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This page contains all 18 turns of Empires & Revolutions V3.

Turn 1: 1900


Johann Sebastian Bach - Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 (Allegro-Adagio)

Turn tune

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1190776&p=36349259&viewfull=1#post36349259

Summary: The turn of the century is upon the world. A great century of war and technological advancement has just occurred between the darkness of the Napoleonic years and the Industrial Revolution. A few great nations have solidified their places in the world while a few new nations intend to show their might. You will decide what the fate of these nations is.

overpain - United Kingdom

-The Kingdom invests in a strengthened navy, investing heavily in the creation of submarines. As a result, eight submarines are built and three destroyers are built as well.
-Diplomats are sent to Russia, Canada, and the United States to work out an alliance. Canadians everywhere are confused as to why a diplomat was sent to what is essentially a puppet state under the Confederacy Act. The United States accepts the alliance but still sticks to its Monroe Policy.
-A new tax is implemented that forces 2% of all income to go straight to the Royal Family. Not many people are happy about this but they go along with it anyway.
-A large investment is spent in the building of entertainment centers. Great opera houses and large cinemas are built. Happiness improves across the entirety of the UK as a result.

Ruskie - China

-The Great Reform begins, its plan is to effectively modernize the Chinese military. It is entirely modeled after the the German General Staff.
-The military is turned into one of Meritocracy, allowing the accomplishments of its soldiers to allow them to climb the ladder rather than the family name.
-Experts all around the world are sought after to help begin reforming China, many see China as a worthless cause but a good number still arrive in Beijing.
-The Boxer Rebellion is ongoing at this point but is being won by the forces that assist China.
-The economy is changed into a more capitalist format, free enterprise is introduced and businesses around the world flock to this new location for business.
-Government funding is placed on the improvement of infrastructure, this puts a heavy strain on the Chinese economy due to the heavy military reforms. China is quickly falling behind economically.
-Paranoia shows through as a great many government officials and generals are "purged" or rather placed in work camps. There is a 58% mortality rate in these camps.
-The government begins to "westernize", turning into a "democracy" but is still fairly one sided.
-The administration turns into a meritocracy, following in the military's footsteps.
-There are reports of rebels being brutally slaughtered across the nation. These reports are generally credited towards the idea of a "secret police".

Intoxicated Spy - Russia

-The armies, if they can be called armies, are mobilized and stationed along the borders of Central Europe.
-Austria-Hungary is invited into an alliance, Austria-Hungary respectfully declines, citing the tensions between Russia and Germany and the strong alliance between Germany and Austria-Hungary.
-Rifling research begins and subsequently ends with a much more powerful rifle. Is is a bolt-action rifle, allowing more efficiency in firing.
-The idea of a mobile artillery unit is surfaced and research begins on this idea. A prototype is built but is abandoned due to its incredible sluggishness.
-A vote is called around the nation for which type of government they would wish to have. 10% vote continued monarchy, 46% vote democracy, and 44% vote communism.
-Poland asks for a small amount of independence.

MountainWatcher - Ethiopia (I still can't believe you chose Ethiopia)

-The military budget is increased by 15%, putting an incredible strain on a weak economy.
-A message is sent to Europe falsely claiming that the country of Ethiopia is extensively civilized and religious.
-Mining efforts increase and diamond yield increases as a result.
-The process of building a great cathedral, yet to be named, is started. The leader of Ethiopia forces the government to become a theocracy.

[Seed Eater] - Germany

-The top five private businesses are hastily shoved into worker control. The upper class of Germany cries foul.
-A reason for this is also hastily brought forward, citing it being a result of pressure from the Social Democratic Party. The SDP is fully endorsed by the Kaiser.
-The seats of the Reichstag are opened for free election. Many members stay put but a few are replaced by SDP members.
-All researching power is put into the increase of efficiency in the output of food.

Stethor - Brazil (Turn one and a large turn to start, how lovely :v:)

-Local police militias are established, the formal military force is abolished. The economy begins to flourish.
-Communications begin with the European powers to negotiate trade. Austria-Hungary and Sweden wholeheartedly agree to a trade agreement with Brazil.
-South Africa and Peru both agree to import foods into Brazil.
-Coffee and Sugar are heavily produced and exported.
-Heavy investment is placed in the improvement of communications.
-European countries are contacted, they are asked if they wish to have a bit of the Amazon Rainforest. I foresee disaster.
-An election occurs that is most likely rigged, the outcome is a ratio of 8-2
-Propaganda is distributed, closely tying the revolution in Brazil to the American and French revolutions. This keeps the civilian populace ignorant and happy.

Liem - Italy

-A reform begins with the intention of modernizing the military, this puts a strain on the economy but not enough of one to damage too much.
-The borders are fortified in paranoia of an attack.
-Working class men are encouraged to enlist in the military. An influx of enlistment begins as a result.
-Cheese and other dairy products are subsidized to sustain them, these productions flourish.

DPennington - Canada (Ven Keao is still with us in spirit, influencing DPennington to do his bidding... that bastard)

-The idea of a mobile artillery platform comes about but isn't seriously considered due to the lack of practicality at the moment.
-Submarines are developed, modeled after their British counter-parts.
-The idea of an automatic rifle is also surfaced but isn't very seriously considered as well, although a private institution begins the development of one.
-A non-aggression pact is signed and sent to the United States, the US agrees to it.
-(Goddamn it, here we go) Maple Syrup is advertised heavily and exported.
-A minimum wage is developed after citing the lack of humane conditions in factories, the lower class is greatly pleased by this but still unhappy with the amount of children working.
-The concept of "shifts" at the factories is implemented, allowing these factories to run 24/7. The output that is a result is astounding.
-Mining and oil-drilling begins around the nation, increasing the worth of Canada and its economy.
-The government begins shifting its ideals to that of a Marxist-Communist one, much to the upper-class' dismay.
-Socialized health-care is established, allowing for everybody to gain access to healthcare.
-Socialized education is also established, allowing a basic education from K-12.
-Military service is required for at least one year for anybody between the ages of 18-25. If they continue to serve for another year they will receive a free year of college. A max of four years (eight years of service) can be acquired.
-Canada has established itself in the forefront of all things economic due to its ability to exploit its natural minerals and market its goods.

Turn 2: 1901

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1190776&p=36437182&viewfull=1#post36437182

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[Seed Eater] - Germany

-The Kaiser steps down for what is suspected to be pressure from the Social Democratic Workers and the position is abolished. The Reichstag is disbanded and 58% of seats are guaranteed to the SDP, 12% to the General German Workers' Association (ADAV), and 10% to the Social Democratic Workers' Party of Germany (SDAP), the rest is left to free election. The Transitional German Workingmen's Association is implemented to help smooth the transition from capitalism to socialism, ensuring that the military doesn't gain full power. Protests begin in Frankfurt and Berlin due to the sudden changes that have caused mass upheaval worldwide economically. Germany's economy is in shambles due to debts piling up as a result of nobody spending anything on the German government. (This is only a temporary side-effect of such a dramatic change in the government, it can become worse if nothing is done in Frankfurt and Berlin).
-Enlistment campaigns begin but are ignored.
-A join-military training day is hosted with the Austro-Hungarian government, helping the relationship and increasing morale.
-An ambassador is sent to Canada, for what reason is to be seen.
-The government begins the process of researching an auto-cooling system for their currently inefficient machine-guns. The economy is further strained by this funding but not dramatically so.
-Caravans are seen leaving Germany and heading towards Africa. It would seem that weapons and other goods are being sent to Ethiopia. The government denies involvement but the question is left of whom is sending these supplies.

DPennington - Commonwealth of Democratic Socialist Canadian Territories

-The research of a mask that blocks out outside gasses using a filter is begun, a mask is produced by December but most soldiers complain about its bulkiness and uncomfortability.
-Rifled weapons are built, allowing for devastating fire upon the enemy lines. Cannons are given similar designs with similar results.
-The first modern frigate is designed and built at a high price, further production would result in a heavy strain on the economy.
-Combat Dirigibles are developed but are decided to be too unreliable in relation to the expense.
Submarine and Frigate outputs are increased but put a heavy strain on the economy, there is now more expenditure than there is income.
-The mass production of small arms begins, they are fairly cheap so this does nothing to affect the economy.
-A new uniform is introduced, designed specifically for cold weather conditions.
-Canada decides that it will gladly accept an alliance with the United Kingdom at a price, autonomy for the Canadian government.
-Canada asks for autonomy officially.
-A request is made for the United Kingdom to relinquish Prince William Island and Newfoundland and Labrador (the Eastern regions of Canada).
-Many construction projects begin around the nation, large power plants are built in vast urban centers that are relied upon for industrial output, factories are built to increase the output of goods, mainly military goods, foundries are built to smelt metals that are being mined across Canada, and the construction of a railway network begins. Industrial output is increased dramatically.
-Two is established that effectively ends any and all child labor and increase education tenfold. Those under the age of 16 are prohibited from working. Those under the age of 18 are required to go to school.
-Women are allowed to work in factories to make up for the loss of child labor, a huge propaganda project is started to change the image of women from low-order housewive to the industrial backbone of Canada and the very reason Canada can thrive.
-Canada is renamed to the Commonwealth of Democratic Socialist Canadian Territories
-The year is an average year, the economy doesn't get any better due to high expenditure, nor does it get any worse due to the industrial output increasing.

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Ruskie - China

-The Reform is slowed down, the economy improves slightly as the strain is lessened.
-A few divisions are sent to put down the Boxer Rebellion. This proves to be especially successful, the entire rebellion is destroyed and the economy essentially liberated.
-More economic experts are hired, these men and women are becoming far less timid due to the end of the war.
-A new taxation system is implemented, it is said that the cheers of the civilians of China could be heard from the Americas.
-Infrastructure becomes the top priority to get the reforms working, large amounts of money are put into the development of roads, railways, and mines. Trade is far easier and the strain that was previously put upon farmers becomes a lighter weight.
-Following Canada, China implements a "shift" idea that allows 24/7 working in the factories.
-Further paranoia in the government as more government and military officials are "purged". Everybody in the government fears for their lives...that is besides the emperor.
-Further westernization occurs, namely the increase in the building of factories.
-A well known Opium Smuggler is killed by an unknown source. It is thought to be the fabled Secret Police.
-The Chinese language is bastardized and simplified.

MountainWatcher - Ethiopia

-The military budget is decreased by a solid 5%, the economy shows signs of improvement.
-Aid is sought from those religiously strong nations in Europe and the Americas. France and Spain show up, nobody else really gives a fuck though. Christianity is spread throughout the regions surrounding Ethiopia.
-Mining efforts increase, diamond excavation increases tenfold and the economy further improves.
-A vast amount of homeless and otherwise poor people are rapidly disappearing from villages, most of them arrive in the Americas and the majority are women. The government plays it off as a minor crime-ring but it is thought to go much deeper than that.
-Church going is mandatory. If church is missed two weeks in a row the offender has their smallest finger on their left hand chopped off. If they run out of fingers the entire hand is lopped off, then it moves on to the right hand.
-Vast amounts of money arrive from what seems to be Germany.

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Aerkhan - Netherlands

-The army is further trained to be ready to attack or defend. A lot of money goes into this and the Netherlands seems to have a bit of a problem on its hands economically.
-A diplomat is sent to Germany to request an alliance (you can do this by PM as long as it is confirmed by both sides in the turn).
-The economy is focused upon the militarization of the nation.
-The entirety of parliament is dissolved and the monarch is given total rule over the Netherlands.

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Intoxicated Spy - Russia

-Military bases are built along the border of Europe, the expenditure is discarded by the Russian President (covered later) but the numbers don't lie, it was quite expensive.
-A Non-Aggression pact is requested with Germany, the United Kingdom, and Austria-Hungary. Austria-Hungary and the United Kingdom accept, Germany's answer is awaited.
-An official declaration is made that Russia will not attack anybody from Europe unless Russia is attacked first.
-Weapons factories are built all across Russia.
-Scientists are funded by the state to research physics. Nothing groundbreaking has been reported yet.
-Mass deforestation begins, especially in Siberia.
-A military draft of exactly 33% of the male population begins.
-The government system is changed to mirror that of England. A two-party system is created and free elections begin. The monarch no longer has any true power over the government. This transition goes surprisingly smoothly although there is a slight economic downturn.
-Free education is given to the civilians of Russia.
-Poland is granted limited independence, similar to that of what Canada is, if Russia goes to war Poland must follow. Poland is also required to support Russia in economic matters.
-Prior to the Polish liberation a small protest begins in the name of the "Kadets" in Warsaw. These so called "Kadets" are credited to the spreading of the message of idealism.

Liem - Italy

-The border is fortified out of what is thought to be paranoia.
-A formal navy is finally formed. It consists of exactly zero boats.
-After sitting around like idiots for awhile the government decides to build boats and recruit sailors. The Italian navy is still weak due to these boats not being very top-of-the-line.
-Requests are sent out to anybody and everybody to allow the Italians to build embassies on their soil.
-Alliance requests are sent to the following nations: Canada, Spain, Britain, Brazil.
-Cheese and Pizza are heavily exported. The crates are all marked with the words "better than Maple Syrup". And so the competition begins.
-An international trade market is opened.
-Reforms are done slowly to form Italy into a democracy rather than a monarchy. In three years Italy will become a democracy modeled after the United Kingdom.

Crossu88 - Japan

-Propaganda is distributed to the masses, increasing recruitment.
-The military is slowly amassed in both the army and the navy.
-Research begins on the velocity of the rifles and the effectiveness of them overall. Results come back that the rifles are a far cry from the very advanced rifles that the western world has.
-Demands are made for armored vehicles. These demands are honored and the first Japanese armored vehicle is built. It is slow as fuck.
-Japan imports goods to Korea which then imports them to China. All money is given to Japan.

Daniel Smith - Ottoman Empire

-The development of a "rocket cannon" begins.
-The borders of British Egypt and Greece are strengthened.
-An alliance is requested with Russia, as is a trade agreement.
-A railway system project is initiated and scheduled to be finished by 1905.
-Heavy investments are made in the extraction of oil.
-Religious freedom is granted... except the Jews... fuck the Jews. :v:

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overpain - United Kingdom

-Research is begun on the development of a trustworthy airplane. Nothing groundbreaking is developed although there is a promising design in production.
-Armored Cars are built for the first time, they, like their Japanese counterparts, are slow and unreliable.
-All parts of America that the UK still owns is given to Canada in exchange for an alliance.
-A non-aggression pact is agreed with Russia. Germany is still a question mark.
-A proposition is sent to Ethiopia. In exchange for food and other support Ethiopia will give half of its land to the crown.
-A law is established that every citizen is to be granted a month of vacation time. Businesses gawk at this idea but are forced to accept it anyway.
-An international newspaper is established.

Notes: Fuck music.

Turn 3: 1902


Political map of Turn 3.

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1190776&p=36612365&viewfull=1#post36612365

World Military Strength

  1. Canada
  2. Japan
  3. China
  4. Austria-Hungary
  5. United States of America
  6. Ottoman Empire
  7. United Kingdom
  8. Italy
  9. Germany
  10. Ethiopia

World Economic Strength

  1. Canada
  2. China
  3. United States of America
  4. United Kingdom
  5. Italy
  6. Ottoman Empire
  7. Japan
  8. Austria-Hungary
  9. Germany
  10. Ethiopia

World Internal Strength

  1. China
  2. United Kingdom
  3. Japan
  4. Italy
  5. Austria-Hungary
  6. Ottoman Empire
  7. United States of America
  8. Ethiopia
  9. Canada
  10. Germany

DPennington - Commonwealth of Democratic Socialist Canadian Territories

-Gas Mask designs are revised and are noticeably improved in their comfort and portability.
-The first true magazine fed semi-automatic rifle is designed and tested. It has yet to yield favorable results in durability and accuracy but its firing rate is astounding.
-Production on frigates and submarines is cut back, but only slightly so. The strain on the Canadian economy is lessened.
-Funding is placed in the development of a new kind of artillery unit, one using explosive shells rather than cannonballs. It is currently still in the design stage due to the lack of ability to control the recoil and retain necessary propulsion.
-Funding is placed in the development of a handheld weapon that can, quite literally, throw flames. The first prototype explodes in the user's face, killing him brutally. Designs are still being drawn up at this point.
-Embassies are built for the following nations: United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Russia. All embassies are based in Ottawa. Ambassadors are invited from all four of those nations.
-A mass shipment of Maple Syrup is sent to Italy for the low price of nothing. Italians everywhere are finding new ways to use Maple Syrup (Will provide list in Italy's turn).
-A petition is sent to the United States to allow Canada to drill for oil in Alaska.
-An offer is sent to Italy, Canada wishes to sell frigates and submarines to Italy.
-A rail project begins, it is to connect all industrial and residential centers of Canada to each other and possibly into the United States.
-Small arms and riffled cannons are exported to a variety of smaller European and South American nations.
-More mines are opened, increasing the demand for miners, increasing the amount of jobs available, all in all this was a very good idea economically.
-Oil drilling is likewise increased.
-The first off-shore drilling platform is built off of the western coast of Canada. This monumental event has sown the seeds for the well oiled age of the world.
-The economy again improves dramatically and it is very safe to say that Canada holds the best economy in the world.

Crossu88 - Japan

-The funding for improvements on Japanese rifles increases by a full 50%. This shockingly high increase pays huge dividends towards the effectiveness of the rifles but doesn't do the economy any good. The Japanese have created the first truly lightweight rifle, disposing of any usage of wood. Rifles are entire made of plastic and metal. Unfortunately the rifles aren't the most powerful but they still provide reliable accuracy and, of course, can kill.
-A massive tank is designed, it is currently in prototype form. It is a heavy weight tanks designed for defense. It is very slow and cumbersome but is difficult to destroy (due in part to the sloped armor). A lightweight tank is also designed, using a much smaller base and a weaker cannon but it is capable of high speeds (relatively speaking) and good maneuverability. Yet another tank is designed, it is to be a tank destroyer. Sacrificing armor for speed and cannon strength, it is designed to be an “anti-tank tank” of sorts. All three tanks are currently being tested and are sure to be expensive.
-Japanese Frigates are designed and the first one rolls off of the dock in Nagasaki. This singular ship has damaged the economy heavily.
-Funding is placed in the design of fighter planes and bomber planes. Nothing practical has been designed yet.
-A tax of .035 is placed on all sales, many citizens gripe about it but are reminded that it pays huge dividends towards the safety of Japan.
-Propaganda is heavily distributed, patriotism is at an all time high.
-Japanese imports to China seem to just disappear at the borders of China for no apparent reason at all. As a result, Japan is currently receiving no income for their exports to China.

