rounds are created.
-A new plastic rifle is created. It isn't very durable now but it is extremely accurate and light. Allowing high maneuverability.
-Radios are placed on the field for each squad.

Eat Children - Democratic Union of Russia

-The Trans-Siberian railway is finished.
-Universities dedicated to engineering are built in Western Russia.
-Apartments with full electricity and heating commodities are being massively bought by the middle class.
-Reforms are instituted, child labor is now illegalized. Minimum wage is instituted.
-Kazakhstan is invested into so as to keep them up to speed economically. Huge reserves of Cobalt and Potassium are discovered there.
-Greece is invested into.
-Every day of the year is declared "Laugh at Western Europe" day. Citizens are encouraged to joke and laugh at the thought of how comically unstable they are and probably always will be.
-Defenses are built along the Nordic Communes border.
-Barracks are constructed in all major cities.
-Conscription is implemented.
-The first effective Russian airship is developed.
-The first parachute is tested. It ends in disaster.

Stethor - South American Empire

-Mass campaigns begin to recruit people into the army.
-Men and supplies are shipped to Ireland via civilian ships marked with flags and insignias of the Uruguayan and Chilean navies.
-The SAE releases a statement saying that "We are at war with an unknown enemy whom is cowardly and foolish to believe that we will be forced to leave Ireland to die at the hands of the European dogs".
-A huge investigation begins to find out the instigators of the submarine attacks. No submarines have been recovered from attacks as they have self-destructed.
-Depth Charges are created and used effectively against submarines.
-It is discovered that Portugal is not responsible for submarine attacks.
-Mass production of weapons and equipment for the military begins.
-The first effective biplane is created.
-A huge propaganda campaign begins, recruitment increases massively.

Obnobs - Republic of the Nordic Communes

-Military forces in France are moved to England. The entirety of Northern France is burned first.
-Scotland is annexed entirely after an overwhelming attack.
-The communes of England and Wales are created.
-Propaganda is dispersed to create the United Kingdom.
-Cars are marketed.
-The bridges of Denmark are nearing completion.
-A national ferry system is created.
-A monument to Marx and Engles is created near London.
-Funding is put into production of new weapons and ships.

FlamingTorso - United States of America

-Defenses are built along the border of the Confederate States.
-Aid is sent to Colombia along with all technological advancements in United States history.
-The United States queries Colombia on a possible official alliance.

Eli45 - Gran Colombia

-A new bolt-action rifle is developed, it jams quite often.
-A new military uniform is designed using camouflage.
-New highly explosive torpedoes are designed and tested resulting in success.
-Free trade with all non-aggressive nations begins. The only nations excluded are West Germany and the South American Empire.
-A bill that incorporates rehabilitation of prisoners rather than punishment is passed.

Notes: Face decides he isn't going to include flags anymore, as they are a pain to copy and paste into the turns.

Turn 34: 1869


Bach - Cello Suite No.2 iv-Sarabande

Music of 1869

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1160570&p=35130597&viewfull=1#post35130597

EVENTS OF 1869 – NPCs and MISC:

-Turkey ceases to exist.
-East Germany continues to voice its concerns over West Germany's policies.
-Japan openly revolts against it's Korean owners.
-The Korean peninsula revolts entirely, the main fighters are against the Communist regime, hoping instead for Capitalism.
-Afghanistan and Pakistan both cease to exist.
-Persia ceases to exist.

EVENTS OF 1869 - Players:

The Great War of France (1868–present):

France, West Germany, Italy, Belgium, Tunisia and Nigeria VS. Portugal and Brazil with Swedish support.

-The Portuguese lose in the Toulouse pocket and their forces backpedal to Auch.
-Gibraltar is blocked by the Portuguese, the West Germans cannot get through.
-The German blockade is destroyed with the coordination between Brazil and Portugal.
-Army Group A of West Germany attacks Rennes but is met with stiff resistance Rennes is held and Portugal swiftly counter attacks with their 3rd, 5th, and 18th armies into Basse Normandie, quickly taking Caen and Saint-Lô.
-Due to the loss of Toulouse, much of Portugal's Southern French lands are lost. The key cities of Agen, Cahors, Tulle, Clermont-Ferrand, and Foix are all lost.
-In a strategic error, the land seperating West Germany and Andorra is taken by West Germany. This provides a staging point into Spain and onto Portugal.
-An attempt to surround Portugal with the West German navy is attempted but is quickly turned back by Brazil and Portugal.
-The Italian 1st army is destroyed in an attempted siege on Angers. Tours is taken by Portugal in the ensuing counter-attack.
-Army groups B, J, and D, along with the Italina Sixth set up defenses along the standing border.

Ruskie - China

-African fortifications finish. (it's about damn time)
-A new aircraft prototype is designed. It crashes and burns. This will continue to happen until you specify what it actually contains.
-The assembly line is refined.
-Two new tank types are made to replace the obsolete Type 67.
--Type (TM)69: 26.5 tons with a crew of four. Front armor of 45-47 mm. Side armor of 40-45 mm. Main cannon is a 50 mm cannon. Machine gun is a 2 x 7.62 mm. The engine is a 12 cylinder diesel V-2 of 500 horsepower. It is capable of reaching speads of an unprecedented 33 miles an hour (53 kilometers an hour).
--Type (TH)69: A 56.9 ton, 5 crew tank. This beast boasts 120 mm front armor and a 72 mm main cannon. It uses a 7.92 mm machine gun and it's engine is a V-12 petrol tank of 690.4 horsepower. It goes up to 24 miles an hour (38 km/h)
-45 tank factories are built.
-Due to the massive success of the assembly line a grand total of 5000 Type (TM)69's are made and 1000 Type (TH)69's are made.
-10 plane factories are built.
-350 Type A(Fr) 68 planes are built.
-The majority of the army is sent back from Tibet, a token force of 150k men stays behind.
-The military budget is upped for a revamped Navy. The DoNMa, a replica of DoMa, is instituted, it is tasked with the management of the Navy. The first design is a wildly popular one. It doesn't have a name but it is pretty much a floating airbase. It is not built but it is a highly supported idea. The first Steam Turbine in the Chinese navy is created and with it the first Chinese Dreadnought. By the end of the year, three dreadnoughts are built.
-Tibet is given to China by India.
-The Pacific Bloc is created.
-India and Oceania join the Pacific Bloc.
-After years of implementation, everybody in China now has electricity, telephones, and roadways.

Intoxicated Spy - Oceania

-Land is given to India and China. (The map of which will be sent to Seed since I'm too lazy to name the land)
-The PBTO is joined.
-A more reliable Bolt Action Rifle is made.
-What do you mean "Research into tanks, planes, and machine guns"? You have to tell me the specifics of said vehicles.
-Propaganda is sent out against socialists.

asantos3 - India

-The new armor is now called GO Armour. It isn't yet perfect as it still restricts movement in the arms.
-The first "riot shield" is made.
-You will not get Tear Gas for some time yet. Let's keep this in the correct time period for now.
-The first machine pistol is made. It is fucking inaccurate.
-A massive recruitment campaign begins.
-Afghanistan and Pakistan are invaded and are quickly annexed.
-The PBTO is joined.
-Tibet is given to China.
-The South Georgia Islane, Georgetown, St Helena, the Cocos Islans, Christmas Island, and Fiji are all colonized.
-Malaysia Borneo is annexed to India.
-Soccer is invested into, a plentiful amount of stadiums are built.
-The ethnic food industry is invested into.
-Education is invested into, India is now one of the most intelligent nations.
-Education is reformed.
-The law system is reformed.
-The railway is finished.

Ven Kaeo - Canada

-The Caribbean nations are all annexed. (Explain what you're colonizing to Seed or actually name the islands.)
-High Explosive Torpedoes are designed.
-High Explosive Bombs that are dropped from airships are designed.
-You will not get atom bombs. Don't even try for a few decades.
-Naval bases are established in: Alaska, Iceland, Greenland, Eastern Canada, and Western Canada. From them several submarines and two dreadnoughts are produced.
-Armoured airships are developed and built. They aren't as good as West Germany's but still good.
-Canada, Iceland, and Greenland are fortified. (Who the hell would fortify Greenland?)
-The borders of Colombia and the United States are fortified.
-A plea is made to the Confederate nations to join the Canadian armies. The furthest the Confederate States will budge is a co-training but not a combination of arms.
-Airships are distributed to Arabia as are the HETs and HEBs.
-An assurance is sent to the SAE that the colonisation of the Falklands is purely scientific.
-70% of Maple Syrup production is sent to West Germany. As are the excess products of silk undergarments and sex toys. Congrats West Germany, you're now fat and slutty.
-10% of Maple Syrup export is sent to the Pope.
-Greenland (again, why?) and Iceland are industrialised.
-Haiti is revitalised and industrialised.
-Nuclear Power Plants are now guarded heavily.
-The first television is created. It sucks dick and has no sound.
-Assembly lines are developed, production of war vehicles increases tenfold.
-Free Education is offered to those who wish to pursue fields in Nuclear Physics and Atomic Theory.
-Immigration and emigration are cracked down on.
-Propaganda is sent out.
-Recruitment increases.

UrbanMachismo - Arabian Empire

-Cyprus is annexed.
-The first rocket is built. It explodes on launch and destroys the platform of which it was launched, killing 20 people.
-A new tank is designed.
--The AM-P2: A heavy tank of nearly 60 tons, it uses a 75mm cannon along with a 25mm machine gun. It can achieve speeds of up to 25 mph (40 kp/h)
-An attempt to research a rifle that is fully automatic amounts to being a failure.
-Persia is invaded from the North-West with the 3rd Arabian Army along with the 5th Armor, this attack is massively successful. Another invasion from the South-West occurs as well, this one implements a lone 21st Arabian Army. This is successful but not nearly as successful as the North-Western invasion. The final invasion is from the South, this buckles the entirety of Persia, it implements the 6th Arabian Army, 1st Arabian Armor, and 9th Cavalry.
-Saudi Arabia is given more support. They are now, in themselves, an economic power to behold.
-Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Gibraltar, and Niger are given extended aid.
-Any technologies discovered are given to Canada.
-A huge industrialisation effort begins.
-Dridocks are built in: UAE, Oman, Yemen, Hedjaz, The Sinai, Libya, Madagascar, Somalia, the Caucasus, and Turkey.
-Five submarines and one dreadnought are built.
-A-19 and AM-P2 tanks are specifically focused upon.
-10 A-19s and 3 AM-P2s are built.
-A nuclear reactor is built in Madagascar. It is a success and similar reactors are spread throughout Arabia. Electricity is now in every home.
-Apologies are sent to Uganda.
-A massive military recruitment drive begins.
-Conscription is increased.

MountainWatcher - Portugal

-The mainland borders are fortified.
-Recruitment efforts are increased. Patriotism is at an all time high and enlistment is at an unprecedented high level.
-Submarines, ships, and tanks are built.
-The coasts are fortified and filled with depth charges.
-The army is up-to-date.
-African troops are put into France.
-Military wages are increased.
-An attempt to relieve the people of Toulouse is made. It fails due to a lack of an attempt of breakout by the soldiers in the pocket.
-An alliance is announced with Sweden. All military technology is traded between the two.
-Algeria is invaded from the North and South and is quickly annexed.
-The first effective modern hand grenade is made.
-The first long range bomber is built. It is not flown on a mission so as to allow a large fleet to be built.
-Propaganda is sent out denouncing West German ways.
-Police forces are increased in the mainland and colonies.
-New war factories are made.

[Seed Eater] - West Germany

-An attempt to recruit the UCEF and East Germany into the war fails. East Germany scoffs at the idea.
-Propaganda is sent to the African troops of Portugal but is scoffed at.
-Fascists are brutally murdered.
-A basket of flowers is sent to the Arabian leader. They are wilted as hell when they get there.
-All of Italy is given to the Italians.
-Treats are given to North France.
-A delegate is sent to East Germany to talk about the fascists. Issues talked about are the idea of a West German led propaganda program which East Germany flatly denies, West German voting in East Germany which is also denied for fear of Communist take over, a limit to parliamentary seats for fascists in East Germany which is accepted, and West German aid in Bavaria which is denied.
-Propaganda program seperates the Soviets and USSR program and says it will allow a Capitalist Welfare State.
-New tanks are built, they are called SabKat-69s. Tell me what their armor and armaments are damn it.
-Assembly lines are implemented.
-The first sniper rifle is built.
-A propeller is designed. An attempt to build a saucer is made but fails miserably as the thing fails to gain any lift due to a weak engine.
-Gulag prisoners are released and put into rehab centers.
-Gulags are converted into refugee camps.
-Factory riots are seen in Berlin, it is noted that all weapons and munitions are either stolen or simply destroyed.
-A notable loss in money is seen, it is massively different than budge plans.
-A Unity Center is built along the East/West border, it holds a sporting arena, shops for both nationalities, and a trade station.
-The Roman government officials who poisoned the cheese produce are charged with...wait for it...Cheddicide.

Eat Children - Democratic Union of Russia
(use bullet point format from this point forward please)

-The Department of Research and Technology (DRT) and The Department of Food Quality Administration (DFQA) are established.
-A 'Dry Cell' battery is made.
-Assembly lines are implemented successfully.
-The first public zoo in the world is opened in Moscow, it quickly becomes a tourist attraction and Russia's economy skyrockets in Moscow as a result.
-Sanitation projects begin to clean up sewers and waterways.
-Airships are now used by the rich.
-The requests by the RotNC to purchase Latvia and Lithuania are rejected adamantly.
-The military of Kazakhstan is trained.
-A railway bridge project is begun, it is to go across the Bering Strait and connect to the Trans-Siberian railway.
-Two more war airships are built.
-A transport airship is built to transport tanks.
-A new parachute design is tested. Six of the seven volunteers land. The tank that was dropped with them on three parachutes plummets and explodes.
-Unit cohesion is focues upon.
-Radios are implemented into the military.
-The first biplane of the Russian Air-Force is built.
-The first Bolt-Action rifle of the Russian Army is produced, it jams quite easily and remains a prototype.
-A 155mm howitzer is designed. It is fucking EXPLOSIVE.

