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This page contains all 9 turns of Fallout.

Turn 1: 2250 to 2255 AD


The Ink Spots - I'll Never Smile Again

Turn music


Political map of Turn 1

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1471881&p=48017521&viewfull=1#post48017521

Turn quote: "Success depends on forethought, dispassionate calculation of probabilities, accounting for every stray variable." – Robert House

Events of the years 2250 to 2255 AD:

-As North America enters the second half of the 23rd century, it has seen much come and goes in its time. But now the chaos of the post-apocalyptic era is giving way to order. For some, questions about this being a new period in history have already been raised.

-Caesar declares himself the son of Mars, the Roman god of war. During this time he later establishes his capital city in the ruins of Flagstaff, Arizona.

-The Brotherhood of Steel sends an expedition to the capital wasteland, in the process they manage to wipe out a number of people in “The Pitt”, raze the town, and then move to the ruins of Washington where they establish a base in the former Pentagon. By this point, the Brotherhood has given up on trying to hold the west against the NCR.

-The population of North America is 9,227,000.

Deathgrunt - The Red State
Capital: Clear Waters
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 120,000

-Even before the Great War, Florida was a place difficult to live in. With the destruction of most functioning water systems and electricity, most of the population perished from the lack of clean water or malaria. Florida was also dependent on imported energy in the past, meaning even energy weaponry is rare. The survivors built a number of towns after the war, most possessing a council that generally maintained order. In 2233, many bands of super mutants left over from the Masters destruction made their way to Florida but were heroically repelled with the aid of the “Caravaneer”.

-To protect against future threats, the councils all later met in 2234 to establish “The Red State”, administered by a prime council elected by the towns. One of its first acts was to establish regular conscription, in which men aged 17 were given five weeks of training before a rifle is thrust into their hands and they are told to guard Brahmin caravans. Families are usually given a free rifle if they serve in the militias, but finding ammunition is difficult. With gun mills being crucial, some towns manage to successfully gather enough scrap and materials that they can set up basic gun mills, which can repair and produce a limited number of rifles.

-The prime council also tried to introduce scrip in 2252, without much success. Without much backing or people using it, only soldiers tend to use it amongst themselves to trade small items. Caps remain the predominating currency, especially since caravans rely on it and do not trust scrip. Most of them do pay some of their profits over to the soldiers guarding them though, making mercenary duty worthwhile. Expedition teams travel out at the same time to help expand The Red States influence and to convince other settlements to join in return for protection. Several agree to do so after construction of the wall in the north.

-This wall was built along the northern end of the peninsula. Consisting mostly of ditches and piled up junk, the other main effort of the militias is to prevent hostiles from passing this wall. While mutants are shot on sight, armed humans are yelled at to put down their arms, while unarmed humans are taken in for processing before being allowed to enter (something that annoys merchants).

Zillamaster55 - Alasija Banglian
Capital New Shanghai
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 3,000

-In the aftermath of the Great War, a number of Chinese had managed to survive the bombings, most notably a few lost soldiers and sailors who found themselves without a home to return to. With little else they could do these survivors traveled in Southern Alaska to settle. With their expertise, they cleared out the local area from the native inhabitants and established a military base on the ruins of Port Alexander. A mere few hundred strong, they struggled over the next 170 years to eke out a new existence. Although Chinese, the people living here have become ignorant of what the old China was like. Indeed, many of them have only a vague idea of what Socialism is, and Mao is frequently mixed up with the Yellow Emperor.

-Most people here are drafted into a militia at the age of 16, with men aged 18 and over serving in patrol units and helping to defend their people. In outposts at the borders of their lands, they usually help to prevent the entry of hostiles (mostly mutant animals and some very confused super mutants). By the 23rd century however, trade has started up again with some peoples throughout the mainland who against all the odds, managed to survive the war. They trade for salvaged junk with fish they have gotten from the ocean. For the most part, fish populations boomed a century after the war, and few mutant varieties lived for long.

-Most of the Chinese here fish for a living, and shoot the odd giant rat or grow potatoes in the cold and stony soil of Alaska. As they own a few (very aged) boats, they can travel and fish much more easily than most people around here. These boats are usually rented out to move goods around or to fish from, in return for valuable salvaged materials. By 2255, the people here have collected enough spare parts that they can repair and maintain a number of radios along with a radio station. Unfortunately, the only piece of music they have to play is “I love Beijing Tiananmen”.

Native Hunter - The Deepwood Confederacy
Capital: Preacher's Promise
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 20,000

-Created from the inhabitants of a vault 97, somehow a society composed entirely of rednecks survived almost intact long after many other vaults had succumbed. But by the turn of the 22nd century, they eventually had to leave the safety of the vault as their numbers grew. Thus is the origin of the Deepwood confederacy, a society of around 20,000 living in a few scattered towns in what was once Maine. They live by fishing, hunting, gathering, and farming whatever plants survive in the dead soil. While bottle caps are used as currency like out west, the caps are from beer bottles, and are backed with moonshine or cigarettes. Occasionally, flasks of moonshine or cigarettes are used as small change. NASCAR flags feature prominently in most homes, while holodisks containing reruns of “The Dukes of Hazard” and “Moonrunners” are popular.

-Each village in the confederacy usually elects an elder to sit on the council ruling Preacher’s Promise, which in turn is headed by the Mayor of Deepwood (he is elected from the council to serve for a decade). Security is usually managed by the Mayor of Deepwood, who is responsible for keeping the militias well-armed and sending them to where they are needed. A vague and dim memory of the first few amendments of the US constitution are used as the basis to create these heavily armed patrols, which both protect villages and the caravans that snake their way up here. Yao Guai (mutant bears) are one of the biggest threats, although in recent years the Yao Guai have learned to stay clear of patrols as it becomes clear that some rednecks are attempting to capture them live for some unknown purpose.

-As the rednecks here build and develop their society, they become aware that they are not the only survivors, as people from the south bring horribly disfigured cows carrying all sorts of things for sale. The moonshine trade quickly takes off as drinking is one of the few things to take one’s mind off these dark times. As the forests recover, timber begins to be used to build with. Streams are often diverted and used to irrigate crops, with the aid of the vault GECK to purify the water. Some fruit trees and vegetable plots appear here and there, but are still rare. Hunting is the main source of food and furs to wear, and the Mayor Zacharias Flabbernatch often builds up a reserve of moonshine that he can sell to traders in return for Brahmin and any other surviving domestic animals (the only others appear to be pigs and dogs). He also uses moonshine and militias to help convince several villages which had nothing to do with the vault to join the confederacy in return for booze and protection.

Malos - New California Republic
Capital: Shady Sands
Economy: Developing agrarian
Population: 850,000

-The New California Republic is perhaps one of the few post-apocalyptic entities that most resembles a functioning society. With taxes, police, a railway, a standing army, a legal system, and an economy that is actually growing, the NCR holds much promise. With the recent death of Tandi and a long running series of conflicts with tribal gangs and the brotherhood however, the new nation struggles to maintain stability. Some efforts to tackle corruption are made in this time, as investigations were carried out. Unfortunately besides a few arrests little was done, as the president did not commit to any specific policies targeting corruption.

-The NCR is starting to undergo a steady transition into a new kind of society. A market economy is growing here, aided by the development of currencies ranging from official NCR dollars to bottle caps (although NCR dollars are weak due to the lack of gold to back them). Agriculture makes up the biggest part of the economy, followed by the cottage industries that dominate industry and services. With most scrap and rubble either cleared away or scavenged, most scavengers have to travel east to make a living. In the west, a small number people now work for regular wages in factories or farms, a very strange way of life that surely can’t spread in a world such as this.

-In 2253, one such group of scavengers is massacred by the Great Khans, prompting an outcry in the republic as people demand a strong response to this travesty. The new president Wendell Peterson promises to avenge them, and sends three battalions into the Mojave wasteland. They fight with many of the tribal groups, but are unable to find the original perpetrators, instead setting up outposts. Caravans into the Mojave consequently begin to enjoy their protection, but demands from trading companies and Brahmin barons force them to bring more soldiers to protect caravans into the land. Few horrors from out west can get into the NCR now.

-With most of the post-nuclear horrors gone, agriculture can really start to expand. Some factories have begun to manufacture equipment such as ploughs, while key land reforms passed in this time opened up vast new tracts of land to private ownership and created a property market, paving the way for the great barons to farm on a truly massive scale. The result is that a large deflationary effect begins in the NCR as food prices tumble, forcing many smaller farmers to the wall. Increasingly, they begin to take up side-jobs to sustain themselves wherever they can. As a result cottage industries explode in number, looking to manufacture everything from cookware to guns, clothing, clocks, and furniture. Others stay in the towns and look for jobs there during the quiet months when there isn't much work on the farms to do.

Jcorp - Transatlantic Alliance
Capital: Raleigh
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 157,500

-In the 22nd century, people in the East Coast realized that there were still humans living in what was once Europe, evidenced at first by the arrival of Tenpenny. Later, several boats of people followed him and left the the old world to seek a better life in the new world. These survivors ironically settled in the very same place that their ancestors did many centuries ago, in the ruins of post-war Raleigh in Virginia. They joined with some vault dwellers and tribes to build a number of towns in the wasteland of Virginia, later forming the “Transatlantic Alliance”.

-Although there were a lot of things that could be salvaged, one problem is a lack of medical supplies, a big problem in a place where diseases such as malaria had returned with a vengeance. With radiation levels reduced and plant life recovering, the people here have started to grow various medicinal herbs and begin to prepare concoctions that have effectively the same effects as pre-war stimpaks. Without many syringes to go around however, the use of old ones tends to help spread diseases.

-Most people here tend to live in heavily fortified towns, only emerging during the day to tend to their farms. One of the big problems is that a lot of stagnant pools of water (many radioactive) dot the land and provides good places for mosquitoes to breed, all of which contributes to this being seen as a disease ridden land by many traders. Those few, who are brave enough to travel here, only do so for a lot of caps or to get access to the stimpaks manufactured here. Agriculture is also very slowly beginning to take off, with some farmers growing tobacco (an extreme rarity) in their plots.

-Otherwise, this is a place that is not seemingly ruled or even run by any kind of authority. Most towns and villages run themselves and do not contribute to any kind of larger government (hence it remains mostly an alliance). There are often almost no forms of taxation or regular patrols. Any that exist are often the initiative of individual towns. But they usually band together to fight larger threats, which in combination with the fact that there are no taxes or laws to follow, means many other settlements (often set up by vaults or tribes) are happy enough to join them.

EuSKalduna - Great Khans
Capital: Bitter Springs
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 8,000

-The Great Khans have been broken and reborn many times in the past century ever since they left vault 15. By 2250, many of them had fled to the Mojave wasteland as the NCR began to consolidate itself and grow into a true civilization. Without the ability to roam freely as they once had before, the Khans have been forced to move east to find a new land where they could continue. With the new world that is coming into being, the Khans have been forced to adapt their ways, in the hopes of continued future survival. They manage to convince several other tribes and gangs to follow them on the way out of the NCR, as the law begins to follow them.

-Setting themselves up in what was once southern Nevada, the Khans form organized squads of around 4-8 in number, which prowl the I15 looking for caravans to “tax”. Which merchants are irritated, they at least keep away some of the more dangerous raiding groups. Indeed, the Khans have made it a policy to subdue smaller tribes and isolated bands of prospectors to give out a strong message that they control the I15 highway. This turned ugly in 2253 when some Great Khans massacred 38 NCR citizens, prompting the NCR to start a campaign into the Mojave wasteland. By 2255, they have established several outposts close to the Khans.

-The Khans have also introduced the rather novel courier service. Based off the old world postal systems, they have managed to get runners who carry packages for people over the wastes. Given that they have the protection of the Khans, many merchants make use of their services. As the Khans also sell chems, it’s a great way to smuggle them into the NCR too. Later the Khans also invite the Followers of the Apocalypse to set up in Bitter Springs, offering protection from wasteland evils in return for medical and scientific assistance. A few hardier ones accept and set up a small camp in the town, but the organization as a whole distrusts the Khans motives. Some of them fix up old motorcycles and even use some fission batteries for them, although the poor state of the roads and omnipresent rubble makes them nearly useless anyways. Others are content to provide medical assistance (but are reluctant to give out supplies that could be used to make chems).

testmen - Enclave
Capital: Raven Rock
Economy: Developed industrial
Population: 3,000

-The Enclave was utterly devastated by the destruction of their oil rig by the Chosen One years ago. With their leadership and bases ruined by NCR, the survivors (much like the Brotherhood of Steel) trekked east in search of a new place to re-establish themselves. On the long march, they lost most of their equipment, hemorrhaged even more people through attrition or desertion, and destroyed anybody in their way. After reaching the east coast, they settled in the old bunker of Raven Rock to establish a new base of operations. After reconfiguring a supercomputer, and with a new beloved president, and with some old supplies, they have hopes that one day they may be able to rebuild the USA.

-The Enclave is initially quite secretive during this time, focusing largely on making the network of bunkers and abandoned vaults scattered throughout the wasteland habitable once more. This usually involves shifting a lot of skeletons or shooting mutants and deathclaws. With their technical acumen, the enclave is successful at repairing the old facilities and in some cases even managing to set up some manufacturing as well (usually to make ammo). But it is nearly impossible to survive without outside resources, so the enclave has to resort to rapid attacks on smaller tribes squatting in former bases or warehouses before looting the materials inside. They also manage to collect enough materials that they can repair or maintain a lot of old equipment, such as a small radio network they use to blast out patriotic music.

-Being hidden and secretive, and with such low numbers, many in the Enclave are starting to consider the possibility that the old plan (formulated many centuries ago) is no longer feasible or even desirable. What remains of congress debates permitting citizenship for non-enclave persons, a concept horrifying to some within the Enclave. But with their numbers so low, none of them deny the need to make use of the “mutants” outside of Raven Rock. Explorers are sent out to map out the eastern seaboard and to work out the general conditions. Contrary to their expectations, some form of society is slowly at work rebuilding itself, and some people in the Enclave have argued that trade with the savages and scum out there is a good idea, and that some could stay in a slum outside Raven Rock to act as intermediaries.

iAmaNewb - Fourth Reich
Capital: Charlotte
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 140,000

-As part of the Vault experiments, Vault 88 was filled with heavily altered history textbooks, holodisks, and other media that showed Adolf Hitler as a hero (albeit omitting the holocaust). When the Vault door opened centuries later, the entire vault was filled with Neo-Nazis believing that National Socialism is the hope for humanity. While based on the Third Reich, it is not for racial purity, but rather for a homeland free of deformities. Ghouls and mutants are barely tolerated, and are considered second class citizens at best. The Overseer of Vault 88, now the leader of the Fourth Reich, is the Fuhrer.

-Much like the original Reich, the inhabitants of vault 88 are militaristic, with a strong focus on a standing military force made up of men who are conscripted at the age of 17 to serve the Fuhrer. Armed with rifles and scraps of scavenged armor, this army is used to brutally crack down on raiders and various other tribes, using harsh methods to ensure peace. As military duty and service to the state is expected from all, women typically maintain the homes and raise children while men are out on near constant military campaigns. These usually end up attacking the weakest ones first, where they aim to annex them into the Reich and indoctrinate them with the tenets of National Socialism.

-Over the first five years, the Reich begins to eerily resemble Caesar's Legion (or perhaps the other way around), as it constantly expands to obtain new territories and to subjugate the tribes. Of course, integration is much harder, and many newly annexed peoples are reluctant to give up their old customs. Frequent crackdowns are made to ensure rebellion does not take place, while holodisks are played to public audiences to convince them of the need for Nationalism Socialism. Posters are commonplace too, calling on people to do their duty, and to build up the productive forces of society. With the aid of a GECK, the Reich manages to build irrigation channels, grow vegetables, start up a number of farms, and to purify some water. But to most people outside of Charlotte, the GECK has made little difference to their lives.

-During this time, the Reich also successfully managed to use their store of weaponry to hunt various animals roaming the post-nuclear landscape for their hides and meats. As they managed to find a way to recreate ammunition (usually out of spent shell casings and other bits of scrap in addition to using explosive powders) too, the Reich was able to also continue their war of conquest, albeit with difficulty as supplies frequently ran out. Some traders to the nation were able to provide some additional supplies, but shortages continue to plague them constantly. Some people work in ad hoc factories and workshops that act as stopgap measures, but without the energy to run many pieces of machinery, manufacturing is heavily constrained.

Turn 2: 2255 to 2260 AD


Fallout New Vegas song Concerto grosso in b minor allegro 01

Turn music


Political map of Turn 2

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1471881&p=48032765&viewfull=1#post48032765

Turn quote: "There is no law, no restraint in this seething cauldron of vice and depravity.” – The California Tribune describing New Reno.

Events of the years 2255 to 2260 AD:

-The Bishop family seizes control of much of New Reno, driving out rival families from the city.

-Project purity is started in the rapidly expanding town of Rivet City, a town which produces some of the only radiation free food and water in the capital wasteland.

-The population of North America is 9,507,000.

Deathgrunt - The Red State
Capital: Beren's Star
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 144,200

-Growing food in this shit hole is difficult at best, as most people are forced to rely on the same methods often tried and tested by their ancestors nearly millennium prior. They do successfully manage to make a few changes in the 2250s, mostly focusing on the atrocious state of the land. Swamps and slow moving streams are choked full of mosquitoes that spread yellow fever and malaria, and the water until recently was too irradiated to use in farming. But with radiation levels dropping, some people have started to dig drainage channels, and to build simple watermills to help pump water for irrigation too. While farming improves, there are still many stagnant pools for mosquitoes to hide in, and malaria continues to wreak havoc.

-The Prime council has begun making moves in order to improve their military capabilities, starting with the establishment of the “Commissariat”, a kind of pseudo-army. After the council votes to move the capital to Beren’s Star, this new army is granted ownership of several buildings for use as warehouses, armories, barracks, and a small office. There, old holodisks of WW2 films and Eisenstein are watched, so that the officers may glean what information they can for the army. With this “training”, they immediately begin several expeditions throughout the Red State, finding the last remaining dens of mutants and raiders and eradicating them where possible. As they continue this campaign south, they’re joined by towns sick of the raiders. After 3 years, the towns all vote to join the Red State, although they demand to be exempt from taxes. The most pressing issue is the caravan tax, which was recently introduced and is loathed by traders. People who travel from the north must pay 2000 caps as taxes just to enter. If they don’t, they must become a citizen. The shrewd merchants instead go for a third way and stop at the border, selling their goods in the outdoor markets that have suddenly sprung up there.

-As the nascent state continues to grow, the Prime Council has realized that there may be seditious elements among them, and so establish the KGB. Unfortunately, the only manuals they have left are for the Tsarist Okhrana, which doesn't matter too much as both were functionally the same. They act as the secret arm of the council, wiping out criminal gangs wherever they dwell. Some of the less violent mutants continue to flee south, chased by KGB agents. Following closely behind are propaganda posters and commissars, who travel to towns to give speeches about the benefits of life in the Red State and how peaceful it is.

Zillamaster55 - Alasija Banglian
Capital New Shanghai
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 3,091

-With the fish having recovered from the war (for the most part), the Chinese here have profited immensely from this nearly endless bounty of food. But lately, they have started to meet with mainland traders who have brought them a type of cow that has two heads. With the caps from selling fish and tolls on ferry services, several brahmin are bought and begin to be bred. Although their genes make consumption of dairy difficult, they still find many other reasons to use them, and by the end of the decade regular caravans have started coming here for trade.

-Due to their small numbers, the force that constitutes their militia is largely kept on the defensive, building a number of watchtowers and fortified outposts to protect their villages. A general is usually elected by the people of Alaijia (a position that effectively also makes him the leader of their community) every year. During this time, the generals are largely content to remain at home organizing trade and fishing. Timber is brought from the mainland to be built into fishing boats, while brahmin manure and fish bones are used to help improve the quality of the soil used for farming. Potatoes begin to flourish in the soils here, and soon the population begins to slowly grow due to these more reliable and diversified food sources.

Native Hunter - The Deepwood Confederacy
Capital: Preacher's Promise
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 22,660

-As it turns out, brahmin are useful in agriculture, especially due to the fact they can carry things and provide milk. Throughout this time, the stocks of moonshine which have been traded over for brahmin has led to the people here increasingly using brahmin. While their meat is nutritious, they are far more valuable for their milk, and for their manure. Fertilizing their meagre vegetable plots, they find that potatoes do extremely well here. With milk and potatoes (and a little meat), most dietary needs have been met. Fruits and grains (whenever they can be grown) are turned into (predictably) moonshine.

-After the rule of Mayor Zacharias comes to an end, he is replaced by Theodore Mallister. Theodore is a man keen on increasing trade whatever way he can, so he usually buys brahmin and makes moonshine for sale to traders. With the diet a little better, fruits that were normally eaten are now turned into moonshine. Despite the occasional tendency to blind the drinkers, the flavors in them are sought after in a world in which sugar is unheard of. Whole carts full of copper wire are brought to the towns to make into crude stills, while Theodore is able to also convince the council to introduce a small tariff to pay towards the militia. As it’s mostly voluntary, the towns are happy enough to pay up caps for it. As the confederacy slowly expands, the frontier villages which join tend to refrain from sending money.

-These reorganized militias, maintained with some caps and often paid out of the mayors own pocket, travel throughout the Confederacy to help protect some of the frontier settlements and to drive away raiding gangs. A sheriff is also now appointed to oversee the law in each town, although his ability to police the area is difficult. Often the sheriff has to work on their own to resolve disputes and arrest criminals, as militias are often busy skirmishing with hostile villages and trying to capture Yao Guai. One is eventually captured, but it later escapes after ripping the cage to shreds and killing people in the town until it had been brought down with gunfire.

-Theodore has another strange policy, as he sends an emissary to Washington to tell the Enclave that they recognize them as the USA. In the confederacy this goes over well, but for some wastelanders and merchants they find the idea abhorrent and refuse to do business with Theodore. Theodore, angry at the merchants, later charters a fishing boat (made from the slowly recovering forests) to trade with fishing villages (hopefully in order to sell moonshine in return for fish).

Malos - New California Republic
Capital: Shady Sands
Economy: Developing agrarian
Population: 884,500

-As the year 2260 approaches, the NCR congress has finally decided that now is the time to introduce a regular census that would take place every ten years. Passing a landmark piece of legislation, the Census office was established for the first time (consisting of 3 people in a former broom closet in the tax office of Shady Sands). With much difficulty, they managed to build a census tabulating machine, one of the first post-war computers ever made from scratch. After properly calibrating it and collecting records, the census of 2260 noted that the country held 884,500 citizens. Of course, they all have to pay taxes, meaning that there is a degree of reliability in tax revenues and the budget now. Corruption is still a major problem, but the president was able to successfully force through a law which introduced examinations for positions in the civil service. It will take some time to make its effects felt however, as only newcomers are required to take the test.

-With this bigger budget, the NCR has begun exploring ways to alleviate the plight of small farmers. Given that industry has begun to slowly expand, the NCR has supported the development of industrial facilities. Of course, having started from such a low base, most of these factories are little more than giant sheds filled with sweatshop laborers. The lack of machinery (and more importantly energy to power them), in addition to good transportation (despite an exponential growth in caravans, transporting bulk goods is prohibitively expensive) means that shortages are constant problems. Most of these early factories focus on making lightweight goods such as textiles, or ones with a high value such as guns or clocks. As scrap becomes scarce, the price of metal rises, and many farmers leave the land to scavenge out east for scrap, as the cars and wreckage that once littered California are all but gone.

-The bigger budget has also proven useful in the bulwark of the NCR – the army. With more funding and resources available, it has started to campaign in Baja and the Mojave (especially along route I15). The massacre of 53’ was never forgotten by the NCR, as the president himself personally apologized to the victims’ families and gave them money as compensation, vowing to never let such a massacre happen again. When skirmishes with the Great Khans escalate, the NCR becomes increasingly hard pressed. To increase the manpower available, they sign a ceasefire with the Brotherhood of Steel, leaving their weaponry and leadership untouched on the condition that they leave. The Brotherhood, with few options left, decides to trek east to re-establish itself somewhere in the Mojave wasteland. In the realm of diplomacy, the NCR also establishes a permanent embassy with the Shi, who profit immensely from selling fuel (made from plants) to the country.

Jcorp - Transatlantic Alliance
Capital: Raleigh
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 163,400

-The towns of the Transatlantic alliance called a great meeting in 2256 to discuss the problem of the poor access to resources and persistent shortages of everything from food to building materials. They agreed to conduct a survey of what remained of pre-war infrastructure and hopefully repair what could be salvaged. As it turned out, most of it is damaged beyond repair, with many of the roads in the process of being swallowed up by the wilderness. There is potential in building wagon ways however, a kind of railway in which wagons are pulled by animals, as they slowly work begins on rebuilding such a line to an abandoned coal mine. At the same time, the use of “new” stimpaks has slowly spread (some people have tried sterilizing them with moonshine or flames), aided by the availability of medicinal herbs.