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overpain - United Kingdom

-Funding is continued in the field of fighter planes. A prototype is finally developed and flown. It crash lands after three minutes, the pilot survived with minor injuries. It is thought to be a success and engineers begin diagnosing the issues of the design to improve the performance of the plane.
-Investment is placed in the creation of kinetic bombs, for use on airplanes. Nothing has been created yet.
-Gasmasks are created, they follow the design of the Canadian gasmasks heavily.
-Italy and the United Kingdom join in an alliance.
-Ambassadors are sent to Germany, requesting that they accept the non-aggression pact. Another ambassador is sent to France requesting a non-aggression pact as well.
-An offer is sent to Ethiopia: Food, weapons, and money are given to Ethiopia in exchange for an alliance.
-The government mandated holiday time is reduced to three weeks (a far more acceptable number).
-Investment is placed in the betterment of the infrastructure of the United Kingdom, a great deal of the funding goes towards electricity.
-A new fund is implemented that supports small and new businesses and favors them over big businesses.
-Taxation of farmers is decreased, allowing more income for them and giving them more room to buy land and farming equipment.
-A large project begins: the implementation of the telephone system. Once thought to be incredibly unnecessary by most, the telephone is quickly becoming a relied upon system in the United Kingdom.
-London bids for the 1904 Summer Olympics.

MountainWatcher - Ethiopia

-A series of mysterious arrests occur. It is suggested that there is a group of vigilantes on the loose, or even perhaps a government sanctioned Secret Police. The Ethiopian government denies involvement.
-Aid is requested from France and Spain.
-Germany is thanked for its generosity, it seems that Ethiopia does not care about the possibility that Germany is not involved in the supplies.
-Mining efforts further increase, the economy takes a dramatic upswing due to the influx of jobs.
-Oil derricks are built in large amounts along with refineries. The economy further improves.
-Scholars are hired from Spain and France to help educate the Ethiopian people and research new tools and weapons.
-The tribal culture of Ethiopia begins being systematically destroyed.
-The Ethiopians follow a developing trend, factory shifts.
-Investment is placed in the improvement of infrastructure. While pricey in the short term, it will pay huge dividends in the long run.
-The civilian populace calls for a response to the Italian armament of their colonies bordering Ethiopia.
-Ethiopia's economy has now increased dramatically but is still at the bottom of the pile.

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Ruskie - Chinese Empire (Don't worry, your secret mistake is safe with me)

-The Great Reform continues quite smoothly.
-A great deal of scholars and scientists are heading to China at this point to assist in the improvement of China's technology and infrastructure.
-A non-aggression pact is signed with Russia along with a trade agreement.
-The infrastructure is further improved, allowing for quicker communication and trade.
-Taxes are lowered, support for the current government improves and nothing happens to the economy due to the high amount of income from exports and production.
-A thorough check is run to gauge the amount of corruption in the Chinese government, corruption is at an all time low but due to the purges there is a lack of experience in a lot of key parts of the government, especially at the military level.
-The government is as westernized as it can be at this point.
-Crime rates are at an all time low due to the fear of the so called “secret police”.
-In all official Chinese documents the simplified Chinese writing is placed alongside the traditional alphabet.
-An entirely new education system is implemented, China is quickly becoming an education powerhouse.
-The empire is officially changed from the Qing Empire to the Chinese Empire.
-Any parts of the government exclusively given to the Manchu peoples is opened to anybody.

Yersinia - United States of America

-A modernization project begins.
-The United States already has rifled weaponry.
-A new design is tested, a clip-loaded semi-automatic rifle. It will take awhile to create a reliable and accurate semi-automatic rifle. The bolt-action rifle is still the weapon of choice in the United States military for the time being.
-Funding is placed in the development of a more efficient diesel engine, estimates put a new version of a diesel engine at one year.
-The border to Mexico is armed and reinforced.
-The United States begins producing a fleet of Frigates and Destroyers, putting a large strain on the economy but not near enough to actually damage it due to the vast resources.
-Alliances are offered to the following nations: Canada, United Kingdom, Brazil, Germany
-Child Labor is made illegal, women replace the children in the factories as a result.
-Following the growing trend, the United States implements a shift system at the factories.
-A vast amount of power plants, factories, railway lines, mines, and oil wells are built all across the United States. The economy jumps and America assumes its place near the top of the world economically.
-E Pluribus Unum becomes the official motto of the United States.
-A law is barely passed that enforces the Separation of Church and State. All politicians are forced to leave religion out of their decisions. Any decision or vote that is blatantly influenced by religion awards the politician a “strike”, three strikes and the politician in question will not be allowed to run for office again. The law is in review in the Supreme Court.
-Tax exemption is revoked for churches and religious organizations. This is also being reviewed by the Supreme Court due to the controversy involved.
-The upper class is taxed a higher amount, enforcing the equality of taxation based on the percentage of income.
-A large crackdown begins on the illegal gun trade.
-The acquirement of weaponry becomes easier for law abiding citizens. Due to the influx of the purchase of weapons, the government sponsors a training course for $40.00 that will provide a rifle and ammunition and will train a gun owner in the workings of a weapon.

Liem - Italy

-A massive expansion project begins with the military. New units are commissioned, training time is doubled, and reinforcement begins in the Italian colonies.
-Spare armies are sent to the colonies around Ethiopia, the reason for this is yet to be seen.
-A new alliance is formed, the League of Nations is formed with all allies of Italy.
-Embassies are opened in the United Kingdom and Canada.
-Global Trade is openly endorsed by Italy.
-Massive amounts of Maple Syrup are imported. A variety of uses is seen. (Maple Syrup Pizza, Maple Syrup flavored wine with maple syrup infused cheese, maple syrup coated pasta, maple syrup spice, etc...)
-Pizza and Cheese production is stepped up and the products are exported more heavily.
-The state begins constructing more farms to produce more cheese and creating more factories and restaurants to produce more pizza.

Daniel Smith - Ottoman Empire

-The military begins to “westernize”, meaning modernization of tactics and weaponry.
-An alliance is requested with the United Kingdom in hope of them joining forces against the kingdoms of Najd and Hejaz. The invasion plan is for it to begin in three to five years.
-The Russian wood exports are used to create paper currency on a larger scale. The barter system is all but gone at this point.
-Freedoms granted to the European states are granted to the Ottoman Empire in an attempt to catch up the the European standard of life.
-Public Schools are built more frequently to help the education of the Empire.

KriegsMar1ne - Austria-Hungary

-The German Mauser rifle is copied and reproduced in Austria-Hungary. It is further improved by implementing a ten round clip. It also holds improvement in accuracy and durability.
-Mustard Gas is further developed.
-A prototype of an armored car is developed based off of a farming tractor. Its speed is horrendous at the given moment.
-A new plane design is drawn up and a prototype is created. It fails miserably.
-The idea of a rocket is formed, so far there are no reliable designs.
-Three railway guns are built, the massive expenditure damages the economy.
-The novel idea of a Sniper squad is implemented. A Schwerner rifle with a telescopic scope mounted atop it provides great range and due to the accuracy of the rifle it proves greatly effective in testing.
-The KMS Dreadnought comes off of the docks, mounted with six 12 Inch Guns and eight 9.2 Inch Guns, it proves to be quite the formidable ship. The expenditure further damages the economy.
-The fleet is revamped with the building of a group of destroyers, light cruisers, heavy cruisers, and battle cruisers. The heavy expenditure here damages the economy even more, to a critical level.
-Coal Mines are built in wide abundance.
-Hospitals are built in all cities, vastly improving the quality of life in Austria-Hungary.
-Iron mines are built in wide abundance.
-Tungsten is found and “mined”.
-An alliance is requested between Germany, Russia, and Austria-Hungary (I didn't receive confirmation from either... I didn't even receive a turn for Russia).
-An alliance is presented to Canada.
-Pro-military propaganda is heavily distributed.

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FurFag - France (helluva username)

-The French Military is currently at an average level in comparison to the other European nations.
-France begins fortifying the border of Germany quite heavily.
-A non-aggression pact is requested from: The Benelux Countries, Spain, Portugal as well as trade agreements and the abolishment (shut up Word, that is too a word) of tariffs.
-The government is currently mildly corrupt but not enough to damage anything in its current state.

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[Seed Eater] - Germany (FINAL TURN, YES!)

-The transition is slowed heavily but Berlin and Frankfurt continue to riot. There is even talk of an open rebellion in Frankfurt.
-An incident occurs in Berlin in which ten protestors are shot after charging and beating the police force.
-The economy continues to worsen (You need to take action).

Turn 4: 1903


Political map of Turn 4.

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1190776&p=36668627&viewfull=1#post36668627

MountainWatcher - Ethiopia

-The borders along the Italian colonies are fortified heavily.
-Due to British trade the Ethiopian weaponry has become much more modernized, vastly improving the capabilities of Ethiopia's military.
-An embassy is built for the United Kingdom in Addis Ababa.
-Addis Ababa is nominated for the Olympics but does not win.
-Oil and mining have further improved the economy, the improvement is slow but its still doing a great deal to help Ethiopia.
-The majority of the tribal culture in Addis Ababa has been destroyed and replaced with European culture. In other more rural areas it is seen as a threat to the very meaning of Ethiopia. The civilian populace is growing restless in areas outside of Addis Ababa.
-Extra health care is given to the miners that are so needed in Ethiopia.
-Ethiopia joins the League of Nations in alliance with Italy. Ethiopians everywhere breathe a sigh of relief.... then get back to scrounging for food.
-Ethiopia formally prepares an Olympic squad to compete in London. The competitors are awarded with food and possibly some shelter if they do well.

Daniel Smith - Ottoman Empire

-Research begins on a new vehicle called the All-Terrain Armoured War Mobile (ATAWM) and nicknamed the Autumn Tank , it is capable of relatively high speeds and is capable of going through any terrain without slowing down. The downside is its notable lack of armor and cannon strength.
-Spain, Portugal, and Greece allow for command posts to be built in Europe, all of the other nations of Europe absolutely refuse or have yet to respond.
-The old colored uniforms are replaced with a newer pattern. Camouflage.
-New sabres are developed and distributed. They are designed to be lightweight and slightly shorter.
-A new rifle design is created. A ten-round clip fed bolt action rifle designed for durability and accuracy. It is remarked that it is quite a hefty weapon.
-Researchers are sent around the world to study other nations' technological advancements.
-Open trade with western nations begins. The economy improves markedly as a result.
-Large-scale industrialization of the military begins, namely the development of newer small arms weaponry.
-Industry becomes the main focus of the Ottoman economy, superseding agriculture.
-Propaganda is distributed widely, proclaiming the need for the Ottoman Empire to return to its former glory.
-More military recruitment and employment options are given, decreasing the unemployment rate.
-Reforms are implemented allowing the government to become more centralized.
-The social structure of the Ottoman Empire begins to change, these changes allow a free market to flow.
-France and Italy ally with the Ottoman Empire.

DPennington - Commonwealth of Democratic Socialist Canadian Territories

-Improvements are implemented to the new Semi-Automatic rifles that increase accuracy and durability a great deal.
-A dreadnought sails out of the docks, its name is the PCV Institution, it holds nine 16 inch guns on three turrets and 12 10 inch guns on six turrets.
-To counteract the problems with the artillery units engineers implement a breach loading piece that employs a leg to increase stability while decreasing recoil. Wheel locks are also placed.
-A new flamethrower is designed and tested using the proper changes necessary to ensure safety. The tests prove to be successful.
-An offer to buy Alaska from the United States for a sum of $15,000,000.00 is sent. The United States accepts.
-An alliance between the United States and Canada is announced. “NASA” (North American Strategic Alliance) is formed.
-The offer for an alliance between Canada and Austria-Hungary is rejected, a counter-proposal is sent, its contents being a non-aggression pact and a trade treaty. An offer of 15% off of their first maple syrup purchase is sent as well.
-An offer is sent to Denmark to buy Greenland and Iceland, they agree to Greenland for a sum of $19,000,000.00.
-Canadian ships and submarines are sold to Spain, Portugal, and Mexico. Many of these ships turn up with strange flaws and are sent back to Canada for costly repairs.
-The continuation of the sale of small arms and cannons occurs.
-Maple Syrup plantations are invested into. Maple Syrup production has become an art form of sorts.
-An influx in the construction of refineries, forges, and oil derricks is noted. This added production further helps the Canadian economy.
-A sales tax of 6% is introduced for all purchases in the United States. The benefits outweigh the costs greatly but the populace still doesn't like it.
-All profits from the sales tax go towards the improvement of infrastructure and education.
-A large-scale gradual project is introduced that plans to implement electricity into as many homes as possible. The plan is for this to be completed by the year 1910.
-Large oil platforms are built in large amounts along the Canadian Eastern and Western coasts. A lot of oil is had.
-A scientist accidentally discovers Uranium in southern Ontario. Scientists ponder the possibilities of this new substance.
-Any office members suspected of corruption are purged.
-An official police force is implemented throughout Canada to prevent crime.
-All in all the year 1903 has resulted in a slight economic decrease due to the purchase of Alaska but Canada still remains at the top of the pile economically.

Crossu88 - Japan

-Due to the lost shipments the military is sent to Korea to investigate and put down any possible rebellions. All imports to China are closely guarded by military personnel. The first three guarded shipments are attacked from an unknown source but those attacks are repelled with only minor damages and casualties.
-China is asked to allow outposts to be built for the trade caravans to rest at safely.
-The borders to China and Russia are fortified.
-Searches are made to find the missing supplies and people. They find bodies but no supplies. Caliber of the bullets match those of Chinese rifles. Could it be the Chinese government or a rebellious group with grievances against the Chinese and Japanese government?
-China is asked to allow guarded routes to be built to allow safe trade (do these requests by PM directly to him from this point forward. If you and him both say that the deal is accepted I will place it in the turn, otherwise you're only posing a question).
-A small railway project begins. The only major expense is the ferry system across the islands.
-The navy begins to patrol the waterways heavily.
-A few more mines are built in Japan, a lot of people are beginning to worry about the government milking Japan's resources too much.
-Japan attempts to build an oil rig in the Sea of Japan. Due to a structural flaw the entire rig collapses in on itself, killing all 150 crewmen.
-Japan is a free market nation, it already has more than two companies competing.
-Even more propaganda is distributed. Some citizens are beginning to doubt the propaganda due to the mass amount of it.

Yersinia - United States of America

-Engineers refine the semi-automatic rifle, it is slightly more accurate but there are complaints of heavy jamming due to the new additions to it.
-The refined diesel engines are placed in trains. These trains are now among the fastest in the world.
-The border to Mexico is heavily reinforced.
-The fleet production is slowed, releasing the heavy weight on the economy.
-Scientists begin developing hazmat suits but nothing suitable has come of the designs.
-War is declared on Cuba and an invasion begins in earnest. By the end of the year the formal military of Cuba is destroyed. There is a large underground resistance force that is wreaking havoc on United States forces though.
-An embassy is built in Ottawa.
-Alaska is sold to Canada, Americans everywhere are left scratching their heads as to why the government would sell something that they had just recently bought and of which was providing a large amount of gold.
-Following Canada's lead (I can't believe the United States is following Canada's lead on anything :v:), the United States builds their first off shore oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico. Large amounts of oil flow from the Gulf.
-The United States agrees with Canada's connected railway. Construction of the United States side of the railway begins in earnest.
-Attempts are made to weed out any corruption in the United States government. Only one Congressman is found and convicted.
-The US Supreme Court rules that Congress' act in which tax exemption to religious organizations is unconstitutional. The law is repealed and religious organizations no longer have to pay taxes.
-Educational funding is increased heavily. Schools are built across the nation as education becomes a large part of the American way of life.
-A service-by-requirement system is voted on in Congress. It is generally thought that it is unnecessary and as a result is not passed.
-A sales tax is implemented. Originally introduced as an 8% tax, it is talked down to a 5% tax instead.
-You need to take things a little more gradually with a nation like the United States, some bills will not be passed or will be changed due to them being outrageous (especially considering the times).

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FurFag - France

-Border fortifications continue heavily. The funds placed in this project are certainly not helping France economically at this point.
-Advisers and technicians are sent to China to assist them in gaining a more advanced military.
-The military is placed on high alert, all armies are placed on stand-by in case of a German attack.
-A trade agreement/abolition of tariffs is agreed on with China as well as an alliance.
-An alliance is opened with the Ottoman Empire.

Liem - Italy

-The Military is further reinforced and the funding is reaching ridiculous levels. The economy has worsened a lot due to the strain of upkeep.
-Any and all scientists who are willing to assist the military in research are offered large sums of money as a reward.
-An official alliance is opened with Ethiopia.
-Financial support is offered to the ailing Ethiopia, putting more strain on an already weaker economy.
-Shipping of maple syrup is pushed as Italians everywhere demand more of the sugary sweetness.
-Trade centers are built all across Italy, allowing for far easier trade.
-Small reforms occur that bring Italy closer to a democratic state.

Sobotnik - Poland

-A service-by-requirement system is implemented. Males who have reached the age of 18 are put in a mandatory 6 month basic training course. Those who are in career fields of importance to the government are exempt.
-Trade agreements are opened with all of the Scandinavian nations along with Denmark and Greece.
-Delegates are sent to Frankfurt after the start of the rebellion to officially recognize them as a nation.
-Delegates are sent to Russia to decrease Russia's influence on Poland.
-The right and left extremists of the world are publicly denounced. Reason, rather than dogma, is fully endorsed by the Polish government.
-Subsidies are given to armament industries in Poland, the weapons produced from these industries are sold to other nations. Due to the lack of technological advancements in Poland only the smaller nations buy these weapons. Greece, Portugal, and Denmark all are buyers of the weaponry.
-Poland opens its borders to those around the world that are open minded and wish to be freed from the restrictions of controlling governments.
-Funding is placed in the building of a national phoneline. The estimated completion date is the year of 1910.
-Rail lines are built or rebuilt around Poland, all allowing for heavier locomotives capable of a higher carrying capacity.
-Asphalt is used as a road surface for the first time in any place around the globe. The first streets to be paved with this surface are in the larger cities of Poland. The people of Poland all remark on the ability for faster travel and wonder at the implications of such a thing.
-A central bank is established.
-A national insurance system is established in which all of the people of Poland are registered. It is designed to help pay for a variety of things, including medical treatments, pensions, and unemployment subsidies.
-The government is formally established with an upper and lower chamber. A separation of powers is implemented to prevent any form of a dictatorship from taking place. Men aged 21 or above are given suffrage. Women aged 30 or above and that are married are given suffrage.