Skullivan21 - United Central European Federation

-The first Austrian rocket is designed and tested. It explodes about 500 yards in the air. No damages or casualties are reported.
-Enquiries are sent to both Portugal and West Germany about their intentions of the French War.
-An airship is produced. It deflates and makes everybody laugh.
-The Federation formally announces that it is looking into the matter of the French war. Austrians remain divided while East Germans are notably pro-Portuguese.

Stethor - South American Empire

-West Germany is formally blamed for the attack on transport vessels and war is declared.
-The entire fleet is mobilised and sent to coordinate with the Portuguese.
-Ireland is stabilised in Dublin but remains anarchist in the other regions. The Republic of Ireland is set up in Dublin.
-A draft is implemented for men aged 18-25.
-Diplomats are sent to Portugal to war matters.
-The SAE economy is turned entirely into a war economy.
-Propaganda is sent out at the highest level ever recorded.
-Recruitment increases in a high degree.
-Approval of Portugal is on the rise.
-Women replace the men of war in the factories.

Obnobs - Republic of the Nordic Communes

-First aid and repair is given to the Portuguese and the West German defectors.
-A detachment is sent to Ireland, it coordinates with the Brazilians to create the Republic of Ireland in Dublin.
-The British Isles are patrolled by the Nordic Communes Navy.
-The Carribean Communes are reinforced after the Canadians take those not owned by the Nordic Communes.
-Trade is established with Portugal.
-The economy is transfered into a war economy, especially in the navy.
-A new bomber plane is developed.

Turn 35: 1870


Four Seasons - Autumn - Vivaldi

Music of 1870

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1160570&p=35222412&viewfull=1#post35222412

EVENTS OF 1870 – NPCs and MISC:

-Peace is forged in Europe. The deal is outlined below.
-Switzerland becomes a sovereign nation. It originally begins as a similar nation to West Germany but riots change this to Capitalist. The Swiss have learned to hate communism.
-Algeria becomes a sovereign nation.
-Due to the war a great toll has been taken on most European economies, especially France, West Germany, and Portugal. East Germany remains fairly powerful with only a slight dip and Austria becomes the economic power of Europe, with their ally, East Germany, just behind.

EVENTS OF 1870 - Players:

The Great War of France (1868–1870):

France, West Germany, Italy, Belgium, Tunisia and Nigeria VS. Portugal and Brazil with Swedish support.

-France will be made a Liberal Democracy.
-For 5 years the UN will be in control of France.
-A DMZ established on all of the French borders with the prominent military aggressors.
-All military gains made as a result of this conflict will be nullified.
-Algeria will be let free to do as it wishes.
-Switzerland will be freed this year.
-Portugal and West Germany will have embassies and trade routes in France.

The Korean Civil War (1869–Present):

Korea VS. Korean rebels with Chinese support.

-Korea is invaded by China with massive success, only being stopped by the supply line being outrun.

Ven Kaeo - Canada

-Colonization begins of many of the islands south of Hawaii, the only ones not taken are those owned by Oceania.
-The effective missile is tested in Canada. It does not travel far but does heavy damage to armor.
-Three new tank models are tested and implemented:
--The CA-LP3 is a 45mm scout tank designed for high speeds, whilst sacrificing armor and gun power. It is most known for its weakness in horsepower as it cannot effectively cross most types of harsh terrain. It is dubbed "The roaming coffin" for its design failures in armor.
--The CA-MP7 is 55mm medium tank designed for most combat purposes, it excels in open field combat, the only true flaw for this tank is its limitations in the engine, the same being true for all current model Canadian tanks.
--The CA-HP9, a 90mm monster of a tank is best known for it's near impenetrable armor and oversized gun. It excels in street combat due to the lack of need for mobility in such close quarters, although it is extremely strong and can withstand a great deal of punishment, it is usually looked upon with scorn by most tank operators for its lack of speed and the combustibility of its engine, which is known to burst into flames when climbing hills at a certain angle.
-Along with the above tanks, a new transport vehicle is developed:
--The CA-TT12 is an ten man treaded vehicle with a 12.7 mm machine gun mounted for defense. It is capable of speeds of 60 mph and is highly maneuverable.
-An attempt to create a new submarine is stalled due to the funding in the above projects. Same goes for the armored airship and dreadnought.
-The Faroe Islands are ceded to Scandinavia, Jan Mayen Island is given in return, as is the technology of Clip-Fed Weaponry.
-Iceland is divided into two separate territories. Reykjavik and Akureyri. Each will be owned jointly by Scandinavia and Canada. (Colors are to be striped with Canadian Red and Scandinavian Blue". Iceland is dedicated to scientific research, the project is named VESTA (Variable Enclave for Scientific and Technological Advancement), all residents are given the options of working with VESTA or moving to a Canadian city of their choice. The new currency of Iceland is named Casc, VESTA will pay all of their employees in Casc. Most of VESTA's funding goes to naval matters such as shipyards and submarines but some go to the development of Aerodomes for airships. Another good bit of the funding is put into Nuclear Energy. The Environmental and Ecological Research Laboratories (EERLs) are constructed in Isafjordur and begin studies of the North Pole. The Advanced Aerospace and Space Research Laboratories (AASRLs) are built in central Iceland, these are tasked with researching cutting edge aviation technology. The Advanced Nautical and Submarine Research Laboratories (ANSRLs) are located in all cities with harbors, they are for advanced naval research. Likewise, the Aerospace, Nautical, Explosive, Submarine, and Space Research Laboratories (ANESS) are built in Reykjavic and Akureyri, these are Tier 1 research laboratories tasked with basic research. All technology is traded between the Canadian and Scandinavian governments.
-Assembly lines are implemented, massive production of the new tanks begins. Likewise, six new submarines are built.
-Arctic Research Bases are built on Jan Mayen and Northern Greenland for the study of volcanic activity.
-Antarctic bases are established on the Falkland Islands and the South Georgian Island to study volcanic activity.
-Brazilian scientists that are civilian are allowed access to the Falkand and South Georgian islands.
-Scandinavian Civilian Scientists are allowed access to Jan Mayen island.
-A Deep-Sea Research Base is built on Tristan da Cunha Island to research marine life.
-Ports are built in all above mentioned islands.

UrbanMachismo - Arabian Empire

-An HE rocket is developed. It launches successfully but then plummets into the ocean after a short trip.
-A new tank is designed:
--The AM-AIF heavy tank is a napalm tank, instead of a traditional turret it spews flames from the barrel. The major design flaw is the melting of the barrel.
-Sokoto is invaded and annexed within two months.
-Saudi Arabia will not join you, but they do value you as a friend. You just got Country-friendzoned.
-Tunisia joins the Arabian Empire, Morocco refuses, opting to join Portugal instead.
-Technological discoveries are sent to Canada as per the CATS agreement.
-Assembly lines are implemented nationwide and increase production dramatically.
-Production of all three model of tanks are devoted to factories.
-70% of the Dry-dock workforce is devoted to Dreadnoughts, the other 30% is for Submarines.
-Pro-Islamic propaganda is sent out. Not that it's necessary.

Ruskie - China

-Korea is invaded en masse by army groups Blue and Red, Blue consists of 250,000 men, 1000 tanks, and 50 aircraft and is tasked with securing Eastern Korea, Army Group Red consists of 750,000 men, 2500 tanks, and 50 aircraft and is tasked with securing West Korea. The advancement goes as far as Seoul before the Chinese military outruns it's own supplies and is forced to stop for the winter.
-Korean Japan is invaded by Army Groups Lilac, Orange, Pink, Green, and Yellow. Lilac, Green, and Pink are the smallest forces, consisting of 175,000 men each. Orange consists of 250,000 men. Yellow has 400, 000 men. Japan is annexed in its entirety by the year's end.
-All liberated areas will be given anti-communist propaganda.
-The first Single-Wing airplane is developed. It is an unarmed plane most known for its speed and maneuverability compared to most aircraft. It is called the Type (AU)70.
-A new radio, designed for military use, is developed and implemented into the military with massive success.
-The tax system is refined.
-Budget to Africa is changed from defenses to economics.
-A true police force is developed in Beijing.
-Education is improved.

Eli45 - Gran Colombia

-Trade is opened with the United States, all Infantry and Naval tech are given to the United States in an act of good will.
-A high velocity 50mm tank cannon is developed and replaces the older cannons.
-Sloped armor is implemented into tank designs, in testing this works extremely efficiently.
-You already have Dreadnoughts.
-Oil is invested into.
-Gran Colombia and the United States officially announce a singular alliance.
-Gran Colombia leaves the CIS.
-The Panama Canal is opened again.

Eat Children - Democratic Union of Russia

-The first handheld flashlight is created.
-The vibrator is invented. Fun is had.
-An electric generator is developed, it is, in essence, a water mill.
-The Bering Strait Bridge project is continued.
-The first Hydroelectric plant is built on the Volga.
-An ultimatum is sent to the Kazakhstani government. It states that, unless Kazakhstan is willing to join Russia, Russia will abandon the nation to the Chinese or Indians. Kazakhstan decides to take their chances.
-A technological alliance is developed with Canada.
-Troops are sent to France for UN peacekeeping.
-All Western German women widowed by the war with Portugal are sent a hamper containing a vibrator, a catalog of Russian smut and a one-way ticket to Moscow.
-Two nuclear power stations are built.
-An electrical grid is established between Moscow and St. Petersburg.
-95% of homes now have electricity.
-Airships are becoming increasingly popular for commercial use.
-The first Russian biplane, the R7A, is produced, it is larger and stronger than the Chinese biplane, but slower. The co-pilot fires from a mounted machine gun.
-The bolt-action rifle is refined and implemented.
-15 R7As are produced.
-The first Russian submarine is built in Kamchatka.
-A tank is designed that looks strikingly similar to the Type69 of China.

Stethor - South American Empire

-Chile, Uruguay, and Paraguay are invaded and instantly concede.
-Official peace is made with Germany.
-Troops in Ireland are sent to 'pacify' Irish resistance.
-The Republic of Ireland is now Brazil's protectorate.
-Tanks modeled after the Type 69 are developed.
-You cannot have that hightech of airplanes at this stage in the game.
-Researchers are sent to the Falklands.
-It is discovered that Canada is the reason for the destruction of naval forces through extensive espionage.
-Business expansion begins into France.
-The war capabilities of the SAE are invested into further.
-The Propaganda Campaigns are winded down.
-A huge monument construction project is begun for the dedication of the men lost in the war.

KriegsMar1ne - East Germany

-Dreadnoughts are updated to have a larger, 18 inch, cannon along with thicker armor.
-Armor is revised after years of lack of innovation in that area. A new tank, the Panzer I is the first of its kind in the German military, it has 70 mm armor and is sloped at 55 degrees to deflect shots. Its cannon is a 76mm, one of the more powerful at the current time.
-Armored plates are now welded together on tank armor to make the armor stronger.
-A new machine gun is designed and implemented. The 7.9 mm Fischer Machine Gun beats out a steady 1,200 to 1,500 rounds a minute.
-Mustard gas is first developed in the German military.
-A massive military base, Fort Kless, is built near Berlin. It has zones for all three branches of the military, being the Armee, Luftwaffe, and Marine sections of the military. It will be entirely completed in the next turn.
-Four dreadnoughts are built.
-The study of nuclear technology begins.
-Troops are given to the UN for peacekeeping operations in France.
-Hospitals and factories are built in every major city. East Germany boasts the best health in the world.
-Uranium is found and stored.
-East German troops help rebuild France, along with Austria and Oceania.
-Gran Colombia, Oceania, and Austria are allowed to station troops in Fort Kless.
-A new recruitment campaign begins for the military.

[Seed Eater] - West Germany

-All International troops are pulled from their positions and replaced by Federation troops.
-All non-German soldiers are returned to their native nations.
-All French militaries are dissolved. All supplies are given to Federation troops.
-A minor incidence occurs in which a small band of West German soldiers murder three children in a French town before leaving. They are summarily placed into jail.
-Police are trained to notice Fascists.
-A mass attack opens up in the southern part of West Germany, a nation has seceded and now calls itself Württemberg. The small nation has a good deal of success due to sheer surprise but is quickly quelled, although not overtaken.
-Catalonia grants military access.
-35% of all production is sent to Germany. This excludes weaponry.
-The embargo placed on Oceania is withdrawn.
-Switzerland becomes a sovereign state.
-A statue is built, it is placed in Frankfurt. Another is placed in France. They commemorate the war.
-Normal production resumes, tank engines are massively improved and can now carry the tanks a bit better. Gas masks are finally developed.
-Refugees are returned to their native nations.
-Anyone involved with any violence for or against Fascism is treated like a normal criminal.

MountainWatcher - Portugal

-A fortification effort begins along the mainland border.
-Tanks and bombers are built.
-The first Portuguese modern grenade is designed and tested. It doesn't do too well.
-All Portuguese forces leave France.
-Morocco joins Portugal.
-The war economy is removed.
-Africa is already pretty industrial by now.
-Economic aid is sent to France.
-The first Portuguese automatic rifle is developed, the Torres automático rifle, or TAR, is a rather heavy, handheld rifle that is capable of firing five bullets a second.
-The Portuguese create a nuclear power system, far better in efficiency than the Portuguese have experienced before.
-Medicine is heavily invested into, Portugal is the second healthiest nation and Europe is the healthiest continent.
-Algeria is released.

asantos3 - India

-The GO armor is further improved.
-The handgun is improved for better efficiency in reloading.
-The Hand Grenade is improved.
-Fortifications begin all along the border, especially at the borders nearer to the Arabian Empire.
-The DMT and DSSF are further funded.
-The DSSF improves fighting technique in hand to hand combat.
-20% support is given to Medicine, Education, and Justice sectors.
-Full support is given to all military related things.
-Military academies are built.
-The idea of religious acceptance is further spread.
-The first Indian submarine is built by the DMT, it is similar to the Canadian submarines.
-Education investment continues.
-Hospitals are built around the nation.