-Scouts travel into the wilderness to find about about the “Fourth Reich”, which has been rapidly expanding in the past few decades. Fearing for their safety, the alliance expands to incorporate several towns in the lands between themselves and the Reich, while a series of ditches are dug and landmines are laid to deter attack. Trader caravans continue to trade with both the Reich and the Alliance, although the dangers involved are a great risk to many. Militias continue to protect Alliance towns, although their ability to do so is heavily constrained by the lack of resources available.

EuSKalduna - Great Khans
Capital: Bitter Springs
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 10,300

-With pressure from all sides slowly increasing, the Khans have become reliant on the Followers of the Apocalypse to help them build a new kind of society – much of which requires hard work. Since Khans are often unwilling, they get the peoples under their control to do it for them in return for protection. In addition, the Khans have helped clear the roads of wreckage, as people from California begin travelling to the Mojave to strip the land of scrap or to trade. Courier services continue to expand as the roads are cleared of debris (repairing them is nearly impossible). Motorcycle use is difficult at best due to the inability of the khans to repair these ancient tarmac roads, meaning many of them have to be remade to work off-road.

-Scouts and raiding gangs continue traveling south, where they discover several locations along the Colorado that may be suitable for a new town. Unfortunately, there are already people living there, and the river plains are often to attack and are infested with malarial carrying mosquitoes. The villages scattered throughout that land are little match for the Khans, who subjugate many of them or force them to flee. Without humans to man the Hoover Dam upriver, fresh water has returned to the delta, making it rather lush and increasingly fertile. Perfect for farming – if one knows what to do (and ignores the residual radiation). After a few years, the Khans have started to keep herds of brahmin and bighorners, in addition to practicing crop rotation (maize is grown in the field for a year, followed by beans, and then a year to leave the soil fallow).

-The NCR and its citizens begin to slowly encroach on the Mojave, spurred by the decline of the old economy out west. Although the Khans are fearsome and use sniper teams to harass NCR caravans and outposts, the caravan merchants simply pay for their own mercenaries or for the Khans to protect them, so they can operate freely in the Mojave and disassociate themselves from the NCR. While the NCR has been slowed down, the migrants are undeterred, and many smaller towns under the Khans control have moved to Bitter Springs to get away from the migrants. Some of these migrants arrive in the ruins of Primm, and begin to set themselves up here.

testmen - Enclave
Capital: Raven Rock
Economy: Developed industrial
Population: 3,709

-Working from the repairs made to their piecemeal radio network, the Enclave has begun to repair and build several reconnaissance robots (mainly the eyebots that were common before the war). With them, the Enclave has started to scout the outside world. They are useful at finding mutant dens and the hideouts of ghouls, where the beasts within continue to pose a threat to pure humans. Special crack squads raid these locations and wipe out the inhabitants whenever possible, but with limited resources and manpower the enclave can only target one or two such places a year. These places usually tend to have some working pre-war technology too, or at least salvageable scrap that can be used to make repairs to damaged equipment. The radio network continues to slowly expand, in addition to several telephone lines, which once repaired, provide to be crucial in communications.

- The President, impressed the reawakened supercomputer, adopts it as his trusted aide (which is codenamed JHE). With knowledge from the computer, it quickly becomes apparent that the supplies needed to maintain the Enclave are critically low, and may run out soon – necessitating some form of interaction with wastelanders to get these crucial supplies. To this end, President Bowman gives a speech about vault dwellers as being potential candidates to help bolster the Enclave’s low numbers (and thus become American citizens). Of course, while they begin as second class citizens, they may (through loyal devotion) become first class ones. This comes about due to the discovery of vault 77 – a vault filled with people who claimed to have moved there 20 years prior to their old vaults water chip failing. Vault 77 is nearly pristine, containing two GECKs and other equipment, in addition to an empty crate.

-President Bowman agrees to allow the inhabitants of vault 77 to join the Enclave in return for the GECKs, and for other equipment deemed necessary to restart agriculture. With such equipment they build several greenhouses, but are unsure of what to do with the GECKs. Scouts continue to travel during this time, reporting on the existence of towns that the Enclave could trade with, and that several locations in the capital wasteland may be even suitable for resettlement (although radiation poses a major problem). Additionally, some caravans begin to become aware of the Enclave, and start trading with the scouts (although the true nature of the Enclave and its activities are largely unknown to the merchants).

iAmaNewb - Fourth Reich
Capital: Charlotte
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 154,500

-The Fourth Reich continues to expand in these years, albeit not as aggressively as they once did. The constraints of an agrarian economy, coupled with widespread shortages and poor transport and communications, has slowed the Fuhrer and forced him to become more pragmatic. He begins sending out emissaries that say that many of the conquered tribes and villages may now retain their old leader in return for joining the Reich. It does much to placate the tribes who once rebelled, but it also means many of them ignore the Fuhrers commands when they think they can get away with it. Continuing to expand, peaceful annexation is also seen as a potential method, and some frontier settlements choose to “join” (although in practice they hardly do anything to aid the Reich). Hitler (the fuhrers chosen name) makes the case to these villages that he can offer quality protection.

-As shortages and agriculture prove to be perennial problems, the hunt for more GECKS is on, and scouts travel in every direction in the hopes that they can find just one. Unfortunately, they are unable to find many vaults which hadn't been already picked clean, but there are rumors of some to the north in Virginia that may hold a few (as revealed by several caravans which are run by former vault dwellers). Besides GECKS, scouts also plunder airports for scrap metal (and hopefully any fuel too) that they could sell or use.

-With access to more caravans (which are slowly increasing in number), the Reich has managed to obtain some old farming equipment such as ploughs, and even a threshing machine. Of course, without any machinery to run them, they have to rely on brahmin power (which are now being bred). With both brahmin and ploughs, new lands have been opened up to farming. There is also now enough wheat that a small brewery was built in Charlotte, producing an expensive, but highly desired beer. Most people stick to drinking purified water and milk when possible, especially as brahmin become more common.

Turn 3: 2260 to 2265 AD



Turn music


Political map of Turn 3

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1471881&p=48047665&viewfull=1#post48047665

Turn quote: "I sell here, sir, what all the world desires to have—POWER" – Matthew Boulton

Events of the years 2260 to 2265 AD:

-Rivet City begins to develop into a major center of trade in the Capital wasteland, aided by access to the skills of the resident scientists and the equipment there.

-The 100th anniversary of the Vault Dwellers adventures is celebrated throughout the NCR, in both the shanty town built around vault 15 and Arroyo (a growing town in what was Oregon). In the century since their adventures, the face of the Wasteland has been irreversibly changed.

-The population of North America is 9,795,000.

Deathgrunt - The Red State
Capital: Beren's Star
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 149,300

-With malaria and other diseases that kill and maim being such a major problem, the Prime Council introduces a decree in 2261 mandating a direct offensive on the mosquito at root. Over the next four years, it expends considerable energy in tackling the problem. Militias travel to various locations and (after driving out mutants, ghouls, and other monsters) work feverishly to drain wetlands and eliminate stagnant pools of water. Vegetation is cleared away, and pits of sand with charcoal are made for the purposes of filtering the stagnant waters of Florida often unfit for drinking. Despite their efforts, infection rates only drop slowly, as there are often simply not enough people and resources to cover everything. The caravans that travel here are often assailed by people looking to buy all of the Nuka Colas, mineral waters, alcohol, stimpaks, and quinine. Although extortionate, there is always a massive demand for these things.

-The Prime Council has also seen fit to introduce several more changes in wake of the problems of the last decade. They slash the toll on people entering via the north to 1000 caps, and cut it down to 500 caps for traveling merchants (although many people simply join merchant caravans to avoid paying the 1000 caps). The markets around the border vanish as quickly as they appeared, and economic activity quickly moves to New Jacksonville, and to some other towns. In these towns, people may now see posters and commissars proudly boasting mutual cooperation among citizens and the glory of the state. For those who are interested (not many are), they may opt to visit a bi-monthly teaching session covering much of the same topic, usually held in the center of the town. They do tend to be a good way to find potential KGB recruits, and some agents are later repurposed to go scouting up north in the search for anything useful. They come back claiming Hitler has returned.

-The Prime Council quietly begins to introduce some small changes to the lives of mutants, agreeing to allow the ones who aren't aggressive to live in secluded villages and communities. Although unpopular with the people, some mutants stop fleeing and move into these areas, glad to be left alone for once. Of course, many of them had to be relocated from the ambiguous southern boundary of the State, where hundreds of soldiers patrol and live in temporary barracks in some of the less salubrious towns. To keep them from becoming weak, training drills are introduced. After serving for two years, a soldier usually can head on home, but they are expected (sometimes convinced firmly, but politely) to sacrifice some of their time each week on irrigation projects and training exercises. As the prime council is constantly short of caps and supplies, often forced labor is the only thing available.

Zillamaster55 - Alasija Banglian
Capital New Shanghai
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 3,261

-With some rivers and streams recovering, the few freshwater fish that didn't go extinct are slowly returning to prominence. The Alasjians are wise to this development, and have started to travel to the mainland to build tanks and ponds for holding fish. They usually breed them by squeezing the bellies of the fish to empty out sperm and eggs into a bucket before mixing them and then pouring the bucket into these tanks. Despite the labor intensive nature of it, the Alasjians develop this technique to the point they can have year-round fresh fish. To the caravan serving Alasjia, such fish is valuable in trade. Unfortunately as the caravan comes infrequently at best, and with the lack of towns around, the Alasjians are unable to heavily exploit it. Long distance trade is unheard of, especially as fish rots quickly.

-Noticing their lack of numbers and the suitability of the mainland for settlement, a move has been made to encourage people to have more children (although infant mortality negates these gains, often followed by complications from having too many pregnancies). Instead, the real driver of growth has been the settlement on the mainland where some farming can be done (aided by fish farms and brahmin). With both radiation and the population density low, the wild expanse of what was once Canada is free for colonization. Of course one of the big problems is a severe and crippling lack of salvaged technology, scrap, and traders. The caravan serving Alasjia comes infrequently at best, and there are few settlements up north.

Native Hunter - The Deepwood Confederacy
Capital: Preacher's Promise
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 26,920

-Although scrap can be repurposed into a multitude of things, one of the big problems is actually making new objects from scrap. Around this time, some Confederates have started to make simple forges, in which they heat up scrap metal and then rework it into a multitude of items. Given that almost no machinery is left functioning, most new items tend to be very basic. Shovels, ploughshares, hoes, nails, stills, knives, and sickles are the most common ones being manufactured. With ample timber supplies and the occasional pre-war coal mine, there is just enough energy to spare. For the most part, people still use scrap as-is, but are forced to rely on the forge to make replacements when they prove unable to repair them.

-With the opening of the 2260s, trade and farming begins to boom. The villages and towns have started to hold outdoor markets most weeks now, where people can gather to sell everything from food to moonshine, cigarettes, and hides. Fishermen who ply the coasts sometimes come to these markets to sell whatever they can catch (usually crab and lobster, both of which are seen as disgusting and are ground up for fertilizer or eaten during famine). Brahmin stocks have erratically grown, and now cheese and yoghurt is available to the wealthier moonshiners. Sometimes villages have started to repurpose abandoned vaults to store food and other supplies in, although rats (as always) eat these reserves. There are rumors of cats to the south that could help deal with this problem however.

-Unfortunately, the Confederates are a rather aggressive lot too, and a bit awful in other aspects. As the Enclave considers them to be “mostly pure”, they have enthusiastically taken to trading with each other (through vault 77 as a front). The enclave has quite a few alcoholics who have taken to moonshine, while the confederates are happy to buy guns and ammunition in return. With the council having reorganized the ad hoc militias into tribunes of 100 men each (led by several officers who are subordinate to a tribunal), the confederacy has started to have a taste of some real offensive power. They bully many villages and towns into joining the confederacy, and attack weaker ones that refuse to submit (enslaving their citizens in the process and forcing them to work in the coal mines or farms). This in turn shocks many other towns throughout the Northeast, along with their caravans, which all declare the confederacy an evil menace and refuse to trade with them. The brotherhood of steel in turn spreads stories about the confederacy and their dealings with the Enclave, and organizes itself to oppose them.

Malos - New California Republic
Capital: Shady Sands
Economy: Developing agrarian
Population: 925,000

-As the NCR develops, the problems of the previous decade have slowly become more pressing. An agricultural boom is starting to take place as brahmin barons compete fiercely to sell food, pouring their savings into vast estates and investments in the towns. As the price of food is driven down, more people than ever are moving into crafts, trades, and salvaging. Forges and blacksmiths have cropped up in large numbers to take advantage of this, as most of the metal recovered need to be reworked. Rising prices and scarcity of easily salvaged metal has brought many of the prospectors to places such as the Boneyard, where people begin to tear the metal beams of skyscrapers down for scrap. Ruins, tunnels, roadsides, mines, vaults, and other abandoned places are in the process of being plundered too. A number of merchants and dealers even founded a company to construct a railway connecting the Hub to Bullhead. Trade expanded with the Shi too, who are more than willing to share scientific discoveries and research efforts with the followers of the apocalypse and by extension the NCR.

-In a landmark agreement with the Great Khans, the NCR has been granted freedom to patrol the I15, on the condition that they allow the Khans to move away without molestation by NCR forces. As to where the Khans go, this matters little, as the NCR can now expand freely into the Mojave. Military checkpoints sprout up along the route, as the NCR begins to assert their dominance over the region and to crack down heavily on tribal gangs. Around the same time, the army begins to adopt a standardized uniform. The most distinctive part is probably the helmets and goggles, necessary in a climate in which one is liable to be shot or dust gets in the eyes. The Gun Runners and Crimson Caravan are more than happy to supply these, in addition to other weaponry.

-As the NCR pushes into the Mojave, reports come from the ruins of Las Vegas that some form of civilization remains there. Unfortunately, it is full of tribes and gangs hostile to the NCR, and the movement of supplies in the area is difficult at best. But with prospectors, traders, citizens, and the occasional brahmin baron moving into the area the NCR is forced to send men to protect them and drive out hostile groups. Attempts to bring various towns under their control (or to collect tolls on the I15) are also difficult to carry out, although with the arrival of more men in 2265 this looks likely to change. These reinforcements are used to crush the gangs and tribes inhabiting Bullhead, and allowing NCR control to expand north.

Jcorp - Transatlantic Alliance
Capital: Raleigh
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 169,200

-Work on rebuilding the shattered infrastructure of the post-war work continues during these years. A wagonway is slowly built from a coal mine to a river, where the coal can be loaded onto barges and moved down to Raleigh. Caravans continue to fill the remaining gaps in trade, but with the availability of a little coal Raleigh once again begins to give off sulfurous fumes into the skies, much like it once did centuries ago. The wagon way is profitable, although it costs a great deal to rebuild the lines and maintain them, limiting expansion. Most goods don’t travel far in either case.

-Some more enterprising fellows begin to travel out, searching for people to sell the new stimpaks to. A number of them begin to use their profits and experience to help build up a stock of medical knowledge and supplies, and they often serve as closest things to doctors in post-war Carolina. They tend to live in temporary shacks throughout the wilderness, traveling with trade caravans and making occasional rounds to particular villages. Although they have limited means, they are able to help treat cases of malaria and cholera.

-The small number of settlements scattered about the country continue to slowly and steadily expand and develop. Scrap is salvaged to make or repair equipment, cars are pushed off roads or have chunks scoured from their bodies. There are buildings are abandoned, cannibalized, renovated, or torn down. The larger towns see ditches and defensive walls built around them, while clay, rock, and timber are used when pre-war materials run out. There are few major changes, because the towns of the alliance (after discovering the Reich was unwilling to invade them) seem content to sit back and leave things the way it is.

EuSKalduna - Great Khans
Capital: Bitter Springs
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 8,500

-With the writing on the wall fairly obvious to Papa Khan, he decides that staying in the Mojave may not be possible in the future. To this end, he signs a treaty with the NCR, granting them control over the I15 in return for allowing the Khans to move southeast unmolested. Unfortunately, it led to many in the Khans leaving to stick it out with some of the other gangs out in the Mojave. He also started to crack down on chem usage within the Khans, getting help from Followers of the Apocalypse in order to do so. This unpopular move also costs a lot of caps, and in order to make sure they are prepared for the journey, everything that can’t be brought with them is sold off to merchants or thrown away. With a heavy heart and a lot of reluctant followers, they began their journey in search of a new home.

-Crossing the wastes of the southwest, the great horde of Khans made their way into Mexico. As most of them travel on foot, the few motorcycles they have are used by scouts to check if there are routes ahead which are clear to traverse. Having to make multiple repairs and modifications to the suspension, these bikes end up looking rather run down after years of going through such a hostile landscape. Tribes that these bikers come across are often the targets of fast, hard hitting raids that make use of “The Brahmins Heads”, where the main group of warriors are pinned down while the motorcyclists outflank them in order to give overlapping fields of fire. Using such brutal methods, many tribes begin to either merge with the Khans or flee from them. It begins to slowly grow, and in some ways resembles the Legion that they are quickly leaving behind.

-This change in lifestyle meant many new adaptations had to be made for this new kind of nomadic life. Brahmin herds follow the horde, which are kept for their milk (and occasionally blood), while food is either requisitioned or bought from the peoples they pass by in their travels. Unfortunately for the Khans, the fact that horses appear to be extinct means that everything must be carried on the slow lumbering brahmin or in carts. The remaining followers of the Apocalypse also begin to abandon the horde the further south they travel, as they move into what is effectively unknown territory. As they lose ties with their old world, the Khans may now struggle to create a new one in Mexico.

testmen - Enclave
Capital: Raven Rock
Economy: Developing industrial
Population: 4,141

-The Enclave finally decided on the best use of a GECK in 2261 by using it to improve the land around vault 77. Much of the kit can be used to help purify water, and contains both equipment and manuals for agriculture. After some difficult work was carried out, a great deal of land is reclaimed around the vault, making it suitable for farming. With a good agricultural base and plenty of clean water and some more energy available, the Enclave has begun to expand. A town selling purified water and food to caravans sprouts up by vault 77, (many are unaware that it is part of the enclave). In return, it proves very beneficial to the Enclave as the caravans bring scavenged machinery, spare parts, and anything else that can be found throughout the wasteland.

-Industrial production stutters constantly as the Enclave finds itself often short of both supplies and energy, having to frequently switch from one project to another as they are usually overstretched. One of these projects concerns the tunnels being extended between vaults and the occasional military base (often incorporating caves and sewers) to help provide secret routes from one area to another. As these tunnels also cover coal mines, this can be burned for fuel in less important places (nuclear reactors are used for the important facilities). After several years, several gun mills begin to slowly churn out 5.56mm rifles and ammunition, highly coveted by traders as they are brand new and work rather well. Of course, the bullets from these guns are unable to penetrate power armour, something the enclave is well aware of as they wish to retain one of their biggest advantages. They later search around in airports, hoping to find spare parts that can be used to repair or build a fleet of vertibirds.

-As their activities expand, the wider world becomes increasingly aware of the Enclave. After they repair even more radios and radio stations, eyebots become able to travel further out into the wastes where they blare out patriotic music and propaganda. Increasing trade with the outside (and the formalization of relations with the Deepwood Confederacy) has led to the Brotherhood of Steel becoming aware of the Enclave, with the Brotherhood preparing for a war. Additionally, the town built around vault 77 (becoming known as Puppitun) is quite vulnerable to attack. This forces the Enclave to begin reducing the number of raids they carry out into the wastes to prevent creating additional enemies (while increasing the manpower available for defence), and to allow several hundred wastelanders to settle in the shantytown around vault 77 (where they work, gamble, whore, and trade).

iAmaNewb - Fourth Reich
Capital: Charlotte
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 165,600

-The Fuhrer has started sending out more search parties as the hunt for a GECK is on. This was aided by the chance discovery of a warehouse filled with pristine pre-war bicycles. This was negated by the slight issue that the robots inside killed anybody trying to enter. After several soldiers died and the robots were destroyed, hundreds of bicycles were stolen from the facilities and distributed to scouts and soldiers. On them, many scouting teams pedal up into Virginia where they find vault 52, inhabited by a few people who claim most of the people there left for vault 77 after most of the equipment and machinery broke down. After asking about GECKs, the vault dwellers offered to sell a GECK. The scouts relay the message back, as they have realized that they too dangerously close to the Enclave to force them to give it.

-The other soldiers of the Reich have made good use of the bicycles to travel around hunting down rebellious tribes. As many tribal leaders continued to ignore the Fuhrer, he sent his thugs to make an example of them (by torture often), in many instances sparking rebellions that had to be brutally put down by force. With the Fuhrer demanding rapid expansion west at the same time, soldiers have been put under considerable strain as they often cannot both expand and keep the tribes under control. By 2265 some of the tribes have started giving up and following the orders of Charlotte, although extracting taxes and manpower from them is much harder. To help send out orders and to maintain the cohesion of the nation, efforts have been made to find former radio stations and to bring them up to working order. These stations then blast out patriotic German music and propaganda, boasting of the safety and prosperity of the Reich.

-Some form of schooling has started to slowly spread throughout the Reich, mostly as an outgrowth from the vault education system. Books and magazines are distributed to the towns closest to vault 88, touting to help educate people on the benefits of National Socialism and indoctrinating children into the system. Much of it focuses on the need to help unlock the productive forces of society so that it may benefit the workers of the nation. Indeed, the Fuhrer has often organized labor gangs (with a firm hand) to clear debris, vegetation, and to cultivate the land for crops such as wheat and barley. Most people prefer to grow potatoes and maize instead, meaning the grain harvest remains small, as does the supply of beer. It seems as though people are more interested in making vodka and moonshine rather than beer (which is resource intensive and doesn't travel well). Beer is barely consumed far from the brewery where it was produced, and only by a few people.

Ruski v2.0 - The Nu Texan Confederacy
Capital: Fort Worth
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 15,190

-Vault 37, as one of the “control” vaults, enjoyed a relatively peaceful existence underground as the world above died and was reborn. Nearly two centuries after the Great War, the inhabitants of the vault finally emerged into the ruins of Fort Worth. Unfortunately, Fort Worth was full of hostile gangs and mutant creatures that saw the vault dwellers as easy pickings. Retreating back into the vault after an attack, the technicians were ordered by the overseer to repair the eyebots and make them operational for reconnaissance into the wasteland. Having done so successfully, these robots traveled out to scout the lands around while the turrets in the vault were repaired. After this, the vault dwellers traveled out into the wasteland with some robots and fought a war of eradication on the ghouls and mutants.

-Several years later, the vault dwellers successfully managed to secure control over most of post-apocalyptic Fort Worth (although they have taken some heavy casualties in the process). The remaining tribes and gangs in the area, nominally under the vaults control and by extension protection, agree to leave the vault alone (and in some instances even trade with them). The inhabitants then move out and begin to build a new town around the vault, before the overseer Bookeman declares the creation of “The Nu Texan Confederacy”, instating himself as “father” and president of the Confederacy. Of course, with only several hundred vault dwellers, most of those who he supposedly rules are thousands of savage tribal types squatting in places such as the ruins of the University of North Texas Health Science Center and the LeGrave baseball field. The president reluctantly agrees to allow the communities in both the university and the baseball field to become honorary citizens.

-With the confederacy formed and a modicum of stability, the people are free to build a fairly sophisticated town using their GECKs and existing scientific and engineering knowledge. Defended by turrets and the “Nu Texan Army”, this “Citadel” is formidable to assault and filled with wonders such as clean food and water. Of course, only the original vault dwellers have access to such privileges. People throughout the Fort Worth wasteland make do with squat, although some of them have moved close to the citadel in hopes of bartering with the people inside.

LoganIsAwesome - The Green Republic
Capital: Greentown
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 5,000

-The Green Republic exists in what remains of Quebec, forming in a place that was already sparsely populated before the war began. Luckily, this meant that it survived the nuclear war reasonably intact, and most of the people who survived the general breakdown of society moved into the Saguenay river valley. Most of them became hunter-gatherers and fishers, before eventually rebuilding some of the old society that they had to abandon for survival. By the mid-22nd century, their descendants have formed the “Green Republic”, populated largely by speakers of a language made from bastardized French and English. This republic maintains a tiny militia of around 200 people armed with an odd assort of rifles, spears, axes, and pistols. With so few industrial facilities and little to salvage this far north, bullets are so rare that people even use them as money.

-The Green Republic holds elections in 2262, although the government is microscopic in size and is largely responsible for organizing the militia to drive away raiders and hostile mutants. In all other aspects people largely fend for themselves, in a constant battle with nature to survive. Scouting parties and the rare caravan occasionally returns stoves, rifles, radios, and other pre-war equipment, but most people have instead opted to build houses that resemble those of colonial days. Log cabins, in addition to wattle and daub huts scatter the land, as many of the pre-war buildings have been destroyed by water damage and the aggressive growth of plants. It is said that some places to the south may hold more pre-war equipment, and maybe even the facilities to build and maintain them, but for now it is seen as too dangerous to travel that far.