[Seed Eater] - Germany (I see you're taking the Libya route with your flag)

-Agriculture is heavily subsidized, giving it the kickstart it so desperately needed.
-Obedient workers are given more food as an incentive for the others to step up. This serves to only anger the Frankfurt protestors more.
-80% of “minor” industries return to the capitalists, this effectively ends the protesting in Berlin but there is no change in Frankfurt.
-Jobs are provided at the largest quantity from the Workers Association. If you do not join this association, chances are you will remain jobless. As a result a small group of five men vandalize the city center in Frankfurt. The military is called in and ordered not to fire unless attacked but there are still cases of beatings.
-Higher wages are given to workers.
-Rioters are offered regular wages and food if they just get back to work. Frankfurtians scoff at this.
-Income tax on business owners is set to 12%, large loans are offered at 4% interest, new markets are opened, and other steps are taken to stabilize the economy.
-A financial committee is set up. It is headed by Jews because, and I quote, “Jews are good at this sort of thing”.
-A large-scale rebellion erupts in Frankfurt after a small crowd of protestors becomes violent and are fired upon. 10 are killed in the shooting. Fighting erupts throughout the city of Frankfurt and, embarrassingly, the military is kicked out. Frankfurt announces its independence.

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Ruskie - Chinese Empire

-The Great Reform continues.
-The French advisers and technicians begin assisting the Empire in a number of ways. Through the improvement of leadership in the officer corps, improvement in training of the regular soldier, and improvement in the design of barracks and dockyards. Advisers and technicians also assist in the creation of designs of weaponry.
-An alliance and trade agreement is opened with France.
-A project begins, it's goal is to map the resources of China. As these resources are mapped the appropriate extraction infrastructure is built. The economy improves through the heavy sale of these resources.
-Education is required up to the age of 16.
-A higher education system is created that will allow students to branch off into higher positions at the work place. It is non-compulsory.
-Military becomes a requirement for all males who have finished education. It is a one year requirement.
-A public relations campaign begins. It states that China is regaining its position in the world and its mandate of heaven with the modernization program whilst Germany has fallen flat on its face due to its extremism.

Robbi - Sweden (Welcome to the game)

-The military is mobilized and moved north. Defenses are built heavily along the Russian and Finnish border out of fear of one of the two becoming aggressive.
-Naval ports and forts are built in Gotland. This aggressive move is seen by many (especially Finland) as unnecessary. The final outcome is the assertion of dominance in the Baltic Sea.
-A new military unit is created, named the Home Guard, it is trained in the tactics of guerrilla warfare. All fit males of the age of 16 are drafted into this organization.
-Mines are built heavily in northern Sweden. Large mineral deposits are noted. The economy improves.
-Denmark and Sweden open up talks after a long period of distrust. The Danish throne is invited to Sweden. All goes well and Denmark and Sweden begin an unofficial friendship.
-Rumors are spread around of the idea of a single nation rather than an Austria-Hungary like union. The populace seems either indifferent or positive about the idea.
-All fit males who deny military service are sent to three months of hard labor or four months of jail. Many men take the four months of jail due to the lack of length in the sentence.

Turn 5: 1904


Political map of Turn 5.

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1190776&p=36828104&viewfull=1#post36828104

Liem - Italy

-A series of regulations and restrictions are placed on the spending on the military. This helps to stabilize the economy.
-Arms production and military research are pushed. Arms production increases. Military research holds no change.
-Diplomats are sent to Russia, Canada, Sweden, Germany, and France. Their objectives are to secure trade agreements and possible weapons deals.
-Spending on the reinforcement of the military is cut and placed in Military R&D.
-Tariffs are placed on all imported goods in an attempt to produce some income and support local goods.
-An income tax of 13% is placed upon all household in Italy. There is some unhappiness but nothing severe.
-Ministers are elected in the following positions:
--Minister of Defense
--Minister of Education
--Minister of Science
--Minister of Commerce
-The Minister of Defense is a former general and respected member of the Italian government. The soldiers of Italy feel safe with the Minister being in control. Morale increases.
-The Minister of Education is a young man with no previous experience in the government. Many people question his ability to lead but think he could become a great man in the government. No change is made in education.
-The Minister of Commerce is an aging economist who has successfully handled many odd business situations. With his abilities confidence in the economy raises. With that confidence comes an actual raise in the economy's strength.
-The Minister of Science is a shady man. A balded man with the head complexion of a golf ball, he struts like a bird when he walks. His personality is such that he is interesting for a moment but is soon forgotten.

DPennington - Confederacy of Democratic Socialist Canadian Territories

-A large portion of the funds allocated to the Military are put towards rocketry. Nothing has come of it yet but the project shows promise.
-20% of the funds is dedicated to Uranium research. There has been no major breakthrough in the understanding of the material yet.
-Another 20% of the funds goes to research on tanks. A prototype is developed. It uses a 75mm cannon and a 2x8mm machine gun. It is extremely slow and cumbersome.
-10% of allocated funds is distributed to the research of the reverse engineering of American diesel engines for use in vehicles.
-A declaration of war against Denmark is announced and an invasion of Greenland follows quickly after. Withing two months Greenland is captured. Iceland is taken three months later. Jon Mayen Island is annexed in a week and the Faroe Islands are seized in a month.
-Flamethrowers are given to America in exchange for diesel engines.
-An apology is sent to Denmark for the capture of their lands.
-Sales tax income is placed in agriculture.
-All electric, water, and telephone companies are nationalized, much to the chagrin of many of the middle and upper class.
-Attempts are made to improve infrastructure in all captured Danish lands. Of course Greenland is an easy change due to the small population. Iceland welcomes Canada with open arms as well. The islands are a different matter as both run a resistance movement that destroys all Canadian attempts to control the islands.
-Ports are built in Reykjavik, Nuuk, and Akureyri, the largest being Reykjavik.
-Danish shops in Iceland and Greenland are replaced with Canadian shops. The owners of the Danish shops are booted from their homes and deported to Denmark.
-A rail system is started in Iceland and Greenland. It's estimated date of completion is March of 1908.
-Rail lines are built across Alaska. Mines are built across Alaska after the discovery of a massive store of minerals.
-An oil pipeline project is started. It is to go from Anchorage to Ottawa. Estimated date of completion is May of 1909.
-Off shore oil platforms are built around Greenland and Iceland. Nothing major has been found yet.
-A massive project is started that aims to map all of Canada's resources.
-Gun laws are relaxed but illegal gun trade is cracked down upon.
-All weapons laws are identical to the United States' gun laws.

Daniel Smith - Ottoman Empire

-25% of male factory workers are drafted into the military.
-An alliance is attempted with Arabia and is accepted. Originally the Ottomans looked to have the Arabians join the Ottomans to form the Ottoman-Arabian Empire. This does not occur. Women are given the right to work in factories.
-Factories are updated with new assembly lines to speed up production.
-Oil is found in the Al-Hasa region.
-The change in social policies has caused unrest but not a severe amount.
-Menelik wasn't Ottoman, my bad.

MountainWatcher - Ethiopia

-The military budget is again increased, causing more strain on the economy but not a severely debilitating amount.
-Investments are again increased in oil and mining. Due to the increase in funding in this field production increases but is outshone by the spending. The economy weakens.
-Italy and Britain see an increase in imports from Ethiopia.
-Health care and food services are increased for miners and oil workers.
-The Olympic squad is given a large amount of rewards, as well as further training.
-A sports arena of vast proportions is built in Addis Ababa for the 1908 Olympics.
-Menelik hears about the modern method of executing criminals using electric chairs and orders 3 for his kingdom. When the chairs arrive, Menelik learns they will not work, as Ethiopia did not yet have an electrical power industry. Rather than waste his investment, Menelik uses one of the chairs as his throne

Zillamaster55 - Republic of Guatemala

-A large recruitment campaign begins in the navy to find competent admirals.
-An ambassador is sent to Canada.
-High taxation is placed on the people. While this boosts the economy it angers the populace a lot.
-Aerial research stalls as leaders bicker and argue over its worth.

[Seed Eater] - Germany

-Poland is invaded due to the support of Frankfurtian rebels. Simultaneously Eastern Germany's Polish area is given autonomy. This nation joins Eastern Poland soon after. The German attack stalls midway through and the armies are now trapped in the middle of Poland due to Western Poland joining the rest of Poland.
-A German army has been encircled.
-Frankfurt is attacked and is taken again. The city has suffered massive damage and unrest remains high.
-Much of Eastern Germany's Polish population is angered.
-The French border is monitored.
-The Food Industry is placed under full control of the government. If a civilian does not support Germany they are not fed. The idea was to prevent further rebellion but it just serves to anger more people. Koenigsberg sees a large protest as well as Munich and Hamburg.
-The economy is still stagnated.
-MGs are produced at a large pace.
-Attempts are made to produce chemical weapons. Nothing good has come yet.

Yersinia - United States of America

-The mechanical parts of the rifles are spaced out to prevent jamming. This proves effective and the weapons no longer jam as much.
-Hazmat suits are further developed, they are far more lightweight at this point and prove to be very safe.
-Tanks are finally developed. They use a 75mm cannon and a 2x8mm machine gun. They are slow.
-War is declared on Mexico. This proves to be a mistake as no ground is given or taken and casualties are extremely high on both sides.
-Canada is given diesel engines for flamethrowers.
-Embassies are built in New York City for Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada, Italy, and Sweden.
-Off shore platforms are built in larger numbers in the Gulf of Mexico. Almost all of them are destroyed in a large amount of attacks from Mexico.
-Oil refineries are built in Texas, those that are close to the border are destroyed.
-Oil refineries are built in Louisiana and Cuba, these too come under attack but the attacks are repelled.
-Attempts are made to reduce the authority of the Supreme Court. These attempts fail, the entire basis of the Court is to check on Congress and prevent corruption.
-A service-by-requirement is passed through Congress in light of the war.
-A large amount of the opposing political party is found dead over the year. Due to the vast amount of them it is thought not to be a coincidence and is investigated. It is found that the President led these murders along with his cabinet. A swift impeachment takes place and the President lands in jail for life.
-The Militia Act is instituted. It forms a National Guard.

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Ruskie - Chinese Empire

-Can I pretty much say same shit different day?
-A program is started that entices others to invest in the Empire. This program gives a one year tax exemption for all new businesses.
-Taxes are again lowered.

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FurFag - Republic of France

-The border fortification project continues.
-An improvement of defensive and offensive doctrine takes place. The military is now smarter and faster than ever.
-Infrastructure projects continue.
-Positions in the military are changed around as the older generals become obsolete.

Sobotnik - Republic of Poland (fuck you and your large turns :v:)

-Professional academies are established. Russian and Austro-Hungarian officers are trained there extensively.
-Various weapons are imported from Russia and Austria.
-All imported weapons are reverse engineered and used extensively in the Polish military.
-An embassy is established in Frankfurt but is burnt to the ground by the Germans after capturing it.
-Russia and Austria join the European Economic Community (EEC). Other, smaller, nations join it as well.
-Austrian Poland is ceded to Poland in return for shared research and military training.
-A large Small Pox eradication program (or programme as some may call it) is started. The goal is for Small Pox to be destroyed by 1915.
-An embassy is built in China.
-The embassy in Berlin is disestablished.
-Council housing is established for people who cannot afford their own housing. This improves morale.
-Hydroelectric and coal power plants are established in an attempt to bring electricity to Poland.
-Heavy industries are established to provide construction materials.
-Stock exchanges and banks are established throughout Poland. The economy strengthens slightly.
-A national radio entity is established. Companies are encouraged to sell radios.
-Immigration to Poland is encouraged.
-The American and Chinese education policies are copied.
-Poland is invaded by Germany. Germany gives their Polish lands autonomy but those people soon join Eastern Poland. The German army is trapped in the middle of Poland now.

Robbi - United Kingdom of Scandinavia

-Light infantry units are created for arctic weather.
-Denmark is invaded from all sides and is soon annexed.
-The bottom regions are territories Germany has sold to Sweden.
-Very heavy resistance is noted in Denmark as all of the cities are ripped apart.

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vampiresrock - Argentina

-The military is currently very weak.
-Funds are allocated to the research of bolt action rifles, which are quickly developed, and land mines, which have not been completed yet.
-The infrastructure and economy are currently weak.
-A lassez-faire economic system is implemented, quickly improving the economy and improving morale.
-Roads are built across Argentina.
-A diplomatic meeting of all surrounding nations is called.
-A propaganda campaign begins, it's objective is the promotion of a stronger workforce. It proves effective.

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overpain - United Kingdom

-The Olympics were a smashing success. The UK has now improved massively economically.
-Ethiopia and the United Kingdom announce an alliance.
-India asks for autonomy.

KriegsMar1ne - Austria-Hungary (Title your turn correctly next time)

-A new training regime is put in place.
-Tanks are built. Problems are sorted out in which the rotating turrets would freeze up.
-A new rifle is built. It is a semi-automatic rifle designed for accuracy. It is highly jam prone.
-Poland and Russia join Austria in an alliance.
-Polish Austrian territories are given to Poland.
-A trade network is built across the Mediterranean.
-An alliance is announced with Greece.
-A trans national railway project begins. It is designed to boost the economy.
-Forests are clears for use as export and as a building material.
-Iron and other mines are opened. Oil drilling begins but nothing is found.
-Polish Austrians are allowed to return to Poland if they wish.

Turn 6: 1905

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1190776&p=36985942&viewfull=1#post36985942

Daniel Smith - Ottoman Empire

-The Ottomans developing and producing stationary machine guns. They weigh around 35lb and will fire 160 rounds per minute, the low fire rate will result in less overheating, however, the weapon's belt is very prone to jamming and must be propped up manually to prevent jamming. This is very inconvenient in battle.
-The government asks army engineers to begin work on a strangely westernized "Mark I" gas mask. This is miserable, heavy, and soldiers wearing it report "feeling like death".
-The army begins patrolling the Bulgarian-Ottoman border, Bulgaria strongly protests, and responds with increasing border security.
-The government asks Arabia to assist should war break out between them and Persia. This alarms the Arabian government, who are currently having a meeting about the matter.
-The Ottoman government hires Italian weapon engineers, however, due to low pay and corruption, these engineers quickly begin producing for the underground.
-Large oil drills are being built in Al-Hasa region. Work is moderately quick, but inaccuries cause inefficiency all across the board.
-Outdated iron machinery are being replaced by newly produced steel, this displaces some industry, but the effects are neglible at best.
-A free market is officially established, companies are being opened outside of government control, this is a bane to the lower class, but capitalists smile with joy.
-Paper money is now used all around the Empire, this allows more silver and gold to be used in other ways.
-There has been a gunpowder bombing in one of the new factories in Istanbul, thought to have been planned by the resistance movement called the "Loyal Islamist Turks". Many are dead and injured, and the various ethnicities in the empire point fingers at each other, saying one ethnicity helped assist them. Riots begin in Pristina, Ankara, and
-Private printing companies are now taking advantage of the new paper currency, creating counterfeit money, while some companies have the ability to produce convincing currency, most attempts are laughable, and result with corporate heads being thrown in jail.

Zillamaster55 - Guatemala

-Guatemala begins a conscription drive, giving every able-bodied man 7 months of military service, some Guatemalans see this as an opportunity, others see this as an alarming liability.
-El-Salvador is precieved as a threat, for some reason or another. Emigration is shut down, and the Guatemalan Navy (consisting of a few patrol boats) attempts to blockade the Salvadorian ports. A small naval clash begins, killing six sailors.
-The government implements Socialist-Esque taxation policies. The lower-class is happy, but the upper-class refuses to accept these, and quickly searchs and exploits loopholes.
-Increased activity in business circles is noted.

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FurFag - France

-Progress is noted on the border fortification project, but the costs begin filtering into the economy, damaging France's industrial output slightly.
-French Generals continue looking into new military doctrines.
-The government recognizes the joining of Western Poland with the rest of East Poland, much to the pleasure of Poland, and Polish refugees in France.
-The government condemns the various invasions occuring in Europe, with Denmark being the fore-front of the criticisms.
-Progress continues on the previous Infrastructure Improvement Programs.
-The government begins development in the Aquataine region of france, as well as Algeria
-A funding increase is noted in French Intel HQ.

Liem - Italy

-Research and development is pushed strongly in the military, further destabalizing the already fracturing Italian economy. Alarmingly, Nuclear research and military drills seem to be going hand and hand, with troops piling onto the borders Italy shares with her neighbors. Sentiment is tense in Milano, Roma, and Syracusa. In the north of the country, many citizens are slowly streaming into Switzerland.
-Diplomats are sent to any and all countries that accept them.
-Nothing is done, accept for some noting of exports.
-Increased activity in Rome is noted.

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Izua Tekami - Danish Territory United

-A speech is made to announce the DTU ,a democratically run Communist party that demands Danish independence and Communist leadership, and will permit Anarchist communes. Promises are made to try to keep the party peaceful, but if the government attacks or refuses to listen, the DTU will resolve the problem with bloodshed.
-Members are encouraged to wear leather jackets, or wear black, as a de-facto uniform.
-A peaceful protest is started in Copenhagen.

MountainWatcher - Ethiopia

-More food is delegated to the armed forces of Ethiopia, while this boosts morale of the armed forces, the shifting slightly de-stabalizes poorer southern parts of the country.
-A weapons deal occurs. Poland sells off weapons to Ethiopia. Another party sells weapons as well. This obscure group remains nameless.
-Ethiopia accepts Polish military aid, literate NCOs begin showing up in Polish military academies.
-Straight from Addis Ababa, the government tries to kickstart a weapons industry. This is largely a failure thanks to the lack of weapon technology, and the lack of investments from foreign and domestic buyers.
-Work on an electrical grid begins in the capitol. The work is very rough, and is extremely prone to power surges and random grid failures. The grid covers aproximately 5% of Addis Ababa. The citizens actually covered by the network that can afford it, are extremely elated.
-Weapons are sold to an unknown group.

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vampiresrock - Argentina

-Work begins on weeding out corrupt men in the Argetine armed forces. While some lower ranked soldiers are happy about the change, some colonels and generals seem restless, and worse, they have guns.
-Loyal generals begin working on researching a war plan simply called "Guerra Relámpago"
-The Argentine government begins working on good relationships with their neighbors, while still miffed from the many wars that have occured in the past between them, most seem willing to agree.
-The Argentines announce an alliance with full trade benefits with Guatemala
-Areas in Buenos Aires, Pe are converted from agricultural to industrial. While great for the influx of capitalist businessmen, the title of "The Breadbasket of South America" begins sliding to Brazil.
-While the government attempts to ensure that the new industrial buildup does not hamper food production for internal consumption, it still fails with many landowners being bullied and forced out.
-Focus begins shifting from agricultural to textile industries. Many european nations are happy about the new exporting nation.
-The government urges self-sufficency to its people. Most Argentines agree that their are very little markets that Argentina can hold it's own ground in, and laugh in the government's face.
-Work on railroad begins, but without foreign investment, it's painfully slow and not successful.
-Work begins on removing rigged elections and corrupt low level leaders. Protests spring up in La Plata, reducing industrial efficency in the region.
-Work begins on researching anti-tropical disease medications. Some ground is broken, but it is slow work.
-The government enters the education aspect of Argentine lives, weeding out "old" or "outdated" parts. Naturally, many parents and reactionary school-teachers are displeased, and refuse to update their ciriculum.
-Ministers are appointed in defense, education, economics, and social:
--The Minister of Defense is a weak tactician, but grandly views the ASD
--The Minister of Education is an intelligent man but seems at a loss as to how to fix the heaping mess that is the Argentine educations system.
--The Minister of Economics isn't the smartest man in the world but is cunning.
--The Minister of Internal Affairs isn't particularly talented but he is still useful.
--The Argentines begin researching various types of aircraft, a civil short-hop plane is successfully researched.