Obnobs - Republic of the Nordic Communes

-The military is dug in on the Russian and German borders.
-The Navy patrols the coastline heavily.
-More soldiers are placed in Ireland.
-Swedish is now the official Nordic Communes language.
-Try to remember the name of that island next turn.
-How would that "military stuff" be built more rapidly. Be descriptive in what occurs.

Intoxicated Spy - Oceania

-Most of the islands to the south of Hawaii are taken forcefully, an incidence occurs on one island Canada had colonized in which the entirety of the Canadian people are mass slaughtered by Oceanian troops.
-Peace keepers are sent to France.
-The Federation is joined.
-The embargo placed on West Germany is removed.
-An embargo is placed on Canada.
-A new submarine is built, it is strikingly similar to the Canadian variety.
-Canada is sued for "copy right infringement".
-More research centers are built.
-A project to research a biological weapon to destroy all maple syrup is quickly abandoned. It just can't be done.
-Mustard gas is developed.
-You already have gas masks.
-Give me specs on ship improvements.
-The first 30. cal machine gun is developed and put on tanks.
-An attempt to make tanks amphibious fails and all crew members aboard the tanks drown.
-Ship hulls are reinforced.
-An Oceanic airship is built.
-A mandatory military service of all 18-22 year olds is emplaced.
-Houses are built for military veterans.
-Anti-Socialist propaganda is stopped.

Skullivan21 - United Central European Federation

-The MK.II Talon Main Battle Tank is built. It uses an 88mm cannon, it has 90mm armour that is sloped to allow deflection. It is probably the slowest tank in the world.
-Troop transports are improved.
-Toxic gases are improved.
-Peacekeeping troops are sent to France.
-A preliminary French Liberal government is established.
-Private companies continue research on airplanes.
-The first Census of the Federation begins.

FlamingTorso - United States of America

-Support is sent to France to relieve the region.
-The United States heavily improves healthcare.
-The first American airplane is designed and tested, it crashes, killing the pilot.
-The United States announces an alliance with Gran Colombia.

Turn 36: 1871


Handel - Sarabande

Music of 1871

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1160570&p=35297765&viewfull=1#post35297765

EVENTS OF 1871 – NPCs and MISC:

-Korea ceases to exist.
-Anarchy in Ireland is quelled.

EVENTS OF 1871 - Players:

War of Korea (1870-1871):

-Army groups Red and Blue have broken the lines of Communist resistance in South Korea and effectively destroyed Korea.

War of Württemberg (1870-Present):

-The President of Württemberg is assassinated by a West Germany agent.
-Army Group C makes considerable progress into Württemberg.

Oceanic-American War (1871-Present):

-Oceania has invaded the United States and driven many of America's forces West or South, the armies that invaded Delaware and New York are obliterated.

Invasion of Kazakhstan (1871-1871):

-Both Russia and India invade simultaneously. Russian Army Groups Central and East invade from the north, quickly taking many of the northern regions. On Eid, the Islamic holy day, Russian airships bombard the city of Almaty, killing nearly 25% of all of the citizens in the city. By the end of the year Kazakhstan is destroyed.

Dwarfy77 - Württemberg

-All funds are given to the development of defenses along the border to West Germany.
-Women are allowed to join the military and are given the right to vote and hold office if they do, about 10% of the women in Württemberg join up.
-A public announcement is sent out to all other nations stating that peace, trade, and assistance will be given to any nation who helps fight West Germany.
-National businesses are funded to jump start the economy.
-A recruitment campaign begins, mass amounts of men and women begin joining the military.
-A war ration is implemented.
-West Germany has invaded Württemberg and taken half of its territory.
-The President of Württemberg is assassinated, it is discovered that a West German operative is at fault.

Ruskie - China

-5,000 Type (TM)69's are built.
-2,500 Type (TH) 69's are built.
-Your ship types that you want created are too modern.
-The Chinese Air Force is created.
-The DoMAa is created.
-A new aircraft is researched and tested. The Type (A-F/B)71 seats one pilot and can reach a speed of 417 mph (671 kp/h), it boasts a 12.7 mm machine gun and can carry a 2,000 pound (910 kg) bomb.
-Taxes in African territories are slashed by 90% to increase industrialization. This is met with great happiness by African citizens.
-The police force is expanded to the rest of China. Crime takes a dramatic drop.

[Seed Eater] - West Germany

-60% of forces from France are stationed on the border of East Germany.
-40% of forces from France are put on the western border.
-Württemberg is invaded, half of the region falls but West German troops are stopped by the Guerrilla warfare.
-All rebel sympathizers are detained. There are many incidents of brutal murders by West German troops due to the pure anger that these soldiers hold towards Capitalists.
-Russian tickets and vibrators are dropped into Austria. Austrians have no idea what the vibrators are used for.
-Anti-Württemberg propaganda is sent out.
-All UN forces in Poland are called back as it is against the UN to have entered the Federation, at least according to West Germany it is.
-It is made clear that all peace talks were rejected by Württemberg.
-Exports to East Germany are reduced to 20% and arms are excluded from future exports.
-The 15% taken from East Germany is given to France.
-Roadways are improved to paved roadways.
-New engines are applied to automobiles.
-Taxes are collected.
-Gas Masks have already been developed.
-What specifications of Artillery?
-Parliamentary elections begin, the current cabinet holds its position.
-All relations with Russia are cut.
-All troops are moved to West Germany.
-A parade for the 10 year anniversary of West Germany is held.
-Extensive protection is given to all political figures.

MountainWatcher - Portugal

-Morocco's borders are fortified.
-Military tactics are refined.
-Diplomats are sent to Algeria.
-Taxes are raised, a small outcry is noted but nothing comes of it.
-French and Swiss markets are invested into.
-Weapon tech is sold to India.
-The education system is improved through funding.
-The first Portuguese Dreadnought leaves port.
-The Torres Automatic Rifle is refined to decrease weight.
-A scope is developed and placed upon a Bolt rifle. The first sniper rifle has been built.
-Condoms are developed, the pope hates this.

Skullivan21 - United Central European Federation

-Bases are built near all of the major cities or Austria.
-18 inch guns are placed on Dreadnoughts.
-Single winged planes are developed. Give me schematics of armament in your next turn.
-UN troops sent to France begin repairing destroyed French cities.
-The Viper I Two Propeller Single Wing airplane is developed. It is quite fast and maneuverable.
-The sanitation system is vastly improved.
-A new Chancellor is elected, as is a new Federation Council member.
-Official control of the UCEF is given to the East German Federation Council Member. (THIS DOES NOT TAKE UCEF OFF THE TABLE AS AN AVAILABLE NATION)

Eli45 - Gran Colombia

-All technology developed that is more advanced than East German technology is sent to East Germany.
-50mm cannons are fitted on tanks.
-Sloped armor is fully implemented onto all tanks.
-New engines are developed for heavier tanks.
-The first Colombian Semi-Automatic rifle is developed.
-Dreadnought weapons are vastly improved in accuracy.
-20mm Flak Cannons are developed and fitted on the chassis of the lighter tanks.
-Better tracks for tanks are developed.
-Submarines are upgraded.
-The economy is reverted to a pre-war economy.
-Oil and gas are invested into.
-All other members of the Federation are given Colombian technology.
-The embargo placed on West Germany is lifted.
-The Colombian regions are divided into provinces, each having a local government.
-The Federation is joined.

Intoxicated Spy - Oceania

-The United States is invaded. New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Rhode Island, and New York are the targets. New Jersey and Delaware are completely annexed and progress is made on Maryland as well. New York and Rhode Island completely repel all attacks.
-Timor-Leste is invaded.
-All islands to the south of Hawaii are given to Canada.
-All military presence is removed from Hawaii.
-Radio stations are built in Hawaii.
-India is given all naval tech.
-Canada is sent a shitload of dead spiders. The first worker who opens the first container dies of a heart-attack.
-The Canadian embargo is lifted.
-All military technology is given to Sweden.
-A 12 inch cannon is developed and put on all Dreadnoughts.
-The first Oceanic airplane is developed. It crashes into the Pacific and the pilot drowns.

Obnobs - Republic of the Nordic Communes

-The soldiers that were sent to Ireland are now placed in multiple military bases, the Republic of Ireland now owns all of Ireland.
-The Faeroe Islands are now a member of the Communes.
-Swedish is the national language.
-Oslo is no longer a second capital.
-Road regulation is finally implemented.
-War supplies are given to Oceania.

asantos3 - India

-GO Armour has now reached its limit of improvement.
-Portuguese weaponry is bought.
-Naval tech is bought from Oceania.
-The Machine Pistol's accuracy is vastly improved.
-The X-1 tank is built, its armament is a 88 mm cannon with a 1x12.7 mm machine gun. It is still extremely heavy and slow.
-Kazakhstan is invaded.
-Karachi is invaded and annexed.
-The Federation is joined.

Ven Kaeo - Canada

-A new anti-tank weapon is developed, the Canadian Anti-Tank Shell (CATS).
-Tank engines are vastly improved.
-A new armored airship is built, the CA-ASQ Type 21 is 100 metres in length, 25 in height, and 25 in width. It has moderate armor and a large bombing bay.
-The RCV "Toronto" Class ship has been developed. It is a 27 ton monster of a ship. It reaches speeds of 40 kmh or 22 knots. It has an armament of 10x 490mm guns and 21x 200mm guns respectively, it also boasts four torpedo tubes.
-A truce with Oceania is respected.
-The Bering Strait bridge is continued.
-The first offshore oil platform is built. It is inefficient.
-Volcanic research bases are placed on all of the islands south of Hawaii.
-An expedition to the North and South poles is planned.

Eat Children - Democratic Union of Russia

-Kazakhstan is invaded.
-Barbed wire is invented.
-All children are required to attend school.
-Work on the Bering Strait Bridge continues.
-The cost of Airships begins to descend.
-The "World Building" is built in Nogorod, it commemorates the end of the war in Europe. It is the tallest building in Europe.
-More hospitals are built.
-Work begins on a project called "Moscow Underground", the goal being an intricate series of tunnels underneath the capital city.
-The Electrical Grid is extended.
-The assembly line is now common place.
-The steam engine is now abandoned for the more efficient Diesel engine.
-The military budget is increased.
-Barbed wire is effectively implemented into defensive strategy.
-A new tank is built, the R-10 is a 50 ton tank with 94mm front armor. Its cannon is 65mm, capable of penetrating most armor. Its top speed is 40 mph (64 kph)
-Three Dreadnoughts are built in Kamchatka. Five submarines are built there as well.
-A massive recruitment drive begins, the army and navy's numbers increase slightly.
-A female-only unit is created. It is led by male officers.
-A 'Triple Entente' is agreed upon by Russia, Canada, and the Arabian Empire.

UrbanMachismo - People's Caliphate of United Islam

-The range of HE rockets is increased by ten miles.
-HE dreadnought shells are created.
-A new Fully Automatic Rifle is created. It is probably the worst weapon ever.
-A new material for the barrels in the AM-AIF is created to counter-act the melting barrels. It works effectively.
-Major defenses are built along the border of India.
-Anti-West German Propaganda is sent out.

KriegsMar1ne - East Germany

-Gran Colombia is given technology.
-A new Semi-Automatic rifle is developed, it is much more efficient and accurate.
-The Lichtpanzer I is built, it is a 10 ton tank that reaches 70 mph (113 kph), its main armament is a 35mm cannon.
-Five submarines are launched.
-Airplane researche is funded, summarily a new plane is tested. It crashes and kills the occupant. Foul play is suspected but nothing is found.
-A new branch of the KriegsMarine is formed, it is called the Blitz Marine-Sturm. They specialize in boarding enemy ships and commandeering them.
-Mining tools are improved.
-Oil derricks are improved.
-Hans Gudriech finds an effective way to kill a certain cancer cell and is summarily awarded the civilian Knights Cross.
-20,000 more troops are sent to France for peacekeeping.
-Anti-Fascist propaganda is distributed to all populated areas.

FlamingTorso - United States of America

-After the invasion by Oceania, the units in Delaware break and retreat, they reform and begin counterattacking unsuccessfully.
-Presidential Elections are held. Allan Speece is elected.

Notes: From this turn onwards, the GM is no longer Mr. Face.

Turn 37: 1872

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1160570&p=35422507&viewfull=1#post35422507

EVENTS OF 1872 – NPCs and MISC:

-Korea and Japan are re-established by China as an independent states but the new governments have been accused of being puppets to the Chinese.

EVENTS OF 1872 - Players:

The Württemberg Incident (1872-1872):

-Accept the West Germany agreement and rejoin them, invite them to a formal dinner towards the end of the year with the leader from both countries and government officials from both, as a shallow attempt at personal safety the party leader uses a body double at the dinner, while his appearance is uncanny he knows few people’s names and slips up calling a prominent West German delegate by a different name and the delegate yelled imposter. The party leader’s body double was arrested by West German gaurds as a spy and detained indefinitely in a West German prison. Because of the commotion and uncertainty about security the West German delegation is escorted out of the building by their security team just as a huge explosion destroys the building. It is believed to be an attack from foreign powers due to the fact almost the entire Württemberg party ministry is killed, minus the leader and a few other high ranking members.

Oceanic-American War (1871-Present):

-Oceania bodes a full retreat to the mainland.

Incursion of Kazakhstan (1872-Present):

-Kazakhstans primitive military may have fallen quickly but the majority of the population is still fiercely against the invasion and many resistance movements are formed. At first it was just primitive attacks but the rebels became quickly organized and well equipped. No major damage is sustained but for every week the rebels are out there they are becoming more and more organized.