Turn 4: 2265 to 2270 AD


New World Symphony - 3rd Movement

Turn music


Political map of Turn 4

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1471881&p=48060020&viewfull=1#post48060020

Turn quote: "In war, events of importance are the result of trivial causes." - Julius Caesar

Events of the years 2265 to 2270 AD:

-Robert House, upon becoming aware of the existence of the NCR decides to quickly act to take advantage. He reawakens his securitrons, clears out the shitters from Vegas, and puts three big tribes in charge of the casinos there. House, with the tribes, then quickly work towards rebuilding the city and restoring it and opening up the city for business.

-The population of North America is 10,140,000.

Deathgrunt - The Red State
Capital: Beren's Star
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 155,300

-Although the conditions of Florida are hellish to say the least, the efforts of many thousands of people have made it a much more liveable place over the past century, most especially so in the past twenty years. Caravans and commissars have roamed the Florida wasteland, spreading ideas and the occasional piece of farming equipment to the point that now some people are starting to notice the gradual accumulation of subtle changes. Many villages continued to work together to help clear the land of vegetation, drive out mutant creatures, drain the wetlands, and plant fields. But as the population expanded, new farmers must travel out into the uninhabited areas to continue that work or find their own land, leading to either new villages forming or old ones growing. Markets frequently appear and vanish depending upon who is selling what and where, but a regular pattern has begun to emerge along the major caravan routes and the northern wall. As trade grows, so too do the number of inns, brothels, and trading outposts.

-The beginning of the end is in sight for the great diseases of Florida as the Prime Council now mandates the construction of a medical center in every village. The few doctors and medical staff available in the world have managed to put up nets to prevent mosquitoes, isolate patients, and will complain to the town if any standing water is found. Tires filled with water, old pots and barrels, puddles, gutters, and drains are attacked in order to wipe out breeding spots. Slowly but surely, malaria begins to retreat in some areas, but it takes a lot more work to see that the devilish little mosquito is driven out for good. As these ad hoc campaigns and projects go hand in hand with water purification, many traveling commissars organize the digging of even more filtering pits and the construction of water pumps and piping. Despite the fact that the water still contains some pathogens and residual radiation, it is seen as good enough for farming. To help encourage people to work on the projects set out by the Red State, the Prime Council hands out medical supplies and food to people for hard work. Of course, only relatively few take up the offer as the Red State often doesn't have many supplies to give out.

-In marked contrast to the middle part of the century when the Red State was on high alert and engaging in frequent military campaigns, the country has somewhat more relaxed in the past decade. Conscription becomes less burdensome as now only one man per family is required, and now these men may now retire from service after two years (on the assumption that they will help the states building projects). Unfortunately for the Red State, most of these soldiers return to the land and often don’t want to work in projects (unless it directly benefits their community). This has become a problem on The Wall to the north, where more soldiers have been sent to after hearing news about the return of “The Fuhrer”. KGB agents are sent into the field up north to spread propaganda denouncing this man and his “Reich”. Many people are confused about this man and what unspeakable evils he is responsible for, other than some small war from before the Great War.

Zillamaster55 - Alasija Banglian
Capital New Shanghai
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 3,376

-For the rest of the 2260s, very little happens among the people of Alasijia Banglian. They continue to fish, rear brahmin, and farm like they have for many years already. Their numbers grow slowly, and some move to the mainland to find new places to live, hunt, and work. There are rumors of vaults and great towns hidden to the south and in the mountains, but they seem to be just that. Rumors. Life continues much in the same way as it did a decade ago.

Native Hunter - The Deepwood Confederacy
Capital: Preacher's Promise
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 33,830

-The 2260s was a time when the Confederacy degenerated into increasingly violent militarism. The tribune system has led to the militias often viewing organized conflict as an easy way to make get rich, through plundering weaker peoples. Theodore Mallister lost the election to the militia leader Samuel Wollingsworth (also known as Col), and Col is a guy who is interested in shooting a lot. The workshops no longer churn out stills, but spears, guns, and armour (many of these workshops also have adjacent forges now). This arsenal is also now heavily supplemented by Enclave soldiers, who smuggle laser guns into the country. As expansion accelerates, the tribunes have become more organized (thanks to Enclave assistance) and are hitting stronger towns. Many of their attacks are brutal and hard hitting, with mass enslavement being a common punishment for resistance. By 2270, they have effectively brought much of the Maine wasteland under their control and now march south for Massachusetts, where people are in a state of panic and are rallying behind the brotherhood.

-The tribunals also continue efforts to capture a live Yao Guai, and they finally succeed in 2269, when to prevent it escaping, they put it in a hole in the ground with a heavy iron grate over the top. As for how they plan on taming it is another matter, as the beast is both fearsome and hostile to anyone coming near it. People have had better luck taming and breeding vicious dogs, deranged and mistreated creatures that (once set loose) will tear a man limb from limb. Another major achievement in redneck biotechnology is in brahmin breeding, as separate breeds have slowly started to emerge (although their traits are quite subtle). Cats have also been brought from down south (after a caravan was persuaded to bring a litter of kittens), and have begun multiplying.

-Some slaves in the confederacy are granted their freedom once more, as one of the old provisions that Mallister left in place was a law which gave freedom to slaves after waiting ten years and joining a tribune and fighting for the confederacy or becoming baptized and working for a family. Many of these slaves have only recently lost their freedoms however, and with the lack of law enforcement many take the opportunity to escape when the chance presents itself. Those who are unable to escape are usually put to work in the fields or are made to trek out into the wilderness to cut timber and coal. Others are forced to repair harbor facilities, build fishing boats, and build schools for the rednecks children (not to mention finding books and holodisks). The slaves are also usually the ones who have to unload boats, fish, and teach the children too. For those with an education or skills, life isn't too bad.

Malos - New California Republic
Capital: Shady Sands
Economy: Developing agrarian
Population: 967,300

-The NCR has sometimes seen the scavenger world as a small source of embarrassment for some years, especially as many places look pretty run-down and shit. Starting in 2267, the NCR began a program to bring mines and quarries into regular working order. A portion of the growing budget is now being spent on the repair of mining machinery and other equipment, although it seems as though nobody is too terribly interested in actually working in the mines. Salvaging (especially from the Boneyard and Necropolis) continues to grow. Huge chunks of metal are shorn off from skyscraper beams and are processed onsite before they are carted off to other towns and cities. The only real industries that need fresh materials are concrete plants scattered throughout the republic. Breaking up limestone and mixing it with old concrete, they produce a wondrous material that can be used to make buildings nearly as good as pre-war ones. Towns once made out of junk are starting to see new, well-designed buildings emerge from the wasteland.

-As the NCR continues to expand into the Mojave, the construction of railways and outposts has helped to solidify much of their hold on the land. Scouts have also traveled further and have reported on the existence of a gigantic dam with working machinery inside, that could be potentially restored to working order and solve the problem of widespread water and energy shortages. In addition, they have found that somebody has restored some order to the city and is busy rebuilding much of it. Groups of desert rangers are also willing to work together with the NCR to ensure that the peoples of the Mojave are protected from outside dangers, as now there are stories of a massive plundering horde to the east led by a man known as “Caesar”. Considering that the republic still struggles to hold onto the Mojave, and has had difficulties in trying to integrate Vault City, New Reno, and a host of other towns, this comes as a major concern to the administration.

-By 2270, military outposts in the Mojave have been established by Hoover Dam, Boulder city, Sloan, Primm, and Novac to name but a few. Most of the residents in these areas generally do not trust the NCR and for the ones not yet under military occupation they are unwilling to join. These villages are perfectly content however to sell alcohol and chems at extortionate prices to NCR soldiers and to take advantage of the trickle of scavengers and gamblers making their way to the Mojave. The NCR army has meanwhile struggled to put down hostile gangs and tribes that threaten their growing hold on the Mojave, and make the I15 safe for passage. But with the Khans long gone, their job is much easier than one would suspect, meaning they have penetrated more deeply into the Mojave. The NCR has another advantage, since the growing trade and cooperation with the Shi (in addition to a larger budget) has made fuel supplies for vertibirds more reliable and slightly cheaper. Although they still need skilled engineers to help repair the vertibirds, they can project more power in the Mojave than before.

Jcorp - Transatlantic Alliance
Capital: Raleigh
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 180,700

-For the past few decades the alliance has existed as more of a loose association of towns with few real ties to one another more than anything else. In 2265 this changed when a roaming band of slavers attacked a village and enslaved nine of the citizens before they looted and burned what remained. The alliance was galvanized into action by this, assembling a team of several hundred soldiers and sending them after the slavers. After they spend several weeks organising and scouting out the route taken by the slavers, they discovered an abandoned factory that the slavers had taken refuge in. The soldiers surrounded the factory and took up positions. When the signal was given they stormed the factory and killed or captured most of the slavers in addition to freeing the captured slaves. As it turned out, the factory was once used to supply the abandoned Home Depot nearby and as a consequence the fertilizers inside had been used by the slavers to make chems. The gardening equipment was of greater interest, and many of them were taken and sold in many towns throughout the alliance.

-The alliance returned back to its ways, with most towns running themselves as usual, although they have started to organise better militias and coordinate with each other more than usual. Scouts travelling north and south continue to discover new caravans (directing them to their home towns) and refugees from the Reich. As the alliance is an incredibly informal entity, it is difficult to say when one place is part of it, as towns and villages usually sign individual treaties with one another. In one of these new villages, a ghoul (by the name of Bugsy) from old Vegas heard of the big towns alliance and travelled to the Raleigh railway line, where he set up a bar and casino. As he is right in the middle of where a caravan trail and the railway meet, he quickly becomes popular among the mine workers and caravan merchants who stop by to gamble or drink.

-The alliance has also drunkenly expanded eastwards to the sea in the same way, as many coastal villages become eager to develop trade relations with the interior and gain protection too. With trade slowly recovering, boats have begun plying the coasts more frequently. Many piers and old harbours have been reclaimed and fixed up, and caravans in addition to boats move all sorts of goods through the Carolina wasteland. As farming steadily improves, much more land has been brought under cultivation for tobacco now, and some towns are working on draining wetlands. The problem of poor fertility in the soil and the lack of ways to improve soil quality is still a big problem, especially for tobacco farmers. In addition, mosquitoes still pose a major annoyance, although they aren't as bad as in the Deep South where outbreaks of yellow fever can sometimes devastate whole communities.

EuSKalduna - Great Khans
Capital: Chihuahua
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 12,300

-In the former Mexican state of Chihuahua, Papa Khan decides to finally settle down and declare it the new homeland of the Khans. Much of the central part of the country is steppe, with deserts to the east and highlands to the west. These highlands have rather cool winters and warm summers, making it tolerable for most people living here. Unfortunately while the Khans have seized control of the steppe, the hills are filled with tribes who detest the newcomers and their disruptions. The Khans know that they have to find a good spot for their new capital, and decide upon the ruins of Chihuahua. It survived the war relatively unscathed, and while there were already people living here, the Khans drove out most of them in a bloody attack and seized the city for themselves.

-From their new base, the Khans swarm out to seize control of the caravan trails and force the caravans to give them “taxes”, while others head east to force towns to submit to their rule. Supplies to repair robots are bought, stolen, or outright torn out of aged pieces of equipment to help fix turrets, eyebots, and other robots deemed necessary for the protection of the horde and for scouting purposes. Walls are quickly erected out of junk throughout their new city (or are used to bolster the existing walls that did little to keep out the Khans). The courier network is also reborn, although they only go as far as the former US-Mexican border. One of the reasons why is because the rapid expansion of Caesar's legion has cut off many of the trails between Mexico and the NCR, making it harder to trade than before. Although a few caravans still stick it out, although they stay well clear of the legion. Even with some maps available (scavenged from holodisks and old travel agents), the caravans have yet to find or trust alternate routes north.

testmen - Enclave
Capital: Raven Rock
Economy: Developing industrial
Population: 4,743

-The Enclave, in wishing to continue cultivating ties with the outside world (and to hopefully build up a powerbase from which to retake the USA), has strengthened relations with the Deepwood Confederacy. Using some stealth equipment that they managed to manufacture or repair (much of it salvaged from old military bases or looted from nightkin), Enclave soldiers have been sneaking laser weaponry (amongst other things) to these rednecks up north, supporting their bloody wars to unify Maine on the condition that they assist the Enclave against the Brotherhood. The Enclave is also using the same strategy to rally up the wasteland tribes and mercenaries against the Brotherhood (usually by giving them standard rifles and armour). The Brotherhood became infuriated at this, and likewise began to rally support among people in the capital wasteland to fight against the Enclave.

-The Enclave itself has started to unwillingly copy what the Brotherhood does too. Unlike in the west, the Enclave and Brotherhood have seemingly abandoned many of their original tenets after so many years of isolation and migration. Puppitun is the most obvious example of this, as the shantytown around vault 77 is rapidly growing due to the clean water and food it provides in the area. Land is cleared to make way for a marketplace in the town, followed by a customs office to collect tolls on traders coming to do business. A proper wall (made from rocks and concrete) is built to separate Enclave soldiers and former vault dwellers from the wastelanders in the shantytown. Despite this clear separation, the Enclave is very strict about maintaining order and protecting the town, for they have spent a lot of time and resources on building (or moving) turrets and fences to protect the town. Scouting parties continued to search for anything useful in the wasteland discovering that a group of scientists at the Jefferson Memorial have been working on a project to purify the Potomac River, one that has come to a standstill due to a lack of a GECK. The scouts do not intervene.

-While Puppitun grows, the Enclave continues to struggle to find ways to increase industrial production to the point that they can manufacture everything they need. Scrapyards and caravans are still heavily relied upon, but occasionally the Enclave will hire wastelanders to go down a mine to collect copper ore or coal for them. Most of their production has shifted towards churning out cheap rifles to sell in Puppitun (or to send to loyal tribes), and to manufacture equipment desperately needed for agriculture. Although workshops have sprung up in Puppitun to supply the pseudo-factories of the Enclave, the amount that they can produce is heavily limited by both the lack of machinery, (not to mention fuel or electricity for them) and labour. Since the Enclave also has effectively no money, it must rely on selling weaponry, ammunition, and purified water to continue getting enough resources. This is a major problem for them as although the rifles are unable to penetrate power armour; their proliferation might lead to a different disaster down the road.

iAmaNewb - Fourth Reich
Capital: Charlotte
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 171,400

-The expansionary vision of the Fuhrer has come to an end lately, due to his untimely death from liver failure. With his death, many of the tribes and villages within the Reich tried to rebel, bringing an end to current wars and requiring the unruly leaders to be crushed or brought in line with the government in Charlotte. During the four years it took to restore order, a number of bicycle stores and warehouses were plundered after somebody came up with the bright idea of attaching a small cart to the side of one and adding a wheel. Although it costs a lot to maintain a bicycle, most towns and villages usually have the facilities capable of repairing them. Teams of cyclists begin to pedal throughout post-war Carolina, moving everything from food to moonshine and passengers. Although faster than brahmin, the lack of good roads means that it’s more difficult in most areas to use them. To get around this, many old trails and pathways that are overgrown, but undamaged (or without debris on them) are revived for the cyclists.

-These cyclists crisscross the Carolinas, although they still need protection from raiding gangs and have to stop frequently. Teams of soldiers on bicycles have to patrol the routes as well, and inevitably when they find wrecked cars or fallen trees they get annoyed (since they have to remove them). The interim council running the Reich for now (at least until a new Fuhrer can be picked) has ordered towns and villages to keep routes clear for traffic (a measure that is usually followed, except in the frontiers). The councils other main pressing concern was obtaining a GECK from the vault up north, which offered to sell it in return for 10,000 caps. A hard bargain indeed, but the Reich accepted. Now that they have one, the question remains “What to do with it?”

Ruski v2.0 - The Nu Texan Confederacy
Capital: Fort Worth
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 15,800

-The vault dwellers of the Citadel in Fort Worth are very interested in acquiring whatever pre-war technology they can find (although they are much too soft to go out trekking in the wasteland). Eyebots and traders are sent to the four universities in the city to look for anything that can be salvaged, such as old computers and manuals on engineering and agriculture. Quite a couple of these things are found, in addition to textbooks about cybernetics. These textbooks hold a vast store of information on game theory, mathematics, and robotics. For what purpose the vault dwellers intend this information is unknown, but merchants are happy to sell them sacks full of this seemingly worthless paper and electronics that ceased to work long ago.

-When people do travel out, it is for the rather aggressive purpose of clearing out all ghouls and mutants they come across. But as their numbers are small, they have begun training the nearby tribes to use these weapons and to use them properly, on the condition that they eradicate every ghoul and mutant they come across. Some “sane” ghouls manage to convince some of the more sympathetic vault dwellers to spare them in return for assisting them in hunting down feral ghouls. The vault dwellers reluctantly agree, and organise the “dead men walking” battalion. The battalion’s most famous exploit at this time was to chase down a group of raiders who attacked a trader by the Pioneeer tower. After a brutal assault, the remaining raiders were captured and brought to the citadel and were burned alive for their crimes, a punishment that managed to shock the wastelanders – such a punishment had been never seen before.

-Some of the tribes who have settled in the shantytown around vault 37 are occasionally taken in for testing by the medical staff. As the Citadel has few people in it, the staff will often adopt babies (forcefully) from their parents if they are found to free of mutations. Of course, such a policy goes down extremely badly with the tribes there, who riot and trash the buildings as they demand to be given back their children. After being driven off by gunfire, the need for bolstered defences is seen as crucial, leading to the construction of a stronger wall around the Citadel in addition to turret emplacements and sentry outposts. Well protected inside the Citadel, the growing population of the town slowly works to revitalize the wasteland with a GECK, with the first priority being agriculture and water purification. To drive the importance of this task home, the president gives a rambling hour long speech about the need to “cleanse the wasteland” and how they are saviours. When the people of the shantytown boo at him and call him a hypocrite and a thief, he orders the speech to be played twice a day from loudspeakers in the shantytown.

LoganIsAwesome - The Green Republic
Capital: Greentown
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 5,488

-The people of the Green Republic, due to their isolation, have access to a landscape that has once more become untamed and wild, with the forests having rapidly colonized much of the Quebec wasteland over the past century. As they need to maintain tools that they can use to work timber with, people have of course used scrap to supplement and repair these tools (plus a lot of pre-war equipment survived). But after nearly two centuries they have been forced to start making their own whetstones to sharpen blades with, simple forges to make basic repairs or tools, and other pieces of necessary equipment. These would prove useful in the coming years as the Republic began to organise a unified militia (consisting of around 200 volunteers) that will not only work in defence, but also in community projects.

-These projects normally consist of helping some of the villages to clear trees and cultivating fields for potatoes and vegetables. This is hard and difficult work that takes years to do, but it’s a step towards making peoples lives easier. As there is more than enough timber for fuel, a lot of it is shaped into planks and used to build houses or boats with, which some people use to go fishing in the rivers or the coasts. An enterprising fellow managed to acquire responsibility for a particular wharf and several boats, becoming known as the manager of the “Green Fishing Company”. With hardly anyone to trade with, the fish is usually smoked and kept over the winter months in food reserves. The small amounts of smoked fish which is traded, is usually in return for tools and bullets from traders down south who occasionally roam this far north. As the militia organises itself, it begins to make trips south to visit villages outside of the republic to give gifts of smoked fish or to help protect them from the mutants and raiders that occasionally wander here. These villages later begin to join the republic.

Turn 5: 2270 to 2275 AD


Ain't That A Kick In the Head- Dean Martin

Turn music


Political map of Turn 5

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1471881&p=48090132&viewfull=1#post48090132

Turn quote: "War is merely the continuation of politics by other means." – Carl Von Clausewitz

Events of the years 2270 to 2275 AD:

-Galaxy News Radio and Radio New Vegas both begin operation around this time.

-Caesar's Legion begins to assemble his forces on the eastern banks of the Colorado River after the conclusion of a successful campaign in the southeast of the Empire, in response to the NCR occupation of the Mojave and restoration of the Hoover dam.

-The population of North America is 10,550,000.

Deathgrunt - The Red State
Capital: Beren's Star
Economy: Developing agrarian
Population: 261,400

-After thirty years of development the Red State has begun to resemble an actual state, complete with regular taxation, a government, and now even the provision of some basic services. Water has always been a big problem in Florida, especially the drinking kind. But by now, the Prime Council may have finally resolved this crucial problem for good. Working off the achievements made by the medical centres of the past decade, the Prime Council has managed to organise the creation of the Medical Union. Unlike past efforts, it has been given considerable resources and manpower with which to end the mosquito devil for good. Working together with the towns, they begin by repairing old sanitation systems and restoring water pumps wherever possible (albeit driven by water or wind power rather than electricity). Tanks are built for storing clean water, purification equipment is bought from traders, and limited stocks of quinine are kept in reserve by doctors. In addition campaigns are launched to educate people about how to get rid of standing water and so prevent malaria.

-These campaigns are part of a series of moves by the Prime Council to build a stronger Red State. Information about disease and clean water has the potential to save thousands of lives, so in addition to the Medical Union a system of schooling has been introduced. The three R’s are the main subjects for most people, but additional content praising the state and information about how to purify water or treat disease is also common. After years of suffering from disease and poor water, these programs (in addition to previous ones over the past few decades) begin to finally bear fruit as outbreaks of yellow fever and malaria decline steadily. Outbreaks are still common, and the limited stocks of medical supplies make treatment difficult, but the mosquito is longer as devastating a killer. More land can be obviously exploited as malarial infection is not such a big issue, with hunters scouring the land for mutants and ghouls to shoot, while some enterprising chaps setting up logging camps and clearing forest. Consequently a lot of timber becomes available for construction and fuel. The signs of change are reflected by the increasing numbers of caravans, the growth of markets, and the replacement of swamp and forest with fields of tilled crops.

-The result of this has been a strengthening of support for the state as quite obviously it can provide a lot of benefits (many of them involving health). The towns to the south are much warmer to the idea of life under the Red State, and combine efforts with the Red Army to drive out the last of the hostile mutants and ghouls from the peninsula in addition to raiders and other gangs. The Red Army is then able to firmly convince most of the towns they visit to join the Red State, aided by rather persuasive officers. By 2275 nearly all of Florida has been unified, a massive zone of relative safety in which people can live and work. The population within this area is estimated to be around a massive 250,000. With the Red State so large and powerful it can mobilise labour on an unprecedented level, with an army of sever-al thousand armed men and hundreds of paid civil servants and public workers. To manage this army a proper command structure is introduced for the first time, in addition to the establishment of an organised military intelligence. As trade expands and the KGB agents travel out from Florida to gather information, the Red State becomes aware of both the Reich and Transatlantic alliance in addition to how they operate, what they trade, and their relative sizes.

Native Hunter - The Deepwood Confederacy
Capital: Preacher's Promise
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 83,250

-As the confederacy grows, so too do its needs. At some point during this time the militias finally merged together to form an army, not that anyone cares for the specific details. This army is little more than a gang of violent drunkards and thieves that terrorize the northeast coast, plundering and pillaging wherever they go. Unlike Caesar's Legion, they are poorly disciplined and have self-gratification as their primary objective. Mayor Samuel of Preacher's Promise encourages enlistment, claiming that all those who join up will be given food, moonshine, and land. Over several years, this force ends up accumulating other sorts of scum (such as conquered tribes) and those who choose military service out of a need to survive. The ones who aren't in solely for the looting and pillaging tend to be the most disciplined and well-trained (but conversely they are the least loyal). A guy called Roy belonged to this group, and in order to hopefully gain better respect for his men asked to form a unit of skirmishers consisting of the best riflemen in the confederacy. Handpicked from former hunters, trappers, and mercenaries, they are used both for combat near the front lines, and to patrol the borders. The rangers are also usually employed to capture runaway slaves, something that a number of them resent and quarrel over.

-As this horde of drunken hicks makes its way southwards, they begin to ravage the territory of what was once New England, looting and raping as they go. In their wake follow equally rowdy settlers, claiming land and throwing the previous inhabitants off of it (those that pro-test are enslaved, or tend to flee with their possessions). They move into the old houses, bringing sex slaves and drinking copious amounts of moonshine in the makeshift bars set up by entrepreneurial types. Heated passions led to a lot of disorder, and in 2273 many towns complained angrily about the collapse of law and order and declared rebellion. In response Samuel was forced to create the Department of National Security (a glorified police department) and grant extraordinary powers to the sheriffs (in addition to a lot of caps). While many of these caps mysteriously vanish from a lot of offices, most sheriffs have to produce results. Whenever it is by hanging everyone or cutting deals with criminal gangs to maintain order depends on the sheriff in question. The result is the same, with the towns temporarily satisfied. These towns managed to return back to fishing and sailing, buying up timber, met-al, and cloth from the rednecks (so as to build boats) in return for sex and alcohol.