[Seed Eater] - Germany

-An attempt to burn down the parliament building is stopped by a group of citizens. The would-be arsonists are detained and questioned. They say they are Polish.
-The forces in Poland are ordered to attack in the general direction of Warsaw. This fails massively due to a massive lack of supplies for the German forces. All armies in Poland are effectively destroyed as they all surrender.
-Remaining German forces assault the the border of Poland. This time the Poles expect it and stop it cold. Massive casualties on both sides are noted but Germany is outright crushed on the offensive. The Poles counter-attack and gain a small bit of land.
-Those who are thought to be unloyal to the German government are rounded up and placed in work camps. These camps have an 80% mortality rate. Some prisoners are outright shot, others are tortured to death, and still others starve to death or freeze to death.
-Food is rationed out. Military members are fed well, loyal civilians aren't fed as much but still a sustainable amount, unloyal people are fed a very small amount and many die of starvation.
-The entirety of the capitalist industry is destroyed. The economic council is dissolved and the Jewish population is hunted down to be imprisoned for their lack of ability to restart the economy. As a result of all this another rebellion occurs, this time in Cologne. It is as successful as the one in Frankfurt.
-Most workers are moved to the war front. The industry is geared for war production.
-50% of the male population aged 16-40 is drafted. While this does add a large amount of members it also decreases quality of training.
-War bonds are sold to finance the government.
-The economy takes a turn for the worse as confidence drops massively.
-The schematics of the machine gun is given to America and Canada.
-Germany joins the CASKET Program and sends all technology to America and Canada.
-Austria invades Germany and effectively takes half of German land to the south. The German economy falls flat on its face.

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Ruskie - Chinese Empire

-The reform is nearly done at this point. Only one year is left until the plan is finished.
-Likewise with the officer corps improvement.
-An embassy is built in Poland.
-The Polish are congratulated for their success against extremists. Resources are sent to Poland to help them.
-Continuation of improvement of infrastructure is noted. The road system and communication system is nearly complete. The rail system is about three years from completion.
-Offshore drilling begins.
-A subsidy of trade ships occurs, this improves the economy.
-Power stations are built across the country. The people are very happy.
-Australia, Brazil, and a shitload of Asian nations that I can't be arsed to state join a trade agreement with China.
-A VAT (Value Added Tax) is implemented on all purchases.
-Educational funding is increased. It would seem that the education system has risen to be the best in the world.
-The National Insurance System is created to assist with funding.
-The 'guójiā jiànkāng shìfèng' (try pronouncing that one) is created. It is a publicly funded healthcare system. As a result of it, taxes are raised.
-The economy is currently sitting pretty at second in the world stage.

Yersinia - United States of America

-Troops are allowed to freely move through the United States to assist in Mexico. This helps greatly and Mexico begins to falter.
-Flamethrowers and tanks are thrown in to help with the war effort.
-A great number of research laboratories see a shift in personnel. It would seem that the United States has seized these laboratories. Scientists begin to protest and go on strike. Nothing really gets done scientifically.
-The CASKET program is joined. Canadian, German, and those American scientists that aren't protesting work together.
-All tech is traded to Canada and Germany.
-Coal, metal, and oil mines are built in areas that are further away from Mexico.
-Mass production of small arms and tanks begins.
-The US economy barely even feels anything even with the military budget being increased.

DPennington - Confederacy of Democratic Socialist Canadian Territories (HOLY FUCK THAT'S A LOT OF WRITING TO DO)

-Military research funding is split. 50% goes to rocketry, 20% goes to Uranium study, 15% goes to improvement of tanks, and 15% goes to reverse engineering diesel engines.
-The first rocket design is tested. It fails spectacularly as it falls off of the platform and detonates, killing 10 scientists.
-The first atom is split and nuclear energy is introduced to the world.
-Troops are sent to assist in the American-Mexican war.
-Basic training changes drastically as a large portion is dedicated to survival in Canada.
-CATS is established to educate those who wish to become scientists.
-CATS International is also established and based in Reykjavik.
-VESTA is created. I refuse to type out that shit you bastard.
-The CASKET Program is created. It focuses on the development of cutting edge technology.
-All technology is shared with America and Germany.
-Mapping continues.
-The size of the fleet slowly begins to increase as the amount of dreadnoughts is doubled to four.
--5 Frigates and 10 Submarines are likewise created. The 10 submarines is quite expensive and causes the Canadian economy to drop slightly.
-Assembly lines are implemented, vastly improving production.
-Conveyer belts are implemented in the industries of steel, ore/coal, factories, and shipyards/dockyards.
-Jackhammers are invented and used heavily.
-Dynamite is used heavily for mining. Two cave-ins occur with its use. Both resulted in all miners that were trapped dying.
-The firearms program is extended to Iceland and Greenland.
-Corruption is sought out in Canada.
-Education reforms begin.
-A board of advisors is created:
--Two science advisors, two military, two economic, two foreign affairs, and two internal affairs.
-The Faroe Islands are sold to Sweden.

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thelurker1234 - British Raj

-A coup occurs as the British military is caught by surprise at almost all of the federal arsenals as well as the government buildings of Calcutta.

Sobotnik - Poland

-The army is split into an Eastern and a Western group.
-The Western armies are tasked with stopping all German advances, they do so with heavy losses but also gain a bit of land out of it.
-The Eastern armies encircle the German Armies and begin to tighten the noose on those armies. By the end of the year the German armies in Poland are utterly destroyed.
-Mass desertion occurs in the German armies after Poland offers citizenship to German military members.
-A provisional navy is created but is easily handled by the German navy.
-All EEC members send officers to Poland for training.
-Encouragement is sent to those rebellious men and women of Germany to overthrow the communist government. Cologne does so.
-A parliament is established in Warsaw.
-Communists worldwide are told of the German imperialism which is very much counter to that of Marxist philosophy.
-Stock exchanges and banks are built across Poland.
-Small arms production increases.
-Ports are opened and drydocks are built.
-Foreign Polish businesses are invested into.
-Immigration is encouraged and Poland quickly becomes a melting pot.
-Language classes are developed, the fields are that of Polish, German, English, and most Slavic languages.
-Homosexuality is changed from a crime to a mental disorder.
-The other Western Slavs are incorporated into the culture of Poland.
-A poll is held of which asks if the people feel that the requirement for people to be married to vote should be removed. Overwhelmingly the people say yes and that it should be based on age.

KriegsMar1ne - Austria-Hungary

-Germany is invaded and the southern portion of Germany is overwhelmed. Germany is beginning to crumble.
-All military losses are replaced.
-Austrian rifles are revised, jamming is reduced with a new loading mechanism although a lot of jamming still occurs.
-Field manuals and cleaning kits are distributed to Austrian soldiers.
-Training improves massively.
-A public announcement is made by Austria-Hungary, declaring them not to be a warmongering state but also declaring that Austria-Hungary will not stand idly by as Germany attempts to destroy Poland.
-The entire nation shifts to a wartime economy.
-Trade is increased with neighboring states.
-Patriotic propaganda is distributed heavily, many young men feel like they need to serve their nation.
-Conscription is implemented. All men are required to serve for a single year.
-A large group of nationalists forms in Hungary, many people begin protesting and asking for independence from Austria.

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overpain - United Kingdom

-Troops are sent into India as a result of the coup. Although most military operations are successful, Calcutta still remains firmly in Indian hands.
-The League of Nations is joined.
-Tea is mass produced and exported heavily.
-Airships are created as well as gas masks. The gas masks are said to be extremely heavy and cumbersome.

Notes: Fuck maps.

Turn 7: 1906

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1190776&p=37099000&viewfull=1#post37099000

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FurFag - France

-France declares war on Germany! Army groups attempt to smash into the Alsace-Lorraine, in an attempt to liberate "lost French lands". Surprisingly, dedicated German resistance in Strasbourg slows the French down, but the absolute pulverization of German positions results in most of the central corridor of Germany being lost. Only a few miles from Berlin, the army is forced to stop, being in extreme danger of being cut off. German casualties are severe. The strategic situation for Germany is looking gloomy.
-The border fortification project is finished, at a somewhat heavy cost to the industry.
-Development is in works on the Occitain portions of France and on Algeria and Tunisia. Deployments along Italy and the declaration of war cause little development to be done, where work desertion is at its highest since the Prussian invasion of France.
-La Garde Nationale, the new French reserve army, slowly follows in behind the main battle groups in occupied Germany. They take losses due to stay-behind forces.
-Logs are made of German weapons compared to French weapons. They are underwhelmingly similar.

MountainWatcher - Ethiopia

-Ethiopian officers, trained in Poland, are interested in various Polish weaponry. Ethiopian officers return from Poland, and teach the EDF new tactics, greatly boosting morale.
-Taxes are raised on the rich and the cost of civilian electricity are raised. This stunts further business development in Ethiopia, along with even fewer people being able to access basic commodities.
-Community recreational centers in Addis Ababa, where electrical entertainment is provided, are held once a week. Many Ethiopians are happy about the new buildings, but disapointed that electricity can't be pumped into their own homes.

Zillamaster55 - Guatemala

-The small Guatemalan military invades El Salvador. Salvadorian police units put up what little resistance they can, but the country is quickly seized.
-A small guerilla campaign begins in El Salvador, the Gratis Comunista República and the Nacional de los socialistas de El Salvador quickly become two guerilla groups, and their numbers swell rapidly.
-Taxes are hiked all accross the board for the invasion of El Salvador, many communists don't take this lightly, as the mostly lower-class citizens suffer.

Daniel Smith - Ottoman Empire

-Classic combat styles are replaced with guerrilla tactics. Many nations find this type of warfare appalling, unnecessary, and "unfair"
-The air force is established, though consisting of only a few planes, good directions could make it a very feared arm of the military. A few fighters are bought from the French.
-The military sends a message to Bulgaria, the message being the Ottoman National Anthem. Bulgaria laughs and peacefully takes over an Ottoman borderpost, telling them to cut that shit off.
-The military divides its research budgets into 8 different categories. Though this information is unknown, it can be assured that spreading the budget out so thinly will result in a technological backwater.
-The borders between Arabia and the Ottomans are open. Little exchanges occur, with Ottomans wanting to stay away from "tribals" and "tribals" wanting to stay away from Ottomans.
-The first automobile company in the country is built. Called "Automan Empire Corp." the car's hood ornament is the ":)" symbol.
-Efforts are set out to help lower class citizens, encouraging lower class citizens to join production/industrial jobs. They are summarily brought into low-paying and low-quality jobs.
-Public schools are now paid for by the government, who can begin feeling the stress on its economy.
-Health care reforms start, attempting to give everyone clean water and bandages. Many areas in the empire are totally cut off from Istanbul/Constantinople, and thus, the economy begins to stumble.
-Bulgaria tells the Ottomans to stop trying to reintegrate them into the Empire, and throw much of their army onto the border.
-Germany is embargoed, along with a seething Bulgaria.

[Unidentified player] - USDRB

-The military works on Martial Arts and starts 5 year conscription from 18. The prime years of youth are lost, and many question the government.
-Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Uruguay are asked to join Brazil. All resoundingly say no and tell Brazil to stop fucking with their soverignty.
-The Brazilian government sends bigoted messages to the following: Japan, Korea, China, Ethiopia, and Jamaica. These all fail to be sent because the diplomats know not to be bastions of low-functioning autism.
-The following ministries are created/reformed in the government and start this ministries:
-Ministry of Foreign Affairs
-Ministry of Culture and Science
-Ministry of Mines, Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Resources
-Ministry of Education
-Ministry of Health
-Ministry of Economy
-Ministry of Justice
-Ministry of Defence
-The justice system is made more severe, establishing imprisonment for life and preventive detention laws. Many citizens grumble.
-Start social reforms and help poorer citizens. The citizens are very wary.
-Reforms of education begin, updating new textbooks.
-Cannabis is declared legal. Many nationalized factories are made. Reactionaries march in the street, telling the "stoner" government to stop being useless.

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Intoxicated Spy - Russia

-War is declared on Germany, Germany sends a reply asking what the hell they did to them.
-The Russian Navy rushes out to Bornholm and begins bombarding north Germany, little damage is done to the military because they are in Berlin actually doing something; though many civilians die.
-Russian soldiers attempt to land in Germany navel bases and their coastal cities, they meet surprisingly stiff resistance and are pushed back into the sea; though most of the German coastal cities are flattened in the process. When the Russians try to get back to their ships, they are blown out of the water by falling naval fire from the Polish-German ships.
-The Russian ships end up in a massive sea battle with Polish-German ships, diplomatic tensions explode.
-Finland is granted independence as a nation to block Russia from the Swedish vikings. Russia promises to protect them from foreign militaries. Russia gets to build a base though the Finnish ask who said they could, Russia looks at them angrly until they agree to allow them to build bases in their new nation.
-Some research is made into longer range rifles, tank armor, threads, caliber rounds for the main battle cannon, range for the cannon and machine gun mounts for the weapon. Almost no progress is made because he hardly has enough scientists to research all that damn stuff.
-Free elections are opened up, radical Communists somehow take power and are accused of rigging the ballot although there is no proof.
-Banana imports increase, though a strange sickness seems to be following it.

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KriegsMar1ne - Austria-Hungary (If you do not give me your flag I will cut off your man hood and feed it to the goats.)

-Elite Hungarian forces march down the streets to smash the protests, they do nothing except inflame the protesters. They begin to become overrun and shots are fired, twelve are dead on the initial day and things are looking to get worse.
-The Hungarians announce a cease fire and a no mans land is set up in their captured territory in south Germany.
-Austrian troops are marched out to the front lines, everyone is blocked off from talking to them.
-Dissent seems to be sown between some Austrian and Hungarian troops, it seems some agents have infiltrated the line. The accused are quickly shot, though the effects have been made.
-A bounty is placed on the leader of the protests head, although the government tries to keep it secret; however since it is a bounty and you need to tell people about it to make it work, the government just looks stupid in the process.
-The government clamps down on Hungary and makes it so no one can leave or enter, the government claims everything is nice and happy inside although some refugees who escaped claim otherwise.
-Gunfights begin to erupt as a special forces regiment start to mow down civilians in a warehouse en masse, the leader of the protests claim that the attack was on his life and he narrowly escaped. Even more protestors begin to appear in protest, some have weapons and several soldiers are killed.
-Snipers try to finish him off as well, though they miss and kill some protestors, the leader makes it away with a bullet in his foot. Even more protestors in response, a sniper is also pulled from a balcony and dropped five stories to his death in the middle of a street where protestors tear him to shreds. Several more attempts are made on snipers, two others are badly wounded, one blinded.
-Trade to Hungarian province borders are cut off and they are heavily fortified. The government attempts to keep this secret but with the wonderful new technologies of binoculars and basic sight their plans are foiled.
-Planes fly over the major cities, propaganda is thrown out from the sides. Most of the propaganda tells people the military are their friends but it is ignored as the military constantly charges in and attempts to beat anyone looking funny.
-Attempts are made to continue the rocket program, a breakthrough on engines is believed to be made but the rocket just explodes and kills some scientists.
-The Austrian Semi Automatic Rifle is given new parts to prevent jamming, they work but they break easily.
-An aircooled machine gun is built named the MG8, when they are distriputed and test fires are made, the barrel melts and the ammunition explodes. Twenty soldiers die until the weapon is recalled.
-A mad scientist appears and claims to have invented night vision, he shows people his invention though it looks so grainy they name him a con artist and he is arrested.
-Special military units with shields, truncheons, pistols, swords and medieval plate mail charge into protestors. Their slow movement and brutal efficiency leads to violence and several of them are dragged down and drowned. Or stomped on until they stop moving.
-Several people are hanged in protestor controlled areas, the protestors claim they are government spies.
-Prisons suddenly appear empty, friends and family are dragged off to never seen again. Some people report trucks moving to the country side and the stench of death in the area.
-Attempts to brain wash the Austrian people fail horribly as protests spill into Austrian cities and the Austrians begin fighting the police too.
-Extremely well trained Austrian troops begin smashing Hungarian protestors too. After rocks are pegged at them, they open fire and the streets fill with bodies. Austrian and Hungarian relations are inflamed at this and Austrians and Hungarians begin beating each other in the streets. The Austrian troops attempt to break it up but they are armed with battle armor and bayonets and they are soon taking heavy losses as protests turn to massive riots.
-Austrian secret police start to raid any shipments moving into towns to check for weapons, only a few weapons are found and the rest are food and consumer goods. Even more rioters spill into the streets as their families begin to start going hungry and the prices of food and furniture steadily rise.
-Attempts are made to replace soldiers in the Austrian areas with elite and highly dedicated Austrian troops, except there are very few elite and highly dedicated Austrian troops so suddenly there are less men to stop the protests.
-Firehoses are used on crowds, guess how well this ends for the police.
-People are also carted off in the Indian colonies, the stench of death is everywhere. New barracks are made everywhere as well.
-Plastic mills, mines and factories begin to be made; however this does not work as rioters tear down the construction workers as they build them.
-A diplomatic message from Jesus is sent to the emperor of Hungary and he is kindly asked to stop making his turns so fucking long, whatever that means.

Yersinia - United States of America

-Ships are sent to east Mexico and all ports are blocked off, anti ship weapons begin to hit the ships and return fire is made.
-Troops are landed on the west and east coast, the west coast invasion fails with little naval support at the cost of half of Mexicos western coastal cities being destroyed. The eastern coast sees more success, with troops pushing into coastal cities at the cost of Mexico being flattened and burned to the ground. Canadians begin to take north Mexico as well.
-The economy begins to shift to wartime goods, people complain that things like furniture and other consumer goods begin to dissapear from the markets.
-New ships begin to be built, though some of them lag in production and the rest will still take a while.
-Some spies in China are shot, China frowns at the US and tells them to fuck off.
-Scientists are bribed to keep calm, the scientists begin to go back to work though production is still slow.
-Spies are cracked down on and a massive Chinese spy ring is uncovered. Twelve people are killed when the Chinese agents attmept to resist arrest and thirty six are wounded. It is believed they were attempting to encourage scientists to defect from the US. The US ambassador tells the Chinese, "no YOU fuck off good sir."