Top 10 Military Might

  1. China
  2. Portugal ↑
  3. People's Caliphate of United Islam ↑
  4. Democratic Union of Russia ↑
  5. India ↓
  6. West Germany
  7. Gran Columbia ↓
  8. Canada ↑
  9. East Germany
  10. Oceania ↓

Top 10 Economies

  1. China
  2. India
  3. Canada ↑
  4. Portugal ↑
  5. Democratic Union of Russia ↓
  6. People's Caliphate of United Islam ↓
  7. Gran Columbia ↓
  8. East Germany ↑
  9. Oceania ↑
  10. West Germany ↓

Top 10 Most Advanced

  1. Canada ↑
  2. China
  3. Gran Columbia ↑
  4. Portugal ↑
  5. Democratic Union of Russia ↓
  6. India ↓
  7. People's Caliphate of United Islam ↓
  8. East Germany ↑
  9. West Germany
  10. Oceania ↓

Dwarfy77 - Württemberg

-All funds are liquidated into gold and sent by rail into Italy, then have it delivered by courier to the border of France and Switzerland, where it shall be taken by party members into the country.
-A new party leader, called Hans Guttenberg, is selected.
-Existing party members begin to flee to Switzerland and from there are all booking various trips to China.

Ruskie - China

-The Empire creates the Korean Empire and the Empire of Japan as liberal constitutional monarchies. They have these borders, These two nations are put into China's Sphere of Influence and an alliance is made with both of them.
-The armies come back to their regular positions from Korea and Japan. Many troops are left in the country however, scattered around in various camps and barracks’ around the two countries.
-A new program based around Improving the weaknesses of the Chinese Army and Navy begins.
-The budget of the army and DoMa is doubled for the new program the budget of the navy and DoMNa is tripled.
-Army Improvements;
--A new rifle, called the Type R-72, A new Sub-machine-gun, Type SMP-72, A new designated marksman rifle, called the Type DMR-72, A Anti-Tank gun, called the Type AT(h)-72, A Howitzer, called the Type AP(H)-72, A Machine gun, called the Type ISW-72.
--These weapons are to have rigorous testing, and if they pass with no serious faults they will be put into full production to equip the entire military under the improvement scheme.
--The program however is mainly designed to improve supply lines of the military, after the Korean war taking far longer than expected due to supply lines being slow and fragile DoMa is tasked to 'mechanize' the armies supply lines.
--A Submarine Destroyer, called the Type Ns(sd)-72
--A Battleship, called the Type Ns(Dn)-72
--A Aircraft carrier, called the Type Ns(AC)-72, these ships hold a modified version of the Type (A-F/B)71 that carriers purpose built anti ship + sub weaponry.
--50 New small naval 'factories' using assembly lines are built to produce the Type Ns(sd)-72
--DoMNA experiments by building two massive factories using assembly lines, to see if it is possible to produce the two heavier ships in a manner similar to the smaller ships.
--DoMAa continues to refine the heavy bomber design called the Type (A-S/b)71.
--In an effort to make the African holdings the Empire begins a program of turning desert land into fertile land in the African holdings, by using Pivot Irrigation.

[Seed Eater] - West Germany

-2 West German army groups march peacefully into to the Swiss capitol, where they raise the red flag.
-Stop offensive military endeavors in Württemberg. All groups fighting in Württemberg are to be replaced by groups from the north that have not seen combat yet, and will now act as police in Württemberg. Political officers are to be embedded in the policing groups to prevent hostilities by troops against Württembergers.
-All military officers who sided with Württemberg are to be discharged from the military.
-A military parade will be held in Frankfurt, celebrating the peace. At the end of the parade, the signing of the peace treaty in Württemberg is to be broadcast live across Germany.
-The West German secret police, henceforth the SGM, will begin a presence in Württemberg to prevent active hostility against West Germany.
-Relocate one military group to Catalonia and one group to Nigeria.
-Maintain all foreign SGM positions.
-Württemberg will receive political and economic autonomy over the region Württemberg controls now, henceforth known as the Province of Württemberg. The lost region will be returned to communist control.
-Württemberg Province will still be part of West Germany.
-Württemberg Province will not interfere with West German policy- military or otherwise- but Württemberg Province will receive veto power for policy that directly affects Württemberg Province.
-Württemberg Province may receive capitalist delegates in parliament and 3 seats on the 100 member Senate.
-Württemberg Province will not hold a military. Württemberg Province will host the West German military like any other part of West Germany. The entirety of the West German military is completely voluntary, so no one from Württemberg Province will be forced to act in West German military actions if they choose not to.
-Württemberg Province will receive benefits from West Germany like all others should you choose to act with West German economic plans. If Württemberg Province chooses not to, then West Germany will not provide regional services, welfare, or infrastructure to Württemberg Province.
-Württemberg Province citizens will be registered on watch lists.
-Württemberg Province military defectors will be relieved from military duty, but will receive no criminal charges. Switzerland joins West Germany instead of opting to pay back their debt with 15% annual interest. West German troops enter the country and raise their flag.
-It shall be declared that the Swiss change in government to capitalism is illegitimate, a hijacking of the country by the bourgeois, and breaking the terms of the Treaty of France.
-A communist economy will not be enforced at the local level.
-Elections are held and Senate re-arrangement to include Württemberg capitalists.

MountainWatcher - Portugal

-Outfit the army with the sniper rifles and the grenades.
-Create a cavalry unit but with the bikes instead, and TARifles.
-Send diplomats to Algeria and Greece.
-Invest in Greece's, France's markets.
-Sell heavy bomber, torres automatic rifle and sniper rifle tech to India.
-Create new weapon/tank/airplane/boat factories. Implement the assembly line technology.
-Create a safe-sex informative campaign that promotes the usage of condoms.
-Allow women to join the military and vote.
-Several new nuclear power plants are built in Africa, they are fiercely well defended.
-With India develop:
--Smoke grenade and Incendiary grenades
--Grenade launcher
--Semi-automatic pistol with a high accuracy, low recoil, high muzzle velocity and a cartridge of 10×25mm.
--Silencer for the Semi-automatic pistol, Torres Automatic Rifle and Sniper Rifle.
-Also with India improve:
--Torres Automatic Rifle: decrease the recoil and increase the accuracy, the muzzle velocity and rate of fire to 15 round/sec.
-Make the nuclear power system safer.
-Develop a light, fast tank with space for a driver, a mechanic, and two gunners. It will have a 35 mm tank gun and a 8 mm articulated machinegun.
-Develop a large tank with a 70 mm cannon, 2 12 mm machineguns and sloped armor
-Develop 2-seat motorcycles (you know, the ones with the little cart on the side)

KriegsMar1ne - United Central European Federation

-New tanks are developed being larger having more armor and a 88mm gun.
-Some troops are stationed at Ft. Kless.
-All troops receive proper gear for the region they are in.
-New seals to keep out poison/toxic weapons are developed and fitted on tanks.
-The troops are refit with the new semi-auto rifle having a 15 round magazine.
-A small compact machinegun is built for clearing out trenches, it has a 30 round magazine and is accurate at med to close range.
-More Factories are built.
-More oil wells are built.

Eli45 - Gran Colombia

-200,000 men are sent to East Germany, among the men are 10 infantry divisions and 28 tank battalions and are stationed at Fort Kless.
-The 200,000 men are to be under East Germany’s control until further orders arrive.
-Equipment is developed for conditional warfare (IE desert equipment compared to arctic equipment).
-Propaganda is distributed encouraging people to join the military and support our troops.
-Troops near the borders are put on high alert and told to patrol the area frequently.
-The first semi-automatic rifle is improved upon with an easier loading mechanism so troops can reload quicker.
-18 inch guns from Germany are placed on dreadnoughts.
-Research into autoloading tank weapons begins.
-Mining is heavily invested into because of the breakthrough with new mining tools.
-The economy is put into war economy to increase military output fourfold while taking little economic damage but heavy social impact.
-Mining camps are made all across the country.
-Shares all advancements greater than East German technology with East Germany.

Intoxicated Spy - Oceania

-All military forces retreat back to the mainland and focus fully on protecting the mainland, completely giving up on the foreign war front.
-All land taken over in the American campaign is given to Canada.
-Oceanic scientists attempt to create zombie virus. Poor containment of several highly dangerous virus’ set back their progress when a cleaner accidently uses a powerful acid to clean the containers the virus’ were being held in which leak overnight and kill almost everyone before it can be contained.
-Rape is not a correct internal affair.

Obnobs - Republic of the Nordic Communes

-Military is trained in both regular and irregular styles, but mostly in Guerrilla Tactics.
-Military supplies are given to Oceania.
-Research from last turn is continued, in addition to carpet bombs, charges, silencers and scopes.
-Total legal equality is given to racial minorities, women and the LGBT groups.
-Extensive support is given to hospitals and schools.
-An offer to South America to trade Ireland for a vast amount of military arms and all RotNC tech.
-Existing Irish policies are continued to great effect.

asantos3 - India

-The military begins to implement the GO Armour.
-The military begins to replace steam engines with diesel engines.
-The DMT budget is increased by 13.33%.
-With the DSSF develop anti-terrorism tactics and implement them in the elite military and elite police forces.
-Buy the Torres Automatic Rifle and the Sniper Rifle and improve the Automatic Rifle with the help of Portugal (decrease the recoil and increase the accuracy, the muzzle velocity and rate of fire to 15 round/sec).
-The GO Armour is sent to Portugal.
-With Portugal development begins in:
--Smoke grenade and Incendiary grenades
--Grenade launcher
--Semi-automatic pistol with a high accuracy, low recoil, high muzzle velocity and a cartridge of 10×25mm.
--Silencer for the Semi-automatic pistol, Torres Automatic Rifle and Sniper Rifle.
-Rename the X-1 Tank to GX-1 Tank and improve them in:
--Engine and Speed, incorporate the engines from Colombia.
--Armor, incorporate sloped armor.
--Weight, sloped armor cuts off nearly 300kg of the total weight.
--Muzzle velocity is increased by using a new smaller (tougher) shell with significantly more explosive propellant but it slows development considerably as factories have to be built/modified to produce the new round.
-Build the GX-2 Tank armed with 50 mm cannon and a 1x 12.7 mm machine gun. Research begins for a new fast engine for the GX-2. Incorporate a sloped armor but is significantly lighter than the armor from GX-1 Tank. This tank is light and has high maneuverability. (54 mph).
-Accept the Viper I Two Propeller Single Wing airplane tech from East Germany (that now controls austria).
-Heavy bombers are bought from Portugal, implemented them in the military and called AHBX Planes.
-A new torpedo is developed to be used by the AHBX planes.
-A 12.7 mm machine gun is installed in a Viper I Two Propeller Single Wing and named AFX Planes.
-Research begins on aircraft carrier design and concepts.
-20 Gun, 10 Tank, 10 Navy ship and 10 Plane factories are all built this year.
-Start building dreadnoughts and submarines.
-The fortifications along the border are continued.
-Create a national census for a possible implementation of Social Taxes, this will allow a decrease in taxes for the poorest.
-Opens trade with Saudi Arabia.
-A health care system is established. It is very basic at first and simply offers government insurance in private hospitals but the plan involves building several new public hospitals within the next year.
-Continue the water and electric power projects, add telephones to the electric power project.

Ven Kaeo - Canada

-Development of longer range missiles commences.
-Increased efficiency in submarine diesel engines has been achieved by reducing the power of the props in favour of more torque which decreases acceleration and cornering but increases overall speed and reduces running sounds significantly.
-Attempt to make nuclear reactors small enough to fit on Dreadnoughts and Submarines. (failed, reactor was made small enough to fit and create power but the radiation could not be properly masked and would cause a crew to die within a week. Once they can figure out a way to properly shield the radiation in such a small place however it will be almost instantly deployable).
-Develop new submarine (CA-SMW Type 19: 4 Bow torpedo tubes, 2 aft torpedo tubes. Holds a total of 16 torpedoes in the bow and six in the aft. Two mounted 35mm Autocannons on the deck that can be used while the craft is surfaced).
-Invade the United States in three groups:
--Group 1, Designated 'Alpha' will invade the US from the north through the Confederate nations
--Group 2, Designated 'Beta' will invade the US from the West through South-Western Canada
--Group 3, Designated 'Delta' will invade the US from the South through Cuba and the Caribbean
-Offer the option to surrender to every group of soldiers faced, especially north of the Mason Dixon. This war is one of Liberation, Canada is finally coming to liberate their former Confederate allies that they failed in the Treaty of New York. Distribute loads of propaganda to the areas north of the Mason Dixon Line focused on Canada's liberation of the former confederate nations: Pennsylvania, Maryland, Jersey, Manhattan, Massachussets, Rhode Island, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri.
-Call the Confederate nations to arms and see if they will help in the liberation of their oppressed brothers to the South, held by the United States. Guarantee the liberation of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Jersey, Manhattan, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri.
-Production resources are designated by government plan into areas of crucial importance, most of the productive resources goes to building new tanks.
-Continue construction of a Bering Strait Bridge to meet the Russian bridge midway on the Diomede Islands, minor setbacks are incurred when a freak storm hits and a few loaded barges smash into pillars causing serious structural damage, thankfully the damage was fairly isolated and the project is on course to finishing in 6 years time).
-Begin running more railways and roadsways through Alaska in preparation for the Bering Strait Bridge.
-Building more efficient offshore oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. -
Go ahead with the research expeditions to the North and South pole. Launch them from Jan Mayen Island/Greenland for the North Pole and the Falkland Islands/South Georgian Island for the South Pole.