-Two tribunes of soldiers were sent by Samuel to trek south to the capital wasteland in Au-gust 2271 to help support the Enclave against the Brotherhood of Steel. Along the way, they bullied a number of tribes into giving them supplies or men to help with the fight when it transpired that an all-out war had broken out. The tribunes are caught in a fight with the Brotherhood, and were quickly scattered when it became clear that several hundred red-necks were no match for well-trained and disciplined soldiers. The two tribunes flee home or break down into looting gangs, and with the other tribes manage to raze the Republic of Dave to the ground, followed by setting Tenpenny tower on fire and nearly breaking into Megaton. Trade caravans are plundered or flee, and what civilization remains in the Capital Wasteland descends into further barbarism and savagery. One of the few solaces to Samuel Wollingsworth is that a hunter reportedly caught a young Yao Guai and managed to keep it long enough that he figured out how to tame it. Of course, teaching it (and getting more) will be harder. The other one that had been caught several years ago is too old to tame, which means that it is only possible to tame the younger ones.

Malos - New California Republic
Capital: Shady Sands
Economy: Developing transition
Population: 1,016,000

-Ever since the Great War, the Hoover dam has been nothing but a giant hunk of concrete sitting silently in the sun for centuries. In 2272, this changed forever when NCR rangers scouting out the area reported that the structure actually has functioning machinery inside. What’s more, the Colorado River is uncontaminated by radiation (or very much of it) and much of the pre-war infrastructure is very salvageable. Sensing the opportunity that lay be-fore them, several battalions were immediately sent to seize the dam and bring it back to working order. This took a whole year of bloody conflict with the tribes and gangs that still roamed the Mojave, often resulting in the complete annihilation of tribes that had survived the Master and the Enclave, only now to fall to democracy and the rule of law. Those who haven’t been killed yet, flee to the Legion or into the northern wastes. While the NCR still attempts to send emissaries out to convince towns to join the Republic, they are often unsuccessful. The diplomats who travel even further afield (such as to Texas and Mexico) are lucky to return alive at all.

-Despite the strength of the NCR, it was often too busy trying to secure the dam and putting down tribes to deal with Mr. House in New Vegas. He himself represents a potential threat, for he has a small army of securitrons at his back and a number of former tribes occupying the city. The city steadfastly maintains its independence (much like New Reno on another NCR border), refusing to pay any taxes to the NCR (but being happy to encourage soldiers to gamble and whore in the city). Mr. House himself makes it blatantly obvious to the NCR that he views them as little better as squatters, and demands a portion of the electricity supply in return for granting military access and facilities to build and maintain bases. With Caesars Legion spotted in the east, the NCR agreed to grant him 5% of the power output and protect the strip from annexation (for the time being). In January 2274, the final repairs were made to the dam and the power was switched on for the first time in nearly two centuries.

-The impact is almost immediate, with power shortages eliminated virtually overnight (and nearly overloading the fragile electrical grid). Electrical lights switch on throughout the re-public, kettles boil, televisions flicker into life, and fridges hum contentedly. Within a year, pre-war electronics have become valuable, and people seek to cram as many of them into their homes as possible. Entrepreneurs rush out to strip every last building of its valuable copper as prices soar, and new businesses boom as they seek to make the wiring now needed in unprecedented quantities. All over California, a massive transformation is taking place. The residents of Junktown tear down their houses and walls, sell the metal, and move into hastily built concrete slums. Wires are strung throughout the streets, wrapped around poles, and dangle dangerously over people’s heads. The number of workshops and factories explodes, while industrial manufacturing skyrockets. Fresh water supplies will take longer of course, due to the dismal state of water pipes and the lack of active pumps. Regardless, people from outside California flock into the republic, and before the year is out power consumption has already tripled to cover nearly a quarter of the dam’s capacity. The industrial revolution has returned.

Jcorp - Transatlantic Alliance
Capital: Raleigh
Economy: Developing agrarian
Population: 190,400

-As decades pass, what was once a small cluster of semi-tribal villages has grown into a weak confederation covering what was once the Carolinas. Some form of law and order was slowly re-established at the same time, allowing traders and their caravans to travel the country relatively unmolested (although raids and robberies are still common). This, in addition to the recovery of damaged machinery, the construction of many new buildings, and population growth has led many observers to think that civilization is returning here. In 2270, the discovery of an abandoned radio station (with much of the equipment largely in-tact or easily repairable) led to the creation of the Alliance Radio Station, which (after salvaging all of the holodisks and records they could find) began to play out pre-war music throughout the Alliance. Most people of course do not own a radio, but have to scavenge the wastes for working parts to cobble a new one together from. One man in the search for parts to make a radio stumbles across a cache of homebrew guns made from pipes. He at-tempts to copy and sell them to interested buyers, but few people are interested when there are already laser pistols, revolvers, rifles, and SMGs somehow lying around fucking everywhere.

-Bugsy’s casino has become wildly popular in the Alliance, as it is one of the few places offering a whole range of entertaining activities. The original clientele of merchants and miners expands to cover anybody travelling through the area, and later to people who begin deliberately seeking out the casino to spend their hard-earned caps. Even people from the Reich travel here to drown their sorrows or to have a nice fuck. With so many customers Bugsy becomes very wealthy indeed. Of course this means that other competitors are quick to start up their own casinos or bars nearby (which he duly cuts deals with or buys out), and a new town sprouts up here. Due to the fact it’s close to a coal mine, the people here usually burn coal, meaning that a thick cloud of smoke about the town is not only seen as normal, but as a sign of its growing wealth (especially as coal demand rises). Bugsy is quick to hire mercenaries to protect this place from the riff-raff and to keep it orderly, and to make a clear message to the Alliance that he does not accept their authority (or taxes).

-Bugsy is right to be worried about the Alliance, as many other people are. Unlike the Alliance of fifty years ago, this entity is starting to slowly coalesce into a confederation, aided by the creation of the shared radio network which means people listen to the same music and news as one another. Although there are effectively no formal changes in the Alliance itself, many towns have started to collect irregular taxes and tolls, while also strengthening their militias. New crafts slowly emerge as the economy slowly pulls away from subsistence, such as workshops that manufacture basic plaster and cement (although the people here name it sandcrete) from limestone and sand. Some people quite enjoy the benefits of both, using it to stabilise their houses or to make smooth walls and floors, although the energy cost is pretty high. To make it, coal is needed, and that means importing it. It’s no wonder that Bugsy is an enthusiastic user of plaster himself, using it to make his casino look marvellous. Despite the splendour of the casinos, around nine-tenths of the population are de-pendent on farming at least part of the time, and the famine of 73’ is but the latest in a long line of hunger and misery.

EuSKalduna - Great Khans
Capital: Chihuahua
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 13,840

-For the most part, as Mexico was a less important target in the war, it was relatively unscathed by bombs. This meant that within several decades of the war, agriculture started again, often in the very same valleys that maize was domesticated thousands of years be-fore. The Khans have taken some of the lessons of the Mexicans on-board, due to their years of experience in farming the dry soils of the Chihuahua wasteland. In addition, the few Followers of the Apocalypse left (who are unable or unwilling to go home) have aided as well by setting up a school in the city, in order to teach the skills needed for farming and engineering. They also help tribes to settle down, especially the ones who have been migrating west towards the city after Papa Khan (or Temujin as he has taken to calling himself now) sent traders and scouts out with the message that he would grant them protection on the condition they cultivated the land given to them. With little law and order in Mexico (even before the war), this is a rather welcome development.

-Over the next few years, Temujin began to slowly rebuild Chihuahua and by extension the power of the Khans. He organized the collection of resources and manpower necessary to repair and maintain mechanic shops, hospital, doctor’s clinics, and defensive walls in addition to clearing debris off the roads and streets. The motorcycles possessed by the Khan (al-ready worn down and badly damaged after 20 years of use) once more have some skilled workers and facilities on hand available to repair and maintain these costly machines. Some inevitably are damaged beyond repair, and are cannibalized for spare parts. Despite having fewer motorcycles the Khans still patrol the Chihuahua wastes in them, in addition to hunting down the smaller tribes and subjugating them. Unusually they also resettle tribes that have been conquered, usually by moving them into Chihuahua or to another village with and to farm. Some are willing to take up farming in return for protection, but other tribes (not to mention some of the Khans themselves) quickly revert back to making chems and robbery.

testmen - Enclave
Capital: Raven Rock
Economy: Developing industrial
Population: 6,274

-The Enclave has been preparing for another war with the Brotherhood for some years now, preparation that has eventually resulted in the development of Tesla armour. Unlike normal power armour, Tesla armour dissipates much of the energy from laser and plasma guns. It’s a rather bulky addition that impedes mobility but makes the wearer virtually immune to a wide range of weaponry. With a large reserve of stealth boys, and a whole plethora of tribes armed and convinced to fight on the Enclaves behalf, the odds are looking favourable. Part of this optimism is manifested by the reintroduction of the US dollar into wider circulation (pre-war dollars can be exchanged due to the lack of machinery to print money). Backed with purified water, the money is quickly adopted by people in Puppitun and by traders. Of course, there is a period of rapid inflation as people rush to exchange dollars for water, until prices stabilise after two years (when all of the easily recoverable paper money has been found). Of course water supplies frequently ran low, meaning the Enclave has started to keep an eye on the efforts of project purity (which for the most part is struggling). But with the Brotherhood of Steel posing a threat to an attempt to intervene on the project, some-thing must be done before they make a move. On a damp and foggy morning in August 2271, the President gave a rousing speech to his soldiers and declares war on the Brother-hood.

-The war starts off with an attack on their major outposts from both vertibirds and Enclave infantry. The BoS was expecting such an attack, but they were not expecting hundreds of other people from assorted tribes attacking at the same time. Many outposts were destroyed and ransacked, while the BoS was forced to pull back to the Citadel. The Enclave fol-lowed up by trying to assault this stronghold, but was unable to breach its defences without taking serious casualties. When they returned back to Raven Rock and Puppitun, it turned out that many vertibirds had been damaged in the battle and dozens of the finest soldiers killed. In addition, many of the tribes turned to looting the outposts and then spreading outwards in a wave of destruction and mayhem. They were joined by detachments of drunken hicks sent by the Deepwood Confederacy, which proceeded to ransack several settlements. Caravans were pilfered and without the Brotherhood or Enclave to impose control, what little semblance of civilization broke down in the capital wasteland. Only a few islands such as Rivet city and vault 101 remain open. Puppitun itself receives a horde of refugees fleeing the disaster.

-The Enclave struggles to maintain order in Puppitun, a swollen shantytown filled with people seeking protection from the terrors of the wastes. There are moves to cut down on the supply of guns and ammunition to people, as it becomes obvious that having a lot of potentially hostile people armed to the teeth might pose a problem. Many of the tribes had al-ready taken advantage of this generosity to pillage the capital wasteland of what little wealth remained, and then attempted to attack Puppitun before they were riddled with bul-lets. Understandably, factories owned by the Enclave switched to manufacturing agricultural tools, radio parts, stoves, and other things in demand by wastelanders rather than weapon-ry. A Board of Reclamation was set up to help manage the conversion of existing factories into ones producing the aforementioned goods, and to help restore pre-war factories and buildings to working order. This doesn’t stop the active trade in guns and bullets though, especially as lawless shantytowns have gun mills aplenty.

iAmaNewb - Fourth Reich
Capital: Charlotte
Economy: Developing agrarian
Population: 202,900

-In 2270, the ruling council finally decided to appoint a new Fuhrer, it unsurprisingly being his former right hand man (a man who named himself after Speer). As it turned out, Speer had many opponents in the council despite being obviously groomed for leadership. It took him several years to build up a power base and to pick off his rivals before finally getting enough support that he could be sworn in as Fuhrer of the Reich. Speer immediately turned his attention to the more pressing issues at home, for the country suffered from numerous economic and social problems that has weakened the government in the years of bickering among the council members. He started by using the GECK bought a while back to immediately improve the lands around Charlotte that belonged to the more loyal towns (or least rebellious ones anyways), making a clear statement that support will grant benefits. This was enough to convince most tribes and villages to support his leadership, in the hopes of receiving a GECK themselves. In the interim they have to make do with what limited re-sources the Reich can spare for them, although recently the spread of bicycles has led to the revival of small electrical generators (usually powered by having several people drive a fly-wheel which stores the energy), and in turn the availability of electrical machinery in some parts.

-As agriculture takes off and food production grows, a growing number of people have been able to take some time off to work on small jobs and crafts in addition to farming work. Bi-cycles provide a perfect opportunity for some, as bicycles need craftsmen to both repair and make them (there is usually enough scrap or abandoned bicycles around for both). In addition, a lot of rickshaws have been churned out by these same craftsmen (either pulled or using pedals) for trade and travel as well. The caravan merchants are often incredibly annoyed at this and attempt to restrict the number of bicycles available, while others eagerly embrace the opportunity to buy up scrap and bicycles to sell down in the Reich. For some reason, it is only in this part of the American wasteland that bicycles have become popular. While debris on roads and potholes restrict the riders, many towns have worked (often with some firm convincing by the Fuhrer) to clear the roads of shit and to clear trails and path-ways where the existing roads are too badly damaged. Some bridges are even repaired, something that even caravan merchants feel grateful for. When the period slowly comes to a close, limestone quarries begin to open up to manufacture cement and concrete (which is often used to repair the damaged roads or make new ones). The courier service that was recently establish as a kind of postal service for the Reich makes extensive use of both these roads and bicycles.

-As the years continue to pass by, many of the original values of the Reich have become diluted. The inclusion of vast new territories (with often an inability to manage them directly) means that the Reich is often powerless to control the casinos, chems, crime gangs, bars, brothels, and other undesirable entities gaining a foothold. Many people (especially in the frontiers) ignore the demands of the state to reform their behaviour or take national socialism seriously, since most people don’t know or care about a bunch of eccentric Germans who lived hundreds of years ago. Even the army has begun to change as time passes and pragmatism slowly overcomes the ideals of the Reich. When it does return to expansion after a few years of quiet neglect, the army is much less brutal in its methods and usually annexes land after power sharing agreements are made with the local towns (usually the leaders agree to send money and soldiers in return for protection).

Ruski v2.0 - The Nu Texan Confederacy
Capital: Fort Worth
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 18,730

-The vault dwellers (or Texans as they have taken to calling themselves) are comfortable in the Citadel where they can enjoy the benefits of their advanced technology, clean water, healthcare, and food that doesn't have bits in it. With their technical skills and some salvaged pre-war electronics, the Texans manage to successfully repair and upgrade a number of Eyebots, usually with armour plating and new weapon subroutines. They are of great assistance to the growing vault security forces, which has recently expanded to recruit tribal peoples to fight on the Texans behalf as proxies. With this division into a special team of original vault dwellers and a ramshackle militia, this is usually seen as the starting point for the Texan army. This new army had the pacification of Fort Worth as its first objective, through recruiting the less savage tribes and allowing them to live nearby the Citadel (while killing the rest or driving them away entirely).

-The GECKs provided for the vault all those years ago have proven their worth by now, as they have helped create fertile farmland inside the citadel (even radiation-free fruit now grows) and made water purification much easier. In a rather popular move this purified water is often given out for free to the people living in the shacks around the Citadel as part of a standard ration. Understandably, the policy of removing children from the tribes is still detested (many families begin to deliberately make their children fail the tests or hide them). The children who are adopted are also indoctrinated to share the same arrogance as the original vault dwellers too by being shown that the outside world is full of savage primitives. An informational book about the dangers of the wasteland is given to every Texan to help reinforce this belief (although surprisingly it contains a little bit of useful information too). When the tribes in Fort Worth riot, it takes at least a few rounds of execution to keep them in line. In a particularly brutal act, a gang of raiders who had been captured were skinned alive and displayed. Only one was allowed to leave, but when he tried to return to his home to convey the news, he discovered that everybody had been killed or enslaved by people from “Caesar's Legion”.

-Despite the outside world being pretty fucking dangerous, the president has an interest in getting information about the state of the world, and how much of civilization has survived (if at all). To this end he has selected a number of trusted citizens to travel out into the wastes with trade caravans and to report back on what they find out there. If there are merchants conducting trade, then that should surely imply there are towns and cities else-where? Although it will take a while for them to finish their travels (and some will die in the process), there are already several reports about the areas closest to Fort Worth. Most of them report that while many tribes are terrified of going near the Citadel due to the violent response of the security forces, there are some that are moving there in search of protection. For those who wish to remain violent, they attack the caravans and tribes suspected of holding sympathies with the Texans with renewed vigour. The fact that the vault is now actively interacting with the outside world and is potentially drawing danger towards it has caused much resentment towards the former overseer (or president as he styles himself) among factions within the vault.

LoganIsAwesome - The Green Republic
Capital: Greentown
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 6,035

-For many years, the people of the Green Republic have struggled to protect themselves from the horrors of the wilderness (not to mention other people). As the more sophisticated guns broke down or ran out of ammunition, people here have turned to manufacturing increasingly simple firearms and bullets that can be made with whatever materials are available at hand. The older rifles of the 19th and 20th centuries (with their wooden stocks) by this point have become the sole guns available to the militia and huntsmen here. Many of them have been modified to become even more rugged, with as few moving parts or complex pieces of machinery as possible. When they break down, the user is often able to repair them on the spot, although they may also take the gun to a forge where the resident black-smith is usually able to fix it. The militia (consisting of around 400 men) uses these rifles extensively, wearing green jackets to help camouflage them as they prefer to sneak up on opponents and pick them off with rifle fire.

-The 2270s opened with the discovery of a major town to the southwest, occupied by a horror worse than super mutants, the horror being Frenchmen. Although they are disgusting and speak gibberish, they do make it clear to the scouts of the Republic that they are interested in wood and products made from wood. To transport all of the logs in demand by the town, several woodsmen come up with the bright idea of tying the logs together and pulling them along rivers and streams to trading posts, where they are swapped for ammunition and spare parts for guns and a varied assortment of other goods. Smoked and salted meat (usually from hunting) is also sold, alongside animal skins. Most trade is done through bartering, as there is no money in use in Greentown. Consequently this makes buying things much more difficult for most people, who have to either bury or eat their surplus.

Pezgod1 - New Vegas
Capital: New Vegas
Economy: Developing transition
Population: 24,440

-Mr. House has spent the best part of the past two centuries slowly turning into some kind of prune attached to a computer. Without much to do, (especially due to the fact he never received the platinum chip or was able to prevent all of the bombs hitting Vegas) he was stuck in the Lucky 38 trying to figure out how to rebuild his city and improve the chances of man-kinds survival (if it ultimately did survive the war). The arrival of NCR scouts finally woke him up, hopefully permanently as it became aware that civilization was on a long journey back towards rebuilding itself. After reorganizing the tribes and kicking out the scum from the strip, he put three families in charge of fixing up the casinos and attracting customers to the city. While the lack of electricity and safe routes to the city hampered his plans, fate dropped a fat one in his lap when the NCR came in trying to annex half of the Mojave. Using his shrewd business acumen he managed to not only convince the NCR to grant him 5% of the energy output of the Hoover dam, but to also protect him and keep him temporarily safe from annexation. For now, New Vegas remains independent.

-Using his small army of securitrons, Mr. House was able to restore order to the strip, but as he has both limited numbers of them and lacks the platinum chip he is only able to do so much. Attempts to clear out Freeside go badly when his robots become overstretched and unable to defend it, not at least without expanding his security forces or finding somebody to help him with the job. The best candidate to do so is “The King”, although he and his gang distrust Mr. House after he kicked the Kings out of the strip. Despite such difficulties the strip is slowly rebuilt and it becomes gradually safer. Freeside remains semi-barbaric and lawless, while the Mojave and most of the routes to California are dangerous on a good day. The economy of the city remains weak as people only begin to travel in large numbers in the year after the dam was switched back on. The railway being built to New Vegas to the Hub is nowhere near completion, but until then caravans are happy to establish themselves here. The Gun Runners came at the personal invitation of Mr. House to set up in New Vegas, in return for a cut of the profit and protection of course.

Turn 6: 2275 to 2280 AD


Fallout New Vegas Soundtrack - Jingle Jangle Jingle

Turn music


Political map of Turn 6

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1471881&p=48136131&viewfull=1#post48136131

Turn quote: "There are some back home who ask me, "But who are we protecting? What is Nevada to us?" Sometimes we forget that the light of our society shines beyond our borders. Sometimes we take those privileges for granted that our forebears fought so hard to achieve. We must always remember that wherever Californians stand, we carry our principles with us: equal respect, representation, and protection under the laws of a just republic. This was the same fire that burned in the heart of the Old World that preceded us. We are the heirs of that civilization, torchbearers eastward of the Pacific, into the darkness of this wasted land. Four years ago, we held this dam. Four years ago, we carried the weight. Four years ago, we drew a line through the Mojave as clear as the Colorado River, a line that Caesar cannot cross. Today, you stand here with our brothers and sisters to hold that line. Today, you honour all Californians by carrying that weight. Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevada’s, defiant and enduring. You are the great western light of California, torchbearers in the darkness, living reminders of all that is best in our republic." — President Aaron Kimball

Events of the years 2275 to 2280 AD:

-Project purity, restarted and with cordial support from the Enclave, begins to reach completion. It is slated to begin purifying the waters of the Potomac in 2281, and to finish cleaning the entire area it is designed to cover by 2300.

-The population of North America is 10,995,000.

Deathgrunt - The Red State
Capital: Beren's Star
Economy: Developing agrarian
Population: 274,700

-Bending to a degree of pressure from the Prime Council, the Red Army finally agrees to recruit super mutants and ghouls into the army, in order to take advantage of their untapped strengths. Only a few bother to join, the army only managing to scrape up just barely enough to fill a company. Another annoying thing is that as the army grows larger, so too does the complexity of the command structure. Officers are now starting to regularly petition the council to free up resources that will allow them to get maps, radios, and effectively establish a coordinated military intelligence system. They are usually successful, although the lack of resources, the difficulty of communications, and relative youth of the army has retarded its development into something of a truly capable fighting force. The gun mills (some of which are owned and operated by the army) are one crucial source of revenue for the army though. With reliable trade now supplying the necessary raw materials, it is relatively easy to manufacture ammunition and firearms, the surplus of which is sold for a tidy sum. They have been able to import fission batteries (in addition to normal ones) too, and a small number of generators begin to groan as they are put back to work for the first time in over two centuries.

-The army isn’t the only enterprise to rely on the lifeline that caravans provide. As Florida becomes increasingly peaceful and easier to travel in, it’s common for people to travel as much as 20km into a market town to do some business. The inclusion of representation for the mutant recluses did much to aid peace, as the mutant on the council tried his best to show that they could live within society without any issues. He went so far as to wear a specially tailored suit with a tie, and to take elocution lessons. Although he still scares small children and unsettles the commissars, he is able to win many concessions for the mutants. One of these concessions was the inclusion of the mutant towns (the largest of which is St Petersburg) into the medical union, which did much to improve relations and reduce tensions throughout Florida. With these successes, both commissars and mutants went south to look for the last hiding places of mutants and ghouls, spreading propaganda and boasting of the benefits of life in the Red State (or Florida, as people have taken to calling it). Following closely behind are three platoons of soldiers, who help to convince the last villages and hermits to join the Red State. The last resisting either die fighting or fleeing.

-Sometime in 2277 a group of chemists and commissars were tasked with travelling to an abandoned chemicals plant and restoring it to working order. Among the materials they demanded an investigation be launched into, was the creation of plastics, synthetic rubber, pesticides, and fertilizers. The chemists are in a fix. Ethene is an important feedstock that makes the manufacture of many materials possible, but the easiest way to make it is with oil (which is rare). Being resourceful, the chemists manage to set up equipment that allows them to dehydrate ethanol, giving them enough ethene that can be used to make long chain polymers such as those used to make synthetic rubber. The commissars meanwhile are able to hire (or convince) enough locals to help build watermills and dig ponds that allow for enough electricity to run the plant. It’s a horribly inefficient and costly process, but nonetheless it’s the first place in the world that has been able to make artificial polymers since the war. In addition, the facility has been turned over to manufacturing fertilizers in a similarly low tech solution by collecting pots of pee and pouring it into vats of what appears to be dead plants, ashes, shit. It’s a decent source of nitrates that can be used to make fertilizers.

Native Hunter - The Commonwealth of New England
Capital: Preacher's Promise
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 87,060

-By the 2270s, the original vault dwellers from Preacher's Promise became a minority in their own country, as their campaigns into New England brought back thousands of slaves. These slaves in turn made up an increasingly greater proportion of the army, and (in following the precedent set by Roys Rangers) this included officers all the same. These officers were caught in a tight spot between managing a bloated horde of drunken looters and disloyal slaves, while trying to keep their superiors (most of whom spent half the time drunk) appeased. This was no longer sustainable as the officers (and most of the slave army) became increasingly disloyal. After the embarrassing defeats in the Capital Wasteland and the general collapse of order, Roy himself argued angrily with the general overseeing the southern campaign about how they were being deployed to put down a rebelling town. In the heat of the moment, Roy struck the general and refused to mobilise the rangers. The general then unwisely turned his back and walked away, before even more unwisely breaking into a run. One of the rangers shot him and realised that they were all fucked no matter what, and so ran throughout the barracks rousing the soldiers and telling them that they were revolting. Two weeks later they marched into Preacher's Promise, where they dissolved the government and executed Col Samuel.