Sobotnik - Poland

-Poland's armies are reformed and begin to march to the east.
-Encouragement is given to the Germans to defect to Poland, the German military in the east begin to mass desert and a new Army division in the Polish military is made just for Germans due to the large number.
-Polish troops attempt to take the coast lines, they meet the Russian troops landing there and the Russians mistake them; especially the new German corps, as the German military. A three way battle begins with heavy losses on each side, most of the Polish troops are killed in the naval bombardment and the rest either trickle back to Poland or double desert for the Germans again.
-EEC representatives are sent into the captured cities and people gradually start to enjoy their Polish overlords more.
-Polish citizens of German origin begin to pop up everywhere, a small section of Warsaw named Little Berlin is even opened.
-Some navy ships that deserted from Germany are organized into a Polish naval corps and sent to the German coast, they end up encountering them and mistake them for German loyalists. Both sides take heavy losses and are now in a stalemate.
-Banks begin to be set up across Poland, they have a shaky start but gradually begin to become poppular.
-Funding is focused into electricity, telephones, railways, roads, heavy industries and small arms. The research is slow due to the scientists being stretched thin but defecting German scientists help speed things along.
-Drydocks are built along the coast, though they are small for now.
-Factories, roads, railways, electrical grids and telephone connections are built or improved. However, due to the workers being so spread out they are of shoddy quality and a factory even collapses; killing many.
-Education is still reformed to hell, freedom of speech is granted to the people and full debate of all things is allowed.
-Immigration is encouraged and Polish begins to slowly become less of a majority. Some people protest though not many.
-Germans are encouraged to learn Slavic through some education programs, though they are allowed not to.
-Free voting is made to all, most of the Polish are happy over it besides a few grumbles.
-All pubs, resutraunts and cafes have non smoking areas in them now. However this is almost completely ignored as the police do not even try to enforce This.

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Ruskie - Chinese Empire

-The officer core is continuously reformed and rebuilt. The French advisers help greatly and reforms move smovely.
-Some German officers begin making trips to China and are not coming back for some reason. Though most just go to Poland.
-Roads, rails and communication towers are expanded or rebuilt.
-More and more resources are mapped out.
-Tons of new mines, oil drills and offshore oil platforms are built.
-Tax exemptions are given to any new up and coming businesses. Business suddenly booms all across China.
-Power stations and infrastructure are built across the empire.
-Hospitals are built.
-The police force begins to be moernized, though work is slow.
-Police stations and academies are built everywhere.
-The opium trade is smashed, although some dissent begins to pop up due to the opium dealers hand in China.
-A report is made by economic experts from across the country on how to improve the economy, they tell the glorious leader to stop building so god damn much.
-The Chinese economy begins to even out and then dip down as the government builds loads of stuff.

DPennington - Confederacy of Democratic Socialist Canadian Territories

-The military research fund seems to suddenly be all about these glorious rockets.
-A report is made telling why the rockets failed, the scientists kindly tell the leader that the rocket fell off. When they are asked for more info, it turns out to have been a simple launching platform problem.
-Another test is done, and the first rocket launches off... only for it to detonate mid air and shrapnel to rain down on the surrounded area. Several scientists are blinded, many more are killed or wounded. A forest fire begins and some civilians burn to death though this is quickly stopped.
-Attempts to make nuclear reactors are done, however just no figuring out the benefits of nuclear technology this is taking a long time and the technology is really iffy and dangerous.
-Attempts are made to make tanks faster with diesel engines, this costs a hell of a lot of money and the economy drops slightly from it.
-Fixed winged biplanes are created with petrol engines, they have tons of problems and the first planes crash into the ground.
-A small scale particle accelerator is attempted and fails, more attempts continue steadily.
-Sweden is told to go away, and Canada, Iceland and Greenland turn their backs and ignore them.
-Troops are sent south to fight the Mexicans.
-The dreadnoughts Serenity and Firefly float out on their first trips, though some doubt their integrity due to the engineers having rushed construction along incredibly. The govenrment deems them unsinkable and they start patrolling.
-Attempts to improve the economy by building more mines and oil wells is made, however the government gets a memo that building things costs money and the economy dips even further.
-Glorious new inventions called 'crayon' and 'air conditioning' are made. A child eats the crayon and proceeds to die a horrible poisonous death, airconditioners cost so much that most families do not even know they exist.
-Radios are developed, though they arew still in testing phases.
-New explosives are made with the purpose of splitting rocks instead of clearing tunnels. This fails spectacurally as the government accidentally creates the single largest explosion in Canadian history; this cause several avalanches and a few towns are buried and a scientist or two loses their hearing but still.
-Corruption is weeded out more and more, with many politicians being forced to resign.
-Education is still reformed, focusing on STEM education.
-The homeless are taken off the streets and then thrown back all scared looking. Some of them start screaming nonsense on roadsides about secret government brain washing expeiriments.
-The Red Guard expands, mostly made up of Canadian veterans and war heroes.

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Izua Tekami - Danish Territory United (Give me a freaking flag and format your turn right.)

-The DTU denounces the Hungarian and Austrian rebels in the south, no one caeas.
-Several weapon shipments from Austria-Hungary are captured by the Danish government. A police crackdown of the DTU follows and many members are arrested.
-A new artist gallery is opened in HQ in an abandoned warehouse. It becomes popular but shifty figures are seen a lot.
-Protests begin in Aahrus and Odense, Odense protests are brutally put down.
-Some Ex-Danish soldiers begin to identify themselves with the DTU.

Notes: From this turn onwards, ThePinkPanzer is the GM. Some of this turn was still written by Mr. Face.

Turn 8: 1907

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1190776&p=37162566&viewfull=1#post37162566

Events of 1907:

-An Austrian convoy filled with mysterious cargo tries to move south but is surprised to find Russians, Lieutenant Sasha Reziniki, a Russian war hero from the battles in the north, orders the convoy to stop and turn around. The convoy proceeds to make a bolt for it, the soldiers opened fire and the driver of the leading truck was killed, falling onto its side. Weapons spilled out the side of the vehicle and some Hungarian soldiers stumbled from the back of the rest, a fire fight broke out; thirteen Russians are killed in the surprise fighting and six are wounded. All of the twenty nine Hungarians are killed besides seven, three of whom are wounded. Lieutenant Rezniki was killed in the fighting, a captain from a nearby outpost comes down and demands the prisoners give them info or they will be executed on the spot, one of the Austrians stumbles foward and tells the Russians that they were headed for Denmark to distribute the weapons to rebels. The captain tells Moscow everything and within an hour, scary looking men in black trench coats come down and take them away, flashing fancy cards at the captain and telling him they have it on high authority but no one has any idea who the fuck they were.

Mr. Face - Republic of Germany

-Russians, Frenchmen and the Polish surround the city and begin to bomb the fuck out of it. Soldiers begin to desert en mass, however Captain Heinrich van Aldabert, a German government loyalist takes command and him with nineteen of his best men who become known as the magnificent twenty proceed to rally the German defenders. The Germans survive the siege for nearly two months until Van Aldabert was killed by a Polish artillery shell, the rest of his men attempted to reorganize the garrison but suddenly a government coup d'etat is sprung into action and the government is disposed. The lieutenant in charge proceeded to surrender the city before the military could be rallied against the new government. The seventeen surviving men proceeded to get whoever they could to make hell for whoever walked into the city and ended up killing tons of soldiers of various nationalities until they were finally taken out, five of them survived, three of them seriously wounded. Two are given to Poland, two to Russia and one to France. The Russians give theirs back.
-The prisoners the Russians gave back are given full honors, many radical anti Communists start a fuss although the left congratulates the government on their decision.
-The parliament is reinstated and free voting is set up, the democrats are elected into power.
-The German government officially surrender to all the armies on their soil.
-All the fuck ups the previous bunch of loons instated are abolished and Germany becomes Germany once again.

KriegsMar1ne - Austria-Hungary

-Checkpoints are made across the cities to keep the protests contained, as the country further spirals out of control many of these get overrun.
-The police shift to strictly truncheons and clubs in order to make people like them, however some skulls are broken in and police are horribly equipped to deal with the shottings that break out now.
-All police get old fashioned armor, of course since it is in low supply most keep what they have.
-All trade to Hungary is cut off, suddenly the effects are shown and those still at work find their pay checks giving less and less.
-Food and water is passed out to protestors, they do not need it though so they are ignored.
-Tanks and armored vehicles try to discreetly move into the protesting areas of the city, of course they are fucking tanks so you can not hide them.
-The police are ordered to stay back from the protestors, this is mostly ignored as the protestors are now full on rioting and violence rises.
-A new rifle is researched.
-More nuclear research is conducted, of course it is still early as hell and the scientists remind the grorious reader that it will take a really fucking long time.
-Some other scientists start trying to research body armor so the police do not look like medieval cavaliers.
-Film of Austian-Hungarian soldiers leaving Germany is recorded for propaganda, of course there is no one to show it to but the already loyal.
-Research into jet propulsion is ordered, the scientists think the leader is joking and suggest they invent wings. Or maybe just an actual plane first.
-Attempts are made towards rockets again, the rockets explode on platform and kill more scientists.
-Austria tries to replace 50mm mortars with 90mm mortars, the military informs them that they do not have a 90mm mortar.
-Attempts at off shore drilling are made, the production managers remind the government there are no oil deposits off the coast.
-More mines are opened and the rest of the treasury is slowly shredded away, several of the mines laborers are actually rebels and they use the mining charges to collapse the mines.
-Attempts to make farms are made, several are burned to the ground, farmers complai of no one to work their farms.
-Brothels are opened and are frequented by soldiers, of course since most of the whores are from rebellious areas, some troops get their throats slit or just go missing.
-More police officers are hanged, the protest leader complains of more secret police officers making attempts at his life, he is now missing a hand.
-Protestors begin to be grabbed by the police and sent to god knows where, this ends up in violence and police casaulties mount.
-The military is beginning to desert in small numbers, mostly Hungarians. Police are also deserting, in larger number.
-Some military deserters say they have been forced to gun down large ammounts of people in the wilderness, the secret police quickly silence them.

Sobotnik - Poland

-The military is completely demobilized and leaves Germany, taking any land they deem Polish with them (AKA it now looks sort of like modern Germany.)
-The Grand Navy of the Polish Republic is established, and production on several new submarines is begun.
-The people of the occupied areas are given citizenship, a few refuse and move west but most stay.
-All members of the EEC are offered to co train officers and to share intelligence.
-The German government is offered to join the EEC, they quickly accept in the face of economic collapse.
-Farming is revolutionized in eastern Europe as farmers are allowed to sell off their own land to farming developers, it is extremely effective.
-New housing is made just for those coming in from the country side, the people thank the government sincerely and the government sees rising support from the country folk although the building projects reflect sourly on the economy until the government begins to sell the military surplus to alleviate this.
-Demobilized troops who do not have jobs are all offered one in the cities to build the new houses with good pay and benefits until they get a new job, many jump at the offer.
-Blablabla free speech is enacted again blablabla.
-The non smoking areas are now enforced with a small fine, the police still hardly regulate this although a few fines come in.
-Polls are conducted asking if the government should become secular and if the exemption on taxes of religious institutions should be removed.
-The two German Communist prisoners they are given are given full citizenship, the heavily wounded one is given the best medical support that the government can give and barely pulls through. Hardliners and some of the more fucked up veterans complain but are ignored.

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Intoxicated Spy - Russia

-Russians occupy north Germany, not officially taking the lang but moving their soldiers there.
-Men are also moved to Finland, who reluctantly agree.
-Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are freed as buffer states.
-Research into effective longer barrels for rifles are made.
-Attempts to make more efficient tank motors are performed, although not successful they show promise.
-The dirty swines in power publicly eat large amounts of sweets in front of the poor, some protests begin but disperse quickly.
-Lieutenant Sasha Reziniki is turned into a hero, his family is made some of the richest people in the country and he is given almost every medal the government has. Posters of him shoot up everywhere and he becomes a household name. Everyone is told how dirty Austrian war mongering capitalist bastards gunned him down in cold blood.
-More propaganda about how Russia saved their glorious Swedish brothers from the evil Austrians is produced.
-National neutrality plummets.

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Obnobs - Sweden

-The Swedish empire transitions into a Communist country with four Communes, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and the Faroe Islands. The act as separate countries for the most part but are bounded by the law of the congress and head as state which work together to make decisions on a federal level. All of whom are elected as long as they are Communist. The new nation is named the Republic of Nordic Communes.
-Swedish is now the national language.
-All imprisoned DTU leaders are pardoned, members of the resistance are given government positions in the Danish communes as long as they give their weapons to the Danish military, most agree.
-Pro-Communist Germans and Ex-Soldiers are given political asylum, a few agree and about two hundred men in total with their families move north but one hundred twenty are caught by the Ruskies and turned around.
-All imprisoned DTU leaders and Danish resistance are pardoned. Members of the resistance are given government positions in the Danish commune, if they give up their stashes of heavy weapons to the Danish Military.
-The economy goes into free fall at the sudden change and riots break out in several places.
-The people demand Austrian blood for the attempted weapon shipments.

Liem - Italy

-Troops are moved to the border and platoons are cycled out every two weeks.
-Extremely vague military research begins.
-Production of fancy white cloaks with pockets is done en masse for some reason the government refuses to talk about, so are fancy knives.

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FurFag - France

-The southern regions of France continue to be modernized, along with Algeria and Tunisia.
-Propaganda about reclaiming French lands Begin a propaganda campaign about reclaiming lost French lands.
-Technology is now shared with the Chinese.
-Ballistic missiles, airplanes and radar are researched with the Chinese, OF COURSE ITS THE FUCKING 1910'S AND IT WILL BE A LONG TIME STOP TELLING ME YOU ARE RESEARCHING THE BLOODY STUFF *ahem.*
-France occupies west Germany.

Zillamaster55 - Guatemala

-The military moves to crush the rebels in El Salvador, they are taken by surprise as no one realize Guatemala actually has a military, just having thought the occupation was an elaborate prank.
-Guatemala asks for help over this, they get a reply about some rude things they should go do with themselves cause Mexico is being occupied by everyone right now.
-Fishing trade is established as the coasts are cleared.

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Ruskie - Chinese Empire

-The construction projects are shrunk in order to alleviate the economy.
-Dead Yankees appear. Everywhere.
-Funding for research becomes 10 percent of the expenditure, the economy slugs down again at this.

DPennington - Confederacy of Democratic Socialist Canadian Territories

-The first nuclear reactor is built! It proceeds to explode from the shoddy work and radiation leaks everywhere, the country is split in half and some of it spills into the US. Babies are suddenly born deformed as the population is evacuated and Canada collapses in on itself. The invasion of Mexico is called off.

Turn 9: 1908

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1190776&p=37335743&viewfull=1#post37335743

Events of 1908:

-The Western half of Canada rebels against the still Communist Eastern half. Due to the country being devided by deadly amounts of Radiation and the collapse of their economy prevents them from doing anything to stop it.
-Cancer rates in the world triple with the majority being in the Americas and surrounding regions.
-Numerous animals native to the North American Region are threatened by the ever close reality of extinction.
-Salmon, Whitefish and bass become a rarity and available only by the very rich as the prices surge to over 100$ a pound.
-Deaths are noted around the world as ignorant people continue to buy exports, consisting mostly of food, from the Americas.
-The Aspiring Austrian Artist Adolf Hitler finishes his magnificent "Die glorreichen Imperium" cathedral painting. The success of this painting soars making Adolf as noteable an artist as Leonardo da Vinci.

Daniel Smith - Ottoman Empire

-The Kingdom of Bulgaria is invaded. Caught offguard the Bulgarian troops along the border are crushed under the overwhelming force the Ottoman armies. Spearheaded by Tanks the Ottoman armies advance as far as Lovech however they become stalled as the Supply lines strech crippling any further advance. The Bulgarians exploit this and make a massive counter attack along the entire Ottoman line, And while the counter attack fails against the Northern and Eastern fronts it is rather effective in the West and pushes the Ottomans back to the defensive stronghold at Plovdiv.
-The new paper money implemented by the Ottoman Govt fails dramatically as it is subject to massive counterfieting operations. The Govt pleads for a change back to standard Gold and Silver currency. The Ottoman Paper Currency is deemed relativly useless.
-(For anybody who would like to map the Ottoman frontline should, On a modern map, be a bit west of Smolyan, Stretching to Plvodiv and from there to Veliko Tarnovo, and from there to Silistra.)

Liem - Italy

-War is declared with Germany. Austria-Hungary and Switzerland refuse to allow Italy access to move troops across to Germany, and the RoTNC refuse to allow Italian Naval Transports into the Baltic Strait. This results in a mass clusterfuck as the Majority of the Italian troops are halted at the borders of Switzerland and Austria-Hungary. The Mass Disorginization is noted in pictures taken by Newspapers and others. The images show Coloumns of Trucks and Tanks stretching for miles.
-Mass imports of Special blades are noted to be imported into Italy from Japan.
-New Military designers are incorparated into the army. The new dress uniforms are a beautiful mix of White, Grey and Red. and the BDU's are a solid grey with black overlines. The UK jokes saying that the Italian troops are dressed too nice to be soldiers.
-The tax rate is marginally increased by 2%.
-Italy Continues whatever reforms it was doing (specify next time?) and elections are held for the spots of:
--Minister of Internal Affairs.
--Minister of Media.
--Minister of Diplomatic Affairs.

Intoxicated Spy - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

-Afghanistan is Invaded, Russian tanks push in from the West while MASSIVE waves of Russian troops push in from the East. The Afghani military puts up a good fight in the northern mountain ranges but are eventually smashed by the vast waves of Russian troops. In a mere mattter of months the Russians reach the Afghan Capitol and forces the complete surrender of Afghanistan.
-The Afghan Monarchy is abolished and the King is imprisoned in Siberia. A Pro Communist Regime is installed in Afghanistan and becomes officially a Soviet puppet state, and as a result the country sees massive protests.
-Afghanistan is Accepted into the USSR as well as Lithuania.
-The Russian populace note the Extremely high amount of casualties taken and gather by the masses to peacefully mourn and protest the loss of life outside of St.Petersburg.
-All German lands are returned to the Republic of Germany.
-Vodka exports nearly triple with most bieng sold to Greece.
-Research begins into a Anti-Radiation machine. Being that Canada had pretty much the only knowledge of Radiation this fails dramatically.
-Bears are being sought into for military use, The first bears are outfitted with a sort of Steel armour but this fails massivly as the bears, alien to having things strapped to them, flip shit and begin killing the military scientists before being killed by the Base's guards. More tests begin however with stricter security and this series of tests show that bears without armour and released far ahead of friendly armies tend to be a best bet.
-Radios are looked into and a very basic model is created. It has to be cranked when it needs to be used and the range is very small. It is also rather large and extremely heavy requiring to be dissasembled into 3 parts and carriend by 3 seperate soldiers.
-Small Anti-Communist protests start to appear smaller cities.
-A massive fortification line begins. Dubbed "The Red Wall" it is a vast series of Trenches, Bunkers, Forts, and minefields that stretch from Southern Russia near Romania into the puppet state of Lithuania. This puts a large strain on the economy and is not set for completion for another 6 years.