Eat Children - Democratic Union of Russia

-Greece is invaded with overwhelming force and concedes defeat within 2 months.
-Troops are given orders to hunt the rebels in Kazakhstan and make an example out of them.
-White Phosphorus is weaponized. Loaded into grenades, shells and bombs dropped from airships, it proves very effective against infantry.
-A 20mm autocannon is developed. It primarily serves as an anti-aircraft weapon and is adapted to serve on Dreadnoughts and Airships.
-6000 R10s are built.
-The first aircraft carrier is built in Kamchatka. It is half the size of the common Dreadnought.
-The project into female military units is continued. The number of trained, combat ready females now totals 50,000.
-Kazakhstan is fortified.
-The 'Public Areas' law is passed. Grants are given so that inner city areas that have fallen into neglect and ruin, can be demolished and turned into public areas with woodlands and lakes. Cities are becoming larger, the age of Suburbia(urbanization is what I think you mean?!) has began.
-Russia is becoming taller. More high rise buildings are been constructed as a result of the Public Areas law. The first modern apartment buildings are constructed.
-The building of the Moscow underground is continued.
-Hospitals are becoming generally better. The first modern caesarean-section birth takes place.
-Russia and Portugal have become major trade partners following an agreement.
-The use of horse-carriage to transport goods is made illegal except in rural areas.
-Road Tax is lowered. The price of Petrol and Diesel are lowered.
-Tractors are mass-produced.

UrbanMachismo - People's Caliphate of United Islam

-Research into HE Tank shells begins.
-Improvements into the Automatic Rifle better are undertaken in the forming of these specification changes: 7.62x39mm Ammunition, Gas-Operated, Rotating Bolt. 600 Rounds per Minute fed from a 30 round banana magazine. (AK-47 - Call it the AAR-Type 13)
-An undisclosed amount of government funding is spent on a classified project codenamed “Niteris”. Documents were leaked however showing that the funds were being used to contract tunnel boring and excavation equipment as well as dense rock drilling gear.
-A smaller, more agile craft called 'Frigates' is developed called the UCV (United Caliphate Vessel) Akbar and is equipped with 4x Diesel Engine Turbines running 2 shafts/propellers, 2x 150mm Guns, 4x 100mm Guns, 4x 80mm Guns, 2x mounted flamethrowers. Top speed of 66 knots.
-Continue to send Technological, Economic, and Industrial aid to Nigeria and Algeria.
-Continue to send technological discoveries to Canada as established by CATS.
-See if Algeria and Nigeria would agree to an annexation into the PCUI if given semi-autonomy and full representation in Caliphate parliament, they both deny (Due to concerns expressed by West Germany as well as West German influence over Algeria).
-20% of the industrial capacity should focus on increasing IC.
-80% of the industrial capacity should focus on building new tanks.
-No, you can’t have basic assembly line robotics in 1872.

KriegsMar1ne - East Germany

-Erika is made the national Wehrmacht marching song and it improves morale.
-A new type of Treads are developed for tanks Making it easier to go in muddy embankments and Snowy areas.
-Better engines are looked into for tanks.
-The new Fischer MG is mounted on Airplanes and proves to be extremely accurate and effective but there has been reports of the weapon jamming after sustained fire.
-The Panzer I receives side and rear Armour buff's that increase its weight to 48 tons.
-The Panzer I also gets a better engine increasing its speed to 44mph.
-Paratroops are looked into and despite a few failures with the opening of the parachutes in which 12 commandos died, it turns out to be a great tactical success and is being worked into the military as a full battle strategy.
-A new fully automatic weapon (LMG) is developed it is side loaded and its about the size of a normal rifle and is as light as one. It is air cooled has 25 round magazines and can fire full auto.
-2 Dreadnoughts are built along with 5 destroyers and 1 sub and are sent to patrol the coast of East Germany.
-Winter gear for the troops are invested into and developed. All troops in winter regions are issued Balaclavas, Winter boots, Ski's, Hooded winter Camo jackets and pants, Snowshoes, Lightweight Heavy duty sleeping bags, and flares. (whether they carry these are up to them).
-Tactics of Scorched Earth are looked into and will be used when necessary.
-A new nerve gas is developed and contact with it either through inhalation or skin contact will paralyze for 8 days and will be restricted to minimal movement for 2 months.
-A new Poison gas that forms into a giant cloud is developed and is highly effective against tank crews.
-A new bullet proof vest is developed made out of solid steel. It was designed under the idea that troops will be bruised severely but still survive but in field tests it proved highly effective against small arms fire but sniper fire, heavy machine gun and tank fire resulted in (generally) catastrophic results creating huge explosions of deadly steel shrapnel. For obvious reasons it is not deployed yet while these ‘kinks’ are worked out.
-A new Gasmask is developed that protects the user from most deadly toxins.
-A new unit of troops who are Highly trained and extremely loyal are formed and are named the Sturmtruppen.
-New troops specializing in raiding and capturing enemy trenches are formed and called the BlitzTruppen.
-New type of Dreadnaught is developed called the Munich class it has 18 22.2 inch guns and 30 dual purpose 480mm guns and a top speed of 38 knotts.
-The Border with West Germany is heavily Fortified. Tank traps are layed out.
-Troops are moved to the East/West German border.
-New oil wells are built.
-Cloning of the cattle still doesn't have any big breakthroughs.
-Televisions are invented and are sold to the masses, They are not color.
-The RABS is formed (Radio and Broadcasting Services.) which monitors and forms rules of what can go on air (Radio and Television).
-All commercials on the new TV's must comply to the RABS Rules and Regulations.
-Peacekeeping in France is still active.
-Spain is offered the chance to join the Federation, Spain rejects.
-Shared the 18inch BB Guns with Gran Columbia.
-Shared other military tech with Gran Columbia.
-More anti-fascist propaganda is distributed.

FlamingTorso - United States of America

-The huge Canadian invasion forces prove to be far superior and the American forces begin to fall back to the south and dig in to fox holes across the country.
-Many American divisions have been surrendering and even joining the Canadian attacks but despite this the top American Generals are confident that the Canadians don’t have the supply lines or firepower to fight in the South for long.

Notes: This turn was done by wizard`.

Turn 38: 1873


Civilization V OST Elizabeth I War Theme I Vow to Thee, My Country

Music of 1873

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1160570&p=35562820&viewfull=1#post35562820

Art (from DeviantArt) (jollyjack, Airship City): http://i.imgur.com/114LC.jpg

EVENTS OF 1873 – NPCs and MISC:

-With military and espionage efforts escalating on both sides of the German split, war in Europe is beginning to look increasingly unpreventable.
-With the submissive nature of the weak Luxembourg government, West German troops march into the nation to a cold but subdued reception having annexed the nation.
-A mysterious religious sect has appeared in Eastern France. Defined by their limited yet fanatically devoted support they have held meetings and services across Western Europe during which they pray to the strung-up corpses of deceased Catholics and give their life servitude to the supposed three Gods who oversee the goings of the world.
-Beyond the absolute control of the supreme council of the 'Eight Enlightened Apostles' there is little internal order and the matter of recruitment is achieved entirely through word of mouth or through pamphlets. Those who dare to refuse the attempted conversion are brutally murdered.
-Due to the secrecy in their operations and to the bizarre nature of their rituals, most authorities simply refuse to believe that the sect exists. Those who do believe can only determine that they initially originated in Lyon. This discovery matters little however, as members of the sect have already infiltrated far beyond the French borders. The increase in their popularity is slow but highly extensive.
-The Russian and Indian forces are struggling to crush the civil disobedience that has developed in Kazakhstan. The matter intensifies somewhat when the uprising spilling over into the land that was once Afghanistan with some unrest occurring even in far western China. Beginning initially as lowly objections to the imperialistic efforts of Russia and India on Kazakhstan, a mighty rebellion has occurred with order and authority ceasing completely in some regions of central Asia.
-From nothing, a large scale guerrilla effort emerges within Ireland to attempt to oust the SAE presence and their incumbent puppet government. With clashes centered in the western and northern reaches of Ireland, rebels and government forces claw for supremacy in tight urban combat within Derry and the small villages surrounding Belfast. In addition, armed unrest is reported deep inside Dublin.
-While any lesser government may have collapsed, the SAE forces are comprehensively trained for such a uprising and the sheer weight of their military occupation of the island ensures that the rebels do not gain any large swathes of territory nor do they manage to maintain any settlements captured. Regardless, industry and order across the island have taken a heavy knock.
-The capability of these Irish rebels is amazing. Despite their position in the world, they are well trained, well armed and well supplied. Your guess is as good as mine. (This is my legacy? Fuck.)
-Piracy within the Atlantic Ocean has witnessed a considerable comeback with the rise of globalism and international trade. These are not common criminals. They are organised and attack in large numbers with fleets to rival those of professional navies.
-There are instances of raids across the western coast of Portuguese Africa where the people, Native or Colonial, are pillaged and massacred. Oil depots on the Nigerian Delta are set ablaze and burn without end for months. The SAE and Gran Colombia are not exempt from occurrences of this type. Attempts are made on the Chinese holdings although the pirates are blown out of the water due to the extend of the Chinese defenses. (Chinese ships suffer standard procedure).
-How these scum came to be so well armed and well financed are matters unknown and 'untraceable'.
-The world is essentially becoming more liberal to notions such as Prostitution, pornography and sexuality in general. This combined with rising standards of living and healthcare, the world is experiencing a 'baby boom'. The situation in Europe suggests it may need it.

Inventions and discoveries of 1873
-Radar by China.
-Desalination techniques by the People's Caliphate and China.
-Railway operating weapon design by the People's Caliphate.
-Hazmat suits by West Germany.
-Sealable Tanks by West Germany.
-The Tabulating Computer by Russia.
-Nerve Gas by Austria.
-Botulism poison gas by Austria.
-A treatment for Mustard Gas wounds by Austria.
-Long range ballistic missiles by Canada.

EVENTS OF 1873 - Players:

KriegsMar1ne - United Central European Federation

-A large fortification effort takes place consisting of entrenched gun placements, anti-mechanized and anti-aircraft weaponry constructed above a hefty network of underground networks and bunkers. Quite predictably, the 'Luzendorf Stronghold' is positioned by the border with those pesky West Germans.
-A series of reforms are enacted which over-arch to include seemingly all aspects of the Austrian military with numerous new designs and models forwarded for mass production followed by field service.
-Flamethrowers are produced and make their appearance on the battlefield within special 'Sturm Pioneer' squadrons. Additionally, the tank is tweaked so that the flamethrower may potentially function as the primary weapon.
-The existing Semi-Automatic Rifle, gas mask, smoke grenade, body armor and camouflage designs all undertake standard improvements to increase their performance. Notably, the new battledress is produced from a lightweight, durable plastic and rubber material and with the incorporation of a gas mask it covers the body entirely. Thus, rendering the use of airborne based chemical weaponry useless and completely ineffective.
-A program to introduce a unique wave of super-soldiers through the use of steroid drugs concludes as an absolute failure. Many patients begin to experience violent Heart failures, expiring within the first week. Those who do survive abandon all sense of duty or loyalty to Austria, working together to gruesomely butcher their commanding officers in a single, coordinated assault. The exiled leader of the program now lives in California where he is seeking a political career.
-A pioneering coma inducing nerve gas is manufactured. As well as this, a destructive new poison gas is discovered. The byproduct of heating Botulism to intense heats, it attacks the Lungs of the victim, rendering them dead within moments.
-The buddy system of a two-man sniper unit is realized and quickly becomes a proven tactic. Such that an entire division is created to host these Sniper-Spotter pairs.
-Three battleships, Three Destroyers and Five Submarines are hastily constructed and await command. Austrian industry is now almost entirely devoted to the possibility of an outbreak of war.
-Many projects involving artillery, tanks and bomber aircraft are suggested yet they remain in development. This is due to the allocation of funding to developing the terrifying bad asses of the Austrian infantry.
-Manufacturing, logistics and healthcare all witness general improvements. A treatment for Mustard Gas wounds is discovered.
-Television sets have become commonplace. The government exploits them to full measure as an instrument to distribute propaganda, recruitment advertisements and pornography.
-Horst Wessel Lied is made the national anthem. This combined with the endless degree of propaganda leads morale and public hatred of West Germany to delirious levels.
-A refugee camp is constructed on the border with West German administrated Switzerland. There is some success with local villagers leaving with their families. However, the border is now so heavily guarded and patrolled that it is near impossible to ferry people through.
-Swiss politicians in exile are welcomed into Austria.
-West Germany is publicly berated for their holdings of Switzerland. Their punishment is issued in the shape of an embargo.
-Fascists, Communists and espionage agents are both imprisoned for lengthy periods or executed.
-Ties with Gran Colombia and East Germany are reinforced with a sharp increase of trade
-The Austrian President has become most likely the most heavily guarded official in the world. Testament to the overall paranoia of the country.

Mr. Face - East Germany

-The 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th and 13th armies position themselves on the Rhine border where they begin a major preemptive defensive campaign. By the fall of the year the defenses of the natural border are such that many view them as impenetrable.
-The takeover of Switzerland by West Germany is a declared unjust and against the will of the Swiss people. Resultantly, all trade is ended with West Germany.
-Reforms are made with the aim of improving healthcare in the nation.

Eli45 - Gran Colombia

-The lucrative industry of exploiting the Earth's riches is increasingly invested into. Mining projects are continued and multiply. Oil rigs are refined so that they are more efficient and therefore more profitable. However, this has the nasty aftereffect of a slight rise in fatalities as the incentive to make more money causes dastardly managers to make cuts in the wrong areas.
-A new model of gas mask is distributed to all infantry units that is successful in filtering even the most volatile of chemicals.
-The efforts to manufacture and weaponize a highly toxic and deadly gas are successful.
-While auto loading tank weaponry remains in the prototype stage more accomplishment is found in developing a 60mm Stub cannon.
-Pornography is invested into. Filthy Latino women enter the field and the world is forever changed.
-Trade is reopened with Oceania.