-Roy then followed the proud tradition observed in many revolutions by appointing himself as the leader. He can read (he owns a book on medieval history) and speak intelligibly, which presumably qualifies him for the position. His officers also voted on the matter, declaring him King of the New England Commonwealth in case Roys own testimony didn’t stand up. After clearing up the mess in the office, the officers all declared themselves counts (each count owning a province that was declared to exist after they drew on top of a map with a pencil and modified the borders with the aid of an eraser). Following on from this, King Roy declared the creation of a cabinet and stated that a number of his friends were to occupy positions on it, which is sort of similar to a count but it means you get to be in charge of more things. King Roy also successfully created the “Council of Good”, which is a building where counts can go to either help run the country or bitch about things. He then declared the capital to be moved to New Portland, and then finally Roy wrote out a law on a piece of paper that abolished slavery. After the former officers made their way out of the office, they began the slightly more difficult task of convincing everybody else. Some emissaries have already been sent to the Institute and the Brotherhood of Steel to ask them to join the Commonwealth but both gave the same, curt reply: "no"

-Convincing the public began with the officers (or counts) explaining to their soldiers about what fifteen people had decided on in a twenty minute meeting. Most of these soldiers were at least willing to give this new idea a try, especially since Roy promises that he will end slavery and make the Commonwealth a much nicer place to live in. Consequently the army spent the next few weeks swarming towns and villages where they grab unpopular authority figures and throw them in jail. The slave pens are dismantled and the former owners are often thrown into rivers from bridges (or from rooftops onto the streets). After this, since many of these former slaves had nowhere else to go, took over the fields and workshops for themselves and began to eke out a living. The counts seized control of several large tracts of lands from the former slave owners (and giving it to themselves) and hired former slaves to work them. In return for protection and a plot of land to work, these tenants would give a portion of their harvest to the count. Crop rotation is an idea slowly gaining in popularity in these farms, aided by the counts bringing old agricultural manuals with them from down south. Since a count also has numerous political connections and military training, the tenants expect him to protect them from all the bandits, slavers, rebels, mutants, and disgruntled ghouls roaming the countryside.

Malos - New California Republic
Capital: Shady Sands
Economy: Developing transition
Population: 1,094,000
Power consumption: 1.1 Twh

-Although there have been attempts to restart mining, it seems as though recycling pre-war materials is much easier. In fact, it has become an industrial enterprise now. The hoover dam, even with 15% of the output is going to Mr. House, is fuelling a huge transformation in California. Unlike the old industrial revolution, there is a lot of pre-existing human and physical capital that has allowed, after a bit of work, the restoration of many pre-war facilities to working order. Many of the new factories, once connected to the grid, are beset with the sounds of thundering hammers and the screeching of whistles. Small armies with pushcarts and brahmin travel out to grab every metal item they can find to bring back for processing (quite a lot of things already being used are also stolen) into steel, aluminium, iron, nickel, and copper. Although the processes are often inefficient and at times very costly, it’s possible to do anything if you have enough electricity, consumption of which is growing steadily every year, aided no doubt by the fact nobody pays electricity bills. These factories churn out machinery and brand new metal pipes, while workshops churn out the craftsmen needed to manufacture the valves, lay the pipes, or maintain them. Most of the orders for these pipes have been placed by the cities and brahmin barons, who want to pump fresh Colorado water down to into California to irrigate the land.

-The Shi are very keen on getting some of this fresh water for themselves, who at this time are refining the method of making oil and fuels from plants into a much more efficient process, and manufacturing electronics. Unfortunately they have little experience with the kind of electronics that the NCR wants to order. They wish to buy pip-boys and an assortment of pre-war computers that don’t seem to need valves (or less than one would expect), and as a consequence can be miniaturized. While it seems possible to replicate nobody is quite sure on how to do it, as it utilises the most advanced pre-war technology. Only the Enclave seems to have such technology, and search parties for them have turned up with nothing (perhaps they are hiding in the Mojave or even further east?) However, one search party on their travels turned up something wholly unexpected. They not only managed to find another civilization, but one that turns out to be the Great Khans who left all those years ago from I15. What’s more, the Khans didn’t shoot the scouts on sight, and asked to establish an embassy with the NCR. The search party returned, bringing along the Khans emissary with them, who proposed the creation of an embassy and a mutual defensive pact. Cordial relations were established, and soon traders begin to head south into Mexico once more.

-The Republican Army still has numerous problems, ranging from supply shortages to incompetence, resulting in the occasional military blunder. But it seems as though a few key changes made in meeting rooms and cabinet offices many years ago changed the entire fate of the Mojave on one special day in 2277. The civil service and the army, although both still corrupt and incompetent, have improved in the past thirty years to the point that they managed to get as many supplies and soldiers as they could feasibly move to the Mojave. In addition, the relative peace of the Mojave due to the Khans having left and Mr. House spending much of his time on getting securitrons to patrol the lands nearby has freed up manpower for the main campaign. Finally, the greater focus on the Mojave and the earlier consolidation of power there by the NCR has allowed them to dig in and secure their hold. When Caesars Legion threatened to overwhelm them at the battle of Hoover dam, the lines managed to hold firm after emergency reinforcements were brought up by railway from California. In addition, the Khans constantly harassed their supply lines (although the Legion won many of these encounters, it diverted critical manpower and resources).

-At the Battle of Hoover dam, the Legion had found its match. Although they had plenty of manpower, the inflexible Legate was unable to break through NCR lines and rout them. As Mr. House kept the peace for the time being in the Mojave, it freed up the reserves to reinforce the dam. Eventually with the Khans assistance, the NCR pushed back the Legion and broke their army for good. Caesar was forced to abandon the west, and on his return to Flagstaff had to spend the next three years putting down a series of rebellions that crippled the Legion, and eventually himself due to a severe stoke that left Legate Lanius in charge. The victory was triumphantly celebrated in the NCR press as “The moment that defined a nation”. With manpower now freed up once more, the remainder of the Mojave (save for New Vegas) is immediately annexed as the latest state. The return of peace allows business to return as quickly as it had been interrupted, while the leaner and stronger civil service is able to work quickly to integrate the frontier regions of the republic. The Mojave will never be the same again.

Jcorp - Transatlantic Alliance
Capital: Raleigh
Economy: Developing agrarian
Population: 199,900

-The medical industry that was born here many years ago out of a desire to combat disease has started to outgrow the confines of small workshops and cottages. The new stimpaks (which are less potent but easier to manufacture) have spread rapidly, to the point that merchants regularly carry bottles of it around. As many of the “doctors” who make them have good botanical knowledge, they have also rediscovered the benefits of peanuts. For some reason, these plants seem to act like natural fertilizers by restoring vitality to the soil. Initially regrown in garden plots from wild variants resistant to radiation, bags of peanuts begin to be carried around by doctors to be sold to farmers (who rotate their fields between peanuts and other crops). This would become crucial in 2276 when Bugsys Casino Empire of “Old “New Vegas began to come under pressure to join the alliance, as Bugsy has ownership of some land that one town wanted to build a brothel and casino on, threatening his business and independence. Both sides were at an impasse until it hit upon Bugsy that he could use peanuts to restore the disputed land and use it to grow crops. These peanuts (and later other crops) would be given to the town free of charge as an act of goodwill. Bugsy, being the ruthless businessghoul he is, managed to not only restore the farmland, but managed to make it turn a profit by reserving half of the excess for sale to merchants.

-The alliance trying to annex Bugsys casino is indicative of a strange new trend happening throughout the eastern Carolinas. With the realisation that at least two other countries exist (one in Florida and the Reich on their border to the west) with standing armies and what appears to be some sort of government in charge, many alliance towns have come to the conclusion that they should begin to copy them and begin expanding like they have. The coordination between the militias has resulted in the creation of a “Transatlantic Army”, which has the coordination of a drunkard with a severe stroke. The chain of command constantly overlaps, there is a lack of supplies and equipment, training varies widely, and most soldiers are unpaid (a shootout in one town happened after two men argued about how the town was too small for the both of them). Nonetheless, this “army” is able to remove bandits and raiders with greater efficiency than the former militias. The towns also formed a “parliament” modelled on the old European ones, which exists largely to manage disputes and is responsible for managing the army. As it is an ad-hoc institution, its powers and abilities are considerably limited. But it can send the army to actively search for raiders and destroy them, in contrast to before when militias were content to merely defend their hometown from attack.

EuSKalduna - Great Khans
Capital: Chihuahua
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 63,500

-As the Khans solidify their grip on the Chihuahua wasteland, it seems as though news of their adventures has reached California. A team of scouts arrived searching for civilizations that may be forming, when they encountered a Khan patrol. Unlike in the past, this new generation of Khans are not the raping, chem abusing, murderers that they once were. They are becoming a proud nation bent on creating a civilization that will rival the ones of old. To prove that they have changed, the patrol takes the scouts to the ruins of the city of Chihuahua, where a town is rapidly growing under the protection and care of “Temujin”. Although older and less physically imposing, years of experience have given him wisdom and power that strikes fear and awe throughout all those who behold him. He remembered the NCR very well, and was happy to show the scouts what his people had achieved in the years since they left the Mojave many years ago.

-On the tour throughout his capital (an orderly place without debris covering the roads), he showed the great training camp where they organised drills and honed the arts of war. Here the veterans and elder warriors would instruct the young and new on how to not only hone their personal fighting skills, but work together in flexible and independent teams that could exploit openings and pursue them with determination and ferocity. The “Brahmins heads” is one such tactic, having evolved from a main force of warriors pinning down the enemy while motorcyclists and runners would outflank and surround them, but now making use of improved battlefield communications (through flags and drums) and careful scouting. Temujin was able to find many willing to join his forces, for he granted many men and women the opportunity to join the horde freely through “Temujins declaration”, urging those willing to fight to join the Khans and partake in the glory of war. This declaration is even announced on the radios, and by the motorcyclists who travel deep into Mexico to look for scrap to rebuild or make new motorcycles. With Temujins ties reaching far into Mexico, even his enemies are too scared to attack his envoy.

-The NCR scouts impressed, and then spoke to the Khans about restoring relations between the two nations. Temujin obliged, and sent back an emissary asking for a mutual defence pact. After Temujin heard of Caesars Legion, he became horrified at the thought of what it would do to his old homeland and became disgusted after hearing about it eradicating all the tribes it met. After an embassy was established, Temujin sent many warriors up north back to the Mojave, where they harassed Legion supply lines and rallied many of the tribes into resistance. Ultimately their actions helped to weaken the Legion at a critical time and inspired many other tribes and peoples to break into a rebellion that destroyed much of the work that Caesar spent most of his life on. Although the NCR did most of the work at Hoover dam, the wastelanders and tribes of the southwest saw Temujin as being the man who truly broke Caesar. As stories of his greatness spread, people begin moving into Chihuahua in unprecedented numbers, or petitioning to join as communities within the Khans but independent of the capital city. The embassy in California was also successful in convincing the Followers of the Apocalypse to set up a branch in Chihuahua, where they would do humanitarian work. Their first act was to establish a clinic to help rehabilitate Khans who were hopelessly addicted to chems, something that helped win them the support of the greatest of all Khans, Temujin.

testmen - Enclave
Capital: Raven Rock
Economy: Developing industrial
Population: 26,140
Power consumption: 0.2 Twh

-After years of fighting, the war with the Brotherhood began to finally wind down as the 70s came to an end. Unlike the Enclave, they had been unable to adapt to the new world that was taking shape. Decades of increasing moderation on the part of the Enclave led to them being able to strengthen themselves immensely through trade and diplomacy with the wastelanders. Letting go of their past goals of winning the war with China and eradicating mutants was the first step towards achieving this, the start of a long chain of events that leaves Puppitun one of the biggest and most technologically sophisticated cities on the eastern seaboard. With their well-trained soldiers and superior firepower the Enclave didn’t just end Brotherhood influence, but were able to start exerting significant power throughout the wasteland. Puppitun has gained a reputation for being an orderly and safe city in which all kinds of work, fresh water, and clean food are available. Enclave soldiers now patrol trails and caravan routes, enforcing their tough brand of new world justice. Raiders who attack caravans are often hung by the sides of roads, while all of the major raider bases and slaving camps have had the shit strategically bombed out of them. With the Brotherhood holed up in the Citadel, they have little option but to accept an armistice with the Enclave that heavily restricts their roaming capabilities and power. With nobody in the wasteland with weaponry capable of taking them down, Enclave soldiers decide to conserve their ammunition (and have more fun) when fighting raiders with a new martial art, in which you run over to an opponent and punch them with a power fist really fucking hard.

-With the war effectively over and peace returning, the refugees or migrants to Puppitun have decided to stay due after having found a relatively nice life here. As the towns’ population swells into the thousands, the Enclave is forced to re-establish many pre-war civilian institutions. The police make a return for the first time in US history, wearing distinctive hats and carrying cudgels that were once used to beat up blacks and homosexuals. The board of labour was re-established to manage employment in Puppitun, the board’s main concern being to find people to work in factories producing tools and farming equipment. Ploughshares, shovels, pickaxes, saws, hammers, adzes, hoes, hatchets, and everything else are churned out by machinery once used to make power armour and firearms. These products are in turn sold to the merchants and craftsmen of outer Puppitun, who refine them and find markets to hawk these goods in. Projects such as those to improve farmland, divert rivers, dig ditches, clearing the roads, and most importantly Project Purity are all given support of some kind (usually protection from raiders). Scrap metal collection begins to pick up as this city becomes known as a place to sell and buy anyone you may desire. Salvagers travel from far and wide as they begin the arduous task of dismantling the relics of old America to build the new America.

-The latest president is a man who’s much more partial to outsiders, especially after discovering their many uses and their willingness to fight for the Enclave if given a little food and a medal. John Eden managed to have an immigration office set up in Puppitun that would formally grant citizenship to anyone who had skills that were in demand (such as technicians, blacksmiths, carpenters, the educated, and farmers), or were willing to join the army for six years of military service. The influx of hundreds of unskilled migrants meant that an entirely new unit (often armed with whatever is lying around) is formed to accommodate people who are willing to fight and die for their new home. Along with the original power-suited soldiers, they patrol the roads and protect a growing network of outlying villages. In a radius of around 20km from the city, farmers and craftsmen will often travel into Puppitun weekly to conduct business in the manner of old colonial farmers. In 2279, one group of farmers received the shock of their life when they saw a giant metal beast rumble past them. It looked a bit like what in the old world they would call a tank. When they got to Puppitun, a city over which smoke hung like a black chandelier, they discovered that the Enclave was now capable of repairing and running a few of these precious vehicles. Unfortunately with no oil available, these babies have to run on batteries or tiny nuclear reactors.

iAmaNewb - Fourth Reich
Capital: Charlotte
Economy: Developing agrarian
Population: 230,070
Power consumption: 0.2 Twh

-The Fourth Reich has become rather mad keen on bicycles, enough to the point that even tiny villages have their own repairmen, while the bigger towns have huge workshops that can manufacture all of the parts needed from scratch (with the exception of rubber). These skills are transferable to other trades, such as restoring generators or firearms. With the Reich desperately short of many kinds of weaponry and ammo, the fact that now there are a few thousand people willing to pick through ruins for scraps and to work in their sheds or forges means that some of these people can be put to work making guns. Of course the blueprints and manuals detailing the process are rare, but at this time the design for a rather simple form of assault rifle was uncovered. It’s an ancient design nearly three hundred and fifty years old, but it’s reliable under brutal conditions, easy to use, and easy to manufacture too. Workshops begin to churn out batches of these new rifles which are nicknamed “Kalash guns” after they could only read the first part of the inventors name on the paper (the rest was ruined by a coffee stain). As the army continues on their wars southeast, the well-organised and busy workshops of the Reich churn out the guns and bullets that help to give them an edge over the raiders, tribes, mutants, ghouls and other hostile gangs of weirdoes that swarm the wastelands. As the army brings law and order (and is really big and imposing), most villages usually agree to join without too much noise being made.

-As economic recovery begins to kick in, the growth of new industries has led to rather interesting changes throughout the country. Without much of an electrical grid or any real means of making and distributing power over long distances, most people who want power are forced to rely on electrical generators made from junk, or if they are lucky the two nuclear reactors powering Charlotte. But with the importance of industry rising, the need for more power has resulted in rolling black outs in the city and nearby villages. Some workshops in Charlotte are set aside entirely to run furnaces to melt down scrap, which is later hammered out and used to make agricultural equipment. Constant supply shortages and the lack of power hamper the efforts of the workshops. Distribution of these new ploughs, shovels, seed drills, and bicycles is much easier by contrast. Many of the roads and trails have been cleared of debris and much of the vegetation cut back to make way for carts and rickshaws. Holes have been filled in with clay, gravel, and pebbles (one day a man took clay out of the road to repair his house and it filled with water, causing a merchant to fall into it and drown), while wooden plank bridges are strengthened for brahmin carrying the heavy tools. In addition to brahmin, some merchants pedal a bicycle rickshaw stuffed with tools down these “Autobahns” to village markets to hawk their goods to the people there. These village markets are a relatively recent phenomenon, as for a long time the difficulties and dangers of road travel made it unwise for most people to go out on them.

-Unfortunately, new problems plague the Reich. It appears as though some agents are travelling into the country to cause problems and rile up the population to rebel. Many of the frontier towns are emboldened once more to refuse taxes and conscripts to the national army, while the new conquests in the southeast face attacks on their supply lines and some towns rising in rebellion. These seem too easily coordinated to be just angry peasants, and it turns out that some strange foreigners were partly responsible for this. It is unknown where they come from, but they all target the newly conquered areas and southern frontiers, and have occasionally murdered or perhaps captured scouting parties sent out to look for GECKs and new plants. Their reasons for doing this, and their ultimate goals and origins, remain a mystery. Most of the agents who have been caught appear to be proxies hired by these foreigners, and many of them expressed surprise at discovering that they weren’t the only ones and then starting to ask when they could go home. Most of them were convinced to become treasonous on account of promised aid by the agents against the Reich, or through ways to force the Fuhrer to submit to their political demands.

Ruski v2.0 - The Nu Texan Confederacy
Capital: Fort Worth
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 20,910
Power consumption: 0.1 Twh

-For some stupid fucking reason, the Texans want to make robots which resemble horses. It’s not entirely without reason or precedence however, as many robots for industrial and domestic applications (such as Mr Handy) have been around for centuries and serve a variety of useful purposes. Unfortunately most of their robots have since lost the ability to levitate (or do it very well), and so in a series of ad hoc solutions have started to fit crude mechanical legs onto them. After several years of this, they decided to make an entirely new robot skeleton and put old Mr Handy parts inside it, before putting legs on it and using the levitation equipment to keep it stable (and put less stress on the legs). It wandered around the Citadel moving heavy things until one day it was caught up in events beyond its control. The Texan president continued to make numerous enemies among both vault dwellers and the former-tribal peoples, especially after the brutal subjugation of Fort Worth and the surrounding lands was finally completed. But even this victory could not prevent the general of the Texan army from marching in there and removing the president in a coup d’état. If you’re wondering what this has to do with the robot horse, the horse was pushed over and broken by accident when the coup happened.

-The new president Baxter (after following an elaborate procedure indicating that he was in charge now), began to make reforms that upset vault dwellers even more than the previous president had. He grants adopted tribal children more freedom, allowing them to visit the vault as they pleased and to live with their parents if they so wished. Since older adopted tribal children are rather sympathetic and often in a position of power of some kind, they begin to help distribute resources to the families of adopted children to help improve their living standards. Education becomes more inclusive and now the settled tribes are starting to eagerly ask for their children to be given an education and position in the citadel now in the hopes of gaining favours and privileges in the future in addition to improving their children’s chances of a better life. Baxter managed to retain the support of this key group of semi-tribal people, who were now making up an increasingly larger proportion of the skilled workers, officers, and soldiers in the army. The conservative vault dwellers are too small in number, while the recently subjugated tribes are too weak and divided to oppose his policies. With free rein to do as he pleased, and with people who knew what to do, Texas could really start to grow.

-He begins by knocking down one of the walls of the Citadel and beginning to conscript people in the town to work on expanding the fields and planting more trees for an orchard. Ditches are dug for drainage, while streams are diverted and ponds are dug for the storage of water as insurance against drought. Although the orchards are not yet fully grown, the combination of the people of Fort Worth and their farming experience in addition to the technical manuals and seeds provided by the GECK means that large harvests of vegetables and grains are possible. Protected by patrolling eyebots and soldiers (eyebots are attached to most squads now as many have been salvaged from scrap), the community begins to outgrow the boundaries that once contained it. Of course, the fact that they have a single reactor is slightly discouraging when it comes to getting enough power for all of their machinery and equipment, so this may impede expansion of the Citadel itself. As relations with the tribes improve and traders visit more often, it seems as though this might just be a place where anybody can make it. The tribes who have lost in the conflicts with the Texan army flee west, vowing revenge as they search for the Legion.

LoganIsAwesome - The Green Republic
Capital: Greentown
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 7,111

-The small militia which once was tasked with defending the Republic has now become a force tasked with ruthless expansion. Expanding into a force of six hundred with three companies of equal size making it up, this little army begins a campaign to seize control of the trade route leading to Quebec City, and ultimately gain power over the villages along the way. Armed with bolt-action rifles, they head out every summer to drive out the raiders and force the tribes to give supplies and assistance whenever possible. As these excursions become regular, militias often occupy these villages permanently and begin to extract what they call “squeeze” from the people living there. Much of this squeeze consists of the parts needed to make assault rifles, which the militia is desperate to get their hands on. As bullets are even rarer, this means that they have to be conservative with their usage. Despite salvaging as much as they can find and repairing guns or using every last scrap and grain of powder to make shot, they still suffer from constant shortages. But with better control over trade routes and useless shit they can give to merchants in return for what they actually need, some of these problems have been alleviated. Assault rifles slowly become available, albeit in limited numbers.

-The Green Republic introduces a kind of currency that hopefully makes paying workers easier. With paper being so rare, one of the councillors decided to sign each card with the promise to pay the bearer something held in reserve by the government. Unfortunately, nobody really uses these cards as they can’t buy anything from the government from them, something made worse by the subsistence economy that has little need for money in the first place. The Republican government is itself responsible for a number of projects, such as helping to build schools in villages without them, ensuring the maintenance of peace, and working to try building new houses. Without the facilities to bake many bricks, these new houses are largely renovated pre-war homes or ones made from a mixture of rocks and bricks. Rubble that is too small for buildings are used to make gravel trails and pathways for caravans. Forges continue to make small numbers of tools and weaponry and to make repairs. It is a very different reality to the one that the government of two dozen (most of them pseudo-mayors of some kind) has tried to create through making departments such as education, defence, housing, amongst others. Almost all of them are either defunct or without the power, resources, or willpower to do anything. The military administration itself consists of four guys in an office.

Pezgod1 - New Vegas
Capital: New Vegas
Economy: Developing transition
Population: 26,140
Power consumption: 0.2 Twh

-Mr. House is a guy who knows that in order for Vegas to regain its former glory (and ultimately provide the economic base with which to go to space) he must protect the city and encourage economic development. His securitrons are rather limited to say the least, being barely able to keep order in Vegas, as he has deployed them throughout much of the wasteland to achieve his objectives. Armed with hollow-point bullets provided by the gun runners, they remove the squishy raiders and bandits from Westside. He also gave a formal apology to the Kings, asking them to move into Vault 21 where a casino and hotel have both been established. Unfortunately for Mr. House, the Kings refuse to move out from the Kings school of impersonation. Having established themselves there, they find it dishonourable to leave and see it as crucial to their identity. However they do accept the offer to travel in and out of the strip and to expand their protection business. They have a lotta loyalty for hired guns, supplementing Houses securitrons in peacekeeping. Even then, Mr. House still needs more firepower, and so has a factory on the outskirts of Vegas restored to produce protectrons. These are much weaker, but are less taxing on his limited resources.

-The NCR managed to negotiate another deal with Mr. House shortly at this time. In return for an extortionate 15% of the Dam's output, the NCR would be allowed to free up their men for the battle at Hoover Dam, as Mr. House would keep the Mojave calm and subdued during the war. However it turned out that the NCR was able to not only hold out against the Legion, but managed to crush the invasion force entirely and push them back from the dam. With the Legion already used up most of their manpower in the battle, they were too weak to mount a counteroffensive and thus pulled back to Flagstaff. Caesar was preoccupied with putting down rebellions that eventually led to his early incapacitation due to a severe stroke. Legate Lanius took control thereafter, and has brought an end to legion activities in the Mojave for now.