Notes: From this turn onwards, KriegsMar1ne is the GM.

Turn 10: 1909


Mafia 2 Soundtrack - Main Theme

Turn tune

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1190776&p=37424493&viewfull=1#post37424493

Events of 1909:

-The Hungarian rebellion begin to die down as Greece and Poland begin supporting Austria.
-France returns its captured German land, But however keeps the Alsace-Lorraine. Unrest rises in the area as many German Nationalists protest the suceeding of Alsace-Lorraine to the French.
-The Canadian and American Forces push further into Mexico with the Canadians pushing from the west and the Americans advancing down from the East. The combined coalition meets fierce Mexican resistance and stops just short of their intended goal Mexico City.
-The Indian Raj manages to forcibly take over a weapons depot near Delphi, arming themselves with British military grade small arms they begin to attack and ambush English troops in the region.
-Stockholm sees large protests against the RoTNC regime.
-Adolf Hitler begins a painting of the Polish President. So far it seems as to be the beginning of yet another masterpiece.
-The Zulu again begin to become a small nuisance to the English forces in the area. But no attacks have been noted.

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Obnobs - Republic of the Nordic Communes

-Small detachments of Soldiers can now be seen patrolling the the streets of major Nordic city's.
-A small patrol of troops is backed into an alley by protesters, They try to escape but end up being surrounded by a crowd of protestors. The soldiers panick and fire into the mob but soon find themselves overwhelmed and massacered. The body's are hung in the Town Square as a warning to all.
-The RoTNC Leader makes a speech to the public about how the regime change was necasarry and in the best interests of the people, and how that the days of Kings, Queens and Monarchy's are dying.
-The RoTNC declares Neutrality in the Italian-Germo war. And it denies all access to foreign military ships in the Baltic. The RoTNC also blocks all ships carrying arms that arnt from a Communist nation from enterign or leaving the Baltic. Many nations protest this however it falls on deaf ears.
-Attempts to weaponize The Canadian Radiation fails catastrophically.
-Non Irradiated Food and supplies are sent to the people of Iceland
-The Govt of Canada is asked if they would like to send the RoTNC non irradiated endangered animals for safe keeping.A few species make their way over to Nordic hands.
-Exports from Canada and Northern United States are no longer imported to RTNC
-Aircraft Technology is improved.
-Radio's are looked into further, The range of such machines is improved. But still arn't capable for succesful military usage.

Liem - Italy

-Patrols on the border are reduced. And Military training is reduced to Three hour sessions 3 times a week.
-Military training programs are included in High School, But are entirely optional.
-A truce is offered to Germany, Who accepts.
-World leaders are called together for a meeting in Switzerland to plan further Economic and scientific growths.
-The 3 year plan for to change the monarchy to a Democratic Govt is finished, And it goes rather smoothly with little arguement against it. The people also dont seem to notice that the Monarchy is gone.
-A Plan is laid out for Elections every 4 years unless the majority of the party votes for it sooner.
-A seat is reserved for a ordinary citizen to attend each and every meeting, in hope that a normal citizens Ideals would be brought to subject and mind.

Intoxicated Spy - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

-A Division of infantry is sent to the Afghanistan region to quell the riots. As they pass into the mountain ranges they are ambushed and slaughtered by well dug in Afghani Freedom fighters. The Russian General Staff then realises that this is actually something of importance and should create a plan for going about this.
-Troops are sent in to Protesting areas, And instead of Bashing heads they go for a new strategy and try to work with the Protestors and protect them. This results in hippy flowery love bullshit rather than a bloodbath.
-Pro Communist propogand is put up literally everywhere. Even your home's bathroom isnt safe from the Commisar looking down on you from a poster.
-Quote: "Smoke Weed" ... What? $m0k3w33d 3v3ryd4y?

vampiresrock - Great Britain

-Troops in India are moved north to Pakistan, The Generals send out scouts to note Rebel positions and move their armys well clear of them.
-Troops in South Africa are shipped to the Northern Areas.
-A Massive reupdate of Military tactics begins.
-Troops in the hometown UK are shipped into india to deal with any Russian advance in the region.
-UK troops are sent on S&D missions in india to root out and destroy the rebels.
-Pro Military propoganda is spoon fed to the English populace and recruitment soars.
-The Media begins portraying and promoting a strong work force and jobs in factories and the industry begin to be filled. However the hours and pay still keep most people in other lines of work
-The Idea of war bonds is promoted to the public, And a few hundred are bought.
-Supplies, aid and food are produced en masse and Great Britain slowly drifts away from a Consumerism society.
-The GB begins implementing reforms and begins moving torwards a liberal society.

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thelurker1234 - Indian Rebels

-In freed territories, Indian rebels go house to house asking for Volunteers to support the cause of a free India. As a result, the Indian rebels bolster a couple hundred more troops into their ranks
-Rewards of cash and diamonds are offered to those who volunteer and this sees large amounts of the lower classes joining the cause voluntarily.
-The USSR is complimented and states that India will consider communism if India succeeds in its goal. This angers the Indian nationalists and makes more than a few question what exactly they are fighting for.
-Trenches and other light fortifications are built in and around Calcuttu, No doubt that the Indians are expecting a British attack.
-Propaganda posters are put up by rebels throughout the major and minor cities.
-Scouts are sent to Burma to take note on British forces, a few find small British outposts but nothing significant, a few are captured and a few get lost in the Jungle and starve.

Daniel Smith - Ottoman Empire

-Paper money is replaced by metal coins. The exact mixtures of the metal make it rather hard to find out what it is composed of and as such are rather hard to counterfeit.
-The war against Bulgaria continues, as Ottoman Forces push hard on the West and eventually smash through the strong points of the Bulgarian line routing the Bulgarians back to their last defensive line near Sofia. The Ottoman Generals send a request for Bulgaria to unconditionally surrender to the Ottoman armies to prevent Further bloodshed, The Bulgarians decline, Vowing to defend their homeland to the last man. Bulgarian troops surrender en masse so it seems that the war wont last long after all.
-The Sultan gives up government power to the new Prime Minister, Akcan Demir.
-Pro military and recruitment Propaganda is distributed to the public and recruitment rises slightly
-The Bulgarians realize that new troops are fighting alongside the Ottoman's Who they are and where they came from is unknown.

Turn 11: 1910

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1190776&p=37681052&viewfull=1#post37681052

Events of 1910:

-The Mexican/USA war begins into a stalemate as Canada withdraws.
-The Hungarian rebellion ends.
-A Bloody civil war begins with East and West Canada, With the West vying to reunite Canada under a democratic rule and the East trying the same but with a Communist Autocracy. Many bloody battles are fought resulting in a large amount of lives loss but no major ground coverage is made by either side.

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Obnobs - Republic of the Nordic Communes

-The Military no longer patrols the blocks of the Communes, Asides from the Swedish one.
-The Military is set to more defensive duties.
-The RoTNC moves 30% of the Swedish army into Stockholm, They are trained in putting down panic attacks and to incapacitate civilians.
-The Hanging bodies are taken down, And a speech is made by the Leader declaring the instigators to be arrested and may receive penalty of death.
-Schools receive more funding, improving literacy and other acedemic skills throughout the nation.
-Iceland is now receiving large amounts of supplies from the RoTNC.
-An embargo is placed on the US and Canada to prevent the risk of dangerous food from entering the nation.
-The RoTNC Naval forces receive significantly larger training and drill times for the defense of the Baltic Straight and other trade routs.
-The Beaches of Denmark see large amphibious landing training operations, A tragedy unfolds as two Landing boats collide into each other from the high winds and stormy seas, Miraculously only 5 men drown.
-Military program classes are opened up in High schools largley similar to Italy.
-The standard soldiers infantry gear is improved as new smaller essential equipment are introduced, most noteably new Metal helmets and new Knee high "Trench" boots.
-Significant changes are made in radio range, The first radio transmission is made from Stockhom to Kiruna.

Daniel Smith - Ottoman Empire

-The Bulgarian war is finished as the Ottomans swarm across the last bits of the Bulgarian defenders. The Bulgarians surrender in droves and the Bulgarian Govt complys with the Complete and utter surrender.
-The Bulgarian lands are occupied and the Lands become, for now, an Ottoman State. Bulgarian citizens are offered Ottoman citizen ship. Those that refuse are deemed second Class citizens and disallowed the right to vote
-A Ecomomic alliance is formed called the Arab Turk Economic Coalition (ATEC), The Persian and Arabian nations are asked to join. Both join to better their nations.

Eli45 - Poland

-Poland and Germany enter a weapons trade
-Small arms factories are opened around the nation and work begins on phasing out older and worn out equipment with new and more modern devices.
-Research begins on Radio, and Telephone devices.
-Infrastructure begins as new roads, Railroads, Phonelines, and other Infrastructre related materials spring up around Poland.
-Germany and Poland enter an alliance.

Liem - Italy

-Tax benefiets are offered to military members. The attitudes of many Soldiers is largly improved.
-Exports begin with many neighboring and distant nations, food, weapons, and Metals seem to be the largest exported goods.

Intoxicated Spy - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

-The 11th Soviet Lashka Mountain Brigade is sent to the Faghan-British border along with other Divs.
-Troops are also sent to the border with the Ottomans.
-A Russian ambassador is sent to Eastern Canada, he was found murdered in his room by Canadian police after a week of non communication
-A Pro Soviet Communist state is set up in Afghanistan, allowing full military access and other rights.
-Deforestation of the Siberian Forests begin, Oil pumps are also set up across Russia.
-A large stem of military fortress's, and Bunkers begin to now also be set up along the border with the Ottomans.
-A new tank with a faster engine capable of 25 MPH is constructed, however the speed results on it having very light armour and a small dual 12.7mm Machineguns mounted on a swivel turret on each side.
-Russia begins to see a large dip in the budget due to the massive amount of spending on such projects.

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thelurker1234 - Indian Rebellion

-The Indians attempt to rise up new regiments in North Pakistan to cut the British in two, while this is succesful the British forces relocated into the Region crush the newly formed Regiments.
-The forces in Calcutta attempt to drive the british back, this is a minorly succesful attempt as the British only retreat to a more heavier defense network.
-Non-British Military grade weapons are beginning to be found on dead Indian rebels, the English begin to suspect somebody is supplieng them.
-The citizens are reminded that Communism is an option, but the Govt will be decided by the people.
-Propaganda is spread all around India as runners run from door to door spreading the word, More and more young indians join the cause.

Turn 12: 1911


Dmitri Shostakovich Symphony No.10 Op. 93 (1953) Karajan (live)

Turn tune

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1190776&p=37711602&viewfull=1#post37711602

Events of 1911:

-The protests of Alsace-Lorraine die down as the people realize they aren't of German heritage, rather they are actually of French heritage.
-The tide of the Second Mexican/American war changes. The Mexican army begins a vicious offensive that pushes the Americans all the way back to Texas.
-The President of the United States is assassinated. The Vice President steps in and promises an end to the war.
-The Canadian Civil War continues into 1913. Still no ground is really gained or lost. Every offensive maneuver attempted ends in failure.
-Iceland declares their independence from Canada and the Nordic Communes. Canadian troops stationed in Iceland are detained or killed.
-The Indian Rebellion explodes into a full blown revolution. Massive battle occur all across India, many of which are won by the rebels due to the sheer number of them.

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Obnobs - Republic of the Nordic Communes

-The Swedish army ceases patrols in Stockholm. The people of Stockholm are overjoyed about this.
-A multi-commune naval force is stationed near a now independent Iceland.
-Due to recent deaths in amphibious training operations, extra precautions are taken to prevent injury or death.
-An offer is sent to Iceland to secede from East Canada. It is vehemetly denied.
-The planned economy is slowly reformed into a bottom-up economy througout the Communes. These reforms will take three years.
-Funds flood the education system in an attempt to irradicate illiteracy in the Communes. Even still, China remains on top in regards to education.
-Semi-efficient radios, bi-planes and trench gear is researched.

Salricci - Republic of France

-Recruitment is overhauled in France. Rather than simply allowing anyone in, the recruits are looked over in quite a thorough manner. If they are unfit they are not allowed in. All current members of the military are also given the same screening. Those unfit to serve are honorably discharged.
-Trade is increased with most European nations, with the exception of the United Kingdom.
-An expensive project begins. Railroads are to be built all across France. The time to completion is three years.

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Ruskie - Chinese Empire

-By this point most of the infrastructural programs are completed. The only major project remaining is the railroad project, which is scheduled to be finished in one year.
-Three moderate sized coal deposits are discovered. Mining begins in earnest.
-Health across the empire improves as more hospitals are built.
-The Safety of the empire improves vastly as a modern police system is implemented.
-Attempts to create a vehicle fit for flying occur. Most experiments fail, some disasterously so, but one in particular allows flight for a minute and a half.
-The first Chinese telephone is developed. Most people decide it isn't going to be as successful as the telegraph, but a few companies adopt the telephone.

Intoxicated Spy - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

-Russian troops are sent to East Canada to help them win the civil war. These troops are largely ineffective.
-Eastern Canada is officially recognized as the owner of Canada by the USSR.
-India is officially recognized as an independent state by the USSR.
-No, your wall from Bulgaria to Finland is not done yet. It's going to be a big ass wall, that shit takes awhile bruh.
-Vodka. huehuehue
-Propaganda is distributed to the civilians of the USSR, claiming that communism is the future of the world and that they should do their best to spread communism.

Notes: From this turn onwards, Mr. Face is the GM once more. Obnobs wrote most of the Chinese turn.

Turn 13: 1912


Tchaikovsky String sextet in D minor op. 70, "Souvenir de Florence"

Turn tune


Political map of Turn 13.

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1190776&p=37756117&viewfull=1#post37756117

Events of 1912:

-The brief existance of Iceland as a nation ends as the RotNC absolves it into the communes.
-The new German Prime Minister gives a speech that claims that the French are evil, among other things.
-Britain floods troops into India as a result of the recent success there, significant territory is regained as a result.
-An attempt is made on Archduke Franz Ferdinand's life. The perpetrator is captured and he initially states he is a member of the Black Hand, a Serbian terror group. After extensive "interrogation" he reveals that he is actually Russian.
-West Canada begins dominating the war in Canada as the Chinese begin sending supplies and the Russians completely leave. By the end of the year most of central Canada belongs to the Republic of Canada (west).
-America finally makes peace with Mexico. Mexico gains Texas in the process. The morale of the Americans is shattered and their economy is likewise devastated. Mexico is now a very powerful nation.
-Adolf Hitler appears in the Ottoman Empire for unknown reasons.
-Sri Lanka enters open revolution. This move completely catches the British troops stationed there by surprise and by the end of the year Sri Lanka is no longer controlled by the British.


-Romanian War: 1912
-Canadian Civil War: 1910-
-2nd Mexican/American War: 1907-1912

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Ruskie - Chinese Empire

-As funding increases in the military, so does the number of personnel. The official roster now consists of over six million men.
-As the Canadian Civil War heat up, China realizes the potential for a possible alliance and begins sending supplies and aid to Western Canada as well as military and artillery advisors. Western Canada begins to gain territory as a result of gaining the superior Chinese technology.
-Western Canada is officially recognized as the owner of Canada.
-India is recognized as a nation by the Empire. British people everywhere scoff. They then continue to consume their tea and crumpets.
-By now the end is in sight for infrastructural improvement. A year remains until the rail and telegram systems are complete.
-Other infrastructural programs are continued as well. The building of power stations continues, this project is due to be done in four years.
-Telephone companies, what little there are, are subsidized. As a result more companies begin flooding into the field. Telephones are being bought all across China now.
-Health continues to improve across China as even more hospitals are built. By the end if 1917 every city should have a hospital and by 1920 every town should have a clinic.
-Security is likewise improved across China. Crime is at an all time low and the people can feel assured that they are safe out on the streets.
-The modernization of the law system is ensured at this point. The massive amount of scholars and lawyers from the west that have moved to China have ensured that.
-The airplane design is improved upon. Stable flight exists for a total of five minutes and twenty two seconds.
-Radio is researched and used.
-Following the example of so many other nations, the assembly line is implemented.
-The Department of Public Relations (DoPB) is founded. It begins a propaganda campaign warning of the evils of communism and citing the disastrous effects of it in Germany and Canada.

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Obnobs - Republic of the Nordic Communes

-Iceland is invaded in July and by the end of the summer is under control of the RotNC.
-Please be specific about your tech research in regards to ships and radios.
-A primitive aircraft is developed following closely to the design of the Chinese planes and the Wright Brothers' designs. Flight is maintained for a minute and thirty one seconds.
-Economic reforms continue.
-Educational reforms continue.
-Hospitals are built across the Communes with special focus going to the newly acquired Iceland.
-A speech is made that the nation will be neutral during the CCW outside of it's protection of the Nordic people in Iceland, unless they are attacked.
-Tanks from the USSR are accepted.
-Infantry gear is sent to the Ottoman Empire. God knows why the Ottomans would want something from a place as cold as Scandinavia.
-Trench supplies are researched.

Eli45 - Poland

-The newest generation of radios comes out. All military divisions are equipped with these new radios.
-Continuation of the production of small arms occurs.
-Radio and telephone technology research is continued, the range for radios is increased.
-As a gift, Poland sends Austria-Hungary its radio and telephone technology. This helps to bring the two nations closer together.
-Infrastructure is continued to be worked on around the Polish-Russian border
-Infrastructural work begins on the Polish-German border.

Intoxicated Spy - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

-All troops are pulled from Canada, this angers the Socialist Republic of Canada greatly.
-Romania is invaded. Russian divisions flood the eastern border of Romania and by the end of the war the entire eastern half of the nation is in Russian hands.
-A dozen tanks and planes are sent to the Ottomans and Swedes. These nations begin working on reverse engineering them and reproducing them.
-Mass amounts of lumber is exported to the Ottoman Empire.
-Oil refineries are built across Russia.
-A replanting project begins in Serbia to repair the devastated ecology there.
-The gigantic wall project is halted. People are pissed as fuck at the government for even thinking it was a plausible idea. :v: Armor is made for bears. dafuq
-It is required for everyone to have a job. If they do not they will be able to pick one. If they refuse that they will be sent to Siberia to stare at the trees. And replant them.

Daniel Smith - Ottoman Empire

-Fortifications are built across Bulgaria. Many of which are sabotaged by Bulgarian resistance fighters.
-Libya is likewise fortified, this is more successful.
-Romania is invaded. Ottoman Divisions cross the border and completely ravage the Romanian defenders. By the end of the year the entirety of West Romania is in Ottoman hands.
-Supplies are sold to the Indian Rebels.
-The alliance with the British is ended.
-Oil is sold to the USSR.
-To combat unemployment, many citizens are being hired as construction workers and engineers to support the reform.
-Supplies and building materials are being manufactured to support the infrastructure reform.
-Five states are officially created, these states governments but the central government still maintains control over the states.
-The telephone is successfully replicated in the Ottoman Empire.
-Railway construction begins.
-A large infrastructural reform begins as it is decided that the Empire needs to reach a western standard.
-Public school becomes a requirement for children between the ages of 6-16.
-Education reforms begin, skills that are taught include mathematics, science, literacy, art, history, Arabic, phys. ed and politics.
-Radios, automobiles, trench gear, machine guns and primitive aircraft are researched.