[Seed Eater] - West Germany

-Württemberg is blamed for the bombing incident that murdered countless West German agents as well as the entire Württemberg political assembly at the time.
-Hans Guttenberg, the President of Württemberg is imprisoned indefinitely until it is possible for him to be cleared of charges.
-Luxembourg is leaned on to join West Germany with emphasis placed on the fact that the two nations share valued ideologies and were already within an alliance. Arguably a mere puppet state to begin with, the Luxembourg government submits and the small nation is peacefully annexed.
-The same cannot be told for Switzerland however. Protesting and unrest is heavy across the Swiss people with many frightened of the unfamiliar, extensive and thorough social change that is promised by the West German controlling body. Though these protests are typically violent and some West German troops are indeed killed, the protests are sporadic and quickly subdued by the heavy military presence present within the land.
-Trade is opened with Russia.
-West Germany works with the RoNC to establish ComRADE (Communists and Reds for Democracy on Earth).
-Financial aid and technology is received from the RoNC.
-Propaganda predominantly focused on the military now consists of 10% of the West German economy. Those who volunteer are promised a set pay increase of 10% of their current wage. The weight of the military bulges.
-Tanks which can be completely sealed are researched. Secondly, full body battledresses familiar to modern Hazmat uniforms are also researched. These assure that the West German military can effectively combat the chemical warfare propounded by Austria and East Germany. Motivation and performance within the military grows as a result.

Obnobs - Republic of the Nordic Communes

-ComRADE is established with West Germany.
-The RoNC comply by the demands of the SAE. As requested, all RoNC troops leave Ireland.
-A new military concept known as 'Black OP' warfare is introduced. Scopes, individually issued high explosives, portable radio equipment and weapons with silencer technology additions all become the recognized standard for RoNC forces.
-A portion of the armed forces positioned on the border with Russia are moved to the Danish border with East Germany.
-West Germany is ensured that their occupation of Switzerland has the full military backing of the RoNC.
-The straight that separates Jutland and the remainder of Scandinavia is blocked. All ships that wish to pass must first be checked for shipments of weapons. Ships that disobey the maneuver are shot at with order to sink.

Eat Children - Democratic Union of Russia

-The Department of Economic Motion (DoEM) is created to discover why the Russian Economy is failing and then find solutions. It begins with a large budget which is tripled by the year's end.
-Huge parcels of Siberian land are promised, free of charge, to those who can successfully 'tame' and exploit the tundra for means of industry & enterprise.
-Many aspiring industrialists head east to discover their fortunes. Resultantly, there are direct increases in Timber, Iron, Oil and Rare Metal yields as reserves are located beneath the Siberian forests.
-A Crude oil pipeline is constructed along the Trans-Siberian Railway. It begins at Novosibirsk and connects the mines of the east and the factories of the west.
-More factories are build, primarily in the Oil and metal production industries.
-Minimum wage is increased by 15%.
-Greece is declared an 'administrative zone' under Russian control. Greek politicians are allowed to govern their nation through the Russian parliament but they are not allowed into the Russian parliament. Taxes are lowered, direct military and economic assistance is given and work begins to rebuild the nation before they are fully incorporated.
-Hoping to profit from the rapidly liberalizing nature of the world, sex laws across the nation are heavily relaxed.
-A district in the center of Moscow is created named 'Sodom'. Two whole blocks dedicated to sex theaters, seedy hotels, poker halls, drug dens, Burlesque clubs and other crude shows. In the streets there are acrobats and other performers. Prostitution is legalised and taxed. Maple Syrup fountains flow freely as decorations.
-To enter Sodom, an expensive pass is required but this is mainly to keep locals out. Large discounts are offered to foreigners. Sodom quickly becomes popular and is higly successful in seperating horny fools and their money.
-The Tabulating Computer is invented.
-Work on the 'Moscow Underground' train network is continued. It is 75% finished now.
-A new carbonated soft drink is brewed. Renowned for it's sweet, pleasurable taste and low cost. Due to it's Cocaine contents, it is named Coca-Cola.
-Kazakhstan research into rocket engines and missile is found and exploited. It is quickly implemented into military use.
-The budget of the Armed Forces is doubled. The technological branch has it's individual budget quadrupled.
-The R73-SIR 'Standard Infantry Rifle' is introduced. Semi-Automatic Rifle known for it's simple and rudimentary design but also it's hardiness and accuracy.
-The R73-T is derived from the SIR. An anti-armor, bolt-action rifle, it fires large, steel core 13.2mm bullets that punch through the thick shell of a tank. Based on the Mauser 1918 T-Gewehr.
-The R73-PM, Heavy Machine Gun is introduced, firing 7.62x54mm rounds.
-The modern 'Helicopter' structure is developed and implemented for military use. Two models of the new Helicopter design are introduced, both made from an alloy of Aluminium and Titanium:
-A single-rotor, Close-air support/Attack Helicopter, named the R73-HA. Carrying a crew of two (Driver, Radio operator) it is designed to fly low at high speeds and strike artillery and mechanized infantry with rocket fire.
-A double-rotor, Troop Transport/Evac Helicopter, named the R73-HB. Carrying a crew of three (Driver, Radio operator, Gunner) it much larger than the R73-HA class and serves to carry teams of men to the battlefield and evacuate the wounded.
-The battledress of the Russian infantry is re-imagined. It is nicknamed 'Bear Armor' by the troops. Light, water-resistant fibers are woven between two layers of cloth to create the new fabric of the uniform. Other inclusions are puttees, a gas mask and a Stahlhelm, steel helmet. All white during winter and standard khaki shades otherwise.
-Officer training is intensified heavily to increase military strength/performance
-25 tank and 25 Airplane/Helicopter production facilities are built.
-Russia and West Germany have become trade partners.
-Orders are given for regular patrol of the Kazakh steppes and for troops to be raw and unforgiving when dealing with rebels.

UrbanMachismo - People's Caliphate of United Islam

-An alliance is entered with China.
-Named the greatest engineering project of its time, Arabian and Chinese scientists work to develop Desalination plants capable of removing the irregularities of sea water and making it consumable. The Persian Gulf, the Red Sea and the Mediterranean feed colossal networks of pipes that traverse the Caliphate. Further ambitions are to irrigate, fertilize and genetically alter the Saharan Desert into a replenished state from which crops can be drawn. It will be several more years before this can be achieved.
-Algeria and Nigeria are asked to join the Caliphate. The Caliphate noting that they will benefit greatly from the Saharan project. The two nations refuse, deploring the claims as insane and impossible to the hands of man. Only once they see results will they agree to join.
-Two pieces of artillery are produced: A 210mm Heavy Howitzer and a Rocket launching mechanism mounted onto a flatbed truck. Of a maximum 20 rockets it fires at 2 per second.
-The heavily financed 'railway' project is half successful. The 240mm beast of a cannon successfully attached to a railway line works, yet the mount requires further refinement. It will be ready next year.
-The remaining military projects you noted will also be ready next year.
-Oil and rare metal industries are invested into and the railway is expanded.
-Grants into the field of scientific education results in a more literate and aware populace. However, this leads more people to question Allah. Believe in a God drops below 98% for the first time in the Caliphate's history.
-A counter-espionage organization is established. They take great pride in the strength and security of their operations.
-Those discovered to be agents operating against the Caliphate are tried for treason and publicly executed. Hanging in urban areas, beheading, stoning and other means of mutilation in rural areas. A sickening display for a civilized nation.

Ruskie - China

-Typical Chinese procedure. The military is overhauled and the economy is engaged to expand into those sectors either with great promise and potential or at risk of becoming neglected.
-Those weapons noted in the 1872 turn begin regular service after replacing the previous models completely.
-The effort of mechanizing the armed force's supply lines continues into the second year. The Horse or Mule system of delivering necessary supplies is abandoned completely. Half-tracks capable of off road delivery are now tasked with handling the role.
-With large investment into education, 75% of the nation's citizens can now read and write. Those who cannot read or write either live away from the urban areas and maintain the peasant life of their ancestors or they belong to a culture that is hastily dying out.
-The newly formed Chinese police force happens on their first major issue. Impoverished Korean and Japanese are emigrating to China in their hundreds of thousands having preferred their own nations when they were under Chinese governance. They bring their criminal underlings with them. Consequently, crime rates witness a sharp rise.
-The Navy and Airforce receive many new toys to play with:
--7,500 Type (A-F/B)71 fighter aircraft.
--2,500 Type (A-S/B)71 heavy bomber aircraft.
--7 Type NS(AC)-72 Aircraft Carriers
--30 Type Ns(DN)-72 Battleships
--70 Type NS(SD)-72 Destroyers with a revolutionary inbuilt radar system.

Intoxicated Spy - Oceania

-Communist and Socialist ideologies are declared impure diseases and crimes against humanity that require swift eradication.
-Those accused of been Communists or Socialists are rounded up and executed alongside their sympathizers. There is no mercy by the government nor is there any major cry out by the Oceanic people.
-The mass of the collective armed forces bulges as recruitment is intensified.
-Phallic shaped Airships are designed. What sets them apart from the Airships of Russia and West Germany is the inclusion of a frontal cannon.
-The barrel and scope of the adopted Bolt-Action Rifle are improved providing better accuracy and service for the armed forces.
-A Tank is produced with 55mm armor and 100mm cannon. It is by far the slowest tank in service.

Ven Kaeo - Confederacy of Democratic Socialist Canadian Territories (Happy Birthday)

-The name of the country is changed as displayed above.
-The invasion of the United States continues:
-Group designated 'Alpha' advances though Central Eastern America before becoming bogged down on the Appalachians. The cities of Memphis, Nashville, Baltimore and Washington DC are completely encircled. The besieged defenders, starved and forced to resort to using their own urine in manufacturing gunpowder, battle on. But by the fall of the year Canadian forces break through the trenches and DC is finally overrun. A flag of triumph is risen over the remains of the White House and the battalion that fought to the last man defending it. Following this, Memphis, Nashville, Baltimore all surrender. Atlanta is announced as the new capital.
-Group designated 'Beta' is stopped completely at the Mississippi with some of the most ferocious and desperate fighting witnessed in the war. All bridges are destroyed before they can be crossed. As Canadian forces attempt to cross, Steamers filled with explosives crash into the side of the Canadian ship before detonating. The river turns grey with soot.
-New Orleans is assaulted after the Canadian forces finally traverse the Bayou. It is like hitting a rotted wooden door with a siege ram and the city is quickly liberated.
-Group designated Delta has had the easiest task of the three Army groups. They smash through Florida, capturing Carolina and linking with Group Alpha as they do so.
-The loyalty of the Confederacy is called into question. They are asked for their support in dissolving the United States. Only Minnesota, New York, Vermont and New Hampshire assist. The others remain rigid regardless of the Canadian propaganda effort.
-Long range ballistic missiles are research. They receive extensive testing during the war.
-Nuclear reactors receive better shielding from the harmful effects of radiation.
-Work on the Bering Straight bridge continues with railways extended to meet it. Just one more year.
-A large counter-espionage organization is established. They are highly successful in discovering numerous spy cells within the country. They are quickly given show trials for treason and executed.

Notes: This turn and all the turns following this one were done by Eat Children.

Turn 39: 1874


I'M GOING BACK TO DIXIE - 1874 - Tom Roush

Music of 1874


Political map of Turn 39.

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1160570&p=35644054&viewfull=1#post35644054

EVENTS OF 1874 – NPCs and MISC:

-The cur of Eastern France is awake. For a year, the 'Order of the Divine Star' have lived within the shadows. Responsible mainly to their obscure and silent beginnings, many French people had figured them to a cruel invention. One of hooded heretics and night prowlers. A particular form of myth exercised by parents to terrify their children into obedience. Such was their legendary status that once the Order began to dare work beyond the safety of night and expose their true bizarre character to society, the French people could not react. They became numb and disbelieving even as the religion asserted itself firmly within the nation. It was a revolution that they could not act to stop.
-Guarded compounds are constructed across France and Europe. During a period of fear, propaganda and oppression these holy places of worship offer warm beds, medicine and education and all they ask is your gratitude and devotion. The Order becomes unbelievably popular in the northern districts of France, offering hope and spiritual guidance to those still recovering from the RoNC's slash&burn tactics following their retreat during the First Great War.
-The political wing named 'Divinity' becomes the fastest growing party in France. With each vote, conversion and ritual, the Order's grasp on France tightens.
-Despite the best efforts of the Chinese Navy, piracy is continuing to plague the Atlantic, spreading to infect the World's waters like a disease. Everywhere the scourge arrives they infect the land with tyranny and slavery with men willing to leave only the grayed out husks of villages and small portal towns.
-Amongst the society of thieves and murderers a new fleet has appeared to stand supreme above all. It is an armada of Airships eighteen in total, linked by rope ladders and coarse iron walkways. With deep black fabrics and rusting metal features they make a terrifying, foreboding spectacle, descending from the clouds to devour settlements which considered themselves safe. The armada is christened 'Aethon after the Eagle who served to torment the Titan Prometheus, cutting into his belly to consume his Liver, only to repeat the action once the man had healed. The men of Aethon retell this myth through their vicious attacks on the innocent people of proud superpowers such as China, India, Russia and Oceania.
-It appears that even the worst individuals may contain some sense of decency with members of the Order of the Divine Star massacred as they attempt to integrate into the decadence of Pirate society. However there are some cases of success and soon, the lowly pirate vessel has become a vehicle for the Order to spread their influence.
-Despite the unflinching stance of the SAE in their dominance of Ireland, urban and woodland fighting persists and the rebellion effort in limps on for another year. But without secured funding from a global power, they will not last a third year.
-The frenzied insurgency from within central Asia continues to rock Russian, Indian and Chinese investment in the area. Centered on the mountainous landscape on which mechanized units cannot function, the tribesmen of the land have been very successful in their armed struggle. In one encountered they caused the death of eighty Indian soldiers in a single ambush where the infantry were enclosed within a tight mountain pass. In another case, they shot down a mighty Russian Airship as it patrolled the local airspace.
-To illustrate their strength and intent, the fighters have committed themselves to the title of 'United Mujahedeen'.
-Chinese efforts to win the 'Hearts and Minds' of the rebels have been somewhat unsuccessful. The Mujahedeen wish to make it clear that they will stand to be 'groomed' and taken under the wing any foreign superpower.
-As if to make a statement, two Chinese envoys are kidnapped ten miles outside of the walled city of Kandahar and paraded through the streets. When the exhausted Indian forces finally punch into the city and expel the militia, they can only release the mangled corpses from their chains from which they had hung over the city for the entirety of the battle.
-At long last, the construction of the Bering Strait Bridge is accomplished and is linked to the extensive railway connections that promises travel from Cape Horn to the Cape of the Good Hope in three weeks.
-As the final touches are completed, people of all nationalities arrive to celebrate the joining of the Old and the New Worlds. A nuclear Submarine and the flagship of the Canadian navy, oversees the celebrations ensuring that people understand that it was they who accomplished this feat of engineering.
-The island of Big Diomede now supports of a city of 3000 people seemingly built readily overnight with the facilities to rival those of New Sodom in Moscow. West and East Germans, SAE and Gran Colombians, Capitalists and Communists all discard their differences for one week of jovial drinking, gambling and regular whore fucking.
-It was going so well too, that a missile suddenly appeared in the sky, flying over the bridge and the city. Revelers could only stand and watch in horror as it then arches and hits the hull of the Canadian submarine, engulfing it in a mighty explosion and taking the lives of all hands on deck.