-With peace once again assured, business and gamblers returned to the Mojave to seek fame and fortune. Although Mr. House was stuck with having to provide additional security to the areas around New Vegas, he used the opportunity to salvage tech that he could use for himself or have sold on the open market. In addition since he had de facto control in the absence of NCR patrols or occupation, he was able to start making changes to the land he “controlled”. Large portions of it were sold off to settlers and refugees on the condition that they would pay some taxes for its use. Most of these migrants turn over the land to cultivation, establishing large sharecropping farms and setting up water pipes. With a lot of cheap electricity spare, House was also able to help power pumping stations and restore refrigeration units that could be used to keep food fresh too. With some money rolling in and the population growing, it became obvious that these peoples skills could be put to use helping to make the city self-sufficient while also building it into an economic powerhouse too. The only problem is that it’s virtually impossible to expand, save for the untamed wastes to the north. With the NCR to the west and south, and a weakened but formidable legion to the east, Mr. House is in as much a precarious position now as he was five years ago. At least one of his search parties turned up something interesting in Sunnyvale.

Turn 7: 2280 to 2285 AD


Mack the Knife-Bobby Darin

Turn music


Political map of Turn 7

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1471881&p=48214973&viewfull=1#post48214973

Turn quote: We can afford all we need, we cannot afford all we want. – President John Eden

Events of the years 2280 to 2285 AD:

-In a small and unassuming shack in Newfoundland, a small machine flickers into life after centuries of disuse. It is a Morse code machine, receiving a message from the other side of the world. The squatter residing there was scared by the device (he played around with it and sent messages by accident), and when he got the full message it took him a few hours to transcribe it. It said the following: "Help me if you can, I'm feeling down... And I do appreciate you being 'round... Won't you please, please help me?" The telegraph operator, formerly a squatter, dutifully replied.

-The population of North America is 11,532,000.

Deathgrunt - The Red State
Capital: Beren's Star
Economy: Developing agrarian
Population: 287,200

-The Red Army has benefited immensely from the slow and piecemeal recovery of industrial technology and machinery over the past few decades. The gun mills that were established in the 2270s have grown into a hodgepodge of workshops and forges clustered around barracks and supply depos. By the 2280s however, the Red Army was starting to rely on these manufacturing facilities for a significant part of its budget and thus began to demand the Prime Council protect their comfortable position as the main supplier of firearms and weaponry in the southeast. In return for the Prime Council limiting imports of competing manufacturers, the Red Army has agreed to standardize their facilities and follow the demands of the newly established “Commissary of Industry”. Unlike other countries in the post-war wasteland, the Red State has a relatively centralized economy focused on developing heavy industry. The first demand of the Commissary was to introduce standardized uniforms, rifles, and helmets for the army (although the army was allowed to manufacture and sell surplus on the market), as it became apparent that their soldiers did not look very snazzy. With red stars embroidered on their uniforms and fine looking bolt-action rifles (which are prized by private mercenaries for their reliability), this is an army looking ever more like those of the old world. Finding cloth to make the uniforms is a constant problem however, as the production of cotton, flax, and leather is rather small in scale and grown on private plots.

-The Commissary of Industry has a difficult job ahead of it to say the least. This is a nation of nearly three hundred thousand, the vast majority of them being farmers or part-time craftsmen. Industrial development is limited at best, with virtually all machinery concentrated in the gun mills or the towns. Although moves to improve health and agricultural production have yielded impressive results since the 50s, the farmers still grow crops and raise livestock in much the same way they did a century before. The Commissary managed to introduce several educational classes at this time (consisting of a man wandering around the country with a soapbox to extol both the virtues of socialism and of growing sweet potatoes), focusing largely on trying to get bums into the fields or factories. Like the program to introduce production quotas, this is largely unsuccessful. The few factories in the Red State which exist have virtually no generators to produce either mechanical or electrical power, and instead rely on water, wind, and muscle. Caravans struggle to carry the heavy loads of scrap metal or timber needed for industry, while many factory workers constantly leave to tend to their fields or seek employment elsewhere. Hunger is still a great menace, for whenever a famine breaks out and the workers leave, it takes months for the factories to start working again and causing people nearby to complain about the noise.

-The Commissary also starts to regulate trade. Most merchants are greedy and self-interested individuals who care only for profit, and hence tend to bring high value and lightweight goods in high demand. Jet, moonshine, psycho, and krokodil are the sorts of things they like to sell to the chem-addled peoples here. A new organization is introduced to help regulate trade, known as the “Trading Union”. All merchants who join are allowed to carry on trade as before, but are only allowed to sell and buy things approved by the state (those who don’t join are refused entry at the wall). Since the quotas at present privilege industrial development, these merchants are generally sold manufactured goods (they are extremely interested in the artificial rubber, after they reported of high demand for it). Import quotas at present largely demand industrial equipment (such as machinery), and promise extremely high rewards for merchants who join the Union. Most of the major ones choose to do so, and set to work eagerly plundering the lands north. A small number are forced underground into smuggling drugs, and due to the fact that border guards like taking bribes, this does little to curb the outflow of caps and influx of chems. To solve this, the KGB introduces a nationwide policing force intended to crack down on illegal activity and ensure the citizenry are safe. As numerous criminal gangs make a lot of money from the chem trade, this will be a difficult task to say the least. Immigration to the state was heavily restricted in order to catch out smugglers, citing “overpopulation concerns”. Only the skilled and traders are allowed to enter now, although some of these traders are carrying sacks of tobacco leaves and peanuts, both of which are finding interested customers in Florida.

Native Hunter - The Commonwealth of New England
Capital: New Portland
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 93,600
Power consumption: 0.10 Twh

-Being a military man, King Roy is a rare example of somebody in charge of something without suffering from Dunning-Kruger syndrome. He immediately disbanded most of the old military units and reorganized the army (cunningly making sure to dilute the influence of the old redneck vault dwellers). After kicking out many soldiers, he introduces a regulation which mandates the minimum of five weeks training in order to join the army. Much of it focuses on the military virtues of American honor, British honor, discipline, courage, integrity, and brotherhood. Of course with sea travel returning, Roy thought it necessary to create the world first post-apocalyptic navy (to his knowledge anyways). Known as the “Royal Navy”, it consists of several yachts and steamships that have been scavenged and repaired back to working order. These vessels chug merrily up and down the coasts of America, burning wood for fuel or using sails. Of course since nobody else has any boats, they possess few soldiers (who for some reason are called marines when onboard). The navy itself at this stage is little more than a branch of the army, and largely kept around for ferrying supplies and men. On land the reorganized army patrols the roads and towns of the Northeast, finding ruffians and highwaymen wherever they lay and dealing out New England justice. A message was later sent to the people of Boston (where the institute and brotherhood of steel hold much sway), demanding they join the kingdom or face probable annexation. The reply states that they studied probability theory and think otherwise.

-One of the problems that meet Roy and his army is the fact that his office- counts have their own small armies. These profess loyalty mainly to these specific counts and as a result the counts like to go on military expeditions without consulting Roy. As they slowly consolidate their powerbases, they largely only begin to follow his edicts or demands based on personal loyalty or friendship ties. Some of them are alienated by his strange decision to convert to a pre-war religion in the year 2281. A Connecticut Yankee in King Roy's court (Bartholomew, nicknamed Barth) convinced Roy to convert to a strange cult where they pretended to drink blood and eat human flesh. But the news that many of these “Catholics” that lived in New York would join his kingdom was seen as a convincing enough argument. Over several years a few thousand of these Catholics made the journey to the commonwealth, where they made enough of an impact that the counts and most normal people were unsettled by their arrival. As the connection with the old world is lost, these new Catholics have taken on many strange new beliefs due to the effects of time. With poor historical knowledge as well, many people are becoming quickly unaware that what is becoming a Catholic Feudal Kingdom was once the heart of an uptight protestant republic.

-The economic system in many ways has undergone a gradual move towards resembling a medieval one as well, although this is true of most post-nuclear American societies. Despite incipient industrialization in the NCR, it is predominantly still based on agriculture. The Commonwealth is no different, consisting of scattered towns that depend on farming and livestock rearing. This is a society of contradictions. Nuclear reactors sit underground powering electric lights and robots in New Portland (the original one from the redneck vault was moved), while outside there are peasants who till the soil with hoes made from metal hammered out of old fence railings and lawnmower parts. Industry is virtually non-existent and relies on the existing technology being restored to working order. King Roy has made many noble attempts to mitigate this by allowing the formation of “guilds”. These are organizations dedicated to a textbook definition of rent-seeking, restricting the number of people who can enter a trade (such as carpentry or baking) in a town while promoting high standards for people involved in the business. While they run into problems from townspeople who claim they fix prices, they do help to preserve and improve on old technical skills and technologies that are kept supported in the towns. A naval version known as “The Academy” is set up by Roy to cover both merchants using boats and his tiny navy. Trade is not without its disadvantages, as many merchants are reporting being harassed by “Green Militias” to the north.

Meme It Up - New California Republic
Capital: Shady Sands
Economy: Developing transition
Population: 1,178,000
Power consumption: 1.28 Twh

-Wendell Peterson left a mostly clean legacy after his time in office. From the death of Tandi to Hoover dam, his rule oversaw the beginnings of an economic and social revolution that has begun not only changing the NCR, but the wider post-apocalyptic world as well. The new president Meemi-Tup is from Shady Sands, basing much of his election campaign on his previous track record in the city for helping to reorganize the army and fight corruption (mainly through the reform passed decades ago, that has greatly expanded the civil service). He also served in the army, and decided to pass a number of nationalist reforms in the wake of the victory at Hoover Dam. Despite the growth of other civil institutions, the presidency retains a great deal of power that civil servants have yet to curb, meaning that populism can quickly overwhelm even the thickest stacks of paperwork. Conscription is introduced throughout the entire nation; targeting males aged 18-24 to serve for four years. Conscription only goes over poorly in the frontier regions which still struggle to maintain their autonomy, since the successful Mojave campaign has resulted in an upsurge of nationalist feeling among Californians.

-This move towards the idea of a nation has already been gestating in various papers and books for some time now, but by 2283 it seems as though the idea has gained considerable popular support. The patchwork of states, cities, and autonomous areas are being slowly reorganized into states and territories (much like the old United States). Since a population of 350,000 is required for statehood now, this leaves the founding states (Shady Sands, Dayglow, Los Angeles, The Hub, Maxson) with unprecedented power, as they hold the vast majority of citizens in California. Together they begin to redraw province borders and redistribute territories amongst themselves. The remaining provinces are organized into the northern, eastern, and southern territories respectively, much to the chagrin of the peoples who lost out considerably in this move. Protests are launched by many towns while petitions are signed, but these fail to make any headway in the ineffective senate. Tribes that refuse these reforms are often forced to settle down, or are cleared away, especially so in new territories. With support from the Brahmin barons, Hub merchants, and the nationalists, Meemi-Tup begins to introduce a whole range of social and economic reforms intended to revolutionize California.

-The first of these reforms is the homesteading act, which gives 160 acres of land for free to anybody willing to settle it. Since many Californians are losing much of their land to brahmin barons, they jump at the opportunity and swarm in all directions. To ensure these claims are protected, the army follows closely behind to enforce Californian claims. Nearly 18,000 men are sent into Nevada to uproot communities from their old homes (typically a gas station or drive in theater) while thousands more farmers follow behind to stake out their own plot of land. Since the plot is likely to contain scrap, most of them actually find it’s much more profitable to lay ownership to the scrap and sell it off for a lot of money before heading back home. Relatively few choose to stay in either Nevada or the Baja, for the good land is way up north in what was once Oregon and Washington. The lands here are host to a massive range of recovering wildlife, including the humans living there. Nearly 14,000 men were sent to help stake out the claims and to either “convince” the tribes to join the NCR or face removal. A railway was built from Shady Sands to Arroyo in 2285, meaning that a difficult journey through mutants and chem addled cannibals which took weeks is now possible in just a few days. Many companies are now jumping on the railway craze, and many politicians are clamoring for a rail connection (in the hopes of making their town more relevant). The advent of a copyright office has been of great assistance to these companies, which are working to build up their brands. As many factories and workshops churn out all kinds of crap in such an unregulated market, the need to convince people that what you are selling won’t kill the person (unless its marketed to do that).

Jcorp - Transatlantic Alliance
Capital: Raleigh
Economy: Developing agrarian
Population: 422,400

-As it turns out, there is yet another bunch of states to their north. The Enclave is reportedly what remains of the former US government, and is populated by creeps and weirdos that want to kill a lot of people and win a war against a place called China. Its involvement in numerous wars to the north had devastated parts of the Capital Wasteland, and there were fears among people in the alliance that the Enclave might come down and try doing really nasty things like stamping on babies and forcing people to eat broccoli. The rather new Transatlantic army is nowhere near strong enough to fight the Enclave, but they can at least make it aware that they won’t let them walk in without a fight. After getting permission from most of the towns in Carolina and the support of most militias, the army begins work on a series of watchtowers and outposts along the border with the Reich and to the north. These are manned by volunteers, and are usually made from scrap and wood crudely fixed together into something resembling a tower. These are meant to deter the Enclave (a faction which possesses flying helicopters with machine guns and rockets) from attacking the alliance. Since power armor is quite strong, most of the watchtowers have to keep a powerful rifle spare (some manage to get a few pre-war anti-tank rifles), the ammunition for which is very rare and valuable. The traders who stream past these outposts are often the only source of the desired munitions, a fact well exploited by the merchants who charge extortionate prices for these bullets.

-Although the original purpose for these towers is under scrutiny (the Enclave doesn’t seem to be heading south at all), they have many more additional benefits. As the borders are brought under control and the movements of tribes and gangs is checked, the Alliance as a whole is becoming much safer. At the same time the army began a brutal campaign to flush the rest of the slavers, raiders, drug pushers, and other shitters from the countryside where they hide. Abandoned factories, bunkers, vaults, and even frontier towns are the targets of the army in the quest to make the wasteland a safer place. During their adventures, one company discovered a Robco factory filled with protectrons that killed a few of the soldiers trying to get in. After they ran away and took a breather, they returned and destroyed all of the robots (including the ones who weren’t hostile) inside and then stripped the facility bare for working technology and spare pieces. Most of the electronic equipment was fairly sophisticated and was useful in helping to repair radios, but some were also found useful for farming. With farmers needing all sorts of equipment, any workshops have a profitable niche in taking bits of cars and robots to convert into ploughs and shovels (among stoves, lighters, and knives). Industry is otherwise stagnant as many merchants want to buy up all of the machinery they can find and ship it down south.

-The arrival of the humble peanut did much to transform agriculture in the alliance. As a simple crop that confers restorative properties to the soil, possesses great nutritional value, and an ability to grow in the poor soils of Carolina, it is of considerable importance. Teams being to work on clearing the land of debris and fallen trees, wind up old telephone lines, and break up the soil with the aid of ploughs and the occasional robot. After a few years of careful treatment, peanuts can make any field good enough to grow even tobacco, meaning that many farmers are now starting to introduce crop rotation on a large scale. Peanuts become incredibly common, and after natural selection weeds out those with peanut allergies there is nobody who doesn’t love them. Peanut festivals are held in towns and villages, where farmers sell sackloads of the stuff and buy tools, lighters, and those fancy new guns from Florida and West Carolina. As the money economy spreads and begins to penetrate deeper into the country, many farmers have started growing cash crops (like tobacco, heavily in demand by the patrons of Bugsys). Most people flock to the successful farm plantations to seek work, contributing to the rapid expansion of commercial farming. Industries without ties to agriculture suffer from the lack of workers (especially as rural wages sharply rise and the prices of manufactured goods fall, squeezing urban workers). As it turns out, people are more interested in buying manufactured goods from outside the country (such as from the Enclave up north), due to their relatively high quality and low prices. Bugsy himself even got into the farming boom by setting up a peanut-themed casino (it’s what the kids are into) and encouraging tobacco use instead of chems (jet just ain’t jazzy). Unfortunately a supermutant with a peanut allergy ended up taking a turn for the worse and consequently grew into an even more grotesque creature nicknamed “The Elephant Man”.

EuSKalduna - Great Khans
Capital: Chihuahua
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 73,200

-Although Temujin grows old, he still commands as much fear and respect as he did when he was younger and fiercer. After the victory over the legion at Hoover Dam, he continued to order his forces to constantly harass the legion. Outposts were set up, and tribes were encouraged to join the Khans in order to enact revenge against the Legion. With his reputation and power growing, Temujin was successfully able to steadily whittle away at the southern borders of the Legion and force them to pull back north or halt their advance. Unfortunately for the Khans, this tactic became steadily less effective as they started to penetrate core Legion territories. Caesar left a bloody legacy that will be difficult to remove, for many of the more loyal people in the legion are younger and possess such fervor they counter-raid the Khans and constantly feed out false information. Towns and villages also prove reluctant to rebel, whenever out of loyalty or fear of reprisal by the legion, and some are eager to even attack the Khans and drive them away in the hopes of gaining favor among Lanius. Lanius however sees the Khans as cowardly “raiders” who do not want to fight and aims instead for the grand prize that will continue Caesars work. He has heard from his spies that a great city lies to the east, but is filled with degenerates and must be cleared. In 2284, Lanius began the bloody campaign east and put in patrols along the southern borders of the Empire to deter the Khans, who work tirelessly to set ambushes for the raiding Khans.

-Just as Lanius works to consolidate his legacy, so too must Temujin work to make his reverberate throughout the centuries. Temujin immediately began by introducing a holiday on the anniversary of the victory of Hoover Dam, to be celebrated every year by his loyal subjects. He also gave patronage to the Followers of the Apocalypse stationed in Chihuahua by giving them the resources to repair a radio station and bring it up to working order (the most popular song is Jarabe Tapatio), restoring a major library in the city, and starting work on the restoration of the Norte III power plant (a pre-war natural gas plant). One of the major shortcomings of course is the lack of fuel for the plant, but if the solar panels are brought up to working order they can produce artificial natural gas, something that can be stored and then used when needed (in addition to having other uses). In order to build up the base for this plant Temujin began encouraging the tribes in Chihuahua to move to the capital and set up workshops. In return for moving there, he would help get them mechanical parts and encourage the spread of technical skills. Since many of the tribes were now warm to the idea of moving, many of them began a practice where they would send their young people to the city to learn skills and work while sending back remittances. They produce (among rakes and wheelbarrows) the guns and bullets needed by the Khans to defend their home and spread the ideals of their nation. Several times a year they would leave to work with their families, so while in the spring Temujin can enjoy a bustling city full of life, at harvest time it becomes a near ghost town. The only oddity was the arrival of some Texans asking for assistance against the Legion.

-Despite these shortcomings, a small technological and economic base has been firmly established here by none other but the Great Khans. They copied the bottle cap currency, and as a center for economic activity comes into being, traders now find it worth their while to travel here from all over Mexico and California. Trade routes between Chihuahua and California are troubled at times, and lack the so-called “iron horses” that now roar in the lands to the north, but they are now passable and profitable. The Khan-operated “courier” service provides a thin line of communications between the two nations, growing ever stronger as roads are cleared of debris and the faint buzz of radio static is replaced with the sounds of friendly voices that tell the listener they are no longer alone, that there are “Greener pastures” in Chihuahua. There are several abortive attempts to repair motorcycles and cars, but beyond a few successes most of these vehicles either lack the required parts or more importantly the fuel. Scouting teams and cunning emissaries continue to scour the lands for scrap, salvaged technology, and tribes that they can convince to trade or even to join the Khans. After just a few decades, a new civilization is rising in the midst of the ruins of the past one in Mexico. From the ancient Olmecs to Maya, the Mexicans have refused to let civilization pass them by for long. It is being reborn, stronger than before and shining a light that illuminates a tiny corner of a vast world shrouded in darkness.

testmen - Enclave
Capital: Raven Rock
Economy: Developing industrial
Population: 383,000
Power consumption: 0.30 Twh

-Rather unusually, the change in attitude in the Enclave leadership has led increasingly towards them thinking of the people of the wasteland not as mutants to be exterminated, but as people to be subjugated and ruled over. While this is still not good news for people, it’s a big step up from viewing humans as rodents. Their war with the Brotherhood and the subsequent destruction of much of their rival’s power has led to them becoming in effect the sole legitimate authority of the Capital wasteland and much of Pennsylvania. Although the territories that the Enclave are active in have always held several hundred thousand people, until recently they never bothered to exert power and begin ruling over them. But with the loss of secrecy and the rapid growth of Puppitun, they now find themselves in the awkward position of now being responsible for ten times as many people as before (that is, they are expected to protect their sorry asses from raiders, super mutants, and other degenerates). The final step was brought about by the re-occupation of many former US and Enclave military bases and their expansion of activities, leading to many towns and settlements accepting the over-lordship of their Enclave masters.

-Expansion has presented new problems. Despite controlling a sovereign state, the Enclave has had to run something much smaller for nearly two centuries – something that takes a little adjustment. Through their proxy of Puppitun (although quickly becoming a shoddy facade as many Enclave citizens and wastelanders increasingly mingle), they use their industrial capacity and technical skills to build medical clinics and schools (with some of the pre-war propaganda removed after it became clear that China no longer represented a problem). As Puppitun grows into a major city, it becomes a place where one can go to find out or obtain anything their heart desires (from meth to shovels). Crop rotation spreads amongst the farmers of rural Pennslyvania, where they plant everything from potatoes to wheat. As the world recovers, the activities of humans have done much to speed up the process. Project purity now provides massive quantities of clean water to wastelanders, rapidly eliminating many of the cancers and diseases that once caused so much pain. Cholera outbreaks are brought to an end, and the spread of Enclave-trained doctors do much to alleviate infant mortality. The rediscovery of rechargeable batteries was of advantage to these doctors, as they could easily use simple generators to recharge the batteries, which in turn could be used to power complex Enclave equipment.

-The economic boom underway in the Enclave is only matched by the New California Republic on the far west coast, and in the east they are unmatched. One of the few interesting shortcomings is in tobacco, for the Transatlantic Alliance to the south has extremely productive farmland. The people there are interested in buying industrial equipment and weaponry (for they suffer an extreme lack of both), while selling sacks of fresh tobacco and peanuts in return. Both these crops are highly craved in the Enclave, and many peoples budgets go towards purchasing both. The Transatlantic Alliance is extremely interested in the industrial products of the Enclave, although it is also known that a state of potential communists even further south is reportedly attempting to undergo an industrial revolution of their own. Despite the completion, the Enclave has seen great success in introducing and spreading usage of the US dollar among their subjects and merchants. The dollar becomes an accepted medium of exchange, although adoption among the peanut and tobacco sellers of the Alliance is piecemeal at best. Until an economic boom there takes off, it seems unlikely that they will use dollars in any significant capacity. Another problem upsetting the Enclave has been the inability to produce more Nuka-Cola, for the pre-war factories seems to have finally run out of the syrup – the ingredients of which are available only in California. Despite the news that a vaults nuclear reactor was brought back online, that vehicles are being repaired, plant life is recovering, and that the east coast has been brought back to life – the president despairs over the fact he can’t get his favorite drink.

iAmaNewb - Fourth Reich
Capital: Charlotte
Economy: Developing agrarian
Population: 316,800
Power consumption: 0.40 Twh

-The Reich kicked off the 80s with a burst of imperialism (again), by marching southeast and annexing the coast of the old Carolinas. The fact that they are seen as imperial conquerors rather than mere raiders or barbarians by most of their new subjects is certainly a subtle reminder of the change in status of the Reich. It is a powerful nation, boasting an army well-equipped not with scrap metal guns and pointed sticks, but with “Kalash” rifles that in capable hands prove deadly. With their overwhelming numbers, superior tactics, advanced logistics, and a strong authoritarian man to guide them, the soldiers of the Reich (nicknamed Carolinians) end up dominating much of this corner of the world. Following closely behind are settlers (often forcibly moved), who ride over in their bicycles and kick out the native inhabitants from the best land (or force them to work clearing enough land for farms). The new farmers are slightly different compared to their ancestors though. Unlike the last generation many are starting to plant cash crops, such as cotton and tobacco rather than maize and potatoes. Fertility and the lack of manpower constantly hamper efforts to expand agriculture (especially as many workers have joined the army or moved to Charlotte for work), while imports from the Transatlantic Alliance makes going to all of the bother of growing crops a bit pointless. The only crop that really has any success is cotton, which is desperately needed for the imitation Hugo Boss uniforms. The Fuhrer himself said it was of great importance that these uniforms are made for his female staff, especially the really tight-fitting uniforms.