Salricci - Republic of France

-Funding increases for the French navy. Warship production increases as a result.
-The quality of training is improved.
-Germany is asked to sign a Non-Aggression Pact. It is accepted.
-India is officially recognized as a state.
-Nationalist propaganda is distributed en mass to the people.
-Muslim immigration to France is nearly completely stopped, in fact, emmigration is occurring in its place.

KriegsMar1ne - Austria-Hungary

-The entire military is reorganized and resupplied. They are then sent to guard the borders.
-Fortifications are built along the Ottoman and Russian border as paranoia increases due to recent Ottoman and Russian expansion.
-Military training is reformed. There is no longer a break on weekends.
-All Austro-Hungarian military personnel are required to learn German. It would be kind of weird if they didn't already know it though, German is the Austrian language.
-The MP-18 is updated with a new drum magazine. The soldiers complain about the weight of these drums, saying they prefer the stick mags.
-Railway guns are sent to the borders for defense.
-Radios are updated for mobility and range. Soldiers comment on the massive improvement of the radios.
-Attempts are made to create a new two wing aircraft. All eight prototypes tested throughout the year crash. Only one pilot survives.
-Attempts are made to create high velocity cannons for tanks. This idea is absurd as tanks are barely able to travel ten miles an hour and have a cannon similar to that of a pea shooter. For some reason I imagined a very British man saying that.
-Plastic is tested as a replacement for wood weaponry. This fails massively as the plastic simply melts.
-Statues are made honoring the Austrian soldiers and the Elite Austrian Royal Guard that took place in the bloody Hungarian Rebellion.
-The navy begins patrols in Greek and Austro-Hungarian waters.
-Computers are looked into. By looked into I mean the scientists stare at the crazy man who suggested this quizically. Seriously, airplanes have just barely been developed as of yet.
-A telegram is sent to Germany that requests an open alliance. It is accepted on the terms that economic aid be sent to Germany. If this request is not honored the alliance will be undone.
-Poland and Greece are officially thanked for their assistance in the Hungarian Rebellion.
-Persons of pure Germanic heritage are invited to seek citizenship in Austria without the waiting period of the other races. Aww fuck, Germans were just referred to as a race, it's 'bout to get crazy up in heeya.
-Nordics are also encouraged to seek Citizen ship, But they have a 2 year period to live in Austria before becoming a citizen. Unlike other nations. Racist bugger.
-A mass reconstruction project begins quite like that of the reconstruction era of the United States.
-Mines are recommissioned.
-Heavy trade through the Mediterranean begins.
-Italy, Poland, and Germany are traded with. Trading with Russia does not occur in light of recent events.
-Industry is spread throughout Austria to prevent any one area from being a major target.
-Former Hungarian rebel leaders are executed for treason.
-The Hungarian people are told to get back to work. They do so without complaint, what else can they do?
-Education is improved. History is changed to include a lot of pro-Austro-Hungarian propaganda.
-Catholicism is already the official religion of Austria-Hungary.
-Immigrants are required to learn German. There really aren't that many immigrants currently though.
-The National Guard continues patrols in area where major rebellious actions occurred.
-Food and water are shipped to areas currently in need.
-Some civilians make mention of a horrible burnt smell in the air near their villages.
-Aryan idealogy is promoted heavily.
-A heavy propaganda campaign begins, preaching anti-communist views.

Turn 14: 1913


Kreisler Praeludium and Allegro Violinist Joo Young Oh

Turn tune

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1190776&p=37930690&viewfull=1#post37930690

Events of 1913:

-Adolf Hitler produces his greatest piece of art yet, named the jüdisch Schwuchtel, it sends a pro gay/Jewish message.
-Austria and Poland are invaded by Russia and the Ottoman Empire. Germany offers immediate support to the Austrians and Polish and the Italians follow soon after. The French reaction is slightly delayed but they too join the Austrians and Polish to combat the threat of Eastern dominance.
-Hitler is deeply angered at the Ottomans for attacking his native Austria. Adolf travels back to Austria and enlists.
-Mexico begins building trade and creating alliances with nations across the Americas. The United States and the Canadas are the only nations who refuse to trade or ally with Mexico.
-After Japan attempts to take its final steps towards complete control over Korea a large faction of Koreans split in the north and begin harrassing the Japanese. Soon the Japanese military floods Korea and an open war begins. As of yet nobody is truly winning although all northern lands are held by Korea.
-150 civilians are slaughtered in a small Romanian town by Ottoman troops. A massive uproar occurs and in the Ottoman attempt to quell the uproar the Bucharest Massacre occurs. 380 people die and a revolution begins.


-Korean War: 1913-

--War of Eastern Expansion: 1913-
---Russian troops storm across the Polish and Austrian borders in the millions. Some troops get bogged down in the mountains of Austria but very quickly break out and continue on their way. By the end of the year half of Austria is taken and a quarter of Poland is controlled. Only one French army is devoted to attempting to stop the Russians.
--Ottoman Empire:
---Ottoman troops begin the invasion of Austria and quickly seize most of the southern cities before being gradually slowed by the French and then stopped cold at the French front lines. A massive counter-offensive begins in which the French, Austrians, and Germans push all they way back to the border.
---The highly touted Austrian border defenses fail quickly due to the waves of Russians and Ottomans but with French help the Austrians manage to stop the Ottomans and push back.
---The Polish armies are very easily handled by the Russians at the beginning of the invasion but a miraculous victory at Olszlyn manages to slow down the Russian armies enough to allow the German armies to put a stop to the invasion. As of now the Russian armies are based in Elblag, Lomza, and just outside of Warsaw. The entirety of the Lubelskie and Podalski regions are under Russian control.
---German armies arrive just ten days after the beginning of the war to assist their allies. Though spread fairly thin, the well trained armies of Germany provide a major boost to the Polish and Austrians.
---Three months into the war France finally decides to help the Austrians and Polish. They decide that the best course of action is to focus on the Ottomans.

-Canadian Civil War: 1910-
--The Western Canadian dominance continues due to Chinese support. By year's end the only cities left are Ottawa, Toronto, and Montreal. East Canada is on the verge of defeat and the end of the war is finally in sight.

-Romanian Revolution: 1913-
--The dramatic Battle of Bucharest occurs, 3,500 Romanian militia men defend the city from a massive force of 11,000. Those 3,500 men hold the city for four months, frustrating the Ottomans and causing 6,000 casualties. Bucharest finally falls but at a great price. A message to the Ottomans that this war will not be easy.

Daniel Smith - Ottoman Empire

-The invasion of Austria begins.
-The Bucharest Massacre occurs.
-The alliance with France is called off.
-An ambassador is sent to Arabia to discuss a union. The Arabics flatly refuse, not wanting to be involved in such an expansionist regime.
-Oil refineries are built across the Empire. The #1 export of the Ottoman Empire is now oil. The money is raked in and spent on the military rather quickly.
-Rumblings of communist support are heard throughout the Ottoman Empire; nothing comes of it.
-Medical care is given a special focus. Hospitals and clinics are built across the Empire.
-Education takes a very primary role in Ottoman life, although it is tainted by propaganda.
-Infrastructural changes continue.

Flag unavailable
Ruskie - Chinese Empire

-Due to fear of Soviet aggression China begins building defenses along the border.
-Support to Western Canada is continued.
-The Infrastructural Revolution continues. By 1919 all programs should be finished.
-Telephone manufacturing and sale is subsidized. A lot of telephones are sold across China.
-The building of hospitals and clinics continues.
-The Department of Research and Development (DoRaD) is created. Labs and testing sites are built for this department.
-Aircraft is improved and planes can now fly for a total of two hours. A dramatic increase from what it was before. There are still stability problems though.
-Propaganda distribution continues, outlining the evils of Communism.

Eli45 - Republic of Poland

-Poland is invaded by Russia.
-Research on radios is finished due to the war increasing the military's budget tenfold.
-All infrastructural improvements stall but the war economy keeps the nation running.

Salricci - Republic of France

-The Great Military Reform begins. Military uniforms are changed from the old blue to a camoflauged set. A new rifle is developed, it is named the C22. It employs the use of a magazine and it is a short barreled weapon, this causes it to be more suited to close range combat.
-Helmets are introduced to the French military. France is the first nation to actually use proper helmets.
-Aircraft is weaponized...kind of. A machine gun is mounted on an airplane. Unfortunately these planes can only fly for an hour and a half and are infamous for their tendency to stall.
-Armies are sent to Poland and Austria to help in their defense.
-Economic aid is sent to Germany.
-Muslims are taxed heavily in France. This causes a massive uproar in the Middle East, mainly the Ottoman Empire.
-Rumors of dissenters disappearing are told. The cause is yet unknown.
-Fascist propaganda distribution continues but it isn't really provoking any kind of response.

Flag unavailable
thelurker1234 - India

-A large amount of trenches are built around Calcutta. British attempts to take Calcutta fail but the siege continues. Mexico begins sending arms to India to help the revolution but is not getting directly involved...yet.
-Pamphlets are distributed that give step-by-step directions on how to make homemade weaponry.
-A pamphlet makes the rounds that list the reasons why independence is necessary. It doesn't have too much of an effect.

KriegsMar1ne - Austria-Hungary

-Drills are conducted training the Army extensively in Trench warfare, Urban warfare, Siege warfare, Overwhelming force with superior speed, and select groups receive training in Amphibious landing.
-Soldiers are given the choice of using stick magazines or drum magazines. Most choose stick mags.
-The uniforms are updated, camoflauge is added and a winter set is created that includes a heavy trenchcoat. Gas masks are also distributed.
-Mortars are issued to each platoon for defense purposes. They are highly inaccurate but effective when fired into large masses of people. Perfect against the Russians.
-A submarine is created, it is largely ineffective.
-Aryan men are drafted into an elite military unit named the Republik Guard. It sees heavy use against Russia and the Ottoman Empire.
-Parachutes are tested. It ends in a...disturbing manner. The test subject was a cow. It exploded everywhere. The parachute file is put away for the time being. Indians everywhere are deeply saddened.
-Radar is invented by an Austrian scientist. He is scoffed at, fellow scientists say his discovery will never be reliable.
-Economic support is given to Germany but quickly stopped at the beginning of the war.
-France is declared an ally of Austria.
-Mines are reopened.
-Work is promoted heavily with the slogan "Harte Arbeit ist gute Arbeit"
-Paved roads are introduced to Austria but the creation of them halts as a result of the war.
-The Transnational Railway is discontinued for the time being.
-Pro Jingoist, Anti-Pacifist, and Pro-Aryan propoganda is seeded through the media and other tools at the Government's Disposal.
-Public displays of Military strength are given in the capitol each year to celebrate the end of the Hungarian rebellion. They are designed to raise moral of the populace as well as induce people to join such a military.
-The Aryan Majority is labeled as the primary Culture of Austria-Hungary, With Nordics and Hungarians labeled as the secondary accepted cultures., However German is the primary and only accepted language and only the forms of Catholicism and Christianity are allowed. Muslims and Jews receive larger taxes and are denied some rights.
-Pro-Austrian Philosophy is distributed heavily.

Flag unavailable
Obnobs - Republic of the Nordic Communes

-Iceland is officially made the 5th Commune. It now has Representative Socialism. Dissent is still widespread.
-Movement between the Communes is easier than ever.
-Citizens who travel to Austria are to give a reason as to why if their departure lasts for more than six months.
-Forest training is heavily focused on.
-Trading routes are patrolled heavily in the Baltic.
-Russian tanks are reverse engineered and reproduced.
-Finland is asked to join the RotNC as the 6th Commune. They refuse and remain a Capitalist state.
-The Head of State is renamed to the Chairman of the Communes.
-The Chairman offers a rebuttal to the Chinese propaganda but is promptly told to fuck off by Chinese diplomats.
-Soldiers are positioned along the borders of Norway and Finland. A naval armada is also created in the Baltic. Finland responds by moving its troops to the border as well.

Intoxicated Spy - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

-Austria and Poland are invaded.
-The Chairman makes it very clear that oppression of communism will not be tolerated. This statement seems to be directly pointed at China.
-Anti-Austrian and anti-Polish propaganda is sent.
-Pro-communist propaganda is distributed.
-Radios are improved dramatically and they can now be carried effectively.

Turn 15: 1914 (Intro)

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1190776&p=37991241&viewfull=1#post37991241

Events of 1914:

-The Canadian Civil War is finally brought to an end as East Canada surrenders in Ottawa. The Republic of Canada's new constitution is modeled after America's Constitution but with more restrictions to ensure nothing like what had occured ever occurs again. Rebuilding begins in Canada.
-Japan begins an offensive into northern Korea. By July, the Japanese have the Koreans on their heels. Japan begins a large amount of recruiting and people are speculating that an attack on China might occur. If China isn't careful they may lose a valuable ally in Korea and may be endangered by Japan.
-The European economy crashes in August. England has now decided to take a role in the war to ensure their own economic safety. They begin sending supplies to Austria and Poland via land. This takes time of course.
-At this point Mexico has ensured that they truly are the strongest nation in the Americas. Their military is only rivaled by the truly elite of Europe and their economy is only beaten by China's. -The United States begins making alliances and opening trade again. It still refuses to work with Mexico.


-Canadian Civil War: 1910-

-Korean War: 1913-

-War of Eastern Expansion: 1913-
---The armies in Austria continue pushing forward but the defenses strengthen as the Austrian armies converge. Another quarter of Austria is taken. Meanwhile in Poland the Russian armies are fairing much worse. A daring maneuver by the Polish cuts off the Russian supply line and encircles two of Russia's armies. One at Radom and another in Warsaw. The army in Radom surrenders after two months. The army in Warsaw continues to hold out hope for another Russian army to break through the Polish defenses and give them supplies.
----The Battle of Gdansk - Russia begins an attack on the port city of Gdansk but soon finds that the Polish have dug in deep there with German assistance. The battle rages throughout the city for months without any territory being permanantly gained. At one point the Russians nearly had the Polish trapped but the brave actions of 50 men allowed supplies to enter and the Polish broke the encirclement.
---The Polish Sixth Army, in conjunction with the German Eighth Army, make what will perhaps become the most famous offensive of the war, completely encircling the Russian troops in south eastern Europe. The offensive becomes known as the "Jedermann Pincer", named after the German general who planned to attack.
---A devastating year for Austria. An offensive by the Ottomans and Russians has devastated their military. The wounded armies converge on Zagreb, making this their fortress city. The ensuing battle takes up most of the year. The fighting continues into the winter.
---France uses the same tactics of baiting as they did the year prior. This time the Ottomans are cautious and prepared. Instead of being turned back the Ottomans begin using their own trickery. False maneuvers serve to confuse the French armies, these armies move to block the Ottomans, opening an avenue to flank the French. The French 2nd Army is completely destroyed and général Bellerose is captured and tortured for information. He dies before giving any information.
---Heerführer Jedermann devises a beautiful maneuver to encircle two of the strongest Russian armies. His "Jedermann Pincer" is a major success and the Russian army is completely stopped. In Austria the Germans aren't doing quite as well but this can be blamed on Austrian shortcomings as well as général Bellerose's blunder.
--United Kingdom:
---The UK begins sending supplies to the western nations of the war.

-Romanian Revolution: 1913-
--The city of Deva becomes a major battleground as the Romanian Revolutionary Army shows up there. The citizens of Deva welcome the Romanians with open arms and many of them join the Romanian cause. The Ottomans charge into the city, taking heavy losses along the way, and raize it. This turns the rest of Romania on the Ottomans. The Ottomans have no chance of a cooperative Romania ever after this.

-Finnish War: 1914-
--The Republic of the Nordic Communes invades Finland. From the get-go it is known that this war will be long and difficult. An amphibious attack on Helsinki fails spectacularly and the border battles continue. No land is gained or lost. The Baltic is also a major area for battles. Large Scandinavian fleets clash with the outmatched Finnish but Finnish bravery continues to allow their success. Finnish ships are known to slam into Scandinavian ships if the Finns know they have no chance at survival.

Notes: As Mr. Face was busy at the time, he only managed to post the intro of this turn.

Turn 16: 1915


Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata (FULL)

Turn tune


Political map of Turn 16.

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1190776&p=38223033&viewfull=1#post38223033

Events of 1915:

-The Chinese emperor dies, leaving the 8 year old Pu-yi as a successor, forcing a regent to be employed. All of china is mourning for the emperor whom oversaw some of the greatest days of the dynasty.
-With British eyes turned away from Africa as they focus on Europe and India, the Boer's and Zulu of south Africa begin gathering arms.
-The Olympics organization cancels next year's Olympics, planned to happen in Germany.
-The American economy begins to recover slowly .


-Canadian Civil War: 1910-1916
--Intense fighting continues as the Chinese-West Canadian coalition pushes further into the east, Come December, a tired, out of supply East Canadian army gives up, with only a couple packets of resistance leftover, it has become evident West Canada is the victor.

-Indian Revolution: 1905-
--Little territories are gained by the Indian rebels with few joining the conflict, the British seek an end to this revolution so they can focus on the War of Eastern Expansion.

-Korean War: 1913-
--A japanese blitz combined with amphibious assaults cause the eastern part to fall, however the western part remains firmly in Korean hands.

-Finnish War: 1914-
--The ROTNC blitzes across the border and managed to break in at a great cost, A amphibious assault on Helsinki fails and the Finn's take many prisoners. The outnumbered and outclassed finnish fleet, powered solely on bravery the Finn's have been doing surprising things such as ramming ROTNC ships, The ROTNC also managed to seize one of Finland's islands (west of Helsinki)

-Romanian Revolution: 1913-
--The Romanian revolutionary army enters the city of Deva, and are welcomed and supplies. The ottoman's attack the city taking many losses, After weeks of fighting the city is ultimately razed, turning all of Romania against the ottomans, Any hope of a diplomatic solution has now died.