Inventions and discoveries of 1874
-Nuclear Reactors onboard Submarines and Dreadnoughts by Canada.
-Railway Operating Artillery by The People’s Caliphate.
-Motorbike by Portugal.
-Pornographic Magazines by Gran Colombia.
-Auto-Loading Tank Weapon design by Gran Colombia.
-Tunnel Boring Machines by West Germany.

EVENTS OF 1874 - Players:

Ven Kaeo - Confederacy of Democratic Socialist Canadian Territories

-Someone has enacted an extensive campaign against the Canadian Navy, engaging and destroying ships across the expanse of the Pacific Ocean. Casualties taken are several Canadian submarines, destroyers and merchant ships each destroyed through a series of orchestrated strikes that began initially with the Bering Straight incident.
-While their navy may suffer, the infantry department of the Canadian armed forces has witnessed a major reform concerning equipment:
--A bolt-action Sniper Rifle with a new design of magazine in which the ammunition is contained within a box before insertion into the rifle.
--A medium range main-battle rifle. 15 round box magazine, semi-automatic.
--A medium to short range, automatic assault rifle. 30 round banana magazine.
--A tripod-mounted Heavy Machine Gun.
--An anti-material rifle that functions to pierce the steel shell of mechanized units and kill the operators within. With all early versions of this form of weapon it has the unfortunate tendency to terribly injure the rifleman with such an aggressive fire.
--CATS: Canadian Anti-Tank Shell.
--A high speed and moderately armored APCs and Infantry Fighting Vehicle capable of transporting 10 soldiers with a crew of 2, a driver and gunner (14.5x114mm Mounted machine gun). 8 wheel design, no tracks. Independent suspension for each wheel
--A high speed and moderately armored scout and recon tank designed to get behind enemy lines and relay information and disrupt supply lines.
--A moderate speed and heavily armored main battle tank designed for mainline combat sporting a 110mm main cannon and a 14.5x114mm mounted machine gun
--A low speed and very heavily armored mobile anti-tank gun designed to sit in the rear and pick off enemy tanks, artillery, and other armored targets
--A mobile rocket artillery platform based off of Arabian Katyusha design, built on a half-track flatbed truck designed to put as many explosives in the enemy's lines as possible.
-It is with the arrival of these weapons onto the battlefield that ensures that within this year Canada completes their conquest of the United States of America:
-Ground designated 'Beta' exploit their control of New Orleans to full effect as they rethink the crossing of the Mississippi. Rather than advancing eastwards into the sight of the American guns, the Canadian forces opt to assault the considerably weaker southern flank. The American defense cannot sufficiently slow this mechanized advance stabbing at their underbelly and soon they are in full retreat. The abandoned heavy guns, fixed to point only to the Mississippi are rendered useless by the change in tactics. Such was the ferocity of the Canadian attack, the defenders could not adapt swiftly enough.
-The Mississippi itself is in a sorry state. Ruined woodland and flattened towns follow the river on either side due to the barrage of artillery and heavy shelling. Millions of deceased fish gather to scar the landscape, the byproduct of a last ditch effort to dissuade attempted crossings by flooding the waterways with chemical pesticides and industrial slurry.
-Despite the breakthrough on the Eastern Front, it is the efforts of the men of Groups Alpha and Delta in the west that ultimately lead to the capture of Dixie. The city of Atlanta, third capital of the USA and last bastion of hope for her people, falls following a relentless siege that made full use of the army’s new missile technology. It is the news of Atlanta’s fall that provokes General Stonewall Jackson, Commander of the Defense, into calling his forces to lay down their arms in an absolute surrender.
-Now that the war is won, the rebuilding process must commence. This will not be an easy task. Many civilians emigrate to China or Russia with dreams of balance, wealth and stability. Those who do remain exist in conditions of chronic poverty and humiliation. Each mired street or blown out factory and shipping yard where bodies and knocked out tanks still lay; illustrate the ruined mess of the now, southern expanses of Canada. Industry, manufacturing, coal and oil have each ran dry and the single worthwhile commodity that remains in wide circulation amongst the former American people is guns. Lots and lots of guns.
-With each mile into Dixie that the Canadian forces achieved, the conquered land behind brewed with the sentiments of armed rebellion. Taking their family, bible and the clothes on their back, many have chosen to abandon the ruins of their former lives for the humble life of a militia.
-The mineral wealth of Alaska and the Northwestern Territories is invested. Acres of land across the width of Canada are cleared for the construction of an Oil and Natural Gas pipeline. A second pipeline is planned that would run along the eastern coast beginning at the Gulf. Both projects will take a further year to complete.
-Experiment dry cell batteries and nuclear reactors are placed on submarines and Dreadnoughts. Shame.
-A rocket is developed that is exhibited as capable to leaving the Earth’s atmosphere and entering low orbit. Though early signs were indeed promising, there are red faces across the nation as the rocket burns up shortly into flight, slamming into the heart of the Hudson Bay and sinking below the icy surface.

Ruskie - China

-The release of Korea and Japan is seen as a mistake. China returns to their previous position on the two nations and absorbs them into the empire once more.
-Financial and physical aid is poured into both Korea and Japan to advance their domestic economies onto acceptable standards. The modernization effort begins.
-Portrayed as a home for immigrants, thousands of American refugees have landed in the east of nation hoping to escape the war and the budding insurgency. A large percentage of these workers are tasked with constructing the infrastructure required to support such a vast nation, primarily the railways. Unfortunately, race riots have gripped the nation with many Chinese accusing the American immigrants of stealing their jobs.
-In response to recent developments, policing is beefed up considerably with the state having declared war against the Korean and Japanese thugs through the use of secret police. In 120 years it will make a fine movie.
-A Chinese Red Cross is established with grand intentions of assisting the families displaced in the Canadian-American conflict.
-The individual budget for the Naval forces if tripled. This combined with the construction of shipyards and naval facilities ensure that China affirms its position as the supreme power in the Pacific.
-The staggering bulk of the collective Chinese armed forces has allowed for the development of new battle doctrine known as ‘Chinese Deep Battle’. The principle of the doctrine is to bluff and fool the enemy into making errors while striking them with overwhelming force. The nature of the Chinese military allows.
-A further 7,500 fighter aircraft and 2,500 heavy bomber aircraft brings the total order over two years, to 15,000 and 5,000 respectively.
-Desalination techniques co-developed with the People’s Caliphate are extended to reach into Chinese cities. Combined between the two nations- water from the Indian and Pacific Oceans now feed a quarter of a billion people.

UrbanMachismo - People's Caliphate of United Islam

-The battledress of the Caliphate’s infantry is modernized. Steel plates are used sparingly to defend the chest, abdomen and limbs while two layers of thick fabric cover the remainder of the body with an additional layer of a Carbon material to protect against radiation. Despite the use of steel and carbon, it remains somewhat lightweight and not restrictive of movement. However, the use of the uniform is excruciating within the desert environments that the Caliphate forces operate on. Men have been known to suddenly collapse and die while on patrol.
-The weapons that Canada developed this year are adopted within the Caliphate as per the CATS agreement.
-300 Katyusha Launcher models are produced.
-The mount of the Railway Artillery weapon is successfully engineered and a further two produced (a total of three), trials can now commence to test the weapon’s effectiveness and potential in combat.
-Now codenamed the ‘Eden Project’, the effort to irrigate and revitalize the Saharan Desert continues. Research and Development strategies are heavily subsidized by the government so that their absolute assistance is assured. A breakthrough is discovered under laboratory conditions. With the addition of a few meager nitrates and phosphates, a genetically manipulated plant has grown from a sample of North African sand. This development is extensively publicized to the world. One rather overexcited reporter announces that the craft of man and God are blurred.
-Hangings and Death by Firing Squad become the official methods of execution in the Caliphate. The use of any other method is ended.
-Islam is propounded as the ideal religion for those of ambition, chivalry, science and the quest for knowledge. Reflections are made on the Islamic Golden Age. While the Arabic world would pursuit science and free-thought, the men of Europe would allow themselves to stagnate within their fortresses squabbling over pathetic swathes of land and living beneath constant fear of the enemy.
-The laws of the land are relaxed to accommodate a steadily liberalizing people. Homosexual relationships are permitted.

Intoxicated Spy - Oceania

-War is declared against West Germany and her allies with the opening shot fired in Algeria. Entering the Mediterranean theatre through the Suez Canal, the invasion force makes landing near Algiers to the complete surprise of the defenders. After establishing a beachhead, the Oceanic forces use the coastal road to swiftly advance east and westwards, capturing the city of Algiers following a relentless naval bombardment.
-The Strait of Gibraltar is blockaded to West German and RoNC forces. An attempt is made to persuade Spain to attack Catalonia. Spain outright refuse and are not overly pleased with the Oceanic presence themselves.
-Italy and Catalonia have declared war on Oceania. Surrounded by nations loyal to West Germany, the Oceanic forces have struck the Hornet’s nest and are at risk of encirclement. The core weakness now in the Oceanic assault is maintaining and recovering supplies. They are relieved however, due to the extensive development into improving engine models, resulting in the Oceanic navy fielding some of the fastest merchant ships in the world.
-Uniform designs are purchased from Austria. Within Algeria, they pop their combat cherry, proving considerably successful as a deterrent to the chemical weaponry used in Algeria.
-The slaughter of those guilty of the crime of Socialism continues.

MountainWatcher - Portugal

-Spain is invaded after their government had dared stand firm against the notion of annexation. Ideals such as patriotism and honor do not stand for much when your military is so hopelessly outclassed and the nation collapses after four months. Not wishing to miss such an opportunity, the sly Catalonian forces pounce, capturing Valencia and the Balearic Islands within the final days of the war.
-Motorbikes are produced for civilian use. The number of fatalities directly caused by the introduction of motorbikes outweighs the number of Portuguese killed in the fall of Madrid.
-As they march, the Portuguese soldiers carry medical supplies for the poor Spaniards. Hospitals are constructed in each major formerly-Spanish city.
-French markets are invested into. Anti-Catholic sentimentalism has reached such highs that some flatly refuse to take the aid, in fear of Divine Star reprisal.
-Research on missile technology that can stand against the instruments of Canada and Russia, introduce ballistic missiles and Anti-mechanized rockets.

Eli45 - Gran Colombia

-The Semi-Automatic Rifle experiences banal improvements such as scope size, caliber and accuracy. The new model remains in prototype forms as refinements continue.
-The 55mm Auto-Loading cannon is completed and tweaked for use as the primary weapon on some Tanks.
-Soldiers positioned on the border are taken off high alert.
-Pornographic magazines for the leisurely gentleman-masturbator are mass produced. Soon, many of the world’s people can boast they have at least seen the front cover art of the penny pulp: A rather bored looking Canadian housewife with stockings looking longingly through an open window.
-A major infrastructure project is begun. Factories are constructed with a network of railway lines to connect them.
-A trade embargo is placed on West Germany. The Auto-loading technology is shipped to both East Germany and Austria. -Construction of the indefinite tallest building in the world begins.

[Seed Eater] - West Germany

-West Germany places faith in one of the more standard, trusted methods of defense. On their border they construct two big walls separating themselves and their adversaries. The frontal wall is 12 feet tall and 3 feet thick. Mainly of bare concrete, it is also reinforced with wire meshing. The secondary wall is where the armed forces are garrisoned with all the instruments required to wage a successful defensive war. The four mile hiatus between these two walls is pockmarked with landmines.
-Troops begin to gather on the western border with France. Morale is low amongst the men who believe it is dangerous to be this close to Eastern France. Rumors persist about soldiers who were ‘turned’, losing their minds and emptying a full magazine into their commanding officers before the firing the gun on themselves.
-Russia is placed on the spot. Should East Germany and Austria invade, could Russia be called upon to support West Germany? Russia is adamant that they will remain neutral but does not condone any expansionistic campaigns in Western Europe.
-Tunnel Boring Machines are invented.
-Production starts on a vast Railway Siege gun that would dwarf standard battle tanks in combat. It not only makes a terrifying spectacle for the enemy combatant, the gun is capable of firing shells with the volume of a car, piercing cement material nine meters thick. Production will be finalized next year.
-An attempt is made to begin a vehicle export industry with India. It fails due to the embargo imposed by Gran Colombia.
-War is declared against Oceania. A battalion of West German troops march into Italy to assist with the war effort there.

Mr. Face - East Germany

-The ‘Boelsen Kampfer II’ fighter plane is attained. Reaching maximum speeds of 234mph it claims the award of fastest aircraft and armed with a 50 caliber machine-gun, it is specifically effective in decimating targets with long, strafing runs.
-Three new destroyers are constructed and deployed alongside a number of corvettes.
-Three-way trade connections are opened between Gran Colombia, East Germany and Austria.
-Minimum wage is increased slightly.