-The burst of militaristic expansion is accompanied by equal proportions of nationbuilding and economic development. Schools have existed in a patchwork form (often subject to the prejudices and biased views of the local inhabitants) throughout the wasteland, educating children with the kind of skills that looks good on your CV if you lived in a country run by Nazis in the post-apocalyptic wasteland. With the Reich consolidating itself, a number of ad-hoc institutions that grew outwards from the post of Fuhrer have started gaining enough power and resources that they can actually commit to projects and deliver results (if at great expense and considerably delayed). A school board was established to oversee the coordination of all the schools in the Carolina Reich by giving them all the same standard of education. This began with the innocuous distribution of textbooks on science, mathematics, and history. Considering the background of vault 88, these textbooks detail a general collapse in European society centuries ago that led to a civil war in which the Germans triumphed thanks to the power of friendship and National Socialism. A philosophy book titled Phänomenologie des Geistes is also recovered and made mandatory reading to children as a form of cruel punishment.

-While education slowly came under the authority of the national administration, another branch of the government busied itself with a more pressing task of producing and allocating resources. The biggest problem is both the lack of energy and the lack of means to distribute it. The nuclear reactors at present can power Charlotte (something that has led to the city growing into a booming metropolis with many thousands of citizens) and a few outlying areas, but the lack of energy has put restrains on the Reich. Scouting teams in the newly annexed areas reported two dams that could be fixed and brought back into operation (Hartwell and Thurmond dams), with a total annual power output of 1.1 Twh. Supply shortages, the lack of technical skills, and the threat of rebellion delayed repairs for a long time indeed. By 2285 the Hartwell dam was finally operational, but as the lake behind it had drained over the centuries it will take years for a return to full capacity. For now it provides enough power to alleviate the blackouts in Charlotte. These blackouts are caused by the fact that people keep leaving the fucking lights on all the time, and the Mr Handy robots which have been repaired and brought back to operational use are a constant drain on energy supplies. The lack of rubber causes a lot of pain for the bicycle manufacturers, especially since artificial rubber from Florida is rare and usually sold at inflated prices. Much like in California, industrial society is returning.

Ruski v2.0 - The Nu Texan Confederacy
Capital: Fort Worth
Economy: Developing agrarian
Population: 147,100
Power consumption: 0.20 Twh

-The most important thing in Texas at the moment is a small and unassuming broken robot sitting in the corner of an office where the assistant manager of a gas supplies and accessories warehouse uses it as an elaborate coatrack. However a traveling scientist who was making his way to California from “Massachusetts” stopped by and discovered that the robot could be easily repaired by flicking the on switch and kicking the robot. He was upset with the crude legs and decided to install hover-plates onto it, impressing General Baxter after he was given it to ride around like a kind of hovering motorcycle. On his noble steed (named Simba), Baxter led several campaigns into the wastes outside the Confederacy to finally drive away the last of the hostile tribes and finally asserting his undisputed authority on what was once the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolis. The remains of this engorged urban sprawl has around 150,000 residents scattered amongst the ruins, scraping a living from salvaging scrap, farming, and hunting. Trade is piecemeal but slowly growing due to the creation of a relatively safe zone in which to do business. Despite the antagonism of Caesars Legion, the existence of a massive area covered by states means that merchants find it relatively safe (even worthwhile) to travel from California to Texas to do business. Numerous currencies ranging from caps, to denarii and NCR dollars are all in use here. Many are interested in buying the radiation-free crops and water sold in Texas, or in buying scrap and salvage (or rarely manufactured goods). The Legion may abhor technology, but many people under its rule are keen to buy whatever can be smuggled in.

-The existence of the Legion is worrying to the Texans, as many tribes beaten by the Baxter and his army have joined the Legion in the hopes of getting revenge. The Texans worst fears were realized when in 2284 Lanius captured and slaughtered several scouting groups and caravans from the Confederacy and declared a campaign into the east. The growing Texan army has some technology and skills, but they do not have the numbers or disciplined forces of the Legion yet. Some of the semi-tribal people who occupy high positions in the army or vault society were aware of a great tribe that a few years ago reportedly destroyed the Legion. Following their advice, Baxter sent emissaries to Chihuahua to parlay with “Temujin”, who is said to be a great warlord that can be used against Lanius. In the meantime, rushed preparations are being made as the Legion slowly makes its way eastwards. Schools have been set up throughout the Fort Worth area to give people who join the army (or live in the capital) necessary skills to fight or work to the best of their abilities. In addition there has been considerable interest in bringing back many old factories and workshops to working order (mostly so that they can churn out the guns and bullets needed for the army). Energy shortages prompt scouting teams to search for any pre-war facilities that could be brought back online to power the factories being repaired. One officer named Tezha reported that a solar plant they discovered could be brought back online. After the necessary work was carried out, it began to begin operating once more. Its proximity to the roads leading to the Legion prompts Tezha to request supplies and men to reinforce his position.

LoganIsAwesome - The Green Republic
Capital: Greentown
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 15,760

-The Green Republic, being a primarily Francophone nation almost entirely populated by French speakers (and a few bilingual ones too) has begun to see some success in uniting together the scattered peoples of Quebec. The militias of the Republic have developed a reputation of shooting raiding gangs or defending settlements, and by extension the ability to defend settlements from external threats (like mutants and the English). Entering the 80s, many towns are now petitioning the Republic for aid, and are even asking to join in order to secure protection from being conquered by either the Republic or gangs of cannibal rapists. Much of old Quebec begins to slowly come together under the banner of the Green Republic, mostly united by a common tongue, mutual defense, and a common area for trade. With the return of peace and the roads becoming much safer, the presence of merchants has become increasingly common. They mostly move scrap, purified water, food, and other trinkets around, looking to peddle it wherever they can find people willing to part with their own junk. The paper money experiment was abandoned, partly because nobody used it, but mainly because the growth of the Republic has brought many people into contact with more prosperous areas to the south that use bottle caps instead as a kind of currency. As the militias and peddlers trickle out of Quebec City, they have heard of towns in the ruins of a city called “Ottowa” to the west.

-The militia has also managed to gain considerable respect for its integrity and adherence to a set of “military laws” which regulate proper behavior when fighting. While most gangs they come across have a very different view of honor in warfare (mostly permitting rape of captured victims), the Green Republic has found that an apparent adherence to Kantian principles has a hidden consequentialist argument behind it. Many villages become willing to join the Republic after hearing of how upstanding the militias are and the safety they can benefit from while inside it. Of course many settlements are unwilling to contribute much more than the bare minimum of resources towards the government in Greentown, viewing the Republic as a form of strong alliance with few obligations. They are especially wary due to the fact that militias often seize caravans from the south and loot them (in return for the generous offer of sparing the merchants lives). This very quickly led the merchants to begin complaining to their so called “counts” about these thefts and then either avoiding trade entirely or bringing a lot of firepower with them. Skirmishes frequently bog down the progress of the militias expanding south, and the disruption to trade causes other problems. Thankfully the Republic is self-sufficient for the most part and is not reliant on this trade, having built or repaired a number of brickworks in Quebec City. Given that moving heavy bricks long distance is difficult, most new or repaired buildings are those which are close to water or the brickworks themselves.

-The Republic begins to see the first glimmers of a life beyond subsistence as the larger economy begins to slowly take off. Not only are bricks being baked and houses repaired, but many villages in the Republic are sending elders to one another to help salvage technology, introduce farming techniques, or share the use of farming equipment. Some people have started to look at abandoned mines and pits to extract workable materials. Most of the time it’s usually phosphates, as it’s much easier to extract metals from salvage. Miners are usually farmers who work part-time, carrying sacks of the stuff to sell for use on farms. Other farmers and workers find the occasional seam of poor-quality coal that is mostly useless and hard to dig up. For most people in Quebec, work is to be had in the farms during harvesting. Payment is usually with a portion of the crop itself, room and board, or rarely some caps or pieces of scrap that the farmers have no use for. While the Republic has worked to try salvaging technology as much as they can and to assist most people, their main achievement has probably been the windmills hooked up to electrical generators that they have built in Greentown and Quebec city. Made from scrap (predictably), they are mostly used to grind up grain, power crushing mills, triphammers for blacksmiths, and occasionally provide power for lights. From the void above, small and dim lights begin to light up Quebec.

Pezgod1 - New Vegas
Capital: New Vegas
Economy: Developing transition
Population: 26,140
Power consumption: 0.23 Twh

-In business there is often a need to take risks, otherwise you won’t get anywhere. In 2281, Mr. House took a big risk when he hired not six, but twenty good couriers to bring back his platinum chip containing the necessary software upgrades for his securitrons. Benny carefully watched and intervened by catching one of the couriers and stealing the chip. Unfortunately it turned out that the courier was carrying a fake, the real one had been carried along in a standard gun runner shipment and was casually left lying around in a box full of snowglobes and pre-war books. After it was taken up to the Lucky 38, Mr. House immediately upgraded his securitrons and sent a number of them over to the ruined fortification hill and cleared out the tribes before entering the securitron vault. There he brought them back to life and temporarily caused a blackout in many parts of the Mojave due to the sudden power surge (as it turns out, his army needs a lot of energy). With so much extra force at his disposal, he quickly ignored the NCR in Hoover Dam and McCarran and focused on the real prize by annexing vast chunks of land to the east and north of New Vegas. Freeside and many other communities were caught up, and facing the superior firepower of these deadly robots, had little choice but to submit to the cold and efficient rule of Robert House.

-Business also means taking some morally questionable decisions, especially when taking the needs of society into account and whenever or not companies have a social responsibility. Thankfully, Mr. House doesn’t have to care since he owns both the society and the company, meaning he can impose his will. One of these questionable decisions lies in chems, as he clears lands to the west of the city and repairs many of the old factories and workshops. The job of these places is to manufacture chems needed by so many addicts throughout the Mojave, ranging from jet to whisky. As a source of revenue it’s invaluable, but Mr. House managed to upset the Followers of the Apocalypse with this action. While patronizing them and giving them a lot of resources to help with their mission in the Mojave, his attempts to keep them in the dark are unsuccessful when it turns out that despite having supreme power over the city, he has allowed people to set up chem labs and to sell them to people throughout the city. With the NCR becoming steadily wealthier and the railway making it easier for them to travel too, tensions continue to rise as the city grows rapidly in size, although the fact it remains full of drugged up whoring gamblers does a lot to keep away financiers and industrialists who cannot find healthy and skilled workers. A holiday was announced by Mr. House after the defeat of Caesar, to be celebrated yearly (much like the Great Khans have also done). Unfortunately for House, his attempts to send emissaries to meet Temujin and to convince him about accessing the strip go nowhere. Very few Khans visit the Mojave after the defeat of Caesar, having turned their attention back home or to the east.

Turn 8: 2285 to 2290 AD


Chubby Checker - Let's Twist Again

Turn music


Political map of Turn 8

Post link: https://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1471881&p=49005615&viewfull=1#post49005615

Turn quote: True progress quietly and persistently moves along without notice. – St. Francis de Sales

Events of the years 2285 to 2290 AD:

-The continent has been divided for a long time; the pockets of civilization which survived the nuclear war remain isolated from one another, often without help, often poor, and often on the verge of extinction. In 2290, the first step towards ending that division was taken with the restoration of a radio tower in central Louisiana, playing out pre-war music and giving out the news on all of the events going on in the state. This is not unusual or unprecedented in itself, for many such radio stations have been founded over the past few decades all over the continent. What makes it truly remarkable is that it overlaps one radio station to the west, and another to the east. In fact, it is the last link in a chain stretching from coast to coast. Although somewhat imperfect, it can transmit news from one end of the continent to the other, and very quickly most of the post-apocalyptic states of North America are now aware of one another and some of their activities. So too are the peoples that happen to tune in with whatever they can scavenge up, people who hear news of these new civilizations rising throughout the continent, offering to some an escape from the brutal Hobbesian anarchy that rules over the wastes of the continent. It is the beginning of the end of that dark nightmare.

-The population of North America is 12,150,000.

Deathgrunt - The Red State
Capital: Beren's Star
Economy: Developing transition
Population: 316,700
Power consumption: 0.20 Twh

-The 80s was a time of economic and social transformation, set in motion by the policies of the Red State and the unification of Florida. The Red Army was important to this new nation, having grown from a collection of ragtag militias into a semi-professional modern fighting force. In recognition of the changing world around them, a “sapper” division, consisting mainly of military engineers, is established for the first time. Formed from scattered officers and technical men in the towns, they are tasked with the jobs that require digging trenches, setting explosive charges, and clearing mines. They are also responsible for salvaging whatever forms of powerful weaponry they can find, from high powered rifles to artillery pieces. The reason for the creation of the sappers is because towns to the north have fortified themselves over time, holding choke points that control trade and movement. Without the ordnance to blast through them, it’s difficult to assault their walls. When the Red Army did eventually feel confident enough (having acquired an assortment of guns from the 19th through 21st centuries), they moved north and seized several towns in addition to their surrounding lands after shelling the inhabitants with heavy mortars. Like many conquerors, they were polite enough to send a message to the residents beforehand asking them to join the Red State. While it works from time to time and has allowed them to push into the Georgian wasteland, they have been halted at Savannah where Fort Pulaski, inhabited by thousands of people, resists conquest. Despite the best efforts of the Red Army, they did not have enough explosives, or heavy artillery, capable of breaching the walls. The inhabitants also enjoyed taking potshots at the engineers who try to come near the fort.

-As the economic transition continued and the central government grew ever more powerful, it began to introduce an increasing number of laws and edicts regulating the economy. Citizenship now confers a myriad of rights and responsibilities, starting with job regulations. Unless a citizen works, or has worked, in a productive enterprise such as in agriculture, industry, or medicine, they will now no longer receive support from the state, such as food rations, free housing, and medical care. While many of the social reforms are covering the countryside and have done much to improve the quality of life there, the rollback of these reforms is painful for a lot of urban dwellers. Most townspeople run small businesses such as shops, barbers, cafes, workshops, and most forms of services and light industry. Faced with such problems, many of the more vulnerable ones immediately join a state-sponsored factory. A few try to join the ranks of the medical establishment, since doctors are now in high demand. The grey markets begin to suffer too when the KGB cracks down on chems and arrest people for abusing them and otherwise introduce policies to tax producers, often harshly.

-By 2290, an industrial economy begins to slowly take shape, aided by the efforts of the “Research and Development Division”, an institution founded in the mid-80s by a collection of scientists with theoretical degrees in physics. Many of them were already homegrown scientists, but with the need for skilled workers, the KGB roamed the wasteland looking for anybody who looks like they can do trigonometry before politely, and firmly, convincing them to join up. With large incentives to joining up, many agree to join, receiving comfortable housing, clean food and water, in addition to top quality medical care. On April 26th, 2286, they brought a reactor in the Crystal River Energy Complex back online for the first time in over two centuries. Producing a substantial amount of power, in spite of inefficiency and poor fuel supplies,, it was able to provide power to the capital city of Beren's Star in addition to a number of chemical plants and factories. Three years later, the RDD managed to bring another reactor online in Baxley, Georgia. Much like in the Enclave, the Reich, or the NCR, the advent of electricity was a major game changer. Wires are strung everywhere, the dance of electrons brings the lights back on. Trade is expanding, exports of manufactured goods fuel the revolution. Radios and telephones become common, news spreads quickly, and so too does information about the aggression of the Reich. Even now, as soldiers fix bayonets to their rifles, they prepare to fight in a war similar to the one that their ancestors once fought in over four centuries ago. The commissars lead their men on a march to the sea.

Native Hunter - The Commonwealth of New England
Capital: New Portland
Economy: Least developed agrarian
Population: 110,300
Power consumption: 0.15 Twh

-King Roy, being a military man with considerable experience, felt confident enough to deal with the problem of minor raids on merchant shipping. These raids, although originating from the Green Republic, are in no way supported by the republic itself. Calling a meeting at the city of New Portland, he gathered up all of the counts (mostly his old friends) and got them to bring their ragtag militias and personal guards with them. Supplementing this force is King Roy's own levy of several hundred men, he declared war on the Green Republic and marched northwest into Canada. Along the way, he complemented his sizable army with a dozen or so smaller tribes and gangs who sought to support his campaign for justice by murdering and raping people rendered defenseless by his soldiers. The soldiers of the republic numbered barely a thousand against the invasion force of four thousand. On the Banks of the St. Lawrence River, the outnumbered republican army made a valiant stand against the invaders before being forced to retreat due to casualties. After this, King Roy seized Greentown and much of Quebec, plundering the region before splitting it up between the tribes and vassals that supported him.

-With fresh military victory and some considerable plunder, Roy looked to atone for his sins by using the loot to construct an impressive cathedral in Preacher's Promise atop the old vault and Bartholomew made the Archbishop of New England. With his control established and the cathedral easily one of the most impressive buildings around his power is not one to be questioned – the monks and priests who moved here from New York have been eagerly converting the population through baptism and traveling around to preach the good word. Although most people are skeptical, the roots of the faith are slowly taking root. With such misery around them and memories of a long-gone great civilization fading away into legend, people are all too keen to accept the word of god in hopes of a peaceful afterlife. The churches have gotten considerable support from Roy in their efforts to promote humanitarian causes too, which has allowed them to gain traction in areas where the population is apathetic about religion. In their traditional homeland, the Catholics have reported of a major economic crisis brought about by the sudden influx of cheap bottle caps, causing rapid inflation. Another problem is the Enclave has been selling cigarettes en masse, while alcohol production is rising rapidly, making commerce extremely difficult due to the economic imbalances and the people being slowly drained of money. To cope, many places have seen a sharp uptake in use of the strong Enclave dollar.

-Nearly fifteen years after the revolution, the transformation into a Kingdom is virtually complete (even the death of Roy in 2289 from cancer doesn’t slow it down), with the first transfer of power having gone somewhat smoothly. Roy's son enjoys poor support among the counts, and has to rule over an area stretching from New England into Canada. The attempts to re-establish a basic network of roads, working off Greentown's own projects, begins in this year as a means of speeding up travel for messengers and soldiers, since one of the biggest problems has been gangs and rebels. The Quebecois are especially angry, taking the opportunity to raid supply houses and to murder government officials whenever they get the chance to. The tribes who have been given new lands have opted instead to strip down and sell the junk there and to terrorize the local population, while the counts are often reluctant to spare men to restore order. Despite these problems, there is a steady opening up of trade with the Enclave and other towns and polities to the south. There is now a somewhat reliable method of exploiting the forests which survived the war for timber, while fish provides a bounty for seaside towns. Even electrical equipment has been salvaged and put to work, increasing power generation as New Portsmouth shines with light.

Meme It Up - New California Republic
Capital: Shady Sands
Economy: Developing transition
Population: 1,301,000
Power consumption: 1.56 Twh

-If one event can be said to be one that brought the Post-Apocalyptic era to a final end and signified the birth of a new chapter in human history, the one that took place in the New California Republic in the year 2286 is as good as any. A courier from New Vegas helped the scientists based in the city, who reverse-engineered a variety of plants that could not only survive, but prosper in the wastes. Although it took years to grow in experimental farms, the safety of the process has been pinned down after many unfortunate deaths. Vertibirds and trains carry sacks of seeds all over the Republic, seeding the wastes, even in irradiated spots that have no life. Within a year, seedlings spread throughout California, marching over the continent like a green army conquering the land. This not without problems however – many tribes and frontier settlements, which enjoyed a degree of isolation, reacted poorly to the sudden appearance of these bizarre alien lifeforms. Some turned to rebellion or banditry, but the army made short work of attempts on government offices and military bases. Even the scientists involved are unsure of the full ramifications of giving life to a continent which either lacks plant life, or the potential impact that genetically modified ones could have in out-competing the rivals which survived in varied pockets. The changes wrought will likely cascade down through the centuries.

-With no apparent threat on the horizon, the national service is cut down to two years, although expeditionary forces are sent to aid the Great Khans in their attempt to subdue the legion (they are reportedly victorious but with heavy losses). With nothing else to really tie down their men, armies are sent to follow the farmers and railway engineers colonizing the empty continent. With radios and now newspapers an effective means of mass media, the state exploits them to boast of their achievements in everything from economic development to military expansion. They even began an ambitious plan in 2287 to build a railway following the route of the old Transcontinental railroad, repairing the lines through the Sierra Nevada and, to great fanfare, completing the line to New Reno. While it brings uncomfortable government control and scrutiny, the crime families are desperate to attract people to the city in face of competition from New Vegas. A railway boom is underway, veins of iron spreading outwards from the big cities and bringing the armies and workers along with them. For the gangs and tribes left in the wilderness, the screech of the iron horse signals the end of their way of life.

-Industrial expansion continues to build momentum, forcing up the demand for electricity and raw materials. With much of the easy scrap now gone, people are assaulting the last great monuments. The ruins of the San Francisco Bridge are chopped up and sold piecemeal at an auction while work gangs scour vaults and rip out the doors and price the chunks of valuable metal out. Many famous vaults such as Vault 13 are stripped down until nothing is left; within a century none of the vaults remain. Helios One is brought back into operation, adding even more power to the grid, although the electricity addiction is hard to sate. Demand begins to slowly catch up, forcing even more repairs and maintenance at Hoover Dam and continuing to drain the state’s budget. Some tolls are issued to help pay for this, but they are often ignored or circumvented. Demands on the state are growing everywhere; as public schooling and infrastructure are the main requests of voters. Consequently, public schooling instills them with the lessons needed to survive in a world not of survival in a nuclear wasteland, but on prospering and living well. They are taught another idea too, that of a “manifest destiny” to spread the ideals of the republic and civilize the wasteland. As the transcontinental railway crawls east towards New Canaan, the students of this philosophy follow quickly behind.

Jcorp - Transatlantic Alliance
Capital: Raleigh
Economy: Developing agrarian
Population: 456,100

-The Parliament of the Alliance, already a fairly weak institution, was thrown into chaos by the assassination of Henri L’avoisier, one of the most prominent and important figures of the Alliance. He had been well known as an unofficial prime minister, whose natural charisma and diligence afforded him a lot of respect and influence over the region. He was most famous for ordering the co-ordination of the campaign to eliminate raiders, which was greeted with widespread popularity. With his body soaked in blood slumped over his sofa, a small detachment of the army is dispatched to investigate the murder and bring the killer to justice. In the meanwhile, the disorganized leadership was force to take the difficult decision of introducing emergency reforms that recognized the official title of “Prime Minister” and essentially introduced the basic functions of cabinet government. After the controversial bill was passed in August 2286, elections were held the following May (due to the lack of parties, it was largely coalitions of individuals seeking support amongst the people) with widespread coverage by Alliance Radio (reportedly leaving the DJ “bummed-out”).

-In other parts of the alliance now bustling with activity as they face the first elections to elect their first true government, the elephant man has had the misfortune to continue transforming. Physically, he begins to develop a series of bizarre mushroom-like growths that pop up over him like small tumors, while mentally he continues to lose his already feeble grip on sanity, and oddly, his aggression too. He retreats to a camp nearby a particularly radioactive zone, where he continues to mutate, seemingly unaffected. He isn’t the only mutant suffering, lately there has been a big problem at Bugsys – people are turning up with massive numbers of caps. While this would normally be a blessing, he’s running out of alcohol and snacks for his patrons. In an attempt to secure more supplies, he finds that the bottle caps are quickly becoming less valuable. Within a year, merchants and traders are now swapping huge sacks of caps to conduct business, and money in the republic becomes steadily devalued. As it turns out, the Enclave has been minting massive numbers of caps, and a smaller number of dollars, to pay for imports, leading to a complete collapse in the currency and utter loss of confidence in it. The Enclave dollar is now starting to appear in transactions alongside glorified “IOUs” exchanged by various traders. By 2290, caps are falling out of use.

-The fields of peanuts and tobacco continue to spread, although now smaller fields, such as cotton, are now appearing as people now desire clothes which aren’t patched together from rags or animal skins. Improved food security is the reason for this change, since many people are willing to spend extra time on experimenting with other crops or jobs. With no deviantArt available, one boy busied himself collecting spare batteries and bits of scrap before he eventually found a broken eyebot. Somehow, he managed to repair it and make it operable again. News of his achievement spread, allowing him to set up a business with the help of his father that was contracted by farmers to repair broken farming equipment. These farmers are very often the more successful ones, who have taken the time and energy to invest into their land and to expand production for a mass market. The land area cultivated nearly doubled during the 2280s, expanding at a faster rate as the decade closes and becoming a major source of income for the country. The poorer farmers begin to struggle as taxes slowly arrive and for the first time are usually enforced. They often abandon their fields to become landless laborers who process tobacco or pick cotton for the wealthier farmers, before helping to package and carry the crops to the Enclave where it is further processed (many are starting to immigrate there). The boy who tinkered with robots often takes the opportunity to travel into these towns for scrap, but after hearing of the results of the election and the first strong government here he looked for an MP to hawk his ideas to.