-War of Eastern Expansion: 1913-
---The Austrian navy moves out into the Mediterranean, destroying any Ottoman/Russian vessels they manage to find, It is quite obvious which army has the advantage at sea, Battle-group A sail's in between Istanbul and Anatolia bombarding the city, destroyers are sent to destroy troop transports greatly slowing ottoman reinforcements. In the Austrian homeland however, they are faring much worse with land losses to the Russian army, And among Hungarian nationalists, Propaganda is spread saying this is all Austria's fault, it manages to garner some support.
---The french attempt the same tactics they tried before, However the ottomans are prepared this time and the entire second army is crushed with the general captured. The french send ships along with the Austrians to take control of the Mediterranean.
---General Goerdon Schroedinger using his clever tactics manages to encircle and smash one of Russia's strongest armies, Russia territorial gain in Poland grinds to a halt.
---With the combined German and polish forces Poland crushes one of Russia's strongest armies and begins counterattacking, not too much land is gained or lost however
--United Kingdom:
---The UK starts supplying the western nations of the war however still hasn't gotten involved in the fighting
---Italy begins to strike the ottoman empire's possessions, Landing troops on Cyprus, Crete, and Tripoli to capture Libya, Crete and Cyprus fall with the ottomans unable to supply them and good amount of territory is lost in Libya.
---Russian expansion in Poland grinds to a halt with the lost of the 2nd Russian army, However gains in Austria are still plentiful.

Daniel Smith - Mexico

-A coup overthrow's the current Mexican government and an emperor is installed, the previous government flees to Brazil with the protection of the loyalists.
-Martial law is established, Soldiers now replace police officers
-Military uniforms are replaced with beige trench coats and Adrian-style helmets. (Not trench coats and a fedora? I'm disappointed in you)
-A alliance is requested to the UK, who decline given the recent events of the Mexican empire
-A non-aggression pact is sent to the USA who cautiously accept
-Paved roads are made to ease transportation around the empire progress is slow due to loyalist sabotage.
-The south Mexican rain forests are cut for timber without much interference.
-The Mexican army starts to be equipped with semi-automatic handguns, stationary machine guns, and Winchester rifles.
-The rail-road system left by America is dismantled to prevent a possible invasion
-The Mexican empire is combined into 7 states.

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Obnobs - Republic of the Nordic Communes

-War is declared on Finland, expecting war from the recent actions of the ROTNC, The Finn's put up a valiant defense which is broken through at a great cost.
-Naval ships have been spotted patrolling the danish straight.
-Patrol ships, aircraft, and radio's are improved with reasonable success.
-Emigration is barred to the warring nations, Immigrants of those countries may immigrate, But most send forth a message before arriving. If accepted they are investigated, And then finally they may decide what commune/city they want to live in. Regardless of the long process, immigration from the warring countries, specifically Russia, Austria, and Poland
-Embargoes on the warring nations are maintained
-The economy is shifting to become self-sustaining, rather than living on trade
-The Baltic are declared to be all Nordic water, and any ships from the warring nations are not allowed in, Neutral ships must be unarmed and are searched. The northern sea is closed completely to non-military ships.
-Trade ships are sent to china to give out food and medicine. And pamphlets are handed out promoting communism, not too much effect is had with the citizens of china clearly pro-capitalist.
-Spending is increased heavily in Iceland, and education and healthcare are still funded well.

KriegsMar1ne - Austria-Hungary

-The Austrian navy wrests control of the Mediterranean with the french, and they go inbetween Istanbul and Anatolia to keep troops from shipping over to Europe.
-The Austrians and french attempt fallback tactics to weaken the Russians, however with the disaster of the french second army Austria still manages to lose land.
-Pamphlets are distributed to raise morale among Austrian soldiers and citizens to encourage them to sign up with the army.

Mr. Face - Germany

-Work is done to improve the navy, and in late November the Ansehen class battlecruiser is unveiled , Unfortunately it doesn't have as much potential due to the ROTNC blocking the Baltic from any warring nation.
-The Mauser rifle is upgraded and the new model is much more accurate.
-Development of warplanes receives much funding, preferring aluminum over wood/paper planes. Current prototypes are able to perform strafing runs but prove to be very costly.
-Assistance is requested from the British and Mexicans, the UK doesn't appear to be quite ready to join, and Mexico is tied up because of their revolution.
-Steps are taken to make the economy self-sufficient to prevent collapse, This proves to not be very successful as the economy plummets with the rest of mainland Europe+UK.
-Propaganda is distributed warning the masses of the evils of communism.

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Ruskie - Chinese Empire

-Construction of fortifications on the soviet/Chinese border are continued
-The military, now numbering 9 million, employs the use of radios.
-Winter gear is mass produced and implemented
-Logistics and Communication equipment are shipped alongside artillery and military advisers to Western Canada and Korea.
-Military equipment is sent to Poland and Austria.
-Same shit different day? Infrastructure is continually improved upon, with power stations and other relevent bits of infrastructure built around the empire.
-The modern law and health care system are improved upon, with new courts and hospitals established.
-Education continues to take a high value among the Chinese people and government.
-Clarity and range of radios are improved
-DoRaD improves upon tanks and aircraft with slow progress this year
-The public relations continue a campaign against communism
-The diplomats who told the ROTNC to fuck off are given the highest reward, the Pu-Yi Cross
-The emperor makes it clear that oppression of democracy shall not be tolerated, this appears to be aimed at the soviet union.
-Mass assembly lines are looked into and developed, Great potential is seen as this could vastly speed up production.

HeavyGuy - Brazil (Not Poland, no no no)

-New warships are built to bolster Brazil's naval power in the event of a naval incursion.
-Brazil sends a letter of greetings to Portugal, thanking them for the freedom given years ago, a response is received speaking of a possible alliance / trade with each-other.
-Brazilian leaders smoke it up and ponder on the status of Brazil in 100 years.

Notes: From this turn onwards, thelurker1234 is the GM.

Turn 17: 1916


Bach, Toccata and Fugue in D minor, organ

Turn tune


Political map of Turn 17.

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1190776&p=38365358&viewfull=1#post38365358

Events of 1916:

-Much disturbance is seen in the colonies of European powers, with the Boers fighting the British in south Africa and the long running Indian revolution gaining progress, many wonder whether sticking with Britain and France would be best... or to break off with British attention focused elsewhere.
-The USA drops the Monroe doctrine to not risk a war as to keep the improving economy on track.
-Columbia, Venezuela form a joint defense treaty seeing Mexico attacking central America.
-A mysterious new strand of flu begins in Finland, and spreads to mainland Europe, within weeks deaths begin.


-Indian Revolution: 1905-
--Rebel groups pop up in southern Pakistan and little ground is gained at Calcutta. Meanwhile, Sri Lanka faces a amphibious assault from the British, whom lose southern parts.

-Korean War: 1913-1916
--Japanese victory as the defeat the last of the Korean soldiers. Following this, Japan seizes the islands that Japan and Russia have quarreled over for quite some time.

-Finnish War: 1914-1916
--With new tactics, and fresh manpower, the ROTNC finishes off Finland after a 3 month siege and blockade of Helsinki, An outbreak of what appears to be a new strand of flu has attributed to the fall of Helsinki greatly, refugees have been seen sneaking out of Finland, and are punished by the Nords.

-Romanian Revolution: 1913-
--Cities arm themselves and rise up against the ottomans, most fall after weeks and sometimes months of fighting with the Romanians adopting brilliant urban tactics.

-Chinese invasion of Russia: 1916-
--China blitzes across the border, meeting the Russian fortifications, accruing many losses, but still pushing ahead with seemingly endless manpower.

-War of Eastern Expansion: 1913-
---Austrian dominance of the Mediterranean continues, Even with the navy cut off from Austrian land, they are supplied by the French and Italians, and when needed, ships sail into Malta/Crete for repairs.
---France keeps on defending Austria, without much success as dissent and strong Russian tactics prevails. However the French also focus on the Mediterranean, with the Italians striking the ottomans on land wherever they please.
---Planes and tanks begin to enter use, with reasonable effect, this year however, in poland nothing much happens without too much loss or gained in Poland. The Baltic straights are patrolled, and with the ROTNC letting control of the Baltic go.
---Nothing much happens on the Polish front, minus a Polish/German/British offensive to the north which lays down pressure on the Soviets, however with the soviets dug in at that location many die, without many gains.
--United Kingdom:
---The UK themselves become involved, however, they are unable to attack Russia directly... yet, the UK demands access through the Danish straights to strike Russia at St. Petersburg.
---Italy finishes seizing Libya, and lands troops in Israel, Israeli support is a mixed bag, with the Christians/Jews supporting the Italians, and Muslims hating them.
---Russia digs in at Poland to halt offensives and they finish taking much Austrian land, land-locking the Austrians. However the armies of Austria aren't near defeated, as they resupply in Germany/France. Russia manages to bring out many recruits from Hungary promising them more autonomy and freedom than Austria ever gave them.

Daniel Smith - Mexico

-Invasion of central America begins, with the Honduras and Guatemala falling, the USA in response drops the Monroe doctrine to retain peace.
-There are now two types of ground soldiers, the ones in beige uniforms are suited for desert warfare, and the green uniform soldiers are for jungle warfare.
-The military is extensively trained, with great improvements seen.
-An alliance is established in Brazil.
-The Mexican economy sees incredible gains, with oil pumped from Texas to be sold, and factories are built creating many new job and income, immigration is seen en masse, many trying to escape from the wars of Europe.
-Propaganda is spread supporting the emperor, and with the new jobs, and improving economy, rebels begin putting down their arms, and return to work.
-An infrastructural revolution begins as adobe and clay buildings are replaced with Brick 'n' mortar buildings.

Obnobs - Republic of the Nordic Communes

-The UK is embargoed as they enter the war, and are kept out of the danish straight, the British attempt to negotiate with the Nords.
-The navy is broken up into three groups, whom are the Regional defense, controlled by each commune, Baltic defense, a Nationalized navy group, and the War navy, is also nationalized.
-Swedish is required to be known to join the military, minus regional defense units.
-A long seige at Helsinki bring the war to the end, as starvation and disease attacks the city from the bombardment and blockade.
-Trenches are spotted on the Danish/German border on the Nords side.
-Radios, and airplanes are improved.
-Sniper and stealth tactics are developed.
-Discrimination of the military ends, minus immigrants, anyone 16 or older can join any of the armies/navies.
-The Aland Islands are now accepted as the 6th Commune, and given the same rights as other communes.
-Military classes are introduced, with teenagers teaching teens to handle weapons, and other things to prepare them to fight.
-The economy works on becoming self-sufficient, it is still taking quite a hit from the war.

Mr. Face - Germany

-Alliance requests are sent out, without much success at all, but Spain and Portugal seem to be interested in further negotiations.
-Germany pushes the UK to join, and on June 16 the UK joins the war.
-A draft is introduced, many men 18-25 are sent to fight for germany
-Planes, and tanks start to be employed, with the former seeing good usage on the front for recon, and occasional strafes.
-The Ansehen class battlecruiser is continually built, and used to patrol the baltics.
-Regardless of measures, the economy plummets further, especially with the draft, it is foreseen that the effects of this war will be felt quite awhile after it ends.
-Propaganda continues.

Flag unavailable
Ruskie - Chinese Empire

-China blitzes the USSR, however, the USSR had been building fortifications as well, the Chinese swarm over them, accruing many losses.
-Advisers, artillery, and equipment are sent to Korea for a short while, but Korea falls regardless.
-Supplies are still send to Poland, Austria, and Finland until they fall.
-Infrastructure slows, as mobilizing millions of soldiers taxes the economy heavily.
-Courts and hospitals also slow, with money required to fight, education is still continued however.
-Planes are made more maneuverable, Armor and speed of tanks are improved as well.
-The public is still warned against communism, and RoTNC is embargoed to stop their propaganda from reaching China.
-Communists are seen as dangerous, and are removed from china by the “yù baoan fúwù” (imperial security service)
-The French sells land to china in exchange for their declaration of war on russia.

HeavyGuy - Brazil

-New warships are positioned along the Brazilian coastline for defense.
-An alliance is formed with portugal, and they also receive an alliance request from Peru.
-Brazil seeks good relations with neighboring nations.
-Prices of fruit rise, but return within a few weeks.
-Brazil discovers an alien weapon that uses plasma, However it is lost as it falls into the ocean and explodes.

Salricci - France

-French Indochina is sold to china, along with Indian colonies.
-Some of the navy is sent to the Mediterranean to support the french allies.
-The UK is told to join the war with china now attack Russia, the UK ends up joining the cause with German and french pressure.
-A war economy is stimulated, with rifles and equipment produced en masse.
-All fit french males are conscripted, not many complain about this policy.

Turn 18: 1917


Political map of Turn 18.

Post link: http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1190776&p=38645051&viewfull=1#post38645051

Events of 1917:

-The British empire practically explodes into conflict from the rapid fascist takeover, with some colonial governors who have the loyalty of the garrisoned soldiers, and the people, break away, most notably in India so far.
-The American government rules that child labor is unconstitutional.
-The new flu, named the Finnish flu, has been spotted in Germany, Austria, and the USSR, shockingly it has a 20% death rate and is highly contagious.
-Deathcamps are revealed in Austria, along with others discovered to be sent to the mines, the world in general, and some of its European allies question the Austrian's decision, and this badly hurts relations.
-Massive dissent in the austro-hungarian empire grows, with many arming themselves in hate of both the USSR and Austrians.
-With the massive death toll, great dissent spreads through the USSR, with the “Democratic party of Russia” springing up with good support, they request aid from China and Europe.


-War of Indian Control: 1905-
--Two colonial governors, the Burmese and Marathan who are against the new British leader break off, more ground is gained in Calcutta and Pakistan by the Indian rebels, however a assault on southern Pakistan succeeds in taking some land back.

-Romanian Revolution: 1913-
--Bad year in general, many losses are had by both sides with ground gained by the Romanians, however ottoman assassins manage to kill one of central leaders of the revolution.

-Chinese invasion of Russia: 1916-
--China blitzes across the border, meeting the Russian fortifications, accruing many losses, but still pushing ahead with seemingly endless manpower.

-British restoration of South Africa: 1917-
--Massive ground is gained by the rebels however the british organize themselves, and send down plenty of troops snatching back large tracts of land, sabotage is common amongst both sides.

-War of Eastern Expansion: 1913-
---Austria pushes viciously, and gains back ground, however the land is ravaged by this back and forth warfare.
---Still continuing land support to Austria, the french and British gather armies and troops. And they demand access through the Danish straight, else they threaten war.
---The German army rising to its former glory quickly charges into Poland damaging the Russian lines severely and a naval assault into Austria is also led with great success.
---The Polish and Germans working together strike back, and take most of the polish land back.
--United Kingdom:
---The UK becomes occupied largely with securing its empire in the British Raj, South Africa, and hasn't done quite as much this year besides them trying to force the ROTNC to grant access.
---More land is taken in Israel and move into Jordan and Syria as they snatch land from ottoman Asian territory.
---The USSR takes losses at both Austria and Poland with dissent rising everywhere, it is seen by many this is where the tide turns.
--Ottoman Empire:
---Facing defeats in Austria and the middle east, officers are rearranged, and the army works on preparing for a counter-assault.

Daniel Smith - Mexico


Obnobs - Republic of the Nordic Communes

-Finland is integrated as the seventh commune, minus Helsinki.
-Helsinki is separate from Finland and is under martial law.
-Attempts are made to contain the Finnish flu, however under the first weeks when authority was week, the disease has already escaped into Europe.
-A contradiction happens with badly written laws, where no one is to leave until the flu is cured, although people may leave if tested by a doctor and agree to be tested on.
-Hospitals and schools based on health are created, greatly improving health care in scandinavia
-Thai runners distribute the communist pamphlets to the Chinese, with much greater effect this time among the isolationist Chinese citizens who are already displeased at Chinese intervention.
-Research on airplanes to deliver supplies etc, continues with good success.

Mr. Face - Germany

-An alliance request is sent to china, rudely there is no reply.
-The draft is continued causing the German military to rapidly increase in strength.
-Internment camps are created for known communists, few as they are, these camps are much more humane than the Austrian counterparts.
-Fortifications are spotted on the danish border on the german side, over night it seems the ROTNC follows suite.
-The ritter machinenggewehr, similar to the vickers machine gun, begins rolling off assembly lines, it proves itself over and over as a very effecting machine gun of the German army.
-Women are now crowding into factories to fill in jobs left by the men who are off fighting.
-Assembly lines are focusing on military goods, with goods sent to China.
-Heavy trading is encouraged with china, with a low GDP/C not too many are able to buy german goods but it adds some to the Germans' pockets
-Trade is also opened with all nations non-allied to the Ottomans/Russians, bringing in some money, not much is exported with the focus on war industry.

Flag unavailable
Ruskie - Chinese Empire

-Winter modifications are designed and sent to the front lines where they are extremely useful, regardless autumn-early spring are very difficult times for attacking.
-Infrastructure and power station production is halted for the war.
-DoRaD continues its work on aircraft and tanks, along with half-tracks with moderate progress.
-ROTNC shipping is embargoed.
-Communists are removed, causing dissent among the chinese communists.
-A public relations campaign against communism continues with declining success.

HeavyGuy - Brazil

-An explosion occurs in Brasilia. It is determined to by Trinitrotoluene (TNT). The Brazillian government looks to use it in their military.
-Brazil allies peru, and works on improving relations around the world.
-Not much happens in the economy
-Brazil spots a whale and mistakes it for a attacking warship and blows it out of the water, PETA starts a crusade against brazil.

overpain - United Kingdom

-Nazis overthrow the royalty causing massive hate for the new fascist leaders.
-Luke Churchill takes the reins of the fascist UK.
-The ROTNC is demanded to open up the Danish straight.
-Women are granted equal rights along with factory workers rights reforms.
-Slavery is ended, blacks are freed, except black people can't mix with whites, though all other races can mix with whites.
-Investments are made into Africa and India. In both areas it's not put to quite good use.
-Press are forced to spread Nazi propaganda and Russia is preached as our enemy.
-The ST – Storm troops are created along with a sort of gestapo, and they work together to root out anti-government people.

MountainWatcher - Angolan Rebels

-A militia is created with good success.
-Mozambican groups are contacted and the two rebel groups seem to be sharing wonderful relations with each other and riots begin to happen in Mozambique.
-Newspapers are spread inciting people to revolt, this is hurt by poor literacy rates, but public readings are hosted, and are then happily shut down by the government when discovered.

KriegsMar1ne - Austria-Hungary

-Austrian elite troops are brought to the front. (>Implying they weren't already)
-The Austrian navy is sent to block the Istanbul-anatolia straight. (>Again implying this wasn't already happening)
-Many new weapons are rolled out, including new magazines for sub machine guns, while having smaller capacities, are much more efficient and jam much less.
-Among this, A new .55 caliber magnum is designed to stop tanks, it proves to be quite useful.
-Egypt is asked to attack the ottomans from the south, promising the ottoman's southern territories, upon hearing of this, Luke Churchill calls the Austrian monarch “A complete fucking maniac”.
-Tank barrels are replaced by longer versions with much higher muzzle velocity, which helps them penetrate better.
-Poison gas tactics are employed, poison gas is buried, the Austrians basically retreat and fire them off when ready, sending a scout to check if its safe, and then advancing.

Notes: The RP died off after this turn.