KriegsMar1ne - United Central European Federation

-Auto-Loading technology is received from Gran Colombia.
-Hazmat uniforms are produced. They are sold to Oceania and prove to be very effective in combat.
-Reforms are made with the aim of improving healthcare in the nation.
-A minimum wage is instituted and matches that set by East Germany.
-Elections come and go. A new Prime Minister and governing cabinet are sworn in.
-Radio equipment is handed to the East German army.
-“Fuck West Germany.”

Stethor - South American Empire

-Large amounts of manpower and military equipment is shipped to Ireland to stem the uprising there and bulk up the nature of the occupation there. A colossal naval base is completed in Dublin to house the SAE navy. -The Irish rebels are branded filthy communist swine in cahoots with communist nations to do their bidding. Anti-communist propaganda is dispatched across the island to promote capitalist ideals and dissuade any further rebellious activity. This propaganda is repeated within the mainland also. -Sao Paulo is set to become a financial capital of the world as their independent stock exchange becomes the world’s most sophisticated. -A tour of the world is to begin for the Pope this year as he circumnavigates the Catholic nations and colonies of the world. Maybe Gran Colombia can show him their extensive porn collections.

asantos3 - India

-The Indian military asserts itself as a dominant force as numerous long-scale projects finally come to fruit:
--The GX-1, GX-2 AND GX-3 main battle Tanks are all thoroughly bettered in each conceivable aspect that an instrument of war may be improved. The maneuverability and capability of the GX-3 is reminiscent of an APC while retaining the Tank function and model. These developments will surely aid in putting down the Mujahedeen.
--Smoke and Incendiary grenades.
--Grenade launcher for the above.
--Semi-Automatic Pistol with improved accuracy and optional silencer technology.
--Working with Portugal, the Torres Rifle is improved for keeping the incredibly rapid rate of fire while improving accuracy and decreasing the recoil punch on the soldier.
--A regular medium bomber aircraft named the AMBX-1 and a torpedo bomber aircraft named the ATBX-1 respectively.
--A Helicopter similar in design to the modern Sikorsky R-4
-20 munitions factories, 10 tank factories, 10 aircraft factories and 10 shipyards are all constructed in a major investment into the military industry.
-The first Indian Aircraft Carrier ship is produced for service.
-More rigorous and intense training is required to become a member of the Elite police service or the Military Special forces. Borders in the north of the country are reinforced in direct response to developments there. Restoring peace within the country is recognized as a policy that must be achieved.
-The potential prime commercial and residential real estate is invested into. Many ‘planned cities’ have begun construction to relieve the major cities. The age of suburbia is upon us.
-The entertainment industry is invested into.
-The grand electricity project to supply each family with some form of electric power is continued but now with the inclusion of a television and a radio set also promised for each family.

Turn 40: 1875 (Part 1)


Dr.Strangelove - Ending 1080p

Music of 1875

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1160570&p=35803850&viewfull=1#post35803850


-Since their grand entrance onto the world stage, the nation of West Germany has lived constantly on the brink of outright war. War that would be provoked by sentiments of hatred and hostility, mutual between neighbors locked in a quagmire of escalation and espionage. A war of bitterness and brutality, fierce in nature, fueled by propaganda and orchestrated fear. There were no embassies or diplomats, no meetings or long talks to discuss a peaceful alternative. If their was a red phone that existed between West and East Germany there was certainly nobody at hand to answer the call. It is apparent, that all options that were available, were taken to ensure that it was inevitable that war would occur.
-It was no great shock then, when West Germany was plunged into a defensive battle against the collected invasion force of East Germany, Austria and a 200,000 man shipment from Gran Colombia. The Federation now aims for just one objection: the complete and utter annihilation of the West German nation and their ideals.
-In a spectacular demonstration for universal peace and understanding, numerous nations of the world have abandoned their personal inhibitions and conflicting ideals to develop and sign a treaty resolving any existing hostilities thus, bringing forth an era of economic and technological harmony. Additionally, should a nation under the jurisdiction of the treaty be attacked through foreign aggression, that signer would be defended to the utmost to protect their personal sovereignty.
-Initially propounded by Canada, the development of the Treaty was a lengthy and excruciating process not aided by the embarrassing and largely unprofessional arm-twisting that was required for the SAE and West German delegates to find an agreement on particular notions. Finally, following bonding sessions where both Karl Marx and the Pope were present pretending to be good pals, the two nations agreed put aside their differences and work together.
-The official title of the organization established by the Treaty goes as following: Federation of United Countries Keeping You Or Underlings From Aggression and Controlling Everyone'. Abbreviated: 'FUCKYOUFACE'.

-The signers of the Treaty and inaugural members of the Federation are: the Confederation of Democratic Socialist Canadian Territories, the People's Caliphate of United Islam, West Germany, the South American Empire, the Republic of Nordic Communes and the Democratic Union of Russia.
-Resultantly, I regret to inform that the above 'Allied' nations are now at war with the 'Central Powers': East Germany, Austria and Gran Colombia.

-The armed forces of Oceania have suffered an embarrassing and expensive defeat in North Africa. Their slim chance of victory was one that rested entirely on the ability of their navy, which was put into question by the ability of the navy of the People's Caliphate of Islam. As the Oceanic ships attempted to traverse the Suez Canal, they were blown out of the water by the Caliphate forces, who continued to then rather coldly leave the survivors to sink and die in the water.
-With no ultimate objection or clear plans to reach that objection, the land that was captured on the coastal road by Oceania was hastily reclaimed and within the city of Algiers where the original attack was centered, the tired and starved Oceanic forces laid down their guns to surrender to the forces of West Germany and her allies. No relief effort is ever attempted and the defenders must now live in humiliation as prisoners of war, beneath the heel of the victorious party.
-Domestic reactions to the disastrous conclusion of their little adventure in Algeria are a humbling experience for the ruling government, the magnitude of their military's defeat having highlighted their ineptness and incompetence. Protests are a daily occurrence and seemingly, it is only the bulk of the floundering authority forces are holding the nation together.
-Not one to miss an opportunity to further demonstrate their iron-hold supremacy of Asia and claim another land mass for the empire in the process, China declares war on an Oceania weakened greatly following their defeat in the Maghreb. The Chinese naval forces assault the Philippines Islands and capture it with ease.
-Indian armed forces continue to stagnate within their besieged military positions inside the mountainous steppes. Lacking assistance and guidance from Central government, many of the most exposed bases in Afghanistan and Kashmir have been simply swept away by the a United Mujahideen who continue to grow in strength and dexterity with each passing day. Failures by the inept Indian military to contain the uprising are repeated within Russia.
-There are extensive reports that Pirates are working in the area wishing to exploit the chaos for own gain. One incident is especially heavily publicized. Not far from the border with the Caliphate, a luxury airship destined for China is intercepted en route. All of the passengers, including powerful Chinese industrialists, are brutally and cruelly put to the sword.
-Rebellion in Ireland persists and experiences a sort of resurgence despite the best efforts of the SAE to pounce upon the last remaining Rebel strongholds in the west of the island and extinguish what little flames of rebellion remain.
-Healing wounds are reopened in Dublin as the port of the city is struck by a team of crazed gunmen with reckless abandon. Exchanging small arms fire well into the night and the early dawn, the men are finally ran into a position from which they could not escape. The actions of the SAE combatants prove fruitless however, as the survivors had all chosen to take Cyanide rather than endure capture and interrogation.
-Piracy continues to plague the economies of even the World's most rigid superpowers, successfully entering the previously save waters of the Indian and Southern Oceans. It has become apparant that there is movement within the Pirate community. All of the smaller bands are been consumed to form a single mighty, autonomous conglomerate of Pirates. At their head is a Zulu warlord named Mnqobi, plus many of his followers. Due to this, a great majority of Pirate attacks are directed at the Portuguese colonial holdings.
-Despite the best efforts of the Canadian government to reach out to the former American people by rebuilding their Dixie nation and preserving their enjoyed social liberties i.e. the right to own and bear arms, these achieve little to sway public opinion. In their eyes Canada remains the aggressor, the oppressor and unlawful occupier. Thus, within the homes, the churches and the General Stores where silence and tight lips is assured, tales of rebellion are growing. Wild stories fabricated of militia communities exisitng within the untamed woodlands with instances of heroics and villainy that would make a nickel pulp novel blush. For post-war America, these stories of success allow sentiments to resonate, for an armed struggle and the perceived heroics that follow. Canada's job is easy now, but if these attitudes to an uprising or insurgency continue, then they will have a serious issue to tend to.
-Elections proceed across a French state warped by the radical nature of their transition. The Divinity Party, political wing of the Order of the Divine Star, has gathered immense support and claims victory through a thorough landslide. Proving that threatening your opposition and their voting body with slaughter should they not vote for your man, is a sure way to claim the ballot in your favour.
-As they consolidate their great triumph, a high ranking Divinity Party official is shot dead by an anguished Communist who wished to prove that the politician was not a mystical being but a simple Frenchman. Albeit a Frenchman with raving-mad psychopathic supporters who immediately stab and hack the Communist to death on the spot.
-France is plunged into civil war between the forces of the Order against those loyalists who appreciate not having to live beneath a Theocratic Oligarchy where only party officials can truly succeed. Order territory is centered on the eastern border with West Germany where the religion originated and continues to flourish.
-In the center of all this, Communists have risen to gain a foothold through the crazy. Success is achieved mainly in the far east along the border with Catalonia whose people do sympathize with the Rebels and are liable to smuggle in guns and hapless young volunteers willing to give their lives for the cause.

Bismarck's March to France

-On the first day of May, the people of West Germany wake to the noise of sirens, cries of terror and the deployment of their nation's defensive maneuvers prior to the unmistakable whistle of a missile piercing the skyline and striking a local factory, warehouse, shipyard or other unremarkable form of industry. Civilian casualties were not orchestrated but remain high. This is largely due to the large number of families that lived in squalor nearby the missile's intended target: West Germany's industrious heart.
-The opening barrage, initiated by East Germany, Gran Colombia and Austria was to assist their advance in two ways. Firstly, to collapse West Germany's economy and secondly, to discourage and unnerve the people by displaying their collective might, placing fear in the belly and the ending the fight before it had the chance to begin. Such a compact nation, there is not a single square-inch of land from which the dull thud and subsequent explosion could not be heard. Primary targets (mainly steelmills, munitions factories etc), at a minimum, were left badly scarred and disfigured. Most were left with their roofs blown clean off or raised completely. What quickly becomes a compelling image of the early days of the war is West German workers evacuating to the sound of a siren, to rush back into the factory when the bombing wave had concluded, traversing through what still worked and the mangled remains of what didn't, only to evacuate once more when the following bombing raid struck.
-The advance began in two waves, bringing upon the destruction and ferocity typically associated with 'blitzkrieg'. Using all of the available instruments to penetrate West Germany's weaker defenses before trapping the bulk of the army at the Rhine front.
-The aggressors may have ended the war within the remainder of the year, yet they did not consider West Germany's last-minute preemptive maneuvers. 40% of the troops initially positioned on the western border with the chaotic France, were moved to reinforce the northern border alongside the great Siege Gun that they had developed the previous year. East Germany's larger force, plus the pressure placed on them that they desperately required a quick win, reflect the outcome of the battle somewhat. East Germany advances but fighting is sporadic and inconclusive and the battle rages on.
-Reasonable success is discovered on the Austrian front. Jovial scenes are reported where Austrian soldiers easily raze the border wall that separated the two foes, only to find the wall completely undefended. Moods quickly darken when Austria discovers the wall was a ruse and that the true defense consisted of a four-mile minefield before a second defensive wall, this one pockmarked with machine gun nests and angry, shouty Communists. Austrian infantry losses are heavy and needless and with progress ceasing completely at times, no breakthrough is ever found. The war on the south-east border is the confused and costly mess that it had always promised to be.
-Gran Colombia's input on the war proceeds as was planned. They fight and kill alongside their East German allies. They fight and die alongside their East German allies.

The East German conquest of the Netherlands and the Wallonian response

-The Netherlands, having never truly recovered from the wars of past, are swept away by the present war. The particularly lucky East German battalion responsible for the attack, having been handed such an easy and rational task during this turbulent year, march into the Netherlands whose laughably primitive army simply cannot respond to the speed and co-ordination and the East German assault. East Germany is fast to assert absolute authority on the nation, implementing it as a manner of forging another front and stretching West Germany's already confined military.
-The Wallonian government is quick to react to the invasion and it is in their final act, they renounce themselves and their country, allowing for the annexation to be absorbed into West Germany who wish to counter East Germany's conquering. Wallonia, with their physical industry untouched by the war, and with entry into the Atlantic Ocean, quickly becomes a hub for the West German war effort who are sure to bolster the newly claimed land.

The defeat of the East German Baltic fleet in the Kattegat

-The reasons for why East Germany wished to enter the North Sea are obvious. To establish a blockade against West Germany in this manner, by ceasing all the exterior assistance they were receiving from their allies would surely bleed them dry. To achieve this blockade would require continuous monitoring of the Baltic and North Sea. What they had not bargained on was that the troops of the RoNC, testament to their paranoia, had direct orders to target and light up on any ship carrying arms, which did not hail from a Communist nation.
-What commences is a grueling battle to ultimately achieve supremacy over the Jutland peninsula and the Baltic waters. Though the military ability of East Germany far surpasses the capability of the RoNC's military on paper, it is in with the factor of manpower that RoNC may claw out a victory against their southern adversaries. While East Germany has focused much of their forces on aggression against West Germany, RoNC has spent numerous years concentrating men on their own Danish borders. Consequently, when East Germany's Baltic fleet is patrolling the Baltic and attempting to link with their forces in the North Sea, they are bombarded, chased into the Kattegat and soundly forced to surrender.

Notes: Eat Children never posted Part 2 of Turn 40. After this, the RP slowly died. Almost 2 years later, an attempt to reboot the RP was made.