EuSKalduna - Great Khans
Capital: Chihuahua
Economy: Developing agrarian
Population: 98,100

-Although the Khans won a great victory at Hoover Dam years ago, the threat of the Legion still hangs over everyone in the southwest like a dark cloud. The arrival of emissaries from Texas begging for assistance came as a particular shock to the Khans since they knew that nothing there could withstand the wrath of the legion. Speaking on the radio, a wizened old Temujin spoke loudly and with confidence, declaring that anybody who wished to fight the Legion should join the Khans, who will help to correct the injustices made by the barbarism of the legion. Having accepted the Texan cry for help, they begin by sending soldiers to Fort Dallas, where they help to guard the refugees fleeing conflict. Due to the devastation wrought by the conflict many of them were unable to return home, and so they were resettled to the north of Chihuahua in the ruins of El Paso, which would later grow into a busy town. At the same time, the town of El Paso was fortified and reinforced with more men who began to stockpile munitions and weaponry in the settlement. More patrols along route 45 were sent out to deter legion raids, which by this stage were becoming more aggressive and bloody. Sniper teams were set up to pick off legion officers, while outposts were set up at Castner range. Watchtowers began to spread outwards as more and more people settled in the area, while preparations were made to accommodate the reinforcements from California and New Vegas.

-In the winter of 2288-2289, reports had surfaced of the Legion finally withdrawing enough men to commit to the eastern offensive on Texas that a campaign could be made deep into Legion territories. In January, the Great Khans, led by Temujin himself, invaded the Legion, fighting a bloody campaign down the roads and into frontier towns where they were able to liberate slaves and recruit some of them into the army. The securitrons were of considerable assistance in providing heavy firepower, and their importance grew as they reached towns with more heavily fortified walls or larger garrisons. Due to sheer firepower and the lack of Legion reinforcements, the campaign enjoyed little resistance until they reached the city of Flagstaff. The citizens here were fiercely loyal and aggressive, enjoying relatively high living standards, and fought ferociously. NCR units took heavy losses while the Khans struggled to breach the walls. Victory was, unexpectedly, delivered when a fire broke out during the firefight in one of the slave quarters and spread to engulf the entire city. In the conflagration, many hundreds were burned to death while thousands more fled the city. Even after breaking in, the Khans were unable to restore order or put out the fires which burned for days. Occupying the city for several weeks, they eventually received the news that the Legate had died and reinforcements would not be returning. All participating armies dissolved and returned home. Flagstaff was forever abandoned.

-Back home, the country ruled over by the Khans swelled with refugees from Texas and the Legion, many of them with potentially valuable skills. Among them was the quiet rediscovery of an ancient power source – steam power. Old steam engines were found in the ruins of Flagstaff and other cities, while some engineers clearly knew how to build and operate them. Dragged back to Chihuahua, they were put to work replacing electrical motors in driving a whole manner of random machines such as ploughs and triphammers. But one of the most important ones is an old Union Pacific steam locomotive that had been salvaged. After several years of tinkering and energetic work, the locomotive was not only brought back into operation, but the railway line connecting El Paso to Chihuahua was also repaired. Operation began in 2290 for the first time in centuries, carrying people in what used to be cattle wagons over dusty hills. In some wagons, there are all manner of goods being carried; among these are the ingredients for many chems. However, these are not meant to be consumed at home, but far to the north where factories have been set up by Mr. House to produce them into drugs for sale to citizens of the NCR. On one of these trains was Temujin, deathly sick as he traveled home. Looking out of the window of the carriage as he left one station, he saw a small trees growing there, while children played on formerly silent streets. As lay dying, life was returning to Mexico.

testmen - Enclave
Capital: Raven Rock
Economy: Developing industrial
Population: 412,000
Power consumption: 0.42 Twh

-The Enclave has been busying itself with economic development lately as opposed to militaristic expansionism. A slow and steady decay of their original ideals of genocide and replacement of “mutants” with the “pure” has progressed to its logical conclusion where relatively little division between the two peoples seems to exist, or matter in either case. The skilled technicians who run the factories of Puppitun have slowly grown much warmer to their work peers and now regularly interact with them both in and out of work. Although breeding between them is still looked down upon and massive discrimination exists, the decay is far too advanced to be stopped. Several in the Enclave inner circle express considerable fear at the long term consequences, but they are quietly purged from power. An economic revolution is underway, and it is up to the president to make sure it progresses smoothly and efficiently with nobody to intervene. Propaganda campaigns shift to declare “To get rich is glorious!” and “It does not matter what color the cat is, only that it catches mice” rather than to focus on the military duties of the people. Although with limited supplies and means, the facilities for chemical plants, printing presses, cigarette rolling machines, lumber mills, and paper plants are all built in Puppitun using modified military technology. Although the national newspaper mocks both the Transatlantic Alliances “tiny border towers” and the latest trends in music and fashion, such as “The Twist” dance and song, this does not diminish their importance as a primary trading partner.

-Another cunning policy has been the acquisition of bottle cap punches. Using sheets of cheap metal and a few presses, several million bottle caps are mass-produced and used to buy agricultural imports. The predictable result was rapid inflation, followed in turn by an abandonment of caps and the widespread adoption of the dollar as the accepted currency of choice. While dollarization was almost complete both here and in Virginia by the end of the 80s, the Fourth Reich and the Red State are more resistant due to geographic distance and domestic situations. New England is slowly adopting the dollar, with reports of a “Kingdom of Roy” becoming upset with the bottle cap depreciation. After several years, the Presidents policy has paid off handsomely as cigarette, rubber, and paper production have all skyrocketed and are now a major source of wealth for the country. Not only have they become wealthy, but they are gaining access to markets all over the east coast, allowing them to buy a wider range of goods on favorable terms. The development of trade has been of considerable benefit to the Enclave, allowing it to grow rich and consequently attract immigrants. They travel along the new roads which have been slowly taking shape (mostly pathways cleared of debris, but important nonetheless) throughout the eastern coast. One day, cars will speed down them again.

-Confident and inspired explorers scour the ruins of Washington D.C, revealing, unsurprisingly, a nuclear wasteland with pockets of humanity scratching out a meager existence. Compared to twenty years before, the residents enjoy clean drinking water, a degree of safety provided by Enclave patrols, and some measure of material prosperity as the industrial revolution underway leaks outwards and some of it seeps in here. Rivet City has blossomed into a market town, swollen with hundreds of residents and having outgrown the confines of the old ship. Although there are still broken cars on the roads and junk lying around, they are slowly vanishing as some enterprising fellows have taken to breaking them up and selling the metals. While not yet a common practice, these changes are not unnoticed. Following in the footsteps of explorers are the botanists who have been tasked with restoring fertility to the soil and eventually re-establish plant life throughout the region. Taking inspiration from the tree minders they begin to plant saplings and other plants along the river, hoping that they will survive. Some of them do, and begin to spread.

iAmaNewb - Fourth Reich
Capital: Charlotte
Economy: Developing transition
Population: 349,700
Power consumption: 0.40 Twh

-The expansionist nature of the Reich continued to be deeply felt throughout these years as the Fuhrer continued to demand more land was seized for the nation and resources extracted to feed economic development. The latest crisis in the country was set off by perhaps a rather unlikely event – the bottle caps used for money are starting to rapidly depreciate in value. The Enclave has been busy minting so many of them and using them to buy imports that the influx of fresh caps has begun causing major problems. As it turns out, the peoples of Virginia demanded unsustainably high numbers of caps in return for goods, which in turn forced many merchants and traders to sell goods off to the Enclave just to get more caps. The result has been much of the wealth flowing towards cross-border trade and the currency weakening – something the Fuhrer does not like. He orders the invasion of Kentucky with a force of several thousand men in order to seize Fort Knox, a pre-war military installation packed to the brim with gold. After reaching the base, the army proceeds to clear out the local tribes and gangs, delivering harsh justice and forcing many of them to work on clearing a passage into the bullion depository and building a miniature railway to load the bars out. They are then taken by fleets of bicycles to Charlotte where they are secured in vault 88 and are used as reserves for the new Reichsmark, introduced in opposition to the Enclave dollar that has begun penetrating the region.

-Vault 88 has undergone significant renovation as a result of its original use having changed over time – new water purification chips are being installed while power production is being increased to sate rising demand for energy. Electricity is needed to power the cotton gins and looms that turn the growing fields of cotton into new uniforms and clothes that are in great demand by both soldiers and civilians. To celebrate the improvements in the industry and quality of the cloth, a new uniform is introduced for the elite soldiers of the Reich (the Schutzstaffel). The SS wear uniforms dyed a deep and distinctive black that clearly separates them from the common soldiery. These are men who have been handpicked from the best to produce an elite force deathly loyal to the state and deadly in the right hands, they are frequently armed with restored energy weapons (often the only ones that can be salvaged) which give them a fearsome presence. When partisans or gangs start harassing anyone, they can be assured that the SS will ride down on bicycles and kill indiscriminately with well-placed shots of plasma.

-As the state strengthens its grip and has increasing resources at command, they are now able to fund more rather interesting projects. A ministry of “Public Enlightenment” was established with the purpose of instilling the values deemed necessary for the population to hold. With control over radio, print, and other forms of media, the ministry would often play militaristic music, ranging from classical orchestras to marching bands, through the radios while printing stories of ideal citizens who upheld the virtues deemed sufficient by the censors. At the same time, a ministry of “Reich Economy” was established to coordinate and centralize all of the disparate economic policies of the government into a single body that had greater control over the direction the nation was taking. For these years, the decision was made to heavily promote agriculture, in particular the cultivation of fruits such as apples, pears, and oranges wherever possible, with the goal of reclaiming land and putting people to work in the fields. Despite these attempts, only modest increases in cotton production are noted as the Transatlantic alliance tends to produce more cotton, while the Enclave exports finished cloth of higher quality to the Reich itself. However, the several Nuka-Cola plants brought back into operation are much more successful. Using the now worthless glass bottles and caps laying around aplenty they bottle a strange new concoction using fruit pulp, whey, and whatever else is scrounged up. They name the drink “Fanta”, a drink with immediate success and the potential to generate massive revenues.

Ruski v2.0 - The Nu Texan Confederacy
Capital: Fort Dallas
Economy: Developing agrarian
Population: 123,500
Power consumption: 0.10 Twh

-Fort Worth, later renamed Fort Dallas, stands as a beacon of light in the ruins of a civilization long forgotten, pulling itself up from the ashes using both intellect and brute force. The arrival of the Legion to the west of the confederacy has sparked panic among the peoples of the region as Lanius marches on the city with the goal of seizing it and making it his capital. Numerous tribes that stand in the way flee to the confederacy where they put pressures on limited food supplies and water, leading to riots. General Baxter introduced emergency measures for rations and conscripted every able body above the age of 16, throwing them whatever could be scrounged up (from plasma guns to antique breechloading rifles), with some people even grabbing broom handles and tying knives to their ends. At the same time, reports come of much needed military assistance from the Great Khans, a “Mr. House”, and from the New California Republic out west. However, none of them will be able to reinforce Fort Dallas, leaving the inhabitants largely to their own protection for the time being.

-With much at stake, civil order in the city rapidly breaks down when reports of the Legion having reached Amarillo arrive. Refugees stream out from the city with everything that can be carried or dragged by cart, most of them have been expelled to reduce the stress on limited food and water supplies available to the army. As they travel south along roads they are given some protection by the Khans and Confederate militias, although numerous skirmishes with legionaries cause them to scatter as they trickle down southwards. In the weeks between the reports of the Legion having established a camp and their offensive, the confederate soldiers scavenge artillery pieces from the Dyess Air Force Base and relocate eyebots to the Tezha power plant. Some replicas of Baxter's horse are also made, given out to a group of “Rough Riders” who act like a small force of dragoons. All the while, a massive defensive line is quickly constructed from rubble along Routes 20 and 27, while two major camps are established in Amarillo and the Tezha power plant. The Power plant itself becomes a military headquarters, which is full of frantic activity as the staff rush to set up telecommunications equipment and bring security systems online in addition to preparing supply dumps and observation posts. On a dusty morning in the February of 2289, they sat quietly waiting for the onslaught when a small gleam of a polished chest plate caught the eye of a sniper. His shot was the first in the battle.

-That morning Baxter gave an inspiring speech over the radio to his troops and to Fort Dallas, informing the residents that leaving was now impossible and that every effort was to be made to protect the nation from annihilation (those unable to fight and unable to leave locked themselves in the vault). The battle began with the thunderous roar of heavy mortars, with shells exploding among legion lines and tearing their men to shreds. Massed charges of legion troops battered against the lines, eventually weakening those in Amarillo to the point that the Texan defenders broke and fled, allowing the legion to puncture the lines. Despite the movement of reinforcements to the area, the legionaries quickly overwhelmed Amarillo and began breaking up the brittle lines. The rest of the Texans panicked and fled, leaving Tezha power plant with barely two hundred defenders against over two thousand Legionaries. A week-long siege began, which saw captured artillery turned against the walls of the plant and used to batter it and the men into submission. The legion began the assault a week later in the early hours of the morning while the Texans were mostly asleep, before they were awoken and rushed to the walls to open fire on the attackers. Three further assaults followed, the last one finally breached the walls and fought bitterly with the defenders who, having run out of ammo, used sharp chunks of metal broken off from machinery. IEDs set at the doors and hallways delayed further progress into the building which was gradually reduced to rubble. The battle was a Pyrrhic victory, as hundreds of men were killed or injured in the assault, including Lanius himself. News had also arrived that the NCR and Khans reinforced with securitrons had burned Flagstaff to the ground. This caused what remained of the Legion to break down and scatter to the four winds, saving Texas and ensuring the future of the Confederacy.

LoganIsAwesome - The Green Republic
Capital: Greentown

-The Green Republic suffered considerably in the last year of its existence. 2285 began with the expansion of the army to an impressive thousand men at arms, although it was virtually impossible to mobilize them all at once. A police force was established to maintain order in Greentown, while the government began work on a policy to repair hospital facilities in the country. Unfortunately, their plans were interrupted when scouts had reported of several thousand men having crossed the border into the country, with the casus belli being unacceptable raids on merchants. Consequently, the entire republic was thrown into panic and they mobilized not only the entire army, but every person with a gun that could be found, even if they were stupid or ugly. Hastily assembled and brought to the banks of the St Lawrence River, they made a valiant stand against the armies of King Roy. Unfortunately, he was an experienced military man, and he ordered a small unit of rangers to sneak to the opposite side by steamboat. Feigning an attack on their rear, the republican army broke up trying to chase them, giving time to the invaders to cross the river. Trapped between two sides, and despite fighting to the point that they ran out of bullets and began beating each other to death with rocks and sticks, they lost. King Roy won the day and marched on Greentown, seizing the town with ease and dissolving the government. Another polity passed into the annals of history, to be remembered only as a footnote in the history books of the distant future.

Pezgod1 - New Vegas
Capital: New Vegas
Economy: Developing transition
Population: 31,230
Power consumption: 0.27 Twh

-New Vegas has entered a crisis, partly brought on by its own doing. The wildness of the wasteland is being tamed, and anarchism is receding. In its wake comes law and order, and one of the first casualties is the chems trade. As the century slowly comes to an end, many states are now starting to make efforts to regulate or even try and suppress the trade as the negative effects on the citizenry become ever more apparent as chems become easier and cheaper to buy. The revenue to be realized is too great to ignore however, so Mr. House tried a bizarre third option of banning chems in New Vegas but selling them outside of the city. Securitrons have been sent around shutting down unlicensed dealers and labs while also patrolling the major routes to control the border and reduce the flow of drugs. At the same time, he brings several factories in the city back into operation with the purpose of manufacturing chems, jet being one of the major ones. The Khans were particularly helpful in procuring the necessary raw materials to manufacture the chems as well as finding buyers, but since chem use is now frowned upon in both states these are now being sold to citizens of the New California Republic. With many traders trying to push chems onto NCR citizens and banning use within the boundaries of New Vegas, it has had the unwanted effect of turning off many of the more respectable patrons as the atmosphere becomes less tolerant and drug use, despite crackdowns, skyrockets nonetheless. Seeking to take advantage New Reno funds the construction of a railway into California, which begins to siphon off much needed traffic to New Vegas.

-To the east of New Vegas, the Legion continued to rule oppressively for many years, until 2289, when a campaign between the NCR, Khans, and New Vegas was launched into the region. While each party had different goals, Mr. House had some particularly curious ones as he sought to liberate as many slaves as possible and funnel them back to New Vegas. Being rather successful in the enterprise he was able to permanently resettle thousands of people outside of the city in a number of towns and villages brought back to working order by hired workers and securitrons. The liberated slaves were offered simple conditions – work for Mr. House, and you will be allowed to live on your own provided you grow food to supply New Vegas. He also granted them citizenship if they were particularly loyal or industrious. When Flagstaff was eventually captured, both the NCR and Khans abandoned most of the area as they had little interest in ruling over a land that had returned to savagery. Mr. House however, viewed the former Legion lands as a potential goldmine, and ordered the construction of outposts to the east and send teams of securitrons over to re-establish order and annex these lands to the city state.

-Unfortunately, this had major downsides for New Vegas as the costs of resettling a great number of people and rebuilding the infrastructure there imposed massive costs on the budget of the state. The white glove society grew annoyed with his activities as they drove away most of the high-paying clientele, while free side gangs both fought with the authorities and smuggled chems in contravention of the law. Several groups in the city moved into the black market business of smuggling, while the town of Primm begins to boom as, being under NCR control, it is not under the new chem regulations and consequently becomes a haven for those in New Vegas coming to get a quick fix. The casinos there also spring into life to take advantage, while the new railway connecting New Vegas to Shady Sands plays a part in helping to draw away traffic from the city. Population growth and economic development in the city has also caused public facilities, from sanitation to electricity, to become strained, while the explosive growth of industry and agriculture continues to wreak havoc on the clean and orderly streets frequented by tourists. The Followers, upset with his official support for the drugs, begins to pull out of the city and relocate operations to Primm where they treat the chem-addicts and the growing population. Pollutants discolor the skies while farmers crowd out the streets hawking Brahmin steak and corn cobs. From the Lucky 38, Mr. House watches as the former glory of New Vegas is tarnished, but he knows it is for a worthy goal as he watches people, wealth, and talent congregate in his city. Despite the major setbacks, the high technology sector is once again being reborn. Who knows what the next century will bring?

Turn 9: Epilogue


Getting Better- The Beatles

Turn music


Political map of Turn 9

Post link: https://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1471881&p=49005615&viewfull=1#post49005615

Turn quote: It's said war - war never changes. Men do, through the roads they walk. And this road - has reached its end. - Ulysses

Events of the years post 2290 AD:

-As the century came to an end, so too did the multitude of horrors that stretched throughout the wasteland. Deathclaws, among other FEV creations, slowly faded away to become one of the many monsters doomed to extinction as green pastures grew and stretched far to the horizon. Slowly but surely things were becoming normal once more, and the bleached wasteland in which the solitary vaults struggled to survive was replaced by a proliferation of life, both new and old throughout the continent. The intervening years saw the brutal savagery of the wasteland eventually tamed by a civilization that had learned much from the mistakes of the one it had replaced.

-The population of North America had reached 30,000,000+.

Deathgrunt - The Red State
Capital: Beren's Star

-The ideals of the Bolshevik revolution never quite truly died, even in the face of nuclear devastation. In a world poisoned by radiation the commissars of the Red State struggled to maintain a course between improving the lives of the people and building up an army to take on the might of the Reich. As they unified the Southeast, the five year plans grew ever more ambitious as their industrial revolution went out of control. Eventually, as conflict flared up with the equally expansionist Reich, the Red State prepared for a war on the scale of which had been yet unseen for centuries, those of the NCR and Caesar's Legion being mere dress rehearsals compared to this one. In a war fought to determine the future be-tween two diametrically opposed ideologies, the California Republic and the United States both sat quietly watching, ready to carve up what remained.

Native Hunter - The Kingdom of New England
Capital: Salutem

-New England continued to slowly grow and prosper, and despite the harsh rule of their feudal overlords, the people were secretly glad for somebody to restore order and organize development. After many decades had passed, the Kingdom eventually became a model for several other societies that appeared throughout Canada and the north. It became the forerunner of a reunified Canada independent of foreign domination, and helped to reopen links with a Europe entering a second renaissance.

Meme It Up - New California Republic
Capital: Shady Sands

-The New California Republic continued to steadily grow and prosper, becoming much like the United States of the 19th century in all but name. The children of the Republic moved east into the wastes, building new homes and seeding the land. Within a century, their numbers had more than tripled and the west had been brought under their control. Expanding to the east, they eventually managed to resettle much of the Midwest and turned it into the breadbasket it once was. The power and fame of the nation grew, and in the coming centuries, it would develop into a world power. The descendants of Vault 15 had inherited the world, and it was their job to be as careful in maintaining it as they had in their original home all those years ago.

Jcorp - Virginian Alliance
Capital: Raleigh

-As the years passed by, the descendants of Europeans who lived in Virginia began to see themselves as belonging to a nation tied together by strengthening bonds, united under one flag. The land was recovering well from the ravages of nuclear war, and as huge fields of fertile crops spread over Virginia, they helped to feed both the country, and her neighbors. When trade was established with Europe, cotton once again flowed back to the mills of Liverpool, where ancient machines once again spat out bolts of fresh cloth. From these same mills came immigrants seeking a new life, bringing their own cultural quirks and habits with them. Their curious tastes molded with existing fashions in Virginia, producing a wondrous blend of taste that spread rapidly among the young who grew to distrust authority and challenge the status quo. What followed was a counterculture invasion, led by a vanguard of musicians from Liverpool which forever changed the culture of post-war America.

EuSKalduna - Khanate of Mexica
Capital: Kingdom Come

-Although Temujin is dead, he holds a position as a mythical founder and unifier of his nation much like President Tandi. Although his successors weren’t as capable or as long-lasting, they managed to prevent his work from going to ruin. Expanding south into the valleys of Mexico, the Golden Khans eventually took control over much of Mexico and established a vast empire built up with the accumulated knowledge of lessons learned in both the old and new worlds. Unifying most of Central America under their banner, ships once sailed through the jungles of Panama while fleets carried treasures far over the seas to Europe. Much like the NCR, the Khans are also the children of Vault 15. Not bad going for a people who came from a hole in the ground.

testmen - Enclave
Capital: Washington D.C.

-The Enclave continued their Darwinian ability to adapt both themselves and their technologies to the new world they found themselves in. Their rhetoric of genocide against the “mutant” humans faded to become nothing more than quiet words in history books. The new leaders of the Enclave were interested in making themselves rich, building up a country with a vast economic and technological base. They grew into a power in their own right, becoming dominant over the eastern coast and turning many other countries into protectorates. The old world was dead, but the dreams of that world lived on. Once again, it was truly the United States of America.

iAmaNewb - Fourth Reich
Capital: Charlotte

-Like many other countries, the Fourth Reich had many pains as it struggled in the race to achieve domination over a wasteland that was rapidly being colonized by a multitude of civilizations. Trade continued to grow heavily with its neighbors, the Fuhrer's subscribing to a “Speerite” ideology of reconciling economic pragmatism with ideological purity. The nation grew stronger and wealthier, but much like the other nations of the East Coast, they lagged behind the rapidly industrializing Enclave. Pressed into an ever shrinking pocket of land, they built up a powerful army and expanded wherever they could, but in the end, it came to a war with their bitter rivals to the south. With the United States spurring them on, it seemed like whatever the result of the war with the Red State, Capitol Hill would win.

Ruski v2.0 - Texas
Capital: Fort Dallas

-After the defeat of Lanius and his legion at Amarillo, the Texans could breathe easy knowing that a great evil had been finally extinguished. Many people returned to Texas, the young country reinvigorated and bursting with life. The streets of Fort Dallas were cleared up and the lights switched back on. General Baxter, with widespread support, conducted many successful expeditions into the wasteland that saw the borders of the Confederacy grow to incorporate many new peoples. The flag of an independent, free, and brave Texas stood waving proudly for the first time in many years, and it would continue to do so for as long as there remained a Texan nation united.

Pezgod1 - New Vegas
Capital: New Vegas

-The prestige of New Vegas was tarnished by the eccentric Mr. House, and it took many more years before the tourists returned. By that point, industry and commerce had been reborn in the city, with many people from across the southwest flocking here to seek fame and fortune in the last free city, a relic of the wilder times among lands under the control of governments with their armies. Mr. House continued to run his city with the same authoritarian efficiency, organizing all aspects of the economy and running it like an extended business enterprise. Nearly a century after the events of Hoover Dam, he was already sending rockets into orbit, where from the Aether above they realized that the Earth wasn’t quite worth abandoning just yet.


-In the city of New York, an old man walked through the streets of a city once again bustling with life, packed with trams and cart vendors while subway trains scurried under-ground. Flying over him was the stars and stripes, while policemen bearing clean uniforms patrolled the streets. New fashions had invaded shops that in his own lifetime he could remember being little more than empty piles of rubble. In one quiet bar he sat, listening to Sgt. Pepper’s band, nervously introducing themselves to their new audience. In his bag lay two very important items – one was a jumpsuit. The jumpsuit was old and worn, the deep blue having faded to a dull grey. Although he did not know it, he was the last true vault dweller left, he left at a young age, and lived an eventful life in which he saw the world that he was born into slowly fade away. A military uniform was also inside it, reminding him not only of the conflicts he had witnessed, but that war... war never changes.
